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Wild Life

Page 4

by Girl, Breukelen

  “It’s just a here and now thing.” Cassidy said softly planting her lips across Addison’s lightly as her hands reached up and grabbed at his shirt collar. Holding herself against him.

  Addison’s lips pressed back into hers heavily sealing them together. His hands sliding up the body of her t-shirt to cup the underside of her breasts, his fingers running over the taunt nipples that pressed through the cotton of her t-shirt. Causing her to squirm ever so slightly against him rocking back and forth.

  Cassidy sighed into him and he deepened the kiss further his tongue lavishing it’s way around her mouth. His werewolf jumping up and pushing at him to do more than kiss her. His pulse raced and Addison’s body hardened as Cassidy moved ever so slightly against his clothed erection, while continuing to hold the kiss with him.

  Addison felt himself drowning in a well of warmth and untapped wildness. He dropped his hands to cup the firmness of her ass and pull her into him fully. They’re bodies pressed into one another. Holding contact as they’re hands remained where they were and they’re kiss continued onwards.

  Addison moaned deeply and dug his fingers into the denim jeans covering her rump. He wanted to feel that flesh. It was that thought that broke through his hedonistic haze and they broke for air panting softly. “I’m never going to be able to sleep now.”

  Cassidy laughed lightly and broke into a smile at him as he slowly dropped his hands off her again and Cassidy stood down, back on her feet. Straightening up, leaving a slight gap of space, between them again. She could steel feel the heat radiating from him to her even when they weren’t touching.

  “You’re not the only one Zac.” She said as Addison sighed and stood up again opening the front door.

  “I’ll keep that in mind and call you.” He smirked opening the front door and forcing his feet to head outwards away from Cassidy’s delectable frame.

  Addison closed the front door and didn’t look back. Couldn’t look back as he walked out to his car. If he did he’d likely ruin his resolve and control and ravage Cassidy all night long. Not exactly an unappealing thought, but he needed to think more like a werewolf. Like he normally did, like himself.

  It was alright to be indulgent for one night, but could he be more indulgent than he had to have some sort of one night fling with a pretty human girl. But he couldn’t fool himself. He guessed he could see how some werewolves specifically went looking for human partners who only wanted to have sex with werewolves. But he’d never been interested in that or humans.

  Addison had never been short on options when it came to sex or sexual partners. The werewolf world was plentiful and Addison knew plenty and could handle, plenty. So why the hell was his after a human woman called Cassidy?

  It wasn’t even a lunar week. Although it was approaching. It barely made sense to his head, why he, Addison of the Manhattan Maen pack would be so highly attracted to a human woman, who didn’t even know anything at all it seemed, about his kind.


  Addison turned up at Paris’s apartment early in the morning and was greeted at the door by Bg, covered in nothing but a sheet, with bed head hair. Addison thought she looked young and glowing with love. Her brown eyes glittering, her smile genuine and bright at him. She looked sexy as hell.

  If she’d been his, he’d have ripped the sheet away from her and taken her in the damn doorway for all to see. Pounded her until she cried out his name or they tore the frame off the doorway. Either way would be good. Paris was lucky he’d laid claim to Bg first. Bg’s appearance made Addison wonder what Cassidy slept in.

  “Paris is in the shower, come in.” She stated holding the sheet up with one hand and walking back through the apartment. “Help yourself to breakfast,” she said waving a hand in the direction of the dining table and the breakfast spread laid out on it.

  “Thanks but I’ve already eaten.” Addison replied watching Bg pick up a pancake and roll it up. He watched her teeth bit into it intently.

  “So where’d you get to last night?” She asked him.

  “Never you mind.”

  Bg smiled back at him and took another bite of the pancake in her hand. Tilting her head and looking at him, studying him, he noted. Not that it would be all that hard to figure out why he’d pulled himself of duty at a pack party. Wasn’t like you had to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.

  “Sounds like you had a good night.” Bg taunted him. “What’s her name or don’t you remember it?”

