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Wild Life

Page 8

by Girl, Breukelen

  Addison added a finger as his tongue continued it’s quest to taste her essence, even as it coated his chin and she squirmed against him. He thrust the finger in and out of her slowly at first, and faster as he sucked on the delicate skin of her clitoris.

  Cassidy’s head dropped further into the cushions behind it and she grabbed her perfectly slicked back hair, gripping it tightly, needing to grip something as her orgasm built fast inside her.

  “Zac!” She shouted as her hips bucked up and he pushed them back down as his mouth drank in her pleasure as her body gripped around him and she whimpered with the release of her orgasm. He lapped it up too, committing her desire, her scent, her sound and feel to its memory as the want to take her completely pushed at Addison’s skin for more.

  His body hardened further at he drank in her orgasm and listened to her pleasure as she came apart for him. Cassidy was panting above him, heavily. Addison pulled back to look at her. An arm draped heavily across her eyes as she kept breathing heavily, trying to get her breathing under control.

  “How you doing?” He asked her softly, moving and sliding softly along the side of her body.

  Cassidy gulped down air. “So good.” She muttered back at him. “So, so good.” Addison chuckled back at her and lifted her arm off her face. “Glad to hear it because that’s the menu for tonight’s interlude.”

  Cassidy blinked up at him. “Menu? You mean, I get to choose, my starter, main course and desert?”


  “What was that then?”

  Addison’s mouth tweaked into a cheeky smile down at her. “Sampler from the menu.”

  “Dear god, you’re out to destroy me aren’t you?” Cassidy smiled back up at him. “That was…was…something.”

  “Would you prefer I uh, take it easy on you?” Cassidy frowned at him like he was insane. “Just asking.” Addison said putting up a hand in surrender, answering his own question.

  “So, tell me about this menu.” Cassidy said her breathing once again more even.

  “Well you can have by hand, or by mouth, served by your favourite waiter, me and me only.” They both chuckled. “I know my metaphors need more work.”

  “So we’re not going to have sex then? Is that what you’re saying?”

  Addison cocked his head to the side. “I like to think of all this foreplay as part of sex, rather than not having it as such.”

  “You know what I’m getting at right?”

  “Right.” Addison confirmed, gazing back down at her breasts as they rose and fell with her breathing.

  “Why?” She asked as his hand skimmed over one of her breasts again.

  “Told you, I want to go slow with you. Savour you.” Addison said softly, his last two words shocking himself.

  “So do I get to boss you around then?”

  Addison’s eyebrow shot up at her. “You mean, give me orders to fulfil?”


  “No.” He replied tweaking her nipple between his fingers.

  “Control freak.” Cassidy muttered back at him with a laugh.

  “I’ll show you control freakery.” Addison said playfully as he quickly rolled Cassidy onto her stomach and ran his hands over the mounds of her backside. “Hands or mouth dandelion, what’s your choice?”

  Cassidy’s breathing became heavy again. “Hands.”

  “Hands it is then. Now stay still.” Addison replied before bringing his hand down on her beautiful ass once. A small gasp escaped Cassidy’s mouth but Addison was listening to her heart beat and it’s steady rhythm. Not what he wanted.

  “You have a magnificent ass. I think we can do a little better than this.” He replied lifting her hips up and piling cushions underneath her so her ass sat high in the air. “Part your legs, Cassidy.” Addison watched in fascination as Cassidy complied, widening her stance for him. He parted her cheeks and smacked her again hard and smiled at the wetness that came away on his hand as he heard the pick up of her heartbeat.


  There was a banging at the door that startled Cassidy awake. A loud, persistent banging.

  She jerked upright and it was only then, that she realised, there was a heavily muscled arms across her chest and where she was, and that she was naked. She was still in the Moroccan room. They’d played with each other all night. Well, Addison had played with her, tasted her, touched her, teased her and made her come in his hand, his mouth. Again and again. Cassidy didn’t think she’d ever had so many orgasms, so easily in her life before. He’d been tortuously delightful. She’d been exhausted.

