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The Sheikh's Secret Son

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by Maggie Cox

  “We have a child together. That confirms you are still my woman.”

  When Sheikh Zafir el-Kalil discovers that he is a father, he will do anything to secure his child—even marry the woman who betrayed him and kept their son a secret from him!

  Darcy Carrick is older and wiser now, and she will not bend so easily to Zafir’s will! Once her heart would have soared to hear Zafir call her his wife. Now it will take more than soft words and sweet seduction to win back her love...

  ‘Would you not prefer me to make love to you?’

  Darcy gasped. ‘You shouldn’t say such things to me. You—you know you shouldn’t.’

  ‘Are you telling me you don’t want me, Darcy?’

  She was suddenly quite faint. The things that Zafir’s deep bass voice alone could do—never mind his looks... Where on earth was she supposed to go with such a question?

  ‘All I’m saying is that I—I need to be sensible and you’re making it impossible for me.’

  ‘Once...not so very long were my woman. Now we have a child together. That confirms you are still my woman.’

  ‘I am no such thing. And nor am I some chattel to do exactly as you tell me just because you think it’s some inalienable right you have.’

  ‘Is that really how you view me? as someone who wouldn’t even consider another person’s rights if they happen to conflict with my own? That is a shame. But that aside, if you’re saying that you no longer have any feelings for me other than hatred then I have to remind you that I am still the father of your son and I fully intend to claim my paternal rights—with or without your approval—because my people need an heir.’

  Secret Heirs of Billionaires

  There are some things money can’t buy...

  Living life at lightning pace, these magnates are no strangers to stakes at their highest. It seems they’ve got it all... That is until they find out that there’s an unplanned item to add to their list of accomplishments!


  1. Successful business empire

  2. Beautiful women in their bed

  3. An heir to bear their name?

  Though every billionaire needs to leave his legacy in safe hands, discovering a secret heir shakes up his carefully orchestrated plan in more ways than one!

  Uncover their secrets in:

  Unwrapping the Castelli Secret by Caitlin Crews

  Brunetti’s Secret Son by Maya Blake

  The Secret to Marrying Marchesi by Amanda Cinelli

  Demetriou Demands His Child by Kate Hewitt

  The Desert King’s Secret Heir by Annie West

  Look out for more stories in the Secret Heirs of Billionaires series coming soon!

  The Sheikh’s Secret Son

  Maggie Cox

  MAGGIE COX is passionate about stories that can uplift and transport people out of their daily worries to a more magical place, be they romance novels or fairy tales. What people want most, she believes, is true connection. She feels blessed to be married to a lovely man who never fails to make her laugh, and has two beautiful sons and two much loved grandchildren.

  Books by Maggie Cox

  Mills & Boon Modern Romance

  Required to Wear the Tycoon’s Ring

  A Rule Worth Breaking

  The Man She Can’t Forget

  The Tycoon’s Delicious Distraction

  In Petrakis’s Power

  What His Money Can’t Hide

  The Lost Wife

  The Brooding Stranger

  Mistress, Mother...Wife?

  Surrender to Her Spanish Husband

  Seven Sexy Sins

  A Taste of Sin

  The Powerful and the Pure

  Distracted by Her Virtue

  A Deal with the Devil

  A Devilishly Dark Deal

  One Night In...

  One Desert Night

  British Bachelors

  Secretary by Day, Mistress by Night

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

  To Alicia Barber

  A unique young woman who has become a very dear friend x



  Back Cover Text


  Secret Heirs of Billionaires

  Title Page

  About the Author


















  THE FALL FROM the granite wall happened in an instant, yet strangely time seemed to slow down as Darcy saw herself plunge downwards. It was like an uncanny out-of-body experience. Her mind flashed—happening but not happening—just like in a dream. Trouble was, she’d lost concentration due to her mind being dominated by the nerve-racking task at hand—which was hopefully to see the charismatic owner of the regal manor and to tell him at last that their passionate affair had produced a son...

  Now, the searing knife-like pain that shot through her ankle as she hit the ground gave her something even more pertinent to worry about. Issuing a string of unladylike curses, she rubbed at the offending bone, wincing as the pain intensified excruciatingly. How on earth was she going to stand? The flesh was already reddening and swelling—too fast for her liking. No chance of presenting the poised unruffled appearance she’d had in mind, then...

  Even as the realisation descended a heavy-set man in a slightly snug black suit started running towards her from the other side of the splendid gardens. It didn’t take much guessing to deduce that he was a security guard. She reminded herself of her intention to stay as calm as possible, no matter what occurred. Then she made herself breathe deeply to try to control the waves of pain that washed over her.

  When the man got to her, his breath hitting the frigid October air in tangible puffs of steam, she saw that his fleshy olive complexion was coated with a fine sheen of perspiration.

  Despite her dilemma, Darcy quipped, ‘You could have saved yourself the effort. I’m clearly not going anywhere any time soon. I think I’ve twisted my ankle.’

