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First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga

Page 14

by Berg, Michael

  “Well keep going, and make sure you maintain a low spectrum profile. We don’t want them knowing that we are trying to take a look at their equipment. This is purely my order out of my own interests.”

  “Acknowledge that sir. If they detect anything, it should look like one of the resonance profiles the array emits in its’ relay back to this station.”

  “Good.” His gaze returned to the window looking out towards the hangar.


  “Exquisite! Look at that. I think I have it,” John said as he and Tobias watched the holographic image before them. The projection had increased in brightness, producing a more dazzling image of the complex carpet of nano technology.

  “Now check this.” He brought up a corresponding image of the technology sourced earlier from his trip across the bay.

  “See that? The authentication signatures are the same on each. I am pretty sure I have nailed it. Those bastards won’t be able to tell my signal from theirs.”

  “Well cheers on that,” Tobias offered his beer as a celebration and they toasted the success of their endeavor.

  “I’ll begin working on developing a control panel enabling full integration into their systems,” Tobias said after taking a mouthful of beer. “The recent changes they made at HAARP are linked into a central database that accesses the entire network…”

  “What did you say?”

  “Accesses the entire network?”

  “I thought that. Think for a moment and maybe there is a reason they wanted you so badly when it came to this new security situation. Anyone with knowledge of how it operates could be a danger to them if they see it that way.”

  “You know, I had not thought about it. Making the link I mean. They put me through some solid training to come up to speed operating those new systems. As you know, HAARP up until now had been pretty autonomous. Operations were linked to the main security and weapons systems in Washington, but were not actually part of the overall live system. Personnel could send commands to HAARP but it still took people at HAARP to initiate any commands. Gee, how did I overlook this?”

  “No matter. We have it now and with this baby up and working, all we have to do is work out those control algorithms, and we are in. They are never going to know.”

  “Yeah, but what if they do some type of upgrade or modifications? I suspect they will not just sit on anything, and make changes for the sake of keeping it secure and untraceable.”

  “This thing I have here should track any of those types of modifications. With this matching signal baseline, it should download as if it is just part of their operations.”

  “We’re having a good day, aren’t we?”

  “You bet. It is all running pretty smooth for the last few days. We’ll keep this simulation running to prove it and see if there are any potential breaks that could creep in. I suggest you make a start on putting together all your knowledge on the systems operations at HAARP and then we can go from there.”


  “What is it now?” McCray stormed into the office where he had earlier been observing the team setting up in the hangar. “This bloody weapon. Now we are getting power fluctuations.”

  “They are connecting the Radome to the power grid here at the station sir.”

  “Why didn’t they tell me? What’s the use of being in command when they come here and steal your bloody power? Is the array affected?”

  “No sir. The array is still maintaining resonance as set earlier. These fluctuations are part of the general power grid here at the station. The isolators for the array are still holding.”

  “Well keep me informed. Do you have any other readings?”

  “Yes sir. The weapon has just powered up as you know and I am getting readings all over our operations systems. It appears as though it has linked in to the central control operations. They appear to have some element of control or capacity to link in and issue virtual commands.”

  “What the bloody hell is that for? This weapon is beyond anything else we have here. Even those bloody new mother ships for the HyperJets don’t have that capacity.”

  “Affirmative sir. Shall I maintain this station?”

  “Yes. Keep going. I am going to get some inside information on this deployment. I want to know about everything happening at this base.”

  Chapter 15

  “Excuse me please sir. I was wondering if my friends and I could talk to you for just a moment please.” Lyle asked as he stood to the side of the only other customer in the café. He was slowly sipping a cup of green tea, from which he raised his head a little, turning only his eyes in Lyle’s direction. Immediately Lyle recognized the man as the one they had encountered at the White Pagoda.

  “You are most welcome. Ask your friends over.”

  Lyle turned and indicated to the others to come over to the table. They promptly arose - Jake grabbing a chair so they could all then sit.

  “I have been expecting you since our meeting much further back down the road,” he said as the others sat down. His face was welcoming, with a hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth. Upon recognizing the man, the others felt a little eased and were immediately comfortable in his presence.

  “Juyue Spring, you found it yes?”

  “We did,” Raynie replied. The old man continued to sip his tea. “It was a beautiful place and the light…”

  “Set you upon a journey within the spring,” the old man interrupted her as if to speak what she was thinking.

  “Indeed. There was something there I cannot really explain.”

  “That any of us could,” Jenna added.

  “But you could feel it yes?”

  “Sure, there was a certain magic,” Raynie continued. It was like something that stirs you deeply inside.”

  “One should always take notice of such times. They are important to you and to others. Not just those around you, but for all others. Too often people are just glimpsing at things. They do not take enough time to feel them.”

  “Umm, how is it that you are here? It seems funny that as we travel, you are showing up where we go,” Jake asked him as the man took another couple of sips of tea.

