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C&A Novella (Marked Heart #2.5)

Page 6

by M. Sembera

  Giving him a slight shove, Auggie griped, "What the hell?"

  "What? Your mom does hate her and besides, this one's more my style."

  Growing disappointed with him, Auggie asked, "And when she finds out?"

  "How's she gonna know?"

  Shaking his head, Auggie replied, "For what it's worth, you're wrong for doin' that. Liv's cool as hell."

  "She is, isn't she." Kieran agreed with a wide smile before saying, "We'll see how you handle the nail in your coffin, when your day comes."

  "Ain't happenin.'"

  Kieran rolled his eyes and laughed, "Admit it, you'd do the same."

  "You're messin' with tradition. It's gonna bite you in the ass one day."

  "What can I say, cousin, Liv's badass but it never hurts to have a plan b."

  "If you say so. Won't matter for me. There's not a woman on earth bad enough to own me."

  Scowling into his glass of whiskey, Auggie shook his head at himself. Why couldn't he have inherited some wisdom from his dad? If he were here, they could share the bottle while Gus imparted one of his sayings that would make everything alright.

  As Auggie sat there thinking about his dad, his family and the woman he loved, he heard the doors open.

  "Bar's closed." He informed, not caring who it was as long as they left.

  "I want to be with Penny." Seth announced, sounding like his life depended on it.

  "Good for you." He replied, taking a sip of his whiskey.

  "What do I do?"

  Surprised at how quickly the answer came to him, Auggie knew exactly what Seth should do.


  Staring at her cell phone, Charlotte thought about calling Auggie before she fell asleep and again when she woke up. She expected at least a text message from him assuring her he would show up for the wedding. With a loud huff, she slid out of bed, hoping the day would go as planned. After all, Auggie didn't have the best track record when it came to important events.

  Before Charlotte made it to the bathroom, her bedroom door flew open.

  By the time the door slammed shut Silvia was in her face, questioning, "Have you heard from Braden? He's still coming, right?"

  Taking a step back, Charlotte fussed, "Seriously! Stop!"

  Silvia frowned, instantly pouting as she griped, "You're in a mood."

  "Could it be because my sister has no manners?"

  Still pouting with persistence, Silvia replied, "Please? Tell me he's coming."

  Narrowing her eyes at her sister, Charlotte stated, "Just get out."

  "Uhh... Fine! You're so selfish." Silvia complained as she left the room.

  'Unbelievable.' Charlotte thought as she finally made it to her bathroom.

  Checking her cell phone again, now that she was dressed, the fact that Auggie still had not called or sent her a text message was starting to bother her. What if he didn't show up? The thought made her uneasy, until irritation set in. It was a much more manageable emotion than fear. Choosing to focus on what a jackass her soon to be husband was, helped alleviate the uncertainty of how the day would turn out.

  She stopped to look at herself in the mirror and read the words off of the shirt that she was wearing, 'I CAN'T KEEP CALM, I'M GETTING MARRIED.' After counting back from ten in her head, Charlotte thought; 'You better have picked one hell of a wedding song, Augustus,' and walked out of her room.


  Charlotte sat on a stool inside her wedding preparation tent, listening to the voices and various sounds of everyone outside the tent setting up. Taking slow deep breaths, she tried not to panic. No one had seen or heard from Auggie since the night before.


  Bumping the side of his fist against the top of the table Seth was passed out under, Auggie heard him quickly sit up and bang his head underneath it.

  "You alright?"

  Groaning his reply, Seth dragged himself out from under the table.

  In all the nights Auggie spent drinking, he had never seen anyone actually drink themselves under a table.

  Climbing into a chair, Seth laid his head down on the table, saying, "I feel like death."

  "Ya look like it too." He teased before advising, "Go home and shower. Tea, not coffee, take aspirin, a nap and then another shower and you should be good."

  Seth cringed as he looked up at Auggie saying, "That was...specific."

  "Best of luck to ya." He added, grabbing a bottle of Guinness off of the bar.