  She’d begged him to do more than play. She remembered begging him to fuck her when he’d gotten her very, very, worked up. The banging downstairs continued. “Zac,” She said looking at him, laying on his front beside her, his arm draped possessively across her stomach.

  He was still in his jeans. He’d never taken them off and there she was, completely naked, yet covered by one of the throw rugs in the room, he’d draped across her at some point in the night. He slept soundly on.

  He wouldn’t be rushed with their date last night. Wouldn’t make love to her the way she wanted. He’d told her, she could only have him one of two ways, either his mouth or his fingers. Once she’d accepted her predicament, and that he wasn’t allowing her to do anything to him in return and that he wasn’t going to be broken on the subject, he’d kept her writhing in pleasure for most of the night.

  It was the best second date she’d ever had in her life.

  “Addison! Answer your god damn phone!” came a voice shouting from downstairs.

  “Hey,” Cassidy said taking a hand and shaking Addison’s shoulder quickly. Something was mumbled incoherently back at her. “Wake up sunshine.” Cassidy said shaking him heavily now. “You’ve got a visitor at your front door.” Those words seemed to work, causing Addison to lift his head momentarily, drop it again and pull his arm across her to push up from his sleeping position.

  He glanced across at Cassidy as he held his push-up. “Morning dandelion.” He muttered planting a kiss on her forehead before pushing himself upright and into a standing position, with a yawn. As the person at the front door continued to knock heavily.

  “Jesus, I’m coming already.” Addison muttered jogging out of the room and thundering down the stairs heavily fast. “And not in the good way.”

  There was only one person who it could be he knew as he opened the front door and looked back at Wiatt D’arenberg. Because Paris and Jules both had access keys to his house and would’ve simply let themselves in without knocking. Anyone else wouldn’t be so damn stupid to wake him before midday.

  Wiatt D’arenberg younger brother of Paris was pissed judging by the expression on his face. “Why is your phone off?” Wiatt asked pushing past him and into the house without invitation. “It’s god damn middle of the day, I’ve been trying to contact you for hours.”

  Addison glared at the back of Wiatt’s head, he wasn’t used to explaining himself to the younger D’arenberg alpha male. “Because I turned it off.” Addison fired back at him sleepily, ruffling his own hair as he closed the door. “Occasionally, like in this lifetime I’m entitled to nights off.” Addison continued on, following Wiatt into the back of the house, towards the kitchen.

  “Since when do you take nights off?”

  Addison looked around them and started boiling a kettle for hot water. He wanted coffee, Cassidy and a fair amount of food now, since they hadn’t eaten any last night. He was famished. Not necessarily in that order. “What the fuck is your problem?”

  It was only then that Wiatt actually noticed Addison was shirtless. “Oh, I heard you have some hottie on the go.” He said smirking. Cassidy appeared in the kitchen doorway.

  Wiatt stilled and stared at her, like a dear trapped in headlights. His smile faltering. Addison noticed his line of sight and swivelled around from the kettle to the doorway. He hadn’t even heard her creep up on them, so soft was her footsteps, or so tired was he.

  Her hair was out and wavy, falling past her shoulders. Bed hair. She was barefoot again, holding her high heels, handbag, over her shoulder dressed in black three quarter length pants and she was wearing his grey t-shirt. Which was way too big for her. But Cassidy had taken care of that, rolling up the sleeves till the came to her shoulders, pulling the t-shirt taunt across her abdomen, so it was tight on her breasts and tied up in a knot at her back.

  Addison walked over towards her and noted Wiatt’s gaze on her breasts and the nipples pressing into the thin cotton, making it obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra. He growled in a low, almost inaudible level at the other Manhattan Maen wolf. Before saying “Stop being an asshole.” In low French at him. Wiatt’s gaze flicked back up to Addison’s face and back across to Cassidy.

  “I can speak French too.” She muttered with a smile at him.

  Addison slipped an arm around her waist. “Cassidy Owens, meet the annoying, Waitt D’arenberg.” Addison said by way of introduction.

