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Wild Life

Page 12

by Girl, Breukelen

  French words wrapping themselves along her leg, in between the tribal flowing lines. As her legs moved rapidly around the male dancers trying to court her. Addison caught the phrase “Even in darkness, I dance in light.” A nice take, he thought.

  Addison’s heart beat picked up as Cassidy moved further forward, to the edge of the stage, right before the center table, that their party were sat around. Sascha appeared then, sliding down low at the edge of the stage, and gracefully, gliding up the length of her body as if in slow motion.

  Cassidy stepped forward and Sascha followed, as everyone on their table picked up their drinks quickly, clearing the table top as Sascha and Cassidy, performed their Argentine Tango routine, without hesitation or fear of falling off their table top. Looking out into the club past those at the table, as they fought, their legs flicking and switching between one another with speed and accuracy. The crowd cheered loudly, whistling and clapping their approval of the sexy routine, as Addison was forced to look up Cassidy’s fake tattooed leg, the entire time she danced before him.

  His cock throbbed tightly as the music pulsated through the club and Cassidy’s raw energy ebbed in front of him. So close, he could lick her. God he wanted to lick her, to suck on her toes and lick his way from her foot up her leg, into her thighs, until he was sucking on her juices.

  A small smile appearing on his face. The tattoo was like a small message, from her to him. Although the rest of his party, would figure it out, soon enough if the tribal design covering her leg, wasn’t enough to give it away. They all knew he had a similar tattoo covering him.

  Sascha picked up Cassidy by one leg, as she leaned into him, draping her arms around his neck and they spun back onto the stage, and did one final fling of ferocious foot work with one another before Cassidy dropped down Sascha’s body, her arms around him the whole time, into a side split.

  Her tattooed leg, pointing out, straight and shapely. The tattoo fully on display and able to be read directly by Addison and the others. The club patrons cheered loudly at them. He watched her hold the pose, controlling her breathing, her eyes downcast as the lights started to fade to black, for the next number. Before they went pitch black on stage, her gaze lifted to connect with his.

  Addison smiled and resumed drinking his beer again. Everyone at his table looked at him silently in wonder. Wiatt broke the silence first. “That’s the hottie?” He asked in a low voice of stunned surprise.

  Jules jumped in next. “I need some water over here, put out this fire.” He said fanning himself playfully.

  “Damn man.” Bohm said playfully.

  Paris looked at his friend, happily and nodded his head, holding up his beer. Bg picked up her drink to raise it to Addison also. “She’s a keeper.”

  After ensuring that his fellow pack mates did not hang around to meet Cassidy and congratulate her on her show. And after assuring them that he would pass on their praise and adulation to Cassidy himself, Addison waited for her, outside the back entrance. Cassidy emerged in her hot pants, flat shoes and a t-shirt, a sports bag over her shoulder.

  “Come on,” Addison said slipping an arm around her waist and hailing a taxi off the street for them. The taxi ride was done in complete silence, without so much as a touch or glance at one another.

  Back at Cassidy’s house, the front door had barely closed when Cassidy ditched her bag in the hall and Addison was on her. Cassidy’s hands were in his hair and then working on unbuttoning his shirt, as they kissed and she kicked off her shoes and they moved, dispersing of his shirt, towards the bedroom. Her mouth dipping to kiss his nipples, causing him to hiss.

  “About last night,” Addison started, his mouth back on hers, as her hands started on his pants waistband and his pulled at her own t-shirt.

  “Was amazing.” Cassidy stated as she raised her arms and he pulled the material up over her head.

  “I was rough and,” Another kiss.

  “Desperate.” Cassidy said in between kisses as she unclasped her bra and slid it down and off her arms, as they backed into the bedroom.

  “For you.” Addison said throatily, tugging at her hot pants. Cassidy stepped back out of them and from him for a moment, pulling the last of her clothing off and watching as he did the same and pulled a small square package from his jeans pocket.

  “No underwear?” Cassidy murmured taking in the full sight of him slowly.