  Auggie glanced into the rearview mirror at his suit jacket and tie hanging in the back seat of his truck. Why he'd waited so long to do this he wasn't sure, but timing is everything and today felt right. Grabbing the beer out of his console, he opened the door and got out.

  Walking across the grass, Auggie stopped next to a marble marker. He leaned down and placed the Guinness next to his brother's headstone and smiled.

  "I won't keep ya, Will. I got somewhere to be." He shared before informing, "Gettin' married today."

  Running his hand down the front of his beard, he took a moment to laugh at himself.

  "You probably already knew that, I'm not sure how all this works. Point is, there's somethin' I have to say to you."

  Nodding at the silence of the cemetery, Auggie continued.

  "Guess you were wondering when I'd figure out that you set us up. I hope you know she's gonna give me hell for the rest of my life." Stopping to smile he acknowledged, "But I'm a better man for it."

  Pausing, he took a deep breath.

  "Anyway, what I came out here to say was... Thank you. Thank you for bringing Charlotte into my life. I love ya, brother."

  Auggie took a step back and nodded again before turning and walking to his truck.

  Back in his truck, Auggie headed out to his uncle Brennen's. With his heart thundering in his chest, he was about to be married and no one, not even he, was going to ruin the day.


  Stepping out of the barn, on the far end of Brennen's property, Auggie stopped and looked around. He recalled the day he took Charlotte out to tend to the peacocks. Half teasing in intent, he remembered her long sexy legs awkwardly maneuvering the rubber boots she had on, the way she gazed at the pretty birds that didn't come close to how beautiful she was, and how stunning her blue eyes were the first time he really looked into them. No way in hell was he going to tell her she needed to keep her hands to herself this time.

  As Auggie's cell phone vibrated in his slacks, he figured it was time to make his way to his tent and get ready. Pulling his phone out, he saw a text from Penny.

  P: What is the matter with you?

  Confused, he texted her back.

  A: What?

  P: Where are you?

  A: At the barn. Why?

  Hopping in his truck, Auggie waited for her to text back.

  P: Charlotte is freaking out! She thinks you're not going to show up.

  Firing up his engine, he couldn't stop himself from smiling.

  A: On my way.


  With the assurance that Auggie had arrived, Charlotte felt confident enough to slip her shoes on. She had waited until she was sure he was there before committing to her Marc Defang, open toe peacock blue diamond frost heels.

  Glancing over at Amila and Penny, she smiled, lifting the hem of her wedding gown. Charlotte started to show off her stunning heels, when she noticed something sparkle by her foot. Reaching down, she picked up a bobby pin that had obviously fallen out of her hair. As she stood upright, a long piece of gathered hair, that it had been holding, fell across her face.

  Panic instantly set in.

  "What if he showed up to tell everyone the wedding's off?"

  Charlotte watched as Penny frowned at her phone and whispered something to Amila before leaving the tent.

  "He changed his mind didn't he?"

  A soft smile formed on Amila's face as she stepped to Charlotte assuring, "Honey, you need to calm down."

  Shaking her head, she swore, "I can

  Amila continued to smile as she lifted the hair out of Charlotte's face and replaced the bobby pin asking, "If you're having second thoughts or you're not sure..."

  On the verge of tears, Charlotte confessed, "I'm afraid. I love him. If it ever ends... I..."

  Nodding, Amila placed her hand on Charlotte's shoulder imparting, "I don't think Auggie's the type of man that would be here if he didn't feel exactly the same way."

  Charlotte smiled, starting to feel better.

  Giving her a light squeeze, Amila shared, "Now, I have to go see if we left your garter in the car. You can't get married without that. Talk about bad luck."

  "What?" Charlotte blurted, as Amila left the tent.


  Penny stood in front of Auggie with her hand on her hip and a 'what do you want me to do' expression on her face.

  "I want him in here." He assured, thinking maybe she hadn't made that part clear.

  "I told him that."

  "Is he gonna stand up there with me?" Auggie questioned, aggravated at the way his brother was behaving.

