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Beautiful Liar

Page 3

by Cin Medley

  “John, I have never apologized for anything I have done. I am who I am. I am not about to beg, or bow down to a woman. Even if she is an angel sent from God himself.”

  “Yes, I am well aware of your ideals as to what a woman is good for, but this one is different. She is special and you need to swallow that fucking holier than thou ego of yours and bend down and kiss her fucking feet. I don’t care what you have to do, you need to get her back here.”

  I sat there looking at my brother for a long time before I spoke. “I’ll be damn if I am going to allow a woman to bring me to my knees.”

  “What’s the matter Paul? What are you afraid of, the fact that you want her so desperately that your willing to fuck this up, or that you want her so desperately it’s scaring the shit out of you?”

  I laughed, “Both, brother. Both.” Shaking my head, “She sparked something in me, something I haven’t…”

  “Felt since Sylvia?”

  Chuckling, “Yeah. I never thought I would feel like this again. Especially after all these years.”

  “So, the giant that you are, is in fact bending at the knees. Don’t fuck this up Paul. Don’t try and fuck her. Just do this and leave her alone.”

  “See brother, that’s the problem. I’m not sure I can. I just have to think about her and I’m fucking hard. Hell, I’ve got a raging hard on right now just talking about her. Not since…well it’s been a long time.”

  John’s voice softened, “I know brother. I was there with you. I know that all of this is despite your anger. You’ve never really grieved for her, you’ve never let yourself feel the loss. You just blocked it all out and became this man.”

  “Yes, perhaps. But this man has made us both billionaires.”

  “Maybe so, but it has made you a shell of a man. You’re not living your life the way you should. A different woman every night, hasn’t helped you. Hell, I’m pretty sure it hasn’t touched how you feel.”

  Leaning forward, resting my arms on my knees I looked my brother in the eye. “I’m terrified John. She could be the one who makes me want a decent life. A life like I had with Sylvia.”

  “Then get her back here. If you check your fucking ego at the door, maybe she can get us out of this and you can win her heart and be happy. I love you, but I loved you better before all this shit.”

  I looked at him for a very long time. “I’ll do my best.”

  He nodded and I stood up. As I walked to the door I turned, “What size do you think she wears? I think I’d like to buy her a new suit. I’m pretty sure that coffee isn’t coming out of that suit.”

  John laughed. “I haven’t a clue. I know nothing of women and their sizes. I can tell what size just about every man I meet wears. Why don’t you talk to one of your many girls at the club? I’m sure one of them can tell you.”

  “John, I’m scared,” I whispered, “I’m terrified. I think that’s why I am acting the way I am concerning her. I want to fuck her so hard. I think she is the only woman who could sedate me.”

  “Brother, I’m sorry to tell you this, but she isn’t the fucking kind. She has a huge wound imbedded in her heart. You are going to be lucky if you can get near her. Someone hurt her, and they hurt her deeply.”

  “You think?”

  “I know emotion and Miss Costello has been destroyed beyond repair.”

  I smiled, “So was I, but look, meeting her has made me realize that there is life after pain like that. Maybe I’m the same for her. I mean she hates me, maybe she is just as attracted to me as I am her.”

  “Good luck. Just get her back here. It’s time to end this. Time to fix it all. May I suggest if you want a chance in hell with her, that you get rid of that club. I can guarantee you, she will not understand.”

  I laughed, “I was going to anyway. It’s just not fun anymore.” Turning I walked out of my brother’s office and headed to my lawyer’s office. Time to start the process. I need to clean up my act if I stand a chance in hell of having Miss Costello.

  I was so pissed as I walked to Millennial Park. When I approached the person, I was supposed to be meeting I smiled and kept on walking down the street to the Art Museum. I bought my ticket and made my way inside. I made myself invisible just to make sure one of Mr. Simon’s goons didn’t follow me. I spied my contact walk in, but I waited another five minutes to make sure. When I felt comfortable, I gradually made my way to my favorite place, to my favorite artist. Monet. The bench in front of his The Customs House at Varengeville, is where I spend my time on most weekends. It reminds me of home.

  Walking up I see him sitting waiting for me. I sat down. “What’s happening?” He said softly.

  “Fucking men, that’s what’s happening. No offense. Listen I need you to check out Paul Simon. Something about him doesn’t add up. The man has too many body guards around him.”

  “Is that who approached you in the street?”


  “So, you kicked his guard’s ass?”

  I smiled, “Not just one, but two and Mr. Simon nearly found himself on the floor. No one, man handles me. Oh, and I quit. So, I need some prospects for a new job.”

  “Victoria, we need you in that office.”

  “My name is Sue, Sue Costello. Don’t worry about it. I’m going back, I just need to make sure Mr. Simon knows he isn’t going to touch me again.”

  He chuckled, “Have you discovered anything new?”

  “Mr. Simon, the one I work for, wanted me to start a few new accounts of Mr. Simon’s, the one from the street. That was when he thought it acceptable to touch me. I can feel it, something is not right with this guy.”

  “All right.”

  “Oh and I would like the feed from my encounters with Mr. Simon please.”