  “I am a guide. I go where I am needed. No one tells me to go or asks me. Where I feel I am needed, I go.”

  “Are you guiding us then?”

  “I cannot say whole heartedly. You tell me.”

  “OK. Let’s put a few things together then. We came to China because we were shown some information from a person, Chan, who we met in San Francisco.” “Ah yes, Chan. Go on.”

  “Do you know Chan?”

  “Many Chans in China. Tell me more.”

  “Chan Lee told us of some important information that could even be dangerous.”

  “Dangerous, yes, many people in China are dangerous.”

  “Well he said the information related to energy and to look for someone with a dragonhead tattoo.”

  “Ah, many dragonhead tattoo in China.”

  “He also said there was something relating to some type of consciousness needed to activate or decode the energy. We met him in a Chinese restaurant …and had this statue, um…figure of a Moon Demon.”

  “Moon Demon. I have heard of this. You know even if it named as a demon, it is not necessarily a bad omen. Demons are used to frighten off some, like those who cannot understand the power behind them.”

  “We figured that as well. On this statue were some pictograms that caught our attention. It was if they might be part of this code.”

  “Yes! Of course. Tell me more.”

  “Then we came to China to see if we could meet this person with the dragon head tattoo, and we saw you at the White Pagoda.”

  “I recall.”

  “Then you told us to go to Juyue Spring, the moon spring where we felt something. First the Moon Demon, the Moon Spring, and um…here we are at Dunhuang.”

  “Have you met this dragon person?”

  “No,” Jake continued. “
But, Lyle and I came to this café earlier and we saw the Torus picture up there behind the bar.” Everyone’s head turned toward the picture as Jake pointed it out, except the old man. “In the picture there are symbols almost matching the ones we saw on the statue back in America. Then we were told that you gave the picture to the owner here and you would be in later, or now. We thought we would like to ask you about the picture.”

  “Eternity, never ending. See the Torus, it continues like infinity. Hmm… perhaps I am here to guide you.” He took a few moments to pour some more tea from the small pot and take a few sips. The others sat in silence as he did this, considering what he had just said to them.

  “I am not sure why you say to guide us,” Lyle said finally breaking the silence. “We are not even sure about what we are doing. It is just that all of us are so interested in this type of thing so we thought it worth looking at. A bit of mystery makes life interesting and so here we are. Although, I think I speak for all of us in regards to the danger element here, and say the danger is not so interesting.”

  “Yes, I see,” the old man replied. “But is it not inherent for danger to almost always be a part of following or seeking mystery? Be it a physical danger as Chan indicated, or a challenge that is an upheaval to your usual way of thinking. This may not present itself as dangerous, but it is a challenge and a step away from what you might say as a typically comfortable way to see the world and life.”

  Jake interjected, “And we have this stone piece Raynie and I found in Australia. I almost forgot. It too has symbols similar to the demon statue and again here in the Torus.”

  “Show me the piece.”

  “Here it is,” Jake said as he reached into his pocket and placed the piece on the center of the table. “See the markings here?”

  “Indeed. Interesting you found this in Australia. Not so many relics or the like often appear in such a place. It must have been put there deliberately, in association.”

  “What do you mean in association?”

  “Such a piece was found in a place linked to the indigenous peoples of that nation, yes?”

  “Umm…it was in a midden, which a place where people would discard their unwanted food waste.”

  “Well then, this piece is fortunate to have found you. No doubt it had rested in the place you found it for many years. That nation has three hundred years of western settlement. It is likely it has been there at least that long, if not longer.”

  “Why would it be there? It seems a long way from anywhere else?”

  “Safety. Such things are very precious, not in a material way, but as part of this code as you say.”

  “But how? If it came from elsewhere, who took it to Australia?”

  “That remains uncertain, like the histories of that region of the earth. Without the remnants of buildings and writings, Australia is a mystery. The indigenous people have their dreaming which is worthy of deep respect, and it is upon them which we must rely to find out the mysteries of that place.”

  “Is it important?” Jenna asked.

  “How do you mean?”

  “Australia, is it important for…um, finding this code or whatever it is?”

  “One cannot be sure beyond this discovery of the stone piece. But, it is as I said a land more mysterious than has been previously thought and like any other, it is important for realizing the true human condition.”

  “Is that condition a part of this code or whatever it is we are looking at?”

  “Indeed. One must be in synchronicity for human potential to even begin to unlock your code. I would not call it a code, but that will do for now.”

  “Chan did mention…” Raynie began

  “Yes he did,” Jake interrupted. “Sorry Raynie.”

  “That’s OK.”

  “Is there a place near this city we can get further information?” Lyle asked keen to piece some more of their prospective journey ahead together.

  “Did Chan not mention the caves?”

  “He told us of the Buddhist Mogao Caves.”