  “Hate the stuff.” Addison muttered standing completely naked before her. Allowing her to take him in. He was in great shape, he always had been, because he continually worked his werewolf out. Which benefitted the human side of him. Cassidy’s eyes dropped to his cock, which had stirred itself to life at being so close to her. A smile quirked at her lips. They both stood before each other, naked in the darkened room, taking in the sight of one another.

  “Nice ink.” Addison husked.

  “I thought so.” Cassidy smiled back at him, making her way over to the bed and watching as Addison’s movements became lithe and graceful in the stalking of her. “Took make-up three and half hours for them to paint it on me, without moving an inch and an hour to dry with a hair dryer. It’s going to last all of a week.” Cassidy spoke, crawling backwards on the bed as Addison got closer to her.

  “Outstanding.” He murmured crawling onto the bed.

  “I was inspired.” Cassidy said watching as Addison raised himself onto his knees and took his rock hard cock into his hand sheathing himself in a condom.

  “I was rough and I didn’t mean to be.” Addison stated moving over to her, and watching as Cassidy laid down underneath him. “You just drove me so wild with need.” He said softly as Cassidy parted her legs, raising them for him. “Like I can’t get enough.”

  “I can’t say I want it like that all the time.” She said watching as he lowered himself onto his arms above her. “But for last night, it was right.” She said as he rested the tip of himself, against her. She’d seen the need, the desire, and the urgency in his eyes, in that club. Addison dipped his head and ran his nose along the side of her neck before kissing it under her ear.

  “Damn, that’s sexy.” She muttered just before he thrust into her slowly and she gasped out in pleasure at the sensation of him stretching her.

  Addison stilled, his eyes fluttering closed as his mind raced to get a grip on the werewolf creeping up in him. The tightness of being surrounded by her, causing him to moan deep in his throat.

  This time, the urgency was abated, by slow, lanugos strokes. Causing Cassidy to arch her back off the bed, her breast beading hard as they brushed against his chest. Addison breathed deeply, licking up under Cassidy’s throat as she dropped her head back, her eyes closing as she got swept up in their lovemaking.

  “And I was selfish,” Addison said softly as they moved together, finding their rhythm. “And I intend to correct that tonight.” He said watching as Cassidy’s eyes rolled back in her head before focusing back on him again. A blissed out look on her face.

  “Do you’re best.” Cassidy groaned encouraging him, her hands gripping his arms tightly as a chuckle escaped Addison.

  “I intend to,” His hips moved in to hers. “Again, and again, and again.” He said punctuating each word with a sharp thrust of his hips, plunging himself further into her.

  Cassidy moaned loudly as she tried to move herself faster onto him, to no avail as Addison kept her movements limited and under his control.

  Addison smirked, his lips on her breast, teasing her nipple as he kept their pace slow. A hand slipping between them to rub her sensitive nub, brushing fingers over it to draw out the build up of her orgasm. Cassidy cried out, her back arching, her legs trembling as she fought the sensation claiming her body to him, a hand wrapping itself up in the sheets they lay on as his movements took her over the edge.


  Cassidy awoke, to the sensation of the pleasant feeling of her body having been used in the most intimate and nicest ways possible, on the fourth day of the lunar week. Addison w
as lying on his side in the bed looking at her. Cassidy blinked slowly. He looked calm. Sated even.

  “This is a new look for you.” She stated sheepishly with half a smile. Addison’s eyebrow quirked up as he rested his head in his hand.

  “Do I have sex hair?” He asked curiously, looking around, as if trying to see his own hair.

  “You look, calm. Like you’re…dare I say it…glowing.”

  Addison chuckled back at her. Glowing. Werewolves did definitely not glow on a lunar week.

  They fought, they loved, they were sadistic in drawing out their own pleasure, but they did not glow. Although, he had to admit he felt pretty damn fine, just waking up beside Cassidy, wrapped in cotton sheets. Another first, he never tended to do the whole, morning after the night before thing with his conquests, previously. He doubted if he had ever hung around before that it’d feel like this. Like contentment, to his otherwise, rather restless nature.

