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First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga

Page 42

by Berg, Michael

  “We must get far away…again. Yes, this must seem a little tiring by now – all this running. But those who seek us are near and strong, and we are up against not only the authorities, but also the ways of darkness even the authorities do not know of, or heed. We still have much to learn in activation of the Torus and we must do this in peace where we can feel our intentions and respond to them without angst. This is a key time for us…” he fell silent as too had the others listening to him speak.

  “What about Australia,” Raynie asked, thinking longingly of the old house where she had met Jake. “It is a long way from anywhere and likely not to be so full of military and officials.”

  “Going in circles,” Jake said.

  Chan considered this, and Asper was suddenly excited at such a long HyperJet flight to the opposite side of the world, only then to be disappointed with what Chan told them. “Such is a good idea, but I think it is best we go separate ways for now. As a group this large we can attract too much attention. It is best for us to be two again. I will go with you for I have much to discuss with Jenna.” She looked surprised. “But…the others must join up with Lorraine and John in London for now.”

  “Why?” Asper asked, her look of disappointment obvious.

  “Despite the saying there is strength in numbers there is also weakness in these times. There are much harder times to come and you and Tobias will be needed in London. I do not know exactly why but it will become very clear very soon.”

  Chapter 37

  The flight to Sydney touched down as scheduled in the cold grey light of dawn. It was mid winter now in the south, and whilst nothing like the frigidity so prevalent in the north during winter, there was a definite chill to the air. When they saw the harbor on approach to landing, one so revered for its many splendid vistas, it had appeared grey and listless, and Raynie hoped this was not a sign of things to come. They had discussed this ‘dark’ group during the flight from Munich, where Chan told them more of their reason for seeking the Torus. “It is a powerful thing and attracts those who view it as an object of affection for power. We must guard it carefully, even here so far away, for they will follow us wherever we go.”

  Now as they stood huddled together in the cold and deciding on where they could obtain a vehicle, they hoped relocation to this far-flung place, might restore positive feelings. When at last after taking the transit road and they had arrived at the old house southwest of Sydney, they began to relax with thoughts of the chase beginning to fade away.


  The Earth – Moon system was clearly visible through the porthole type window in Steve’s cabin. He had been watching it for days as it gradually slipped into the distance. Individual continents were no longer visible - instead, the Earth appeared as a blue sphere, and the Moon smaller and grayish brown. He was beginning to long for the planet as everyone who was away from Earth did, when they saw the same view. Steve was among less than a thousand people who had ever made this flight, but he did not count himself amongst the lucky, or a member of an elite club.

  The flight ahead would stop at Mars Station – a settlement of roughly two hundred people who oversaw mining operations on the planet and in the asteroids. Views of the red planet were nothing to note – it was still a faint reddish spot, millions of miles away. He was about one third into the trip and there was still at least six weeks ahead before he would have some brief respite within the sealed buildings on the surface of Mars.

  Out of boredom, he brought up a holographic display of spacecraft movements between Mars, Earth, and the Asteroid Belt. He saw a few craft moving about the asteroids, one just taking off from the surface of Mars, and one other on the same heading as him, about one week behind. His thoughts turned to the trailing ship and wondered if its occupants felt the same as he did.

  As the ship behind displayed in full three dimensions, he noticed that it was a different type to the craft he was in. The bulky angular aspects of his transport were gone, replaced with a much smoother and rounded shape. Also it had no markings, whereas the registration number, the designated class of spacecraft, and the logo of the corporation affiliated with the mining operations, were featured along the side of his craft. He was riding in a mining transport, and had no idea of the origins of the craft behind. He wondered if it could be from another nation outside the United States, but that was ‘absurd,’ he thought. America was the only nation to send ships out this far, as other nations were restricted to the Earth – Moon system, purely through the capacity of spacecraft technology they possessed. Whilst the authorities were now sharing a global wide incentive for efficiency, they had not yet begun to share space technology. Steve continued to watch the image for a few more minutes before growing tired of looking at the hologram.

  “Steve McCray, please come to the bridge immediately,” came the voice of the ship’s captain. ‘Strange,’ he thought. It was the first such request made of him since he had departed Edwards Air Force Base.

  Steve touched his communicator, “OK, leaving now.” As he headed along the narrow passageway running the entire length of the spacecraft, he struggled to determine why he had suddenly been summoned – as far as he knew; he was merely a passenger on this voyage.

  “Ah, Steve, how are you?” the captain asked as Steve arrived on the bridge.

  “Um, fine thanks.”

  “Good. I have some news for you. We have a rendezvous in space in four days and we need your expertise.”

  “What for?”

  “Well, there is a ship coming up behind us…”

  “Yeah, I just saw it on holographic vision.”

  “We have been instructed to slow to eighty percent speed. The ship behind is capable of much faster speeds than us, but we are to slow down so it can catch up within four days.”