  ‘You are a very silly young woman to risk such a foolish thing. I can tell you now that the Sheikh is not going to be very happy.’

  Her realisation that he was referring to the man she’d desperately hoped to see made her feel as though she’d slammed into the wall rather than merely falling off it.

  ‘His Highness is the owner of this property and you are trespassing. I have to warn you that he will not take the intrusion lightly.’

  ‘No... I don’t suppose he will.’

  However her ex-lover reacted when he saw her, it surely couldn’t make her feel any worse than she felt already. Yes, it could. Darcy had been on edge before the accident, never mind now, with the looming possibility of being confronted by him and accused of breaking and entering.

  ‘Look, what’s happened has happened, and as much as I need to explain my motives for being here to His Highness, first I’m going to need your help in getting to my feet.’

  ‘That is not a good idea. You need to be checked over by a doctor first. Trying to stand might make the injury worse.’

  Staring up at the guard, she witnessed an unexpected glimpse of concern in his chocolate-brown eyes. Then he withdrew a phone from his jacket and spoke to someone at the other end in a language that she was on
ly too familiar with from her days of working at the bank. To make matters worse, the recognition brought with it a vividly searing memory that she expressly didn’t welcome right then—especially when she’d stupidly put herself in the mother of all awkward situations.

  And all because she’d been driven to scale a wall she never should have attempted in the first place, resulting in a highly inconvenient injury.

  But what else was she supposed to do when the necessity of seeing her former lover was becoming ever more urgent? Her worst fears had come true. He was engaged to be married. No matter how many times she reminded herself of the fact, her heart vehemently rejected the idea as though it was poison.

  At the same time Darcy realised the guard really wasn’t going to help her to her feet, he abruptly ended his call. Then he withdrew a voluminous handkerchief from his pocket and proceeded to mop his brow.

  ‘The doctor is coming. I have also arranged for you to have some water.’

  ‘I don’t need water. I just need some help to get to my feet.’

  Suddenly aware that any further attempts to ask for his assistance were futile, Darcy let her head drop with a grimace and the silken wheat-coloured hair that had escaped from her loosely arranged topknot glided down over her cheekbones. She could only pray it was helping to disguise the shock and fear that were pulsating through her. Surrendering to weakness for even the shortest time was anathema to her. The last time she had done such a thing it had cost her dear.

  ‘Who is this doctor, anyway, and will he call an ambulance?’

  ‘You do not need an ambulance. The doctor who is coming is the Sheikh’s very own physician. He is highly qualified and has an apartment here.’

  ‘Then I don’t suppose I have much choice but to wait for him. I hope he’s got some strong painkillers.’

  ‘If you need to take painkillers then you also need water. Do you want me to call someone to inform them that you have had an accident?’

  Darcy’s heartbeat rapidly quickened. Her mother would hardly take the news calmly. Not when she was apt to turn the slightest mishap into a drama worthy of a soap opera. The last thing she wanted was for her parent’s anxiety to spill over to her little boy and worry him.

  ‘No. I don’t... Thanks all the same.’ Her smile at the guard was tentatively hopeful, but she suspected he didn’t believe a word she said.

  Because of the dwindling daylight, she hadn’t noticed the two figures hurriedly heading towards them from the manor house. But she noticed them now. There was definitely the suggestion of urgency in their quickened steps as they started to run.

  Deliberately glancing away, Darcy winced as she rubbed at her swollen ankle.

  Would the next people to arrive on the scene be the police, to charge her with breaking and entering?

  As if intuiting her distress, her companion dropped down in front of her and consolingly patted her arm. Her blue eyes widened in surprise. His behaviour was hardly typical of any security official she knew of. But just then, when she was feeling alone and frightened, despite her fake bravado, the man’s kindness was appreciated.

  ‘The doctor will soon tend to your ankle. Do not distress yourself unduly.’

  ‘I’m not distressed. I’m just angry that I climbed the wall. I meant no harm by it. I just wanted to take a peek at the house in the hope the hope that if I saw the Sheikh I might speak with him.’

  Her teeth clamped down on her lip as the man’s perusal suddenly grew more interested, and she found herself hostage to an uncharacteristic wave of self-pity.

  With her voice quavering, she said, ‘I read in the newspaper that he had moved here. I used to work for him, you know?’

  ‘Then if you wanted to see him again, you should have rung his office and made an appointment.’

  ‘I’ve tried doing that, many times, but I was told by his secretary that he had to agree to it first. She never got back to me, no matter how many times I tried. In truth, I don’t think he even got my messages.’

  ‘I am sure he did. Perhaps His Highness has his reasons for not contacting you?’


  The deep bass voice behind them had them both immediately turning their heads. The impressive Arabian attire of the owner of the voice added to Darcy’s profound sense of shock when her gaze fell upon his features. His sublimely carved face was etched deep into her memory, but the last time she’d seen it their time together had culminated in a deed that had devastatingly broken her heart. Yet, despite that, her instinct was to greet him with familiarity.


