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First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga

Page 39

by Berg, Michael

  “And so again, I remind you of how human beings create things to reflect their inner awareness,” Chan added.

  The first exhibition inside detailed the very thing they had discussed, focusing on how water always tries to return to its natural spherical shape when interrupted by gravity. “See, water is essentially the element of circulatory systems in so many forms…or types. Think of the variations in matter where the flow of water comes into effect. Study this, for aside from a matter of science as it appears here in these holographic diagrams, it is also a matter of spirit. Spirit flows along similar forms. You will see more in time.”

  “Chan. I am wondering of this is an infinite cycle. If it is the basis for life and other forms, then surely it must not have either an end, or beginning…like a torus?” Lyle asked.

  “Yes Lyle, you are somewhat correct, but we need to see more to understand this in a holistic way.”

  They moved on to another holographic image, “See here,” Chan pointed at a section of the image, “Water flows or takes a meandering path. Many people…um, all people are of this. Consider the amount of water in your physical bodies. Now, notice this other information. Wherever water meanders, it also has inner currents. These are important as they belong to the life or spirit of the water flow and are as much a part of it as the main wave form.”

  “That makes me think of the talk about parallel infinities and the images we saw where it appears as though there are curved lines leading off the infinity images, “Raynie said.

  “Indeed, those images of infinity are very closely aligned with your thinking and feeling now, in response to what I said of inner currents. Whilst those ‘curved lines’ as you call them appear to be going out and away from the symbol of infinity in the image you saw, they are also going within. And see here. These two currents that spiral as a natural form of flow – they mirror very much the DNA helixes as we understand them, yes?” They all agreed.

  “The meanderings are very relevant. They can show you the loss of connection people experience when their brain ego leads them away from this natural connection. People say at times, ‘meandering through life’ and in this sense they have taken to losing their awareness of what this actually means. Here now, our intuitions are leading us to understand this connection in a proper way, but those who ‘meander’ through life, can often feel they are just riding this wave form wherever it takes them, winding along. This is a feeling also of loss of control, but such control is not from ego’s desire to control things, it comes from a detachment and a feeling of being without direction. And so, those who suffer these times do not have expectations based on intuitions as their focus. Many of them in these situations are wanting to feel these intuitions, but are without the awareness to see this connection.”

  The next holographic exhibition showed images of life forms and again the issue of flow patters featured. Raynie was observing some details on the construct of the human body, “See guys, look how inside bone structure, there are spiraling forms from the tiny fissures here,” She enlarged the image so everyone could get a clear look.

  “And consider the muscles within which, systems flow, that are built around these bones,” Chan said. “These systems, flowing as they do are of the spirit of matter. Your brain does not consciously think of making it this way, or keeping it this way. Where this occurs, it is more of the connection it has with your heart. Your heart too in physical form, is probably the best and most vivid example of this.”

  They all studied the images for a moment before Chan continued the tour he seemed to be guiding, “See how the heart is positioned mid-way between the organs of digestion and the upper sensory organs, like hearing. It is a balance of the entire flow of the body, and a primal rhythm. And important too – see how the heart is a vortex?”

  Without giving time for an answer, he said, “This is most vital to understanding very much in activation of the Torus. The heart is a vortex center for the circulation throughout the body. Study this for a few minutes to see the heart as a vortex, and note the properties of how a vortex works.”

  The holographic information provided them with insight through a comparison of the heart and the solar system. An image of the heart working as a vortex was imposed over the solar system and the forms of movement were set at identical speeds for the purpose. As they pulsed to their natural rhythms, they all saw how the sun and planets were traveling along the same forms within a vortex, as the heart was.

  “Now we must look also at the brain, for it requires our attention in our awareness of wisdom. The activity of thinking is actually a flowing movement, of water. See how the brain floats here?” he indicated toward an image of a human brain, floating inside cranial fluid. “This is the connection so many forget. The spirit nature of water aligns with true thought or intuition connected with the heart. When a person is ruled so much with the brain based ego and they have learned these ways through their lives, and a disruption occurs. Water as founding to this activity with its spiritual nature, is linking it together as the nature of one is the spirit of the other.”

  “I have been thinking of the harmony festival we went to in Timbuktu,” Jake said. “The snake brought wisdom to Nommo through a flowing…”

  “Yes, yes. See why I sent you there now?” Chan was eager to show them the connection. “The flow of water is also that of the universe. So see how they are…um, united? So when one thinks based on intuitions, it is the information of the universe that is the intuitions and so the brain is also connected when it decides on a response to these intuitions. In contrast where a degree of disconnection is involved, then the brain and ego reacts instead of responds.”

