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First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga

Page 16

by Berg, Michael

  The guide moved closer to the Buddha feature and touched three symbols at different places surrounding the figure. He then moved across to the carving and the wall midpoint between the two features, gently slid to one side. A gap of approximately fifteen inches wide was visible with no light coming from within.

  "Now despite the apparent size of this cave, this doorway leads to yet another staircase leading to a chamber about forty feet below this room. Please follow me in an orderly manner. I will switch on the lights as we enter the doorway." He moved through the door turning sideways and hit a switch just inside. The light illuminated the stairs just sufficiently to see, keeping the walls and ceiling remaining in shadow.

  "You will find we need to travel down eighty eight stairs to reach the third chamber," he said as the group made their way in. The room down there is quite big enough for all of us. We have measured it at eighty eight square feet, so we should all be comfortable."

  Chapter 18

  Steve McCray was in one of his usual moods. He stood once again at the main windows gazing out over the compound toward the specialized team, who had just been advised of the Incidis having arrived at Anchorage for immediate transfer to HAARP.


  “Yes. What is it?”

  “The personnel from the Incidis have left Anchorage and have communicated ahead to the specialized team we have stationed here sir.”

  “What! No contact made to me as the Commander prior to this? I am going over to talk to that lot now!” He stormed out of the office and strode over to the building housing the team, with a look of complete determination to get some answers. His first officer watched him knowing trouble lay ahead. “When Steve gets mad, everyone pays,” he whispered just low enough to be out of earshot for others in the room.

  “What the hell is this?” Steve demanded from the leader of the team. “No clearing communications through me at this state …um, level of alert. How the hell can I command this place with… Oh forget it! Just tell me what I want to know for now. No run around you see. Who are these personnel arriving and what is their purpose? And…do they have more of this type of equipment you lot seem to be so fascinated with?”

  “We appreciate your position Steve, but we are under orders to only provide information upon discretion. But, I think it is time you did get some more to know a little more. I see you are running a tight command here, so at this stage we can release some information to you.”

  “Well. Finally a little light on the subject,” Steve replied calming down some.

  “OK. Basically we are going to amplify this HAARP facility to a level beyond how it has operated. We will do this with technology from the Incidis. Largely experimental technology - this is the real first time deployment.”

  “But why? I thought the output here went up straight after the California incident.”

  “It did, but this new level of technology will make that look miniscule.”

  “So what will it do?”

  “That remains a secret other than to say it will affect the systems of many operations and facilities in a lot of places.”

  “I see…and people? We all know these transmissions have affects on delta and theta brain waves. How will they cope?”

  “No affect in this instance…”


  “Well. No affect other than what is commonly known.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Far more subtle where brain waves are unaffected, but the brain can be influenced…”

  “I get it. This has to do with the nano technology consumption in recent years. I knew you lot had an agenda somewhere.”

  “No Steve it is not like that. We are not going to suddenly take over people’s brain patterns. We will have to leave it there. You will receive more advice closer to operations commencing in full. You will need it. Otherwise, I cannot say any more.”

  “Just report to me on some regular basis, and include me in any frontline operational decisions. I need to run this place properly.”

  “OK. Sorry Steve.”

  “Forget it. I hate apologies. I like actions and to be in charge of them!” He left the building and returned to the main office to await arrival of the group from Anchorage.


  Lorraine viewed John as he went about working on a small piece of hardware, and she felt satisfied at how well the secret holographic camera had been deployed. Her instructions were to continue building a relationship and watch John without being found out about why she was doing it. She had taken a liking to him after their first meeting and considered him a candidate for a genuine friend, except for this reconnaissance. This had overwhelmed her at times, as finding and keeping friends had become increasingly difficult for her, and now she felt a little torn between her duties and her feelings.

  He reminded her of people she had once known before they had become high-rise dwellers. How they retained some old world type values, yet could easily embrace and use technology to their advantage. Her friends had gone too far though and were amongst those too eager to adopt the trans-human state growing in popularity. They were now amongst the growing numbers of humans integrating with technology, as part of a systematic lifestyle of work and consumption in the growing super towers located in most of the world’s significant cities.

  Outside of these places, there were those who aspired to life in the high rise, and who led their lives trying to raise their status. Lorraine was neither of these types, although she held some interest in technology herself. When her friends took their first implants, she knew then her association with them was over. It was strange to her, as they had presented initially as being opposed to the idea, but then quickly succumbed to offerings of improved health and life through technology. She knew John was similar but stronger. He looked like he controlled technology and he had an air of old world rebel in him agreeing with something inside her.

