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First Light: Book one of the Torus Saga

Page 44

by Berg, Michael

  “The authorities are suppressing sound now through efficient devices and through limiting the range and quality of music. They appear in conflict. Surely as the machines are now much quieter, then there has been some change.”

  “Yes – in ways. But there is a different intention with this. The suppression of sound is concerned with efficient machines and so the focus is not on harmony, but efficiency. And the suppression of music…”

  “The officer in Germany seemed to have a difficulty dealing with that when you asked her what she loved Chan.”

  “Correct. The authorities want to suppress harmonious music and entertain people with poor quality music. This has been the case in many instances because they are aware of the potential here. In a way to control and manipulate people, they are more in favor of numbing their auditory sense. They can create human beings with machines as part of them, that have a limited scope of thought and therefore of intention because people are de-stimulated or distracted through so many intrusions from media. Such limited intentions help the authorities in their drive for efficiency as people focus only on narrow aspects of life.”

  “A quiet world is not entirely a harmonious world then?”

  “Correct. It is an interrupted world for without the creation of harmonious sounds as a reflection of the self within, then the self within is interrupted in the natural elemental flow of these waveforms and lacks this expression based on intention.”

  “Is that why chanting is said to connect people in some cultures?” Lyle asked thinking of his own research.

  “Yes it is. But mostly in society people have been forced apart and so there is so very little of this type of thing. It is part of the divide and conquer intentions coming from the ego of the authorities and their officers who pretend to run the corporations. They construct divide and conquer as a power struggle within, showing the divided self and the conquered self – by ego. Remember, ego is not entirely a thing to be discarded. There are instances where it makes connections to the elemental self as expression of an individual, and then in response it forms intentions to further this potential.”

  “Think of the individual expression of soul playing an important role, and comes from the diversity of geometry within humanity. If there is to be progress for any of us anywhere, it is to recall this from ourselves as personal activation…leading to further. Perhaps a lot of people could be seen as on standby ready to switch on, but they linger and can only access a few of the many channels available to them.”

  “Many times in history, the ego has also been suppressed by other egos. This is mostly from the insecurity one ego feels and what it manifests as in the individual when it is confronted with another ego aware of subtle energies and how to play them and thus be the most powerful. Connection permits the creation of waveforms and provides an exponential potential for growth so if an ego of more power is given space, it can be dominant. But it is just an ego caught in a loop and is barely a facet of possibilities.”

  “So when they talk about growth in times past as they do now, it is about the growth of efficiencies and the growth of technology as progress. There is no real obvious development of positive change – more a meandering around the course of where the river of life could go.”

  “Yes, that is right. What they call growth, is growth apportioned into the world through the intentions mostly from negative ego. During those times not so many decades ago, growth of economies was the onus. It was then a lot of devastation continued to be put into the world and into people - then through their measures of control and manipulation, they convinced such growth was for the good and advances in technology could then treat any of the interruptions that arose. We are seeing this again with the nano technology people use in most instances. Whilst there is good, there is also bad. But this growth is from the intention to control and provide from a foundation of the ego desires…bound with insecurity. This insecurity exists with those in control – it is the reason for their control. And…they place this onto the peoples of Earth at large. There is no elemental growth when these distractions cause the interruptions. There is some, but it comes in small amounts and so is easily consumed through the intentions furthering the experience of the loop so much of humanity has resided in for so very long.”

  “What about how people can communicate with media so easily these days?”

  “This is the experience they have to be connected. It is just that due to the control, this communication is largely bound to the ego. From this, many of the communications, not all, have been interrupted again. People see these mediums as methods to keep in contact, yet many of these contacts come from the intentions of need. When the ego sees that it ‘needs’ then it is not aligned with the elemental energies that true intentions realize. Many people have become lonely and at times see themselves as lost souls. This method of communication has assisted this to be the way, and as the authorities continue to promote and control, they are furthering this sense of being lost. In turn, this builds dependency and so also furthers the ‘need’ to consume.”

  “And this is all geometry?”

  “Yes. Geometry is central to the connection of communication for this is not just with words or images, but it is with the elemental energies. There is the geometry in the body communicating with these, and when it is not entirely seen, mostly because of ego, then the communication is interrupted. There is so much subtle communication from people’s sub-conscious and this forms most communication between them. If you disrupt their elemental sub-conscious by operating from the conscious ego, then this suppression of true self will lead to dis-easement.”

  “Some cultures actively try to communicate using waveforms. Not just the waves created using technology, but with the elemental forms in nature,” Lyle said. “I was thinking then of Tibetan prayer flags when we were at the cross roads for the Plateau of Tibet or to continue west through China.”

  “Indeed Lyle. Peoples of Tibet do set their intentions upon the winds. Their use of these flags is where they are connecting their intentions of wisdom and other things, to be cast out for all people and all of the Earth itself.”

