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Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M

Page 21

by Jamie Lake

  I shuddered to think it was even remotely true as I almost tripped over a pothole in the middle of the woods. Pothole in the middle of the woods? That was ridiculous, and then as I looked back I realized it was something else much more disturbing. I’d stumbled a few steps forward but quickly regained my footing and spun around to examine the pothole more closely. As I bent down, a chill ran down my spine.

  I wanted to pass it off as nothing but I knew from the days my father had dragged me out hunting, exactly what it was – a track. Not just any track, but the track of a wild cat; a puma, in particular. There had been one nearby, close enough to attack. I glanced around sharply, squinting in the darkness, but the soft moonlight wasn’t doing me any favors. My body tingled, and not in the good way. Every part of me was primed to survive. I heard a rustling and my neck snapped around, but I saw nothing. My heart was racing inside my chest but I slowed my breathing until it was almost non-existent, hoping to quiet the sounds of my body so that I could hear clearly. I strained my ears but they weren’t strong enough. I was helplessly alone, and if something pounced on me, I wouldn’t stand a chance. As I carefully reached my hand down to touch the dip in the dirt, I was dumbfounded. I rubbed the fine soil between my fingers and pondered on what this meant. As far as I understood there was a strict treaty between the wolves and the pumas, which meant that neither of them encroached on each other’s territory. Yet here were tracks. Was it just a scout? A prelude to invasion? Or was someone else stalking me? There was so much unknown. I furrowed my brow and pursed my lips, and as I did so my mind flashed back to when I was attacked by the princess. It was only due to Buck and Japheth that I was still alive. I still remembered the unsettling shriek as she attacked, and I had to close my eyes to try and push away the image of her scrambling towards me. Her claws had been inches away from tearing open my flesh. I was sure it would haunt me until my dying day.

  I knew these tracks couldn’t belong to the one that had attacked me just days prior, because her body had been incinerated in a fire. But maybe it was a sign that even more were coming. I had to tell someone, but whom?

  Which brother? If I told one, the other would be jealous. But this was a bigger problem than sibling rivalry, a bigger problem than a squabble of two brothers over the same man. This was dangerous, that I knew for sure. If I told all the wolves, it might cause discord and they might think I was more trouble than I was worth. Aside from thinking about the welfare of Buck, Japheth, and the other wolves, I had to think about myself, too. I also didn’t want the truth about the princess coming out, because I got the feeling that Buck and Japheth could be in big trouble because of it. I rose from my crouching position and took one last look around before I quickened my pace and headed back to the wolves’ camp. Something dangerous was lurking in the darkness and it could strike at any time. The time for being alone was over.


  “Where were you?” Buck asked me as I headed toward my hut.

  I still hadn’t decided which of the brothers I should tell. I felt like Buck would react more rationally, but he had been away from the pack for so long I wasn’t sure if they would heed any advice or warning that came from him. From the way they treated him and me, it seemed like they saw us both as outsiders. So that meant I should tell Japheth, but I wasn’t sure how he would react. He might just cover it up again, and more lying wasn’t going to do anyone any good.

  “Nowhere,” I lied.

  What was I supposed to say? I was out with your brother, where he came all over my face and chest, and oh, by the way, that blonde young guy threatened my life and the life of everyone I know. I only hoped I’d bathed enough beforehand to get the scent of Japheth’s cum off of me. I brought my right hand up and started to rub my left arm. My head sank downwards and I looked at the ground as I tried to keep walking past him. I glanced nervously at the wolves in the distance. A few of them were enjoying a night of storytelling, while others had gone out for an evening hunt. This meant there were fewer people to witness us talking, but I was still frightened of who could be lurking in the shadows, so I lowered my voice when I spoke to him. As I tried to step around Buck he moved to block my path, and eventually I had to give up. I threw up my hands and glared at him.

  “You’re lying,” he said straight out.

  My heart froze, and although I tried my hardest to keep my expression impassive, I knew my eyes would betray my inner feelings. They had always been my weakness.