  Thankfully she checked the impulse just in time. His haunting black eyes were staring at her hard, she saw, piercing her like the glowing points of a dagger. Although she shuddered, she still drank him in, realising that although he looked a little older he was still as handsome as sin and must still set women’s hearts fluttering from here to Kathmandu.

  He had also grown his hair.

  It fell way past his magnificent shoulders in glossy black waves. The disturbing recollection that the dark strands were like the finest silk to touch made her guiltily yearn to experience running her fingers through the new length...

  ‘The young lady fell off the wall, Your Highness,’ the guard interjected, sounding inexplicably protective, ‘and she is hurt.’

  ‘Hurting is what she is good at.’

  Stung by the bitterly voiced statement, Darcy opened her mouth to protest. He was the one who was good at hurting...not her. Or had he so quickly erased that little fact from his memory?

  ‘What are you doing here, and why are you trespassing on my property?’

  ‘I’ll tell you why—because you wouldn’t take my calls or return my messages. You wouldn’t even let me make an appointment to see you. God knows how many times I’ve tried. This was a last resort. In all honesty I would have preferred to have left you alone...but I had to see you.’

  His glance suspicious, the autocratic man in front of her responded grimly, ‘I have never, to my knowledge, received any such messages.’

  Darcy’s mouth turned sickeningly dry. ‘You’re joking? Why wouldn’t you have received them? I always told your secretary that it was urgent and confidential. Why didn’t she believe me?’

  ‘Never mind that right now... If what you say is true then I will be making my investigations. More to the point, what is the reason you want to see me, Darcy? Did you not believe me when I said I never wanted to set eyes on you again? You could hardly have expected any good to come out of our meeting.’

  He leaned down to her, and even as she breathed in the exotic scent of agar that highlighted his cologne she saw the expression on his carved face was disturbingly accusing.

  ‘How long have you known that I was here?’

  Her eyes widened nervously. ‘I only recently found out. There was an article in the newspaper.’

  ‘And you saw the opportunity to get back at me for what happened in the past?’

  Her blood ran cold for a moment. ‘No! That wasn’t the reason I wanted to find you, Zafir. Did you imagine my aim was to try and blackmail you in some way? If you think that then you couldn’t be more wrong.’ Tears stung the backs of her eyelids like hot springs. Swallowing hard, she continued, ‘The article said that you are engaged to be married.’

  ‘And no doubt you want to congratulate me?’

  ‘Don’t make light of my pain like that.’

  As was her habit, when she was fuming at some injustice or another, she indignantly folded her arms. The movement was a little sharp, and it somehow ricocheted down to her injured ankle. She wasn’t able to suppress the groan of pain that rose up inside her.

  His ebony eyes darkening in concern, Zafir turned to his immaculately suited companion. ‘Dr Eden. Please give the young lady some water and take a look at her It might be broken.’

  Appalled that that might be the case, with a tremulous sweep of her hand Darcy pushed back her hair and stared. ‘I’m sure you�
��d relish that, wouldn’t you?’ She all but grabbed at the silver flask that was proffered and imbibed a deep gulp of icy liquid before she said anything else.

  As he rose to his full height, the Sheikh’s expression was clearly perturbed. ‘While you deserve to be punished for what you did to me, I do not take any pleasure in the fact that you have been injured. And just one more thing’

  As the slim, middle-aged doctor lithely dropped down to his haunches to examine her foot, the Arabian’s black eyes glinted a warning.

  ‘Do not call me Zafir. The use of that name is permitted only to a select circle of family and friends and clearly, Miss Carrick, you should speak in deference to the hierarchy of my are my subordinate.’

  It jolted her that he’d used her surname, and it gave her little satisfaction that he’d so strongly emphasised the ‘subordinate’ part. The suggestion of fury in his voice made her heart contract even more. She hadn’t immediately succumbed to tears at this latest encounter with him but Darcy felt like crying now.

  Once upon a time she’d loved this man more than life itself. Now he sounded as though he hated her. And all because he’d believed his brother’s vindictive lies...

  ‘Although I can’t say for certain until it’s X-rayed, I think what we have here is a severe sprain, Miss Carrick.’

  The doctor’s slim, cool fingers were gently checking her bones for breakage and prodding the puffy skin around her ankle to inspect it. Straight away his calm assertion along with his professional expertise reinstated her hope that things weren’t as disastrous as she’d feared.

  A relieved sigh escaped her but then she quickly frowned. Just who did she think she was kidding? Things were about as disastrous as they could get. And, having intuited the mood he was in, she suspected that Zafir didn’t intend to let her get off lightly for shinning up his garden wall in order to force a meeting. He was the eldest son of the ruling family in the kingdom of Zachariah, and consequently not just important but powerful too, and she knew that if her motivation hadn’t been solely to tell him that he had a son and heir she would never have attempted to see him at all.


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