  “We are taking on a new passenger and the other ship is to return to Earth…where it is needed.”


  “Yes, apparently something to do with official business.”

  “Who is the passenger?”

  “Someone from the authorities. Apparently this person is being sent to the asteroids and we are now required to take him the rest of the way.”

  “I see. Is he important then?”

  “Not to my knowledge. He has to go to the asteroids and we have been assigned to take him there. I just received word, so I thought I would tell you straight away so you can prepare.”


  “Yes. This person requires an escort all the way to the asteroids, for what I don’t know, but they are sending some data through in a few minutes. It should give you a full run down. Once you have analyzed the data, I want to know.”

  “OK. Will do. Anything else?”

  “No, that is all for now, but please give me the details as soon as you have them. I like to run a tight ship here and I want to know anything of relevance well in advance.”

  “OK. Um…do you want me to come back or will a holographic report do?”

  “Just the report will do.”

  Steve arrived back at his cabin just as the data file reached the holographic bank. At first there were the details of the assignment and then an image of the passenger became visible, accompanied by his physical and personal details. Five feet four inches, thirty-one years of age, name George Smyth, designation Agent Eight. ‘Designation,’ Steve pondered this for a moment, and then he realized he was about to escort an Agent of the authorities and he knew they were unlikable and hard to work with types.


  John and Lorraine had been staying at Chris’s place and were getting restless. His son went off to work early in the morning and then was scheduled to return in the evening, leaving them to stay in his apartment during the day. They had not felt much like going about London, concerned as they were about Chris. As they were sitting out the day, they began to wonder about the others for the first time. There had been no word from them, which John was used to f
rom previous experiences, but this time he decided to contact them. Before he could get a word out, Tobias was in his head, “John. It’s Tobias here, I am with Asper and we are in London.”


  “Where are you? We arrived here a couple of days ago and thought we would just leave you to spend time with your son. How is he?”

  “Good.” John was lying of sorts. “What about the others?”

  “We have split. You would never believe it, but we were spotted in Germany and so we had to leave. They went to Australia.”

  “Australia, why?”

  “Something Chan said. Anyway, it would be good to meet and talk.”

  “Sure, where are you? We’ll meet you where you are.” John did not consider inviting them to his son’s apartment. He thought it somewhat embarrassing if they were to see what his son Chris was now like.

  They discussed the events that had taken place with Superior Officer One and why the others had chosen to go to Australia. John was reluctant to tell of any news about his son, but at last opened up a little when Lorraine prompted him seeing the questioning looks on the faces of the other two. “He’s fully into the trans-human thing. It makes me sick and I don’t know what to do. He seems to almost be past the point of no return,” John looked visibly upset.

  “Can we convince him otherwise without letting him know what we are up to?” Tobias asked.

  “I have thought about that…a lot. Believe me, the last thing I want is to lose my son to the system.”

  “What about just taking him. I mean, taking him away, and holding onto him.”

  “Thought of that too, but his ID chip will give us away.”

  “The Fixture?”

  “We would need to get him to Vancouver. That would be difficult…”

  “Yeah it would be dad. I’m sorry, so sorry, but the authorities contacted me just after you left Alaska. They knew who you were and have ordered me to do this. I had no choice. But if you comply then it will be easy and we can be together,” Chris said with three officials standing beside him. He had followed them that day and now they were to be arrested.

  John had tears in his eyes, the torment of this very evident. He had dreamed of his son at the cabin and it had moved him so much – similar to the actual event some years before. He thought he had prevented this type of thing then, but now his son was standing in front of him and handing him over to the authorities, along with the others. Lorraine and Asper began to cry as well, for themselves and for what John was going through. Only Tobias remained silent as he internally dealt with the situation.

  “Why son?”

  “I had no choice dad, really I didn’t,” Chris looked upset and he was close to tears himself. “But it can be OK, really it can. We can be together and they have assured me they will only detain you to get information. After that, you and the others here will be free to go. We can live together. Um…they said you could stay with me. That is not so bad. Much better than living on the ground.”

  John thought told the others to remove their devices, and then he touched behind his ear and removed his own. The others discreetly did the same, making sure the officials did not see them. As they stood up, John was looking directly into his son’s eyes when he dropped his own device to the floor, where it landed amongst his fallen tears.

  Chapter 38

  “Coincidences are great at this time,” Chan said as they sat in the kitchen of the old house on the third night after they had arrived. “I can feel there is much to learn and to be also wary of.” He paused for a moment as if distracted. “Jenna, I must talk with you…and the others on some matters I have been looking into.” She had been curious since Chan had first indicated this in Germany and now felt at last he would tell her what it was about.

  “We must work hard and fast. There are others of the dark sect also in this place. They do not yet know we are here, but they will soon enough, they will come.”