  She leaned in closer to see what he was doing in more detail. She saw that he appeared to be working on an algorithm for a small photonic device linked to a processor unit on the desk. This took her a moment to realize what she was looking at as she worked on analyzing the situation. On the side of the receiving device was a small port she had only seen in virtual space as a holographic image, and she felt sure she knew what it was. He was teleporting data. “How did he get that?” she asked out loud to herself. Data teleport was unknown to the general populace - only a few technical people knew of its schematics and operations. The capacity to transmit all data simultaneously was almost infinitely faster than streaming it through any previous method.

  She noticed he was entering data via a holographic interface, which then changed the device output in real time. For a brief moment she felt a sense of arousal, brought on from the relief to know John was probably working on her side. She looked away lost for a moment to thoughts of the future, and to images in her mind with John. Questions came to her causing her to return back to his image. As she stared at him working, she took mental note of all she thought to ask him given the chance, whilst maintaining her cover until confirming John’s intentions.

  A few minutes later, he stopped what he was doing and left the room, so Lorraine decided it was time to meet him in person again. She checked her appearance, grabbed a bag and light jacket, and then headed out towards the heritage wooden house. To hasten her journey, she decided to travel via Aero Tram - a novel addition to the antique vintage trams still operating from the city center and down Hyde Street. Aero Trams ran along lines suspended twenty metres above street level. Surrounded in window space except for a thin hardware strip in the middle of the floor, passengers were treated to unparalleled views of the city and the bay area, with trips extending from the city center across the famous Golden Gate Bridge and Bay Bridge, to the outer areas.

  As she rode the tram staring out to the sky beyond, she noticed a configuration of aircraft in the far distance. She treated the sight casually at first considering so many aircra
ft filled the skies in these times, but her thoughts took a turn when she noticed the size of the configuration. “There must be at least one hundred aircraft,” she said quietly to herself. This was alarming. With the recent events off the coast and the increased activity by the authorities, the appearance of such a large number could only mean some type of event was about to unfold or already unfolding. In due time, Lorraine along with the entire population, would learn of the military buildup serving as a backup measure to the intention of the authorities, as they sought to upscale their level of control in all locations.


  Raynie was the first of the four to enter the final chamber in the cave. As she took the last step down onto the floor, she immediately felt an elevated sense as if the chamber was resonating energy of some type. Looking around, she noticed how others were dealing with this sensation. Some seemed to stagger at times as they tried to stand still, others stood calmly with a sense of peace about them. Lyle, Jake, and Jenna joined her seconds later - they too visibly changing as they stepped onto the floor of the chamber. “I guess it is like a feeling of nostalgia mixed with anticipation, mixed with feeling good,” she whispered as they huddled together.

  “Sums it up well,” Jake replied. “There is some good type of feeling, mixed with an elevated sense of knowing it is right there.”

  “Perhaps similar to a lateral Buddhist approach to realization or recollection of knowledge,” Lyle added.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen,” the guide brought all in the chamber to be quiet. “As you can no doubt tell, or feel, this chamber has a unique character. Since the discovery of this chamber two months ago, only eight people have been here prior to your group today. Please, may I draw your attention to the center of this chamber and to the figure resting on the round pedestal.” The entire group stood surrounding the center figure, all eyes gazing over it for a minute before the guide spoke again. “Take note of the details at the base of the figure. They are reminiscent of those found in the chambers above us.” Again there was silence as all stood studying the figure.

  Jake whispered to Raynie, “See the similarity?”

  “Yes, I know,” she replied.

  “At this time,” the guide announced. “We have only a fragment of the information surrounding these chambers. We do believe there is more information to add to these details, but our team has come up with no answers. That is why we have invited you here today, to help us decipher this mystery. Please take time to study the information and draw some conclusions, if you can. Our team would be grateful for any advice based on your expertise.” The group of scientists once again fragmented into the same smaller groups, which had gathered outside the caves entrance when the four travelers arrived.

  After ten minutes of study, one group called for the others to allow them to shine an ultra violet light on the figure, explaining it could reveal more details. All agreed and so the requesting group quickly set up their lighting rig and then switched it on.

  A glow came from otherwise unlit or shadowed sections of the chamber, astounding those present for a few minutes. Images similar to those on the figure lit up the darker corners forming a band around the entire chamber. For a moment, all stood aghast at the site, before they hurriedly entered into conversation speculating on the nature of the decals.

  Jenna was silently looking around her as Raynie, Jake, and Lyle discussed the glowing imagery. Her eyes rested on one man who seemed to be attached to a group, yet not really participating in their conversation. To Jenna, it appeared as if he was almost looking at their group, his head leaning slightly to one side. For a brief moment, his face seemed to light up as if the glow of the chamber was his as well. During this she noticed there was form to the light coming from the man’s face. In an instant she recognized the form as that of a dragon head that must only be visible under such light conditions.