  Shrugging, Penny replied, "He's wearing his tux so I imagine, but if you wanna know, you go talk to Braden. I've got to get back to Charlotte."

  "Thanks, Pen." He said as she waved her hand behind her head and walked out.

  Shaking his head with a deep scowl, he started to head out and look for Braden, when his mom walked in.

  "Sit down and give me your shoes." She ordered without so much as a smile.

  "I'm still gonna marry her, whether you take my shoes or not, Ma." He replied with a slight smile.

  Pursing her lips at him, Sarah swatted Auggie on the arm saying, "I realize that, son."

  Doing as he was told, he watched Sarah dust the bottom of his shoes off as he handed them to her.

  Handing his dress shoes over to Ailin, Auggie's mom gave Kieran two small stickers. Kieran gave Sarah a strange look as Ailin shook his head and started to laugh.

  "Go on, help him." Sarah told Kieran before looking at Auggie saying, "You've never half-assed anything in your entire life. Don't start now."

  Nodding, Auggie smiled at his mom as she kissed the side of his head before exiting just as abruptly as she entered.

  Forgetting about Braden for the moment, Auggie looked over to his brother and cousin to see what they were doing to his shoes. Both wore wide smiles as they showed him the soles. 'She's' was on one and 'Mine' was on the other. Shaking his head, he couldn't help laughing.


  Charlotte stood with her arm hooked around Emerson's, waiting to make her way down the aisle.

  Looking down at her with a compassionate smile, Emerson asked, "Are you alright?"

  Charlotte nodded, realizing her feather bouquet was shaking in her hands.

  Emerson cleared his throat as he shared, "I'm proud to have had some small part in the woman that you have become. I consider it an honor to give you away today."

  Feeling tears well in her eyes at his words, Charlotte opened her mouth to reply but couldn't when she heard the music start to play.

  Her heart swelled in her chest as a warm sensation travelled throughout her entire body.

  'I can hear her heart beat from a thousand miles.'

  Crazy Love by Brian McKnight was the song Auggie chose to be their wedding song.

  'Hear the heavens open every time she smiles.'

  Unable to stop herself she lunged forward.

  "Whoa, there," Emerson laughed, pulling her back before informing, "Not yet."

  All of Charlotte's anxiety was gone and replaced by an almost unbearable anticipation to be by Auggie's side. Every part of her being needed to be with him.


  Standing up tall as he waited for Charlotte to make her way down the aisle and stand at his side, Auggie gave a quick nod at Kieran as he stood next to him. As Braden took his place next to his cousin, he noticed an unpleasant expression on his brother's face.

  Wondering what the hell his problem was, Auggie stared at Braden. Barely noticing Ailin make his way over, he tapped Kieran on the arm and motioned for him to get Braden's attention.

  "Hey." Auggie quietly snapped as Kieran nudged Braden.

  Braden glared as Kieran took a step back and Auggie gave him a questioning look.

  "Braden." Auggie bit out in a hushed tone.

  Taking a step towards his brother, Braden whispered, "Like you give a damn."

  "What the f..." Auggie started before he caught himself remembering where he was at, he swore, "You're my brother."

  With a slight shove, Braden griped, "Not your best man though."

  Auggie couldn't help shoving him back.

  Instantly in his face, Braden gritted out, "Brother? If Will was here you'd of picked him."

  Before Auggie had a chance to say anything, Braden swung at him.

  Tackling his brother to the ground, Auggie tried his best to not to fight Braden, but he wasn't about to get his ass kicked at his own wedding either. Barely avoiding getting punched in the eye, Auggie caught Braden's wrists pinning them to the ground and sat on him.

  While Braden struggled to break free, the music stopped causing Auggie to look up. He swore his heart stopped beating for a full minute, the moment he saw Charlotte standing in front of him.

  "Just another Caffrey family gathering." She declared, looking down at him.

  Smiling wide, at the only woman on earth that could own him, Auggie let go of his brother and stood up.


  Once everyone was back in their positions, Emerson continued to escort Charlotte down the aisle.