  “What, are you spying on me?” I asked him, bristling with irritation, more at my own failings than the fact that Buck was accusing me. “Listen, there’s something more important that I need to talk to you about.”

  His face took on an earnest expression and his shoulders relaxed, although his eyes still had that same steely glare. He folded his arms and waited expectantly.

  “What could be more important to me than you?” he asked.

  The sentiment was sweet, more than sweet. It warmed my heart but I couldn’t get wrapped up in it, not now. There was something strange in the way he said it, as well. Perhaps it was just my own paranoia or all the stress I’d been under, but it seemed more hollow than usual, somehow, like it was a rehearsed line rather than something that came straight from the heart. I didn’t have time to worry about that now, though. For all I knew, there were a group of pumas circling the camp, ready to attack. I couldn’t wait to find Japheth. I had to tell someone, and Buck was the one that had found me. If all this prophecy stuff was true, then it seemed that fate had a hand in my life so maybe I was supposed to tell Buck.

  “I found a footprint,” I told him.

  His brow furrowed. “What kind of footprint?” he asked me.

  I glanced back towards the camp. The wolves were minding their own business, partying like rowdy teenagers, ignorant to the danger that surrounded them. No one seemed to be paying any attention to us but I had to be careful. I stepped closer so that only he could hear and looked up at him with liquid eyes. “A puma.”

  A mixture of emotions flashed across his face: anger, guilt, fear, all appearing only for an instant. Then he clenched his jaw and I could feel his body tense as hot, raging blood started to pump more forcefully through his veins. “Where?”

  “Over there,” I told him, nodding in the direction from where I had just come.

  Buck looked over my shoulder and studied the landscape for a moment before his eyes returned to look at me. “Did you speak of this to anyone?” he asked in a hushed tone. He placed a firm hand on my shoulder.

  “Who am I going to tell?” I asked him, rolling my eyes.

  He sighed with relief. “Good.”

  “But don’t you think this is something everyone should know? If there are pumas scoping out—”

  “You just mind your own business,” he told me curtly.

  “Excuse me?” I didn’t like his tone. He may be sexy, but I wasn’t going to let him treat me like I was some little kid, either. I was sick and tired of them both bossing me around like I was nobody. It was fine when we were fucking, but out in the open I didn’t want to be treated like I didn’t matter. I was a grown man and I deserved some respect.

  “It is our job to protect the tribe, not yours,” he said, stepping up to me as if to intimidate me. His grip tightened on my shoulders and I grimaced as his fingers dug into my flesh.

  Why did it always have to turn me on so much whenever he did that? I wouldn’t let on how intimidating he was, or turned on I was. I locked eyes with him. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  “I’m serious,” he said, lowering his tone. He pulled me closer to him and brought his head down so low that I could taste his hot breath. “Don’t make me tie you up and bind you.”

  “As if you would,” I teased, goading him on, trying to get him to break the rules and take me.

  “I don’t like to be taunted,” he told me, gritting his teeth.

  I chuckled in his face.

  “Or mimicked. I’m serious, Nathan. You know how
I get when you do that to me. I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself this time.” His other hand came up and took hold of my other shoulder. The tension between us was palpable and the sexual energy was growing. My breathing became heavier, and as I stared into his eyes, I felt myself drowning in them. The rest of the world was melting away, leaving only us and the sizzling passion between us.

  “Why?” I said to him. I got close to him, so close I could smell him, and I inhaled his sweet, sexy, natural aroma, smelling his nipples, his armpits. I slid my teeth up and down my full lips, anticipating how hot they would taste.

  “No touching, remember?” he said, removing his hands from my shoulders. Apparently, it was fine to touch me when I was being scolded but not when passion was rising. I was even more determined that something was going to happen. As he moved away, I moved closer, our skin almost brushing against each other. I wouldn’t have been surprised if the ground around our feet burst into flames and consumed us in a pyre.