  “Hi.” Wiatt said with a curt wave of his hand. Cassidy nodded her head at him and looked at Addison.

  “Do you want some coffee and breakfast?” He asked, moving off towards the boiling kettle.

  “Ah no, I got to get going, didn’t realise it was so late in the day.” Cassidy said quickly looking from Addison to Wiatt and back at Addison.

  Addison turned around and looked back at her. A look that silently pleaded with her to not go, not yet. Cassidy smiled at him apologetically and walked back out the kitchen doorway. Addison glared at Wiatt as he jogged out of the kitchen back to Cassidy. Cassidy stopped to turn into him.

  “Do you really have to go?” He asked her softly.

  “Yeah.” She said glancing over his shoulder again. Addison gritted his teeth. Damn Wiatt and his stupid intrusion.

  “Don’t mind what Wiatt said.” He muttered in a low voice meant only for her. “He was just being a jerk.”

  “Yeah about having a hottie on the go?” Cassidy arched her eyebrows as she spoke. “It’s okay, I always figured you for a player anyway.” She said tip toeing and kissing his lips lightly.

  Addison bristled internally. Even though her words were accurate for his reputation. “Call me.” She said breaking away and holding out her hand to him. “If you want your t-shirt back.”

  He reached for her hand as she unwrapped her fingers to reveal the red gossamer material for his delight in her open palm. “Little souvenir.” She stated with a cheeky smile and walked towards the front door. Stopping just before it to bend down and slip on her boots.

  Addison’s werewolf pawed at him. He growled in protest as she reached for the front door. Cassidy had barely opened the door when Addison had reached her and slammed it closed again, cornering her against it. She looked slightly startled at the speed and ferocity of the door slam.

  “What if I want my t-shirt back, now?”

  Cassidy broke into a smile. “Do you really want me to do this in front of your friend, who seemed to like the look of my breasts?” She asked in a hushed voice. Addison’s face became hard and stern. The idea didn’t amuse him in the least. God what the hell was wrong with him?

  “No.” He cupped her face, her panties still in one of his hands. Kissing her tenderly and intently. Cassidy sighed lightly when they’re lips parted, her eyes fluttering open to look at him in wide eyed wonder.

  “Maybe one day, we’ll get breakfast in the day time, right.” She joked as he opened the door for her. His werewolf whined, pawing at him as he looked at her. But Addison was in no rush. There was no need to rush this.

  “I’ll call you tonight.” He promised.

  “I’m working.” Cassidy said waving at him with a little hand wave before walking out the front door and back down his front steps.

  “Then let me drive you home.” Addison pleaded leaning in the doorway as Cassidy slowly made her way down the Brownstone’s steps onto the street.

  “I got it, nice day for a walk.” She said playfully before starting off. Addison watched her walk down the street before stepping back inside his house and closing the door. He strode back into the kitchen, pocketing Cassidy’s panties quickly and poured the coffee he’d been making, in silence, without offering one to Wiatt.

  “She was…” Wiatt stopped talking as Addison held up a hand to silence him and sipped the hot black liquid.

  “Mine.” Addison stated putting the coffee cup back down on the kitchen table and looking at Wiatt. “Now that you’ve scared Cassidy off and woken me, please, tell me what the fuck you are doing here.” Addison grumbled picking up his coffee again.

  “Paris asked me to collect you.”

  Addison sighed. “Let me guess, he’s still in bed with Bg?”

  “No. It’s the Tri-state council.” Wiatt paused. “They’re here to see us, to assess Paris as pack leader. They want to comb through our business transactions and dealings, to ensure our pack is on the up and up with them. Paris is denying them access to anyone and everything he can. He had the counsellors rounded up and now they’re being detained in Crescent.”

  “Merde.” Addison swore in French, before downing a large mouthful of coffee.

  “Yeah. He’s not in a good mood.”