  “Cassidy. How was your night?” Addison teased her back. Bg pulled the sheet up around her chest a little higher. She smirked at him and started walking further into the apartment. “Great.” She smiled disappearing towards the bedroom section. He glanced down the hallway as Paris walked out of the bathroom, naked and wiping a towel over his head as he padded towards the same bedroom Bg had just walked into.

  “We ain’t got all day.” Addison called out at him, knowing very well that he was about to have to wait for the loving couple to do some more loving.

  “Are you clocking me now?” Paris growled at him closing the bedroom door behind himself.

  Addison sighed and sat down on the sofa and yawned. He pulled out his cell phone and dialled Cassidy’s number. She answered on the third ring. “Good morning, this is your wake up call.” Addison said throatily down the line at her.

  He listened as Cassidy sighed and a small yawn escaped her. He wondered if she slept naked or clothed. Imagining how beautiful she looked with wild woman hair laying splayed around her. Addison slouched further down the sofa, resting his head on the top of it.

  “Is it morning already?” Cassidy’s sleep voice asked him softly.

  “Yep, time to rise and shine, dandelion.”

  “Dandelion, mmm, I like those. I used to make wishes on them when I was a kid.”

  “What you wish for?” Addison asked intrigued.

  “All kinds of things, a new bike.”

  “So what do you wish for this morning dandelion?” Addison asked her softly.

  “You gonna grant me a wish?” Cassidy asked sheepishly, stretching an arm above her head, listening to the cricks of air pockets in her shoulders.

  “Depends on what you wish for.”

  “Hmm, how about some relief? I slept pretty restlessly.” Cassidy said sinking further into her pillows with a smile on her face.

  “If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t get more than an hours sleep either.” Addison said with a smile ghosting his lips. “But I did find a way to relax myself. A little. It might help you.”

  “Oh yeah,”

  “You need to rid yourself of clothes.”

  “I sleep naked.” Cassidy husked down the line at him. Addison felt a flush of warmth fill him.

  “Well now, you’re already half way there. Now for the rest of relaxation technique, you need to touch yourself.” Addison said.

  “Where?” Cassidy teased.

  Addison imagined Cassidy laying in bed, splendid and naked, warm and willing, opening herself to his touch. A pleasing sigh of sexual gratification could be heard and Addison looked up and down the hallway.

  “Move those fingers down your skin, feel how soft and smooth it is.”

  Cassidy sighed lightly again. “Down which part of my skin?” She teased him back. Addison looked down the hallway again as Paris walked out of the bedroom, now fully clothed. Addison groaned with annoyance. “We’re gonna have to pick this up later dandelion. I got go to work.”

  “Hmm,” Cassidy sighed leisurely down the phone at him. “Anyone ever tell you work to much?”

  “Not yet, no.” Addison said back at her.

  “Well, I’d hate to be the first, have a good day then.” Cassidy signed off. Addison disconnected the call and pushed off the sofa.

  “Ready?” Paris asked as he walked out into the living room area.

  “Not nearly.” Addison muttered stretching his arms out. Paris chuckled at his friend.

  “Bg tells me you met someone last nig
ht. Cassidy?”

  “Don’t you start in on me. I’ve had it already from Jules and Bg.” Addison said as they headed out the door.

  “Wow, touchy.” Paris smarted at him. “You must not have had sex and really like her” Paris said looking at his friend and receiving a death glare in return. “Really? Okay, let’s talk shop then.” As they took the elevator downstairs.

  “Please.” Addison commented.

  Talking werewolf world was what they did most days. It was the stuff that filled up hours of his waking life. Because being a werewolf was what he, Paris, Bg and Jules did.

  It was who they were and as such, it made their lives rather eventful, even on the quiet days and down times. Addison was part of a pack, and being a pack werewolf, meant you had a role to play, wether you were in the hierarchy like him, or not. So there was rarely, if ever, essentially, a dull, non-werewolf like moment that went by.