  “I’ll have them to you by the time you get home. Same place.” I nodded.

  I sat there for a good hour looking at the painting. My mind at home. I could smell the sweet jasmine scent. My heart hurts for the love nearly eight thousand miles away. It isn’t fair that I’m here. I need to do this to make it safe for us, to make life worth living, because if I don’t finish this and we are discovered, we are dead. At least this way if I get dead like the other half of me got dead, at least life will go on.

  With a sad and heavy heart, my eyes heavy with unshed tears, I make my way back home. I stop and get my mail, dropping the card Mr. Simon gave me in the mailbox. Making my way up to my apartment I am stopped in my tracks when I see yet another vase full of flowers. Walking over I pick them up and sit them in front of my neighbor’s door pulling the card from them.

  You are correct in your observation Miss Costello.

  I do not apologize for anything I do.

  But I am a man of my word, and I was wrong.

  Please reconsider

  Paul Simon

  Shaking my head, I opened my door and went in.

  Chapter Four

  I need to go to the library and get some resume`s copied. Grabbing the paper, I headed to the coffee shop. My usual booth was empty so I made my way there. Ordering my coffee and Danish I opened the paper. Three jobs appeared where there wasn’t any the day before. I smiled a little smile, I would have to guess these have something to do with fucking Marciano. I wish someone had a fucking picture of this guy. For two years I’ve been chasing a ghost.

  Sometimes I wonder if he is even a real person and not just a made-up person. Hmm, I wonder if that angle has been approached? We have been moving on the pretense that he is a flesh and bone person, what if he, or the name is like a dummy corporation? I am going to have to present this. As I took the last bite of my Danish, I felt him. I looked up and both Mr. Simon’s were walking up to my table.

  “Miss Costello, may we join you?” My boss asked.

  I looked at his brother, shaking my head I put my hand out, indicating they could sit. They both ordered coffee and I ordered another.

  “Miss Costello, I want to apologize for my brother. I’m here on his behalf. I w
ould really like for you to come back to work.” He looked at the paper and the ads I had circled. “Please.” My boss said.

  “Miss Costello,” Paul began. “I am regretful in my actions, and would really appreciate it if you would consider my brother’s offer. We are willing to increase your pay by fifteen percent.”

  I laughed, looking him right in the face, “I cannot be bought Mr. Simon. The salary you pay me now is more than sufficient. Please stop sending me flowers.”

  “You don’t like flowers?” He smiled.

  “I like flowers just fine. What I don’t like is your arrogance in believing you can buy me.” I smiled at him, “I’m sure my neighbor Mrs. Jones is appreciating your flowers just fine.”

  I watched as he reigned in his temper, his eyes closing just a second longer than a blink. “I will not send you anymore flowers.”

  Our waitress brought over our coffee’s. My boss started talking. “So, you will consider coming back?”

  “I will consider it. But I want a guarantee that I am not going to harassed or man handled.”

  Paul laughed, “Trust me, my men are a bit afraid of you.”

  Shaking my head, I continued with my boss, “Do I have your promise?”

  He nodded, “You have my word. Why don’t you take the rest of the week off and we can begin on Monday?”

  “I appreciate that Mr. Simon, but I’ll be there in the morning. I really don’t have anything to do, and I’m not the type of person who can just sit and do nothing.” Which is a lie, I cannot wait until I don’t have to do a fucking thing but wake up and love.

  “Thank you, Miss Costello,” he stood up. “We will leave you to your coffee. See you in the morning.” He looked at his brother.

  When I turned my head, to look at Paul, his eyes, they had a softened look to them. Smiling a gentle smile, one that didn’t feel forced, he said. “It was good to see you again Miss Costello. Again, I apologize for my behavior.”

  I watched him gracefully lift himself out of the booth. I didn’t intend to scan his body but I did, my eyes landing on his lower section. I could see his cock was hard and rather large. I didn’t mean to lick my lips but I did.

  I looked up to see him looking at me, he nodded his head, “Have a lovely day Miss Costello.” He turned and walked away.

  What the fuck was that Victoria? Jesus, you love Steven. This man is a fucking asshole, a pig. No way can you even think about this shit. Your life is in grave danger and there is no way you can drag someone into this shit.

  Shaking my head, I got up and left the coffee shop, headed back home. I needed to grab my suit and get it to the cleaners.

  Sitting in the car John looked over at me, “You promised me you would stay away from her.”

  “Brother, there is something that draws me to that woman. I can’t promise I will stay away. But I can promise to try. I went to see my attorney and I am selling the club. I’m getting out.”

  I watched John smile. “Well good luck. But don’t fuck this up for us. Let her do her job, so we can end it right. If you want to walk away, then stay away.”

  “Yeah, I know you’re right but I just don’t know if I can.”

  I dropped my brother off and headed to Saks to buy Miss Costello a new suit. I know this is something that is going to bite me in the ass, but for some reason I want to get her riled up again.

  I explain to the sales woman what I was looking for and what size. She showed me a few to choose from. I took them both and two blouses to go with them. I wanted to buy her some sexy lingerie but I’m pretty sure she would hand me my balls. I asked them to deliver them to her home by the end of the day.