  “Then go there. But first I will give you this.” The old man handed a copy of the Torus of Eternity picture to Lyle. “Take this and study it. I only give copies to those I know who are potentially able to gather feeling of this. There is much to tell, but not enough time. As Chan has told you, movement must be fast on this. We have known of others who seek the same but they seem not right for what is ahead. It is about your intentions. Let me add to this by saying that the Song peoples were great achievers in the fields of printing, knowledge, and technology. You will also learn that the Song eventually fought off the great hordes from the Mongol, Genghis Kahn, due to their strength. Not in arms, but in spirit.”

  “Interesting. Chan did mention the Song in San Francisco. I will research this as we travel,” Lyle added.

  “Yes do that. You are small in this knowledge yet you possess ability to understand great things. For now, that is all I have to say. You need to understand this is a path of self-discovery as much as one of unearthing great things. To speak anymore would give you too much reliance on my words. You must develop this understanding from within.”

  With that he left them to themselves turning back to his tea and appearing to drift away to other thoughts. They left his table and turned to go outside the café. As they walked away, the man said quietly, “Torus.” All four of them turned to look toward him but he had already returned to his tea.


  Mark Broden as captain of the Incidis, pondered the reason for his executive passenger aboard ship, as the vessel headed northward on the Bering Sea towards Anchorage Alaska.

  A call from his first officer brought him out of this moment. “Sir. We are within five hundred miles of destination. Navigation is indicating increasing inclement conditions when we pass the Elution Islands. There is no threat to the vessel.”

  “Thank you.”

  Mark steered the ship with precision as he thought about of the type of mission he was on. All his work aboard the Incidis had been purely scientific study, with the ship equipped to analyse the composition of materials to a depth of nearly ten miles below the ocean bed. It was at the leading edge of any technology of similar type. Bow to stern it was three hundred feet and encased in a carbon composite shell giving it stealth properties. In ways like a Chameleon - it could blend with its surroundings so as provide the least visible sign of its presence possible. This type of design was part of a new technology from the authorities for blending with surroundings in a manner of stealth, be it ship, craft, or infrastructure.


  McCray stared at the scene before him. Most of the central HAARP complex was awash with lights. None of this was his doing and so these experiments or whatever the team of specialists was conducting, annoyed him as more operations at his base went beyond his control. “What were they doing now?” he almost voiced his thoughts with an angry punch, displaying enough to make those around him tense.

  ‘Sir. The specialists are…”

  “Yes. I know. Conducting more tests.”

  “Um…no sir. They have powered up their device and advise all calibrations have been set. They are standing by at readiness.”

  “At readiness are they. For what? Something else I have no command over?”

  “It may appear that way sir. Though I am sure you still have overall command of this base should any situation call upon your expertise to conduct operations sir.”

  “Yes. Yes. Thank you. I am sure I have the support of all my officers. It just annoys me all this secrecy. Normally I get first or second look in on these matters, but this time, virtually nothing. What do they have anyway?

  “I don’t know sir. There is also more to report.”


  “Yes. A scientific ship is making heading for Anchorage for the dispatch of personnel and equipment to this base.”

  “How do you know?”

  “The specialists told me sir.”

st then, the intense light around the base softened to a peculiar colour resonating somewhere between purple and pink, and it had some type of inner glow. From a distance, the valley cast a soft purple and pink glow upon the snowbound open plains fringed by forests.

  A flare then erupted within the glow of the base simultaneously taking all command systems offline. “What the…” McCray stammered. He barely had time to complain before the flare receded and all systems came back to normal status. “Check that out!” he barked.

  “Right on it sir.”

  Two minutes later the officer returned. “They advise it was a system purge.”

  “System purge. What?”

  “To keep the system at stable levels. Stop any build up of energy sir.”

  “Right. Well how often are they going to do this?”

  “They said it should not happen again because it only takes place on the first purge since installation. It should then remain stable.”

  “Well let’s hope it does.”


  All four fell tired as they entered the motel room. It had been a long and strenuous series of events and now it had all caught up to them. Within minutes of arriving they were in bed talking briefly of the day as they fell asleep one by one. Outside the rain had returned with more vigor now, soaking the city, where the twinkle of light seen earlier, had now become a dour mish mash of colour, tempered by the greyness of the gathering water in the streets and plazas.

  In a lane in the old section of the city, a sole dim light inside a cafe, revealed two men in conversation. Their discussion focused on the meeting earlier with the group of four travelers. In soft tones they spoke in detail of why this group was on their journey and how events along the way would shape outcomes in the future.

  They discussed the activation of the Torus and how to then best manage the results. Unleashing its potential in all immediacy would invite attention - something they were keen to avoid on any account. When the rain became heavier distracting them for a moment, their discussion shifted to how unusual it was for such heavy rain in the city on the desert fringe.


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