  “The Tri-state council are calling a meeting regarding the Manhattan Maen. They heard about the Breukelen showdown and they’re concerned, whatever that means.”

  Addison frowned. The Breukelen showdown as Paris had called it, had happened over a month ago. “So how is the way you run our pack the Tri-state council’s concern, as long as our pack continues to obey the rules all the New York pack’s adhere to?”

  “Because it involves Bg and she’s…” Paris trailed off as they reached the underground car park.

  “A Breukelen werewolf.” Addison finished the thought for him. “But she is one of ours.” Addison commented as they reached Paris’s Porsche Boxster. Nobody had really asked Bg to declare her allegiance to either werewolf pack so far. Nobody had thought to was what Addison figured. But he could see how Bg and Paris’s relationship would be pushed into that direction.

  Paris smirked across the rooftop of the Porsche at his friend. “I’m glad to hear you say that, after the way you went at her.”

  Addison slid down into the car’s passenger seat. He and Paris hadn’t really spoken about that Breukelen showdown incident yet. Probably never would. Bg was a very touchy subject. Paris was madly in love with the beta werewolf, Addison was sure of it. He’d never seen his friend in a relationship with a woman before. Addison hadn’t exactly been welcoming to her when she’d brought a little Brooklyn attitude into their territory. “She blatantly broke our laws by invading your territory with hostile intentions. Or how else do you explain what she did to Gabby?” Addison said defensively.

  Gabby Colton was a Manhattan Maen werewolf who had been taught a lesson in humility, via the younger werewolf, Bg and some very nasty tactics and weaponry. It was essentially a massive bitch fight that Bg had won. Which shocked everyone. “I was right in my judgement call on her on the night.” Addison looked across at his friend.

  “I know.” Paris muttered starting the car up.

  “You also know when it comes to Bg you tend to have somewhat of a blind spot for her?”

  Paris sighed as he drove the car out of the parking garage. “Tell me you wouldn’t be the same if you had someone you felt the strength of the moon through when you were just near them, let alone making love to them.”

  Addison looked out the side window. He couldn’t say, because he’d never been with anyone who made him feel that kind of connection in his life time. He was glad his long-time friend was happy.

  Paris like Addison had never been one for relationships. Both alpha males had always prided themselves on being free of relationship constraints and expectations. They enjoyed their freedom, literally and physically, it was ingrained instinct in many a werewolf. Neither of them had ever tried for a relationship, let alone wanted one. But that had changed when Bg came along.

  “You know I won’t allow our pack to be compromised right? We’ve always ruled ourselves just like the Breukelen, the Braganza and the Nieuw Tëme, we will never be like the Bronx.” Paris affirmed.

  Addison believed in his pack leader, but it worried him that Bg could be used as a weakness against him. He wasn’t sure Paris had it in him, to ever give Bg up if he had to. That if it came down to pack or his love for Bg, he’d walk away from the pack and Addison didn’t want to see that happen to his best friend. He nodded his head in understanding.

  The Bronx wolves were the smallest pack, if you could call it that, of wolves in New York. They lacked an Alpha or any kind or leadership qualities. They were just happy to get buy and lead their lives without intrusion or complication from any of the other packs.

  They lacked large numbers and often had to police the lycans that frequented their territory. Not that any of the other four werewolf packs in New York thought of the Bronx as a territory as such. Because the Bronx brown wolves weren’t really a pack, they couldn’t really have a territory by title.

  “The Manhattan Maen is and always has been a strong pack. Built on high leadership history, maintained through proper structure.” Paris said. “That is not going to change.” They were probably the richest pack too. A lot of blue blood and old money came from the bloodlines of the Manhattan Maen. Not that Addison was one of those.

  But Addison had grown up his whole life in the Manhattan Maen pack, and what money his family had owned, his father had managed to swindle out of his mother before her death. Leaving only the family home and a parentless life for Addison to inherit in the pack. But Addison had pack to help him through and that had become his life. Now he and Paris had various business ventures together that provided their income.