  When I got back from the cleaners I grabbed my mail. I could see I needed to visit the Museum again. So instead of heading upstairs I headed over. When I got my ticket, a lovely older gentleman handed me a head piece, we have a lovely tutorial on Monet today. I smiled and thanked him. Taking my headset, I sat in front of Monet’s Water Lilies. So peaceful. I finally put my headset on.

  Good Afternoon Victoria,

  Seems you’ve hit the big time with this job of yours. Not only does Simon and Simon hold the accounts for Mr. Marciano but it would seem that Mr. Paul Simon has taken up doing a back-ground check on you.

  What the fuck.

  We have done extensive research into Mr. Simon’s life, and yes, the red flags have been flying. You were correct in your observation that perhaps he is more than what he seems. I know this isn’t part of what you signed up for, but we think it might be the better of two evils if you got closer to Mr. Simon.

  I shook my head. “No fucking way.” I whispered.

  We are going to need for you to quit the job as the waitress, and put all of your efforts on this job and on Mr. Simon. If you need a face to face, just go to the curators’ office. I will be there for another fifteen minutes.

  The headset went dead. I pulled it off my head and slowly got up. As I turned to look around the room there was only one other person sitting on a bench, it didn’t feel right to me. The last time I was here there was only one other person in this room. I made my way through the Museum, to the curator’s office. Once inside, I was taken through a back door, and down a few flights of stairs to the basement. Then to the other side and into a room where my contacts were waiting for me.

  “I am not going to fuck that man. I want nothing to do with him. I did not sign up for this shit. I am here to find that bastard and end him. Not bring him in to stand trial but to fucking end him. I walked away from everything to do this. I am not up for sale. I volunteered for this, you don’t own me.”

  “Victoria, things don’t line up with this guy. He could be more than your boss. Your instincts are good; you are the best we have. You have gotten closer than anyone. You can do this. No one said you had to sleep with him. We just want you to get closer.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me, that man wants me. I’ve seen his fucking hard cock. I cannot get close without leading him to believe there might be something more. I’m not doing this.”

  “Do you want Andy Marciano? Do you want to end him? I’m telling you, this guy isn’t who he says he is, and from what I’ve seen you can handle him. Remember the sooner you get this done the sooner you can go back to England.”

  I looked at him, “I don’t think you remember who I am. I can go back to England today if I want. You don’t own me. I am not on contract. That bastard took my other half from me and left me with nothing. I am here only because I choose to be, not because you hold anything over me.”

  “Victoria, that fire you hold is exactly how you can handle Simon. You’ve already shown him. We viewed the tape from the bench yesterday. The man is interested, very interested in you. Just see where it goes, while we investigate him.”

  “I need a dinner date tomorrow so I can have a report. If he is interested in me, it may not be safe for these meetings. I want someone who is fucking gorgeous to look at, who doesn’t look like a fucking cop. He must have manners. He can pick me up at six-thirty tomorrow night.”

  I turned and walked out the door. Is this day ever going to stop? I made it home and into my apartment before the tears came. Sliding down the door they came and they came hard. I wanted to go home. This is becoming a lifelong search. I want my husband, I want Steven. I need to know if he re-married. I just walked out of his life.

  I couldn’t stop. I got up and ran into my bedroom getting my secret phone out of its secret compartment. Sitting on the floor next to my bed I turned it on. Text after text loaded.

  I miss you.

  I fell today at the park with Ruth and hurt my knee.

  The cookies we made were horrible so we threw them away.

  Ruth promised we could make more for you.

  My birthday is coming soon.

  Will you be home for my birthday?

  With shaking hands, and tears clouding my vision I typed back responses.

  I miss you so much my love.

  I’m sorry you hu
rt your knee. I hope it wasn’t too bad.

  It’s fine about the cookies. We can make more when I get home.

  I know your birthday is coming, but I’m afraid I will have to miss it. But I got you something wonderful.

  You are my heart.

  Kissing the phone, I turned it off and slipped it back in its secret compartment and laid on the floor sobbing. We need to be safe, I need to finish this. I must have fallen asleep, knocking on the door woke me. By the time I got there, the knocking stopped. I looked out and there was nothing.

  After eating, I peeled off the long blond wig and took a shower. Looking at myself in the mirror, I missed my hair. It’s short and spikey, not me at all. Shaking my head, I took myself to bed.

  When the alarm went off I was grateful for no dreams. I actually slept all night long. I went through my morning ritual, when I was finished there was no sign of Victoria Holmes, I was looking in the mirror at Sue Costello. Shaking my head at myself in disgust. I turned and headed toward the door. When I opened it there was a box sitting in front of my door with a big bow on it. Picking up the box I carried it into the apartment to the table. Opening it, there was a card on top of the tissue paper. I picked it up.

  Miss Costello,

  I cannot tell you how sorry I am for Mr. Hinkle’s behavior and for ruining your lovely suit. I hope these can replace the one that was ruined.

  I wasn’t sure of your size, I asked one of the sales ladies to help me out. If they don’t fit, please feel free to exchange them.


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