  Charlotte found it hard to keep a straight face after Emerson laughed, 'This is the best wedding I've ever been to,' right before he gave her away. It also didn't help that it took him longer than necessary to compose himself enough to say; 'Her mother and I do.'

  She could tell that Reverend Gary was a bit irritated by the way he was glaring at them.

  He stated, "Dearly beloved we are..." Then stopped and stared directly at Penny.

  Charlotte threw her hand over her mouth when she turned and saw Seth kissing Penny right there in front of everyone. Stunned by what was happening, Charlotte watched as Seth professed his love for Penny then took a knee and proposed to her.

  In awe of their moment, Charlotte was thrilled for them.

  Just as Seth stood, waiting for her answer, Auggie cleared his throat and said, "You know, when I said you had my blessing, this isn't what I meant."

  Turning her focus to Auggie, Charlotte took his hand and kissed him on the cheek. Silently thanking him for this moment.

  As Auggie smiled at her, Reverend Gary finally lost it.

  Slamming his hand down on the altar, he shouted, "This is supposed to be a solemn occasion!"

  Charlotte instantly burst into laughter, causing the Reverend's face to turn bright red.

  "That's it! This is the last family wedding I'm doing!" He swore before snapping, "Auggie, you gonna marry her?"

  Glaring at him, he replied, "Yes."

  "Charlotte, you really want to marry into this?"

  Smiling wider than she had thought possible, she answered, "Yes."

  "Then kiss her, your married." He griped before stomping off saying, "I need a damn drink."

  "I think we broke Reverend Gary." Braden blurted, causing everyone to start laughing.

  Auggie wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close as their laughter faded. Sliding her hands to the sides of his face, Charlotte brushed her thumbs against his beard.

  "Kiss me."

  She could feel Auggie's jaw tighten and his body tense as he held himself in reserve, placing one small soft kiss against her lips.

  "Mrs. Caffrey." He stated, letting go of her and taking a slight step back.


  Caught off guard, Charlotte yelped as he swiftly picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder, assuring, "You're comin' with me."

  Everyone stood and cheered their congratulati
ons to them as he carried her. Doing her best to smile and wave as they made their way down the aisle, when they passed Liv she reached her hand out. Charlotte high-fived her, thinking 'Hell yeah!'.

  Auggie set her down when they reached his truck.

  "Are we going somewhere?"

  "About a mile that way." He replied, pointing behind them before opening the passenger side door for her.

  Surprised, Charlotte laughed, "You can't be serious."

  "Oh, I'm serious." He stated before lifting her into the passenger seat of his truck.

  "Augustus, we can't just leave." She shared, finding it difficult to be stern with him.

  "This is our day. We can do whatever we want."


  Stopping his truck when they reached the old barn, Auggie could feel Charlotte staring at him. Without an explanation, he opened his door and got out. He tried his best to be serious and hold back a smile, finding it impossible as thoughts of her reaction to his surprise entered his mind.

  After making his way around the front of his truck, Auggie opened the passenger door. He leaned in, sliding his hands around Charlotte hips as she turned to him.

  "Are we going to see the peacocks?" She questioned as he lifted her out.

  Shaking his head, he tugged her close, whispering, "Close your eyes."

  A soft smile formed as she obeyed.

  Auggie scooped Charlotte up off of her feet and carried her to the doors. Shifting her in his arms to open the door, he held her tight as he dragged it open.

  "Keep 'em closed." He encouraged, kissing her on the cheek while stepping in and setting her back on her feet.

  With eyes closed Charlotte asked, "What are you doing?"

  Stepping back to look at her, he replied, "Making up for every time I let my pride get in the way."

  Tilting her head down, Charlotte shared, "I have a surprise for you too."

  "Mine first." He said, stepping up to the work bench.

  Auggie struck a match and lit a lantern before carrying it with him as he closed the barn door.

  Taking her hand in his, he carried the lantern, leading her to the back left corner of the old barn.

  "Don't open yet." He warned, letting go of her hand and setting the lantern on a small table.


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