  “Those were your rules, not mine. I can do whatever I want,” I told him.

  “Yeah?” he said, his eyebrows lifting, “What did you have in mind?” My lips formed into a coy smile. I knew then that I had seduced him and given him something he couldn’t resist. I looked up at him with my wide eyes and held his gaze as I stepped forward. This time, he didn’t move back.

  “I don’t know. Maybe I’d start with this,” I said, licking his nipples. He moaned, his hands coming close to my back. “No touching.” I warned.

  He growled, and then a moment of clarity came over him. He twisted his neck to look at the other wolves, but they still hadn’t noticed us. I took this opportunity to walk away towards my hut. As I walked, I swayed my hips and tossed my head back, throwing Buck a come hither stare. I walked through my flap and smiled when I heard Buck enter behind me.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” he said, although his actions betrayed his words as he came up right behind me. I closed my eyes as I felt his body heat next to mine, and I waited for his hands to come up around my body. I waited … and waited…

  “Shouldn’t we?” I countered. I turned my head slightly and looked at him.

  His body was brimming with tension and I knew it was taking all of his self-control and willpower to resist touching me. Outside, the rest of the wolves were occupied, and anything that happened in that hut would remain between me and Buck. I pushed my butt out and brushed it against his crotch, feeling an instant swelling. A rush of breath hit the back of my neck and I smiled.

  “Nathan…” he said, and I knew I had him. After all the teasing, all the tormenting, all the near misses, he was finally mine and it was my turn to be the tormentor.

  Buck slowly raised his hand and trailed a line down my spine. I let the sensation wash over me, and I shivered as his fingertip gradually reached the base of my back. His hand came around and he placed it firmly around my wrist, at which point I pulled away, leaving him grasping at air. I turned around and flashed him a wicked look.

  “You’re forgetting the rules, Buck,” I said, my voice resonating clearly from the hut.

  That day I was not the trembling boy; I was going to be the Alpha for once. I was going to be the one dictating how things went, and I was going to be the one to drive Buck wild.

  “No touching, remember.” I spoke with a coy smile, and his face was a picture of frustrated rage.

  His mouth twisted and he glared at me. “Then why test me?” he cried.

  My heart boiled. How dare he talk about testing me after everything he and Japheth had done?

  “You and Japheth always go on about how I’m the special one. I’m going to show you how special I really am. We only agreed that you and Japheth couldn’t touch me. I, on the other hand, can touch whoever I damn well want.” As if to illustrate my point, I reached around and grabbed his tight ass. He growled, but I could tell that this sudden burst of passion turned him on. We stood there for a moment, staring at each other, letting the tension build between us, until he relaxed his shoulders and let his hands fall limply to his side.

  I had won.

  I smiled and began to undress him. He wasn’t wearing much anyway, so it didn’t take long, but I delighted in peeling away his clothes and revealing his ripped, godlike body. Every inch was packed with muscle, and as I uncovered his monstrous cock, my throat went dry and something tightened inside me. My heart began to race as I walked around him, examining him as if he were a statue. I ran my hands through the thick bed of hair that sat on his chest, and traced lines with my fingers over his broad, strong back. His tight muscles tensed as they responded to my presence. I wrapped my arms around his chest from behind, nuzzling into his back, placing a soft kiss. As my hands moved over his chest, they rested near the middle and I could feel the powerful thrum of his heart. It echoed through to my ear, which was placed against him, and I soon fell into the rhythm. His chest heaved as he breathed, and my hands slipped down over his erect nipples. I felt him tremble slightly, and I felt like I had moved a mountain with a gust of wind.

  My hands slid down over his ripped abs, past his belly button, and down to his coarse pubic hair. I felt the burning heat emanating from his crotch and I gulped, as I was so close to perfection. My fingers ran over his thigh, teasing him as I drew ever closer … only to withdraw again. I could feel the fury build within him and soon enough he was fully erect … even though I hadn’t touched him. Somehow, I managed to resist wrapping my fingers around his growth, but I scratched his thigh and slipped my fingers into the dark area between his erection and his thigh. I gulped, as I had to resist my own inclination to go straight for glory. I needed to make him want me more, to drive him to the edge of insanity. Then, and only then, would I satisfy him properly.