  For the next half hour they viewed several other exhibitions related to air and water. Many confirmed the earlier information on waveforms and vortexes, and also how life moves through both. They saw images on the flight of birds, how eagles ride the up drafts and down drafts, and how single birds join as a flock to fly as one, as do fish swim and act as one in schools.

  “What I don’t quite grasp, is the relationship of movement, as in simply walking along…”Asper began, but trailed off to consider what she was thinking about a little more.

  “A good question. I will reply if you please? You think you are walking along the street in a linear way. You start at home and you go to a restaurant.” This also drew the attention of the others. “Think then if you will of the water within you and around, and the air as well, being in this infinite wave pattern and vortex. So as you walk along, there are these occurring inside and outside. Your brain is in a way, creating rhythmical arrangements of vortices through the action of your walking. After all, you do also walk with a rhythm. Your brain has intentions whether they are from the heart or from the brain, and the act of walking is the response to these intentions. You might intend to go to a café, and so you walk there. But all this time, you are a vortex, you are within a vortex, and you are creating vortexes. Such a simple act…like walking is much more, as all things are, than they appear to be. We are just tuned into observations with our conscious mind – but the sub-conscious is always there.”

  “Sorry to diverge, but I am thinking of the many ‘artificial’ things created on Earth,” Jenna said.

  “Yes, there are indeed a lot of these things, but they too are not so much ‘artificial’ as you may think.”

  “How do you…?”

  “Hmm…see them as formations of intentions. Similar to what we just discussed, a person can intend to do something, and in response they do it. See these creations in a similar way and understand that often their processes of creation are bound to the same waveforms and vortices. But, also there is geometry involved with this and also with things seen as natural.”

  “But some are…or have been so toxic to life,” Jenna responded thinking of humanities reliance so heavily on fossil fuels and chemicals in the past.

  “Ah…simple analogy. Think of boiling water. By nature the water is spherical in its organi
c state. When we apply heat, we are in fact turning the water into steam and so this is breaking down the normal state of the water and trying to convert it to another natural state of steam. But, this water becomes ‘toxic’ in a sense if we allow it to touch our skin, for it is very hot and it burns. So where we try to force natural elements together into a state where their waveforms are not compatible, then we get such toxicity. Some of the chemicals you may be thinking of are very much this way. There has been so much laboratory work to interrupt the natural states and to force them into other states.”

  Jenna turned to Chan, “I am very interested when you mentioned geometry Chan. Many things in nature exhibit geometric shapes, take hexagons for instance, that do not seem to appear as flowing…in the sense of what we have discussed today.”

  “Hmm…I was thinking in San Francisco that we need to discuss such things when I was looking at the high rise buildings. It is good you say this. But also understand these geometric shapes are also bound to the ways of the universe, and you will begin to understand how they flow. Now, I think we have seen enough here, for too much information at once can be difficult in understanding this relationship with intuitions.”

  As they left, there was a mixed feeling amongst them of some type of wisdom, and a feeling of some type of confusion. Many of the things they had learned were being re-shaped into patterns, flows, waves and vortexes, particularly the references to the heart. This had moved them more than any other information they had seen since the experience in the lowest chamber at the caves for Jenna, Lyle, Raynie, and Jake. They definitely all took something from this visit otherwise unobtainable up to the time. It was a sense of knowing and of recollecting, in a fashion activating elements within they were mostly unaware of at the time. Part of their selves was quite aware – their subconscious began to further extend the activation of the energies of the Torus. This energy was like a field spreading before and around them.

  “Oh, excuse me,” Asper said as she opened the front door to the institute at the same time as a person from outside was about to enter.

  “Not a problem,” Superior Officer One said. “After you.” She held the door open as the entire group of nine adults filed out onto the street. She saw all their faces, a few of them smiling at her, but she did not return any smiles. Inside though, she felt something a bit alien to her, reminding her of being at home and the pleasure she felt listening to music.

  Superior Agent One had been sent to Berlin for a meeting with the authorities in the German capital, who then advised her on the trip to Bavaria. She was to investigate the properties of waveforms and vortexes herself, but not in the same way as Chan and the others, who connected it with intentions and intuitions. Her goal was to study this information for the purposes of the authorities in their development of technology to further trans-human existence. She was to report back to her superior so that he, in turn, could report to those who were building the algorithms for humanity’s evolution in becoming part machine. Understanding of elemental forces in life, for their duplication in artificial life technology, was one of many algorithms being designed to interact with organic matter. Others included stimulation of the sensory organs, refining the connection between nano-technology and the endocrine system, and the conversion of data based life rhythms to the synaptic receptors in the brain.

  She had wondered why the authorities had not simply looked up this information, but then realized that her superior was actually doing her a favor by sending her there as measure of punishment for her failure with Agent Eight. Her superior too had taken a risk, as this would appear as inefficient practice by central systems, so she focused on the task ahead as failure would see her likely to go down further than just one level of status.