  “Somewhat like the festival in Timbuktu. There was the flow of wisdom…”

  “Set upon the geometry of elements in natural flow. This again is another part of the activation and is to be understood. These intentions are free from the ego desire for control and power, and they are not to be confused with assimilating them into how they apply using the ego either. They are in giving as opposed to the ‘taking’ that is so much a part of the loop humanity has repeated so many times now. Once free from the constraints in thoughts and feelings, these meanings become apparent themselves. People can enjoy liberation from the burden of worry and so much analysis, which is only accepted with the burden of material proof. This entire venture into these experiences is a bind from the ego. It is simply the normal natural way.”

  “Nominal way,” Jenna added.

  Chapter 39

  Jenna was walking with Lyle out in the frosty fields where Raynie and Jake had found the stone two months before. They strolled amongst the tiny fine white crystals feeling much more at peace than they had for some time. The chance just to wander in the open, without hindrance and without any sense of concern had sunk in for all of them at the old house and on this morning, the couple felt a strong sense of connection. Stopping in the same place where Raynie and Jake were nearly struck by a tree during the snowstorm, they noticed a feeling about the grove. Although it too was coated in white, they agreed there was a warm feeling. For some reason, Jenna thought of the Torus, which she always carried in her pocket. She took it out and as she did so, she dropped it into the frost. Lyle leaned over at the same time as her to pick it up and they both noticed something.

  There it lay in the heavy white frost, but there was now a faint tinge of pink colour to the Torus, similar to the colour they had witnessed the Torus take on when testing it at Kennedy Space. They had expected the Torus to l
ook almost invisible in the frost, except for its defining shape, but now with such a white background, they were certain the Tours was showing a slight pink.

  Instead of picking it up instantly, they continued to gaze at the Torus, wondering why it had this pink hue. It was pleasing to look at being a faint pink diamond ring about two inches in diameter. They could not help but stare at it for a lot longer than they thought, until when finally Jenna picked it up and held it in her open palm. The pink colour disappeared against the olive skin of her hand, and for a moment they thought it had gone away, until Lyle stretched out a white T-shirt he was wearing from under his jacket. Jenna placed it against the shirt and the faint colour returned. This pleased them and they continued to gaze it for a minute, before Lyle broke the silence existing between them since they first noticed the colour. “Wow,” was all he said.

  “So beautiful,” is all Jenna said. And then they both decided at once, they should show it to the others, and so turned and walked back to the house.

  About fifty yards away, they could see the others in the kitchen eating, but they stopped for a moment to embrace. They felt strange, not at the embrace, but at the sudden urge to do this from nowhere. When they started off again, it was Chan who was looking directly at them as they walked towards the kitchen door.

  As they entered, they simply did not attempt to close it behind them, so Raynie did so to keep out the cold, looking a bit mystified as to why they seemed a bit dreamy. Then the smells of breakfast brought Jenna and Lyle around, where they both looked around at the others smiling. Jake was curious and to asked about the smiles. “The Torus, it’s beautiful.” Chan knew why they said this as he could feel it.

  “We know that Jenna. Lyle, what is it with you two?” Raynie asked looking to them each in turn.

  “It’s the Torus. It has a colour and it just…you just…feel good.”

  “Show me.”

  “Here,” they were coming around even more now as Jenna took it out of her pocket. She placed it on the white tablecloth, and then everyone saw the faint pink colour.

  Then like the others had, they gazed at in silence for about five minutes, until Chan spoke, “Feel how it is activated?”

  Jenna then put the Torus back in her pocket when she felt her stomach remind her she had not yet eaten that day. “Where’s is that breakfast we saw you eating on the way back?”

  “Here,” Jake replied as he went over to the stove where it was keeping warm. “We saved you some.”

  For hours after breakfast, they sat in the kitchen discussing the Torus and about how it had made them all feel. It was not physical warmth, they all agreed, it was a sense of warmth…and a sense of invigoration. Raynie had then gone to the library to bring back a dictionary from the shelves. She could have simply looked up words using her holographic phone, but she loved looking through old books and so had gone down the hallway, treading lightly and full of spirit. She opened it on the kitchen table and went to ‘invigorating’, and then read the meaning aloud, “filling somebody or something with energy or life.”

  “Ah, but can one ever be full?” Chan asked. He knew the others would respond with a ‘no’, so he continued. “It is a sense of perception for the intention to balance the natural elements leading to the next intention.”

  Over dinner, Jake raised the question of contacting John and the others in London, pointing out they would have to try the communicators vocally. John had told them the strength of signal for thinking words was not enough to extend much further than about five hundred miles. “John? Tobias? Lorraine?” he said. There was no response.

  “Asper?” Raynie tried a split second later. Still no response. This was concerning, as John had assured them there would be no issues with global voice communications.

  “Jenna, I’ll go to the library and test my communicator,” Lyle said as he rose up out of his seat and left the kitchen. Ten seconds later, she could hear his voice through her own device. “OK here,” she replied.

  “We’ll leave it then until tomorrow. Perhaps they have them turned off.”

  Chan though it might be best to recall what they had been discussing, and to avoid being distracted with worry. “Always send to your friends and others, the intentions you want for them, and keep that focus.”