  “I don’t know what they think they can do, other than intimidate me. Attempt to intimidate me about our relationship. Sometimes, I think every wolf outside of us, thinks they have a right to make social commentary on our relationship.” Paris said as they drove out onto the street.

  “Obviously they have no say in your personal relationship, but this could be tricky. You’re pack mate brought her pack into this, and they made an impression that’s going to be talked about for quite some time. Maybe they’re going to try and punish us for the laws that were broken.”

  “Or worse” Paris intoned heavily. “Make me punish her and the Breukelen for their violation.” Both men fell into silence and contemplated the thought.

  “As pack werewolves we’re expected to adhere to regulations, in order to keep ourselves and others in check. I get it. It’s all about us modern day werewolves not reverting to our bronze age counterparts rampaging through streets attacking humans, leaving blood trails and starting all out witch hunts. I get that.” Paris commented as they drove through traffic. “But if you’re pack leader, you’re pack leader for a reason, they have to believe I do the job I’m accountable for.”

  It was crucially important, that packs had leaders who would pull their pack into line and any others that tried to subvert them.

  There were four werewolf packs in New York City and each pack, bar the Bronx wolves, were governed essentially by the same set of laws, you would see in a human society.

  There were rules that all packs, had agreed to live by. In agreeing to live by these rules, the packs were therefore allowed their own territories, the Maen, had Manhattan, the Breukelen had Brooklyn, The Braganza had Queens and the Nieuw Tëme had New Jersey.

  In having their own territories, each pack could therefore govern itself. The only exception to the rule was the Bronx wolves, who had been “allocated” the Bronx, but were essentially a raggedy-tag pack of mixed wolves who had no leader, no structure, no power and therefore nothing of value to offer the greater werewolf community. They barely had numbers and so, the Bronx was seen less as a territory and more as free zone for them and any number of strays and Lycans that might choose to inhabit the area.

  “I got your back.” Addison said in all seriousness as they drove towards Brooklyn. He would never betray his friendship with Paris. They were like brothers. “The Bronx is as a wolf wasteland.”

  The Bronx was not considered a werewolf territory as a result. It was called the free zone and seemed to have close relations that relaye
d heavily on the favouritism of other packs leaderships. The Manhattan Maen had no ties or relationships with them.

  “Thanks bro.”

  Addison’s only problem with Bg had been the recent mess she had created for them. Other than that he liked her. Other than the not so small indiscretion of invading Manhattan Maen territory with about a quarter of her pack on a lunar night, there was nothing not to like about her.

  Bg had known what her actions, crossing territory lines, bringing her pack, attacking a member of their pack before them all, would entail and how messy it could potentially be. And yet, she’d done it. Gone against her own lover, her pack mate, Paris.

  It was ballsy, Addison would give her that. Nobody had thought Bg would ever be so aggressive in cementing her relationship with Paris. He couldn’t say he’d have thought as clearly as Paris had, and acted as calmly in dealing with her. Not one of them had seen her violent actions coming. Had thought she had a violent bone in her body.

  Which just proved how deceiving looks could be, Addison’s mind told him pointedly. And for all intents and purposes, she’d made her point and won the battle against the Manhattan Maen alpha, Gabby who had started off the potential disaster in the making with Bg and their pack. But that didn’t mean it had all ended.

  “What?” Paris asked him, glancing across at Addison. “I can see your brain is ticking over this whole call to meeting.”

  Bg might have got what she wanted. Paris had managed to figure out the answer to his pack leadership and dating another pack wolf not from his own pack. But now there were ripples of unsettlement. Not only within the Manhattan Maen pack, but further afield in werewolf world.

  Addison paused and looked at Paris. “I was just thinking, if I was the council maybe I’d be thinking along the lines of if Bg, a beta wolf from Brooklyn, could arm a pack to go to war for her and use all the knowledge she had about the Manhattan Maen, against us in battle, then what else could she, or others do to the Manhattan Maen, or other werewolf packs of New York?”


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