  “What is it Chan?” Jenna asked, eager to get on with things.

  “It is of mathematical and geometric designs also found in nature as elemental energies. We need this understanding, as it is some of the very foundation in understanding the activation of the Torus.”

  “Does this sect have knowledge of these things?”

  “Yes they do, but not in a similar way. Their intentions are bound by their beliefs. It is through unhindered intentions such as we share, that Torus activation in a real sense can be realized. And this must include an understanding of geometry for it plays a role in the underlying forces being accessed.”

  “So they don’t understand the geometry?”

  “They have an idea, but they twist it…like themselves. And so when it is twisted, activation potential is limited. With us, limits do not apply, as our intentions are infinite. The others do not see this infinity, they just see ends and if they were to meet such ends, they would become lost and fathomless on what to do. But sadly for them, they remain unaware of such things and in ways whilst they seek, and whilst they watch, they are indeed blind.”

  “And so geometry plays a part in activation of the Torus. When I saw it first on the Moon there were equations and sequences all over the holographic bank, they began to form the shape of the Torus. They began forming circles that were not interacting, and yet they were interacting.”

  “Yes precisely. They do not interact as they are formations of duality for the purpose of geometric harmony in the foundation of energies which are then shaped by intention. Recall our view of water and how it strives to return to its natural spherical shape. This also true for the geometry in life and things created.”

  “Which is why the other group cannot properly understand the Torus and just relish it as an icon or worship object?”

  “Again true. Their intentions are against these natural ways of elemental being, and so they try to force apart things through their methods, but…whatever they affect, it is only temporary, for the entire time it is disrupted, it is striving to return to be fluent, and so they do not activate the full potential energy.”

  Raynie returned at that moment as she had gone over to the old stove and made a pot of tea. For a while they sat silently sipping tea, listening to the winter winds around the house.

  “Listen to the winds,” Chan said. “They are of such natural flows as those we studied looking at air. The winds carry on invisible waves, but those waves are there and all about due to these elemental relationships with spirit. It is not spirit of anything but the natural intentions of things and therefore, simply their way.”

  “So what are these elements of geometry you wanted to talk to Jenna about?” Lyle asked. “I am interested to as I used geometry to calibrate readouts for obtaining elemental data during impact assessments and contamination testing. I have also researched cultures using geometric patterns in their beliefs - some see diamond shapes as most relevant, others see pyramids and…”

  “And they are all correct. Each one is part of the human understanding and together they work to activate memories within the very cells of organic life, within stars, within water. It is the onus of human intention to work these geometries together for individually they only show part of the understanding. This has been awakening on Earth for many centuries, but it is only over the past one and a half centuries where they are truly beginning to be understood.”

  “Indeed as their potential was beginning to really be seen, there were times amongst the worst in human history. The wars of the twentieth century and the racial hatred came from the egos of those who felt threatened by this. It is then their way to have reacted as they did and cause so much suffering. And when they were defeated in these wars and their ways became of the past for with only partial knowledge of these geometries, they were limited and inevitably given to loss, then the geometries began to interact…to activate. That is why in the times very close after these terrible histories, there were many advances in human awareness and understanding, which were then reflected in their creat
ions and technologies.”

  “It seems like those times are happening again with the way the authorities are trying to shut down personal identification of self – even now the ID chips will only see you as a registration number instead of a name,” Raynie said.

  “Yes Raynie, these measures are showing as similar because the human experience has not yet aligned with the intentions of natural flow, and as the times approach for great learning with this, once again we see egos trying to do what they can to overwhelm instead of align.”

  “Does that mean we can be sure they will not succeed?” Jake asked.

  “I cannot answer precisely other than to say, we must not be complacent. To remain so would be to lose connection with true intention and so it would be very much like a repetitive cycle. This has happened many times in history. It may indeed be the way of the authorities to lose in the end, but there is no end, and this activation calls upon the intentions of humanity to meet the challenge and walk away from the loop it has been caught up in for so long, where it sees an end as a state of finality, where there can never really be.”

  “So it means nothing gets to perfection?”

  “Yes, although something may seem perfect for an intention or befitting in the right time and place. There is continuation afterwards so in reality there is no perfect end, just a true intention aligned with the natural elemental energy of infinite resource. This resource is what I have spoke of previously as the energy of intention, waiting if you like for the spirit connection to create and so we set the path set for light to follow.”

  “So this is the geometry information you wanted to talk about?” Jenna asked.

  “Oh yes, but it is only a little. It is not the beginning, and as I have said, there is no end, but we need to understand these waves and patterns of geometry to grasp the construct of the Tours for its activation. There is much more to attend and surely we will do this. I have questions of my own for you Jenna. It is prudent I am connecting with you now at this time for the sake of this learning as I have to understand myself, if I am to guide my intentions as responses in this activation.”


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