  By the end of her visit, she was confident she had sufficient understanding of the information to be able to make a report to please him. ‘But why me?’ she thought as she approached the exit. Recollection of the strangers she had encountered earlier then returned, but she was not certain why – perhaps it was just because she was now exiting through the same door and simply recalled the previous event, or was it something else? ‘And why did I think about being at home?’ she asked herself once outside. ‘What a strange effect.’

  Her superior had assigned her to his personal mission because he knew she could interpret this information and report much more effectively on its meaning, than those scientists who were developing the technology. They would approach it with their minds searching for mathematical meaning and they would try to equate it all with reason. But her superior also knew that to accurately interpret this information and therefore build a ‘better’ algorithm, he needed her. If Superior Officer One produced a good report and such an algorithm was build and seen as better than what its’ developers had first conceived, then it would be all the more for him to be seen as so efficient, and thus increase his own personal status.

  She left the scene quickly forgetting the odd thoughts about her meeting earlier in the day – dismissing it as mere chance. She had a report to start working on, and there was still more investigations to come.

  Later as she was working on her report, Superior Officer One stopped for a time, again thinking of the group she had seen that day. Two of the people had seemed familiar to her, and then she realized. She had seen Raynie and Jake and remembered them from the time Agent Eight had interrogated them. She wondered why she had not recognized them earlier. ‘It was a strange meeting,’ she thought recalling her feelings at the time, where they seemed to glaze her mind and lulling her usual state of alertness. As she wrestled with trying to understand her oversight, she could draw no conclusions, but was resolute on finding them again, by herself. This prize would certainly allow her to keep her current status, and there was also a chance it could elevate her even higher.

  Chapter 35

  Holographic messages announcing further restrictions were shown in public places and sent to individual holographic devices that evening as they all discussed their time at the institute. First would be the elimination of individual recognition of people by name via their identification chips. John was glad the files Ryan’s contact had made for him, were complete. All people were now referred to as per their identification chip registration. For those who had taken the chip from the onset where personalization had been offered for a small payment, they now too faced becoming a number.

  Second, and perhaps the most intrusive issue to date, was the announcement the authorities now had access to all information about an individual and there was no restrictions in place to protect privacy. Until this time, people had been seeing the chips as merely an ID thing, a means to have your medical records available at all times, and as the future way for payment systems. They saw this as un-obtrusive, more along the convenience and safety lines, and so had not really considered them further. Now some people felt a little concerned the authorities might watch every move they made or thing they did, not knowing such a thing was already in place.

  “Do not be alarmed. The authorities have designed this for your safety and your comfort. We want people to feel they are never inconvenienced. We want people to go about their day efficiently, and we want people to experience the best of life. These new measures will ensure we can deliver services to you most effectively – tailored to your individual style.”

  “What a lie!” John was again, a little angry at more propaganda.

  The message then repeated in German, “Du nicht sein beangsti…”

  He turned it off, muttering, “dezentrallsierung….”

  “What was that?” Lorraine asked him – they had left the group and were sitting together alone in one of the bedrooms at the retreat.

  “Devolution. Lorraine, I want to go to Britain. I know this information from Chan is important, but I want to see my son. I’ve been worried about him…a lot.”

  “Do you think he is safe?”

  “Oh yeah…I suppose. It is just with this crackdown, I have felt uneasy
being so far from him, and there was that dream I had at the cabin. Besides, this stuff today is still swirling around in my head.”

  “Like a vortex?”

  “Hmm…my thing is more the technology. I am going to have to keep on top of this and stay alert to any new developments.”

  “But Chan said you were ready, we were ready like the others.”

  “Yeah I know that too, and perhaps I am, but it’s just my…”

  “What is his name?”


  “Then go and see him. The others will understand, I’m sure. Um…can I come with you?”

  “You don’t need to.”

  “It’s not about need. I want to come. It won’t be for that long, and we are going to have to leave soon anyway. Where will we go then?”

  “Yeah, no-one has mentioned that, not even Chan. I don’t know how long I am going to be there yet. Who knows, they suddenly might make it illegal to travel between countries.”

  “Do you know where in London he is?”

  “Not entirely sure, but I’ll call him and find out.” John contacted his son Chris in London via holographic phone and after he ended the call, he looked at Lorraine with a smile on his face.

  “Good to talk to him then. Is he OK?”

  “Yeah, he’s fine. He said he would meet us at Heathrow.”

  “Well that’s settled then. When should we go?”

  “We need to apply – there is the twenty four hour waiting period. We’ll apply tomorrow then.”

  John did not know that Chris actually lived in the high rise in central London – a world unto its own compromising of twelve connected towers, each reaching to one hundred and fifty stories.

  “Welches Gate hat der Flug nach London?” John asked the attendant.


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