  “Yeah, and he has no intention of helping them.” Addison stated abandoning the rest of his coffee. He’d have to grab breakfast on the go. Because whilst he supported his pack leader’s almost every decision, and he could understand the hostility levelled at the Tri-State council, he also was aware of how bad a move this was, for Paris to pull.

  Holding the governing wolves of New York’s packs, prisoners as it were. The situation had the potential to escape all rationality and start packs, rioting and that only ever lead to warfare. As there was a member from each pack on the council.

  Werewolf warfare in New York, hadn’t happened in decades. Because the Tri-state council had been established to ensure the peace was held and kept. Werewolf warfare in New York would be bloodshed, and the casualties it would entail would be high, and would include humans or anyone or anything that got in their way.

  “I don’t see why not right? We’ve got nothing to hide. Our pack is good. Right?” Wiatt asked as Addison walked out of the kitchen and headed back upstairs for a change of clothes.

  “Because they picked the wrong werewolf to fuck with.” Addison shouted out over his shoulder. “This isn’t about our pack, it’s about Bg and Paris has never been in an intimate relationship before, or in love.”

  A werewolf in love was a dangerous being.


  Addison and Wiatt strolled into the nightclub known as Crescent, in the meat packing district of Manhattan. It was a nightclub that didn’t officially have a name advertising it. But had somehow come to be locally known as Crescent.

  It had a distinctly dark interior design in warm maroon and red colours. Addison’s eyes noted the councillors each sitting in at booth at one side of the club. Manhattan Maen wolves standing guard near their area.

  Jules and Bohm were sitting in another empty booth further down from the councillors. Paris was sitting at the bar, looking out into the deserted nightclub. Addison thought he looked sad, not angry, which was weird. Given the day before, ugly encounter with the council. Everyone was quiet when Addison had been expecting everyone to be fighting.

  “What’d I miss?” Addison asked Paris sitting down on the free stool next to him.

  “Mr Harrington!” One of the councillors called out from the booth. “Perhaps you can make Mr D’arenberg see reason.”

  “Shut it.” Addison growled back at the councillor loudly, turning his attention back to Paris. “What’s going on?” Addison repeated.

  Paris looked up and over at him. He nodded his head for them to take a walk out of the room. Considering all the people in there were werewolves of one kind or another, it made secretive talks hard. Because everyone of them would have rather exceptional hearing.

  Paris walked into the alcohol store room of the club
and closed the door, “They think they can come in here and look for reason to pull us apart.” He said speaking in the Manhattan Maen’s pack language, French. “They think it’s within their power to do it.” Addison frowned, unsure wether Paris was talking personally about Bg and him or the Manhattan Maen pack in general.

  “Nobody’s getting anything from us, we don’t want to give them.” Addison stated back at his pack leader. Paris nodded his head, taking in his lieutenant’s words.

  “I just don’t get it.” Paris said a frown forming on his forehead. Addison thought he looked tired. Emotionally tired. It was the price of being a pack leader, you carried a lot with you. But Addison knew his friend was strong enough to handle it.

  “Get what?” Addison asked for clarity.

  “Why people, werewolves, won’t let Bg and me. Everyone else gets to have relationships that go on their way. But us, it’s like a relentless pursuit to see who or how they can break us.”

  Addison clamped a hand on Paris’s shoulder “Those who only know how to fight, fight.” He said in French at his friend. He needed to ensure Paris was not defeated. A defeated pack leader, was no good to anyone let alone himself. But he understood what the broader male was saying.

  Everyone wanted a piece of his relationship with Bg. Everyone had an opinion, a feeling on the matter of their pairing. Very few werewolves approved of it, from either of their packs. Addison like Paris would have never guessed that the relationship of a Manhattan werewolf and Brooklyn werewolf could be seen to be so troublesome. Surely they weren’t the first werewolves to ever date outside of pack?

  They walked back out into the main room together. “Mr Harrington, Addison, I appeal to you as one werewolf to another, to let us,”

  Addison strode towards the councillors booth, watching as the councillor in question, from Manhattan no less, stopped talking. Addison stood in front of the booth, his legs wide, his arms crossed over his chest.


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