  He stood as still as stone and I brought my hands up again, all the way up his body, until they were running through his long, thick head of hair. I felt him murmur contentedly as I massaged his scalp, and as I did so I started to grind my hips up against him, pushing my swollen cock into him. His hand flexed as if to reach around and grab me, but then he stopped almost instantly, as he remembered that he wasn’t allowed to touch.

  I finally let go of him and spun around to face him once more. I gazed at him and drank in all his glory. Then, I started to strip. There was no music so I moved to the rhythm of my beating heart, swaying slowly as I took off my shirt and pants, gradually exposing every inch of my body while Buck stood there, naked and erect. He watched me intently, enjoying the show but also frustrated that he couldn’t touch. I moved around the hut and leaned against the wall, arching my neck back and thrusting my crotch out, taking hold of it with my hand and playing with myself. My huge bulge was evident and I let the pleasure wash over me. I ran one hand down my chest as my mouth hung open and my eyes closed. I thought of him and Japheth coming upon me, and I grew harder and harder and got more into my performance. The wall supported me as I dug my hand down and unleashed my cock. I played with myself, and in the background I heard Buck moan and curse.

  “Fuck you, Nathan. Fuck you. You’re driving me fucking crazy.”

  It only served to spur me on. I twisted and writhed against the wall as I held my cock in my hand and played with myself. I ran a hand through my hair, pulling my head back, exposing my neck to him. Eventually it all became too much and I fell to the floor, where I still jerked myself off. As I gave into the passion, I cracked my eyes open and watched Buck’s hand move down to his erection, taking it and slowly pulling back the skin. I was filled with desire and I couldn’t let him continue by himself. I rose and swaggered over to him. I stood before him and looked into his eyes as he stroked, and then pressed my body against him. I kissed his chest and sucked on his nipples, taking them in between my teeth and pulling them. Buck’s body tensed.

  “I can’t wait until this damned thing is over so I can fuck your brains out,” he said. “Your tight little ass isn’t going to know what hits it.”

  Instead of responding, I looked up
at him with wide eyes and slid down his body, kissing as I went. When I reached his erection, I looked at it and took in all the veins. The sheer length and girth of it was astounding, and I had to stretch my jaws in preparation for taking it. I slid my hand around it, teasing it once more as I fell to my knees and wrapped my arms around his tree trunk legs. I kissed them and ran my fingers down the back of his thigh.

  My hunger was growing, however, and I couldn’t contain my desire any longer. I rose up slightly until I was level with his cock and moved my mouth forward. I wrapped my fingers around the base of the shaft and placed my lips around his swollen mushroom tip. His head arched back as my saliva ran down his raw, red erection. I started to suck him inch by inch, getting deeper every moment until my jaws were stretched to their limit.

  “Oh…Nathan,” he moaned.

  I murmured in reply but it was muffled by the huge erection in my mouth. I hung off it and sucked harder, coating it in my saliva so that it slid between my lips easily. I held it steady and tasted his masculine essence as I swirled my tongue around it. When I had to give my jaws a rest, I smeared his cock all over my face, running it over my soft cheeks. It scorched me, and I went down to kiss and suck his balls. It was hot and sweaty and glorious. Buck’s moans filled the hut and I loved the fact that I was the one giving him this pleasure. I twisted my wrist as I jerked him off and then went back up to suck him. This time, I drove him deep into my throat, taking every inch of him until I almost gagged. Buck threw his head back and let out a loud, guttural moan. His strong knees trembled and his hands clamped on to my head. This time, I didn’t care about him breaking the rules. I sucked hard and deep, moving my head from side to side to overwhelm his erection with different sensations.


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