  “Good morning to you too,” He said softly, watching her wake up and running a hand along her hair, sweeping it off her face, so she could see more clearly.

  “Very.” Cassidy all but purred back at him.

  “Mhmm.” Once again the sight of her half covered was enough to stir his hormones into appreciation. But then, his mind reasoned, it was the fourth day of the lunar week and as the week progressed to the full moon phase, his hormones were more easily affected. Even in the day time. Especially on the fourth night, full moon night. She was barely awake he noted, and yet the urge to slip inside her again and rock their bodies together, was as strong as it had been, when she’d looked at him hungrily the night before.

  “We need breakfast at a breakfast time.” He said watching her yawn slightly.

  “Is that what we need huh?”

  “One of a few things.” He smirked at her, as Cassidy turned more on her side and the bed sheet dropped exposing her nipple to him with the movement. “Sustenance yes.”

  Cassidy rubbed her eyes tiredly. “You cooking?” She asked looking over at him.

  “Are you angling for breakfast in bed?” He teased.

  Cassidy smiled and plumped up her pillows behind her head. “Hmmm, that has appeal to it. And it is my day off work today, so I don’t need to rush out of here for rehearsals any time soon…”

  Addison’s eyebrows raised. “Day off, you say?”

  “There’s ingredients for pancakes.”

  After some naked negotiation, that saw Cassidy moaning loudly, like her body knew no other way to express it’s self when being touched by Addison, they made their way out of bed. Both agreeing if they didn’t get out soon, they’d never see the light of day and food and liquid sustenance were too far away in the kitchen to be ignored, all day long.

  Cassidy pulled on her underpants and pulled her hair out from under the wide strap of her singlet top as she padded after Addison into the kitchen and lifted her nose and inhaling the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

  “Love that smell.”

  Addison turned around, topless and barefoot in jeans. “Coffee?”

  “Sexy male and coffee.” Cassidy smiled scratching her head. Addison walked past her planting a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Personally I like the smell of sex on you.” He said dropping his voice before continuing around the kitchen and pulling out plates. Causing her to smile. A knock at the door caught their attention.

  “I got it.” Cassidy said jogging off down to the front of house, as Addison looked around him, checking he had everything he needed for their breakfast at breakfast time, feast. The aroma of coffee was strong and one that Addison himself also liked to smell, especially since Cassidy’s scent lingered in the room with the faint scent of their sex lacing it.

  It brought a secret smile to his face, which was fast stripped of his face and replaced by a stern frown, when he heard a muffled sound, further away from him and a bang against something wooden. Addison walked around the table and out of the kitchen.

  “Cass,” He didn’t finish calling out her name as his eyes went wide, before narrowing in on the scene unravelling before him.

  Cassidy’s eyes were wide staring, pleading silently with him as her hands gripped onto the edge of the doorway till they were white with fear. Her bare legs kicking out against the polished floorboards of her hallway as her attacker, grabbed her around her middle, one hand over her mouth. Addison tore off down the lengthy hallway.

  Cassidy was pulled backwards through the front door and banging her heels down the front steps of her apartment, as she was tried to dig in and stop being dragged out into the street.

  “Zac!” She managed at one point to scream before the hand clamped down over her again.

  Addison growled his blood pumping as his heart beat thudded in his throat, his teeth automatically sharpening to canines. His eyes narrowing as he sprinted after the attacker.

  Cassidy kicked and fought against him, as she was thrown, without effort, Addison’s wolf brain told him, into the back of a white van, before the attacker jumped in and slammed the door closed.

  By the time Addison reached the steps of Cassidy’s stoop, the scent of fur and metallic something drifted amongst what he knew as Cassidy’s scent. The van was in gear and roaring off down the road. But Addison’s mind knew nothing other than pure fury as he leapt from the steps onto the pavement, landing roughly on his feet and hands. Pushing up, with the fluid grace of a gazelle, he kept running, on instinct more than anything else, trailing the white van as it worked it’s way up to speed with gear changes.