  “We need to talk to him,” she said interrupting the others. With a slight push, she ushered Lyle into position to see whom she was referring to. He saw the image on the man’s face at once and with a hint of excitement, nodded to confirm Jenna’s recommendation.

  Over the following ten minutes, they all discussed the chamber and its’ link to the man with the dragon head tattoo. They kept a watch on him without giving themselves away, noticing he continued to look occasionally in their direction. The man then vacated the chamber, ascending the stairs to the chamber above. Lyle and Jenna decided they should stay behind whilst Raynie and Jake followed the stranger. “It looks best for some of us to stay and not appear as obviously following the man. A split group will not seem suspicious. I have seen a few others split as well. Perhaps they need a rest from the sensations inside this chamber?” Lyle said.

  When they reached the chamber above, the man was nowhere to be seen and both Jake and Raynie felt their energy levels drop. “Let’s go outside, perhaps…” Jake was saying when Raynie interrupted him pulling his arm and gesturing towards the exterior.

  “I know he is out there.”

  Brilliant sunlight temporarily blinded them as they went outside. A few seconds later, their focus had returned and they saw the man sitting on a seat under a nearby tree writing something on paper. The tree itself was almost perfect in form, abounding with life and appearing strong. They walked over to him, his tattoo no longer visible in the plain light of day. As they came close, he raised his eyes to greet them and gestured they sit beside him.

  “Amazing chamber yes?” he both stated and asked them.

  “Yes,” they replied in unison.

  “You now know why you were sent here. There are details at this location to be understood and acted upon if those who threaten this knowledge are to be kept at bay.” Raynie and Jake only nodded their understanding.

  “The chamber is so very interesting, it is difficult to know what to think isn’t it?” he said in a louder voice. “We are being watched,” he added under his breath.

  “It certainly is,” Jake replied. “What about the images only visible with ultra violet light?”

  “Remarkable how those gestures by Buddha were key,” Raynie added, fuelling their decoy conversation.

  “They are visible in such light for only a few to see. It is not until this time since they were created, that using ultra violet light has been considered. For you, think of this as a reflection of your higher intuitions. You must take this,” he said to Jake slipping him the paper he had written on. “Do not read it here. Keep it secret…always.”

  “I think I saw our watcher,” Raynie said. “He was looking our way prior to us entering the cave.”

  “Yes, he is part of the people we should be concerned with. I have trailed him for some time now through China.”

  “Is there any danger?” Jake asked.

  “Of course. I told you that in San Francisco.”

  “Chan?” Raynie and Jake whispered together.

  “Yes. I have different appearances. This work is important and it would be foolish to look the same wherever I go. It is here that you must talk to me and now you have. What I am giving you needs to be done in this place, as the information that comes to you and also the feelings within the lower chamber, are then fresh in your mind and you can work with them immediately. There would be nothing gained to have simply told you about the deepest chamber in this cave. As you can tell, it has a special feeling associated with it for the activation of memories. Now return below ground and take pictures of all you see. You will need this information as well to assist you.”

  “In what?” Jake asked.

  “Again, I am so very impressed with the cave,” Chan said aloud as a diversion.

  “It is magnificent,” Raynie added.

  “I will leave now. Remember to read all that is written on the paper and study what you know.” He left them and returned to the cave. As Raynie and Jake did the same a minute or two later, they passed Chan at the entrance where he was reading some inscriptions there. The person who had been watching them was now
here to be seen, his work apparently done.

  “Who was that man watching us I wonder?” Raynie said as they began the stairs back down to the deepest chamber.

  “No doubt someone we should also keep a look out for, and likely to be part of the team who chased us in the desert, but for now, let’s get back to the others, get those images, and then make for a place where we can go through this information Chan has given us.”

  When they greeted Jenna and Lyle, the lights had now been turned off and the luminescent images had disappeared. Jake held his holographic camera with a look of disappointment on his face.

  Reading his thoughts, Jenna smiled and said to him, “Fear not, we already took some images before the lights went out.”

  “Someone was watching us,” Raynie said as they were seated in the same place where they had changed clothes prior to entering the cave, ten minutes later.

  “I figured as much,” Lyle said. “We saw a man return before you did. He gave Jenna and I a look…somewhat discerning.”

  “Yes, he made us a little edgy.”

  “We need to be more vigilant now, as it is obvious we are being followed and the desert encounter was not just with some rogue bandits.”

  “Chan…” Jake started.

  “Chan! Did you see him? Where?”

  Raynie leant in close and spoke in a lower voice than the others, “He had the dragon head tattoo. It was Chan all along.” This brought silence for a minute as Lyle and Jenna contemplated the turn of events.


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