  For the remainder of the evening, they decided to sit in the library and read, chat, and relax. The weather outside had turned to strong southerly winds, bringing lower temperatures and rain, and as they sat, the first few flakes of snow began to fall.

  Raynie and Jenna had fallen asleep on lounges when a sudden cracking sound woke then. Sitting up, they realized they had fallen asleep in the library – the others had all gone to bed for the night.

  “That sounded like a tree branch,” Raynie said as she walked to the window. “Yeah, it was. There’s a bit of snow now, I think it couldn’t take the weight and broke off.”

  “I’m going to bed,” Jenna said.

  “Goodnight then.”

  “Goodnight.” It was well past midnight, around two. As Raynie stood there looking at the falling snow in the light cast out through the library window, she watched how some flakes would just fall, and others were caught in eddies and spirals, before breaking free to fall to the ground. Each gust of wind, interrupting the steady waves of flakes, introduced these erratic patterns before moving on, and then the flakes would return to falling as a wave. She thought how similar their life had been recently, for a moment reminding her of the experience at the ‘facility’. So adoring of places like the old house, the thought of a life in the cold grey world the authorities were creating, gave her a shudder, despite the room being warm.

  Her mind drifted back to the flakes, once again going into a semi-trance state as she just stared at them. A few larger flakes landed on the glass in front of her eyes – they were large enough to see each of their own distinct geometric shapes. ‘Every flake was different and yet connecting,’ she thought. Then she tried to imagine the millions of different geometric patterns that were all the flakes falling at the time. The numbers were beyond her, almost beyond perception, so she stepped back from that a little and went with the feeling of how millions upon millions of geometric shapes, so intricately formed, were falling from the sky to her that night.

  She wished for a moment that Jenna had stayed with her to share these thoughts – these feelings. ‘I will tell her…’

  She saw the snow in another way, as translucent, not white – the intricacies of each flake forming as patterns of light. In her mind, she was seeing millions of beautiful light patterns falling from the sky. She could imagine herself being covered in them, as her own light body welcomed the beauty, warming to it like they had all warmed to the Torus. Then she thought of the flakes made of light, falling upon the trees made of light – their branches as fingers catching them.

  She opened the window - unable to resist the urge, casting her own hand out the catch the snow. A star landed in her fingers and she held it there a few seconds before it melted from the heat of her hand. She had caught a star. ‘So much beauty…and mystery,’ she thought.

  Then she saw the entire scene – the trees and the house being covered in snow, and thought of how beautiful the house was to her. Not as an object of affection – it was the warmth it offered in feeling and character, and so was a creation of beauty through this. She saw it with its sole light shining out into the snow – the only light for miles around.

  “I heard Jenna go to bed and wondered if you were still here,” Jake was beside her.

  “It’s so beautiful Jake. All those geometric patterns flowing on the waves of the winds.”

  “Just like you Raynie. That is one of the reasons I love you.”

  Raynie turned to Jake, looking deeply into his still sleepy eyes, “I know you do, that is why you were so eager for us to meet here a couple of months back. Sure there was the research…but I could feel something when we saw each other before that time. I knew we would connect.”
r />   “I am glad we did,” Jake said embracing Raynie in his arms.

  “Me too. I love you too Jake.”

  Next morning Raynie and Chan were the first to rise from bed. Raynie had spent the night dreaming geometries and was still buoyed by her experience watching the snowfall.


  “Yes Raynie?”

  “I was watching the snow last night and thought of the millions of geometric flakes falling to the ground, and how some would be caught in little spirals before continuing their fall.”

  “Yes they are many wonderful patterns – I have always thought of the beauty in snow. They exhibit the sense of geometry all nature uses to coalesce, to further life, and for progression. It is a sense within us – we can only exist in such a way.”

  “Wish you were there Jenna,” she said as Jenna entered the kitchen.

  “Sounds wonderful. We did stay up late last night.”

  The day was only just beginning with a low gibbous moon in the western sky, giving way to a purple and pink dawn, strewn with a few remaining clouds from the snow front that had passed over night. They all favored being early risers, and so a few minutes later they all stood talking as they watched the colors gradually wash into the newly fallen snow, and then the first rays of sun splash the tops of the surrounding hills. It had become a golden ring around the house as the pinks turned to oranges, reds, and yellows, with the first hint of blues low in the east. Then as the first light touched the trees in the small forest down the hill, with their green leaves laden with snow, the sun had risen on a fine winter’s day.

  Chapter 40

  Machine culture would be the emerging plethora of effective, efficient, and encumbered human experiences on offer. People were seen to inevitably have to accept this as evolution for the way ahead – encouraged to be a part of the machine and therefore of evolution in action. The means of the authorities would be swift – they already were. Systems were in place to far supersede the capacities of the present networks in use. What most people saw as the old technology wasting away on city fringes, lined with disused poles and endless wires, dormant power grids and communications networks, so too would soon be the way of their present technology. Any move so great as this would require the utmost in stealth and ingenuity so as to lock down their intentions. It could not be a piece-by-piece gradual take over, although until now the events had been precisely this way.


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