  By the time the van had reached halfway down the street, it was turning, without indicating onto the adjoining side street. Addison’s feet barely touched the ground as he pounded through air and daylight, the white van targeted before his werewolf eyes as he slammed into the back of the van, unable to stop himself.

  Causing a bang loud enough to sound like the backfire of a car, and leaving a crumpled, human sized dent in it, as he slipped, while the van turned, his hand reaching up and brushing the back door handle as the Van moved, inches, out of his full grasp, before roaring off on him, as Addison’s face smacked, into the concrete of the road that rushed up to meet him as he fell down clumsily in his human form. Banging his knee hard enough to shatter his knee cap, if he were nothing more than human.

  By the time he got upright, the van had disappeared from sight. Addison swore and pulled out his phone, the same time it rang. He would’ve ignored it but for the name on it. Paris. A bad feeling twisted in Addison’s gut as he connected the call.

  “We have a problem.” Paris started.

  “Yeah.” Addison agreed panting heavily. Opening his mouth to tell Paris about Cassidy’s kidnapping.

  “There was an attempted abduction on Bg as she was travelling over here from Brooklyn this morning.”

  “Attempted? They didn’t get her?”

  “They failed.” Paris’s voice was white hot with leashed anger. Addison knew how he felt. The thought of Cassidy being harmed, made him want to tear down everything in his path as he looked down the street.

  “They got Cassidy.” Addison growled, still looking down the street the van had last been on.

  “We’ll find her. I promise.”

  “They’re lycans,” Addison said registering the scent he’d picked up from Cassidy’s kidnappers from her front stoop. “They so much as scratch her, I’ll kill the lot of them.” He said.

  “And I’ll help you.” Paris intoned.


  Lycans, the word echoed around in Addison’s brain. Lycans were not, as Hollywood have everyone believe, the same thing as werewolves. It wasn’t just a matter of class, when it came to the two types of wolves.

  Lycan’s, unlike werewolves, were humans who were bitten or infected somehow from a werewolf. Werewolves on the other hand, were humans who were naturally born with the werewolf genes in them.

  The biggest difference between the two types of wolves was behaviour. Which concerned Addison. Lycans tend
ed to have issues of rage and a lack of control. Which made Cassidy’s kidnapping, even more dangerous. Lycans if the mood took them, wouldn’t hesitate to attack her. To bite her, tear her apart, kill her, or just do enough, to turn her, into one of them.

  Addison strode abruptly into the otherwise, closed night club of Midnight Blue, which was filled with the Manhattan Maen’s hierarchy of wolves and their absolute anger.

  Wiatt, Jules and Paris himself, stood around something, Addison couldn’t make out from their semi circle. But he instantly smelt blood. A fair amount of it. They moved, turned to face him as he entered the first, main, room and then he saw it. It was Bg.

  “Merde.” Addison muttered, cursing low in French.

  Bg was sitting, on a table, her hands resting on the edges, with split skin and covered in blood. Her legs, hanging over the edge of the table, showed cuts and were streaked with blood. He dragged his eyes up the rest of her, she was covered in blood. She lifted her head, to look at him.

  “It’s not as bad as it looks.” She muttered through a split swollen lip and a completely swollen right eye. “It’s just blood.” She said as Addison walked right up to her. Addison’s eyes assessed her.

  Bg was right, the blood was rather superficial and did make her injuries look horrendously worse than they probably were. But all the same, it was obvious to all the males in there, she’d taken a fairly massive beating around the face. The blood started from her hairline and covered half her face and had poured and soaked its way through her clothing.

  Addison looked over at Paris sternly. He couldn’t believe his best friend hadn’t cleaned Bg up or helped her shape shift so she could start healing from her injuries, already. She had to be in a fair amount of pain.

  “She won’t let any of us touch her, and she refused to shape shift to heal until you got here.” Paris replied at the dirty look Addison was giving him.


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