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The Forbidden Wilds III: An Inevitable War

Page 12

by Saxon Andrew

  Jingle smiled, “Those were special times, Jangle.”

  “You say that now, but you didn’t feel that way when I was chasing you,” Alex added.

  “Jingle, I have a question.”

  “What is that Jangle?”

  “Do you still own a ship?”

  Jingle’s head went back, and her brow furrowed, “I…I don’t know?”

  “Well, you don’t have a bill-of-sale for this ship. And the ship you originally bought was scrapped a number of years ago.”

  “Why are you worried about that, Jangle?”

  “Well, if she doesn’t own the ship I’m in, one day it could be scrapped as well. I just worry about that issue.”

  “I’m sure I can work something out with Admiral Glennon,” Jingle responded.

  And what if Admiral Glennon is no longer commanding the Union’s forces?”

  “Jangle, get Admiral Glennon on my monitor!”

  “Jingle, now isn’t the time to worry about this!”

  “Now is the perfect time! He needs me and that’s a trump card I hold.”

  Mike appeared on the monitor and Jingle smiled, “Admiral, once we win this war, I’m going to want to move my computer back into the ship I own. Do you know where it’s located?”

  Mike stared at Jingle and blinked. “Nooo…I don’t.”

  “Would you terribly mind locating it while we’re waiting for the LMC to launch their attack?”

  Mike stared at her and said, “I’ll get back with you.”

  Jingle turned to Alex, “Now, was that so bad?”

  “No, it’s what’s going to follow where it could get ugly. Jangle are you sure that ship was scrapped?”

  “I am.”

  Alex turned back to Jingle, “You just set him up.”

  Jingle giggled, “It’s called good negotiating. If he doesn’t contact me within twenty-four hours, I’ll contact him.”

  Alex rolled his eyes, “Oh boy!”

  • • •

  The next day, Jingle had Mike back on the monitor, “Admiral, were you able to find my ship?”

  Mike took a deep breath and blew it out slowly before answering, “It has been scrapped and the metal used for building new ships.”

  Jingle’s head went back and then she waved a hand, “Well, accidents happen. You can just give me one that hasn’t been scrapped and I’ll move my computer into it.”

  Mike started slowly shaking his head as he replied, “All of the old model warships have been scrapped.”

  Jingle’s eyes narrowed, “MIKE!”

  “Jingle, somehow your ship was taken with the others and destroyed.”

  “Another accident, just like when I originally purchased it. That ship holds tremendous sentimental value to me! It’s the ship Alex chased me in and kept me safe. But it’s not your fault, I’ll take legal action against the Union to resolve this issue.”

  “What do you want, Jingle? I have no doubt you knew all the old ships were scrapped and set me up to negotiate a settlement.”

  Jingle managed to look offended, “Mike, you cut me to the core!!”

  “Can that stuff, Jingle. What do you want?”

  “Welllll…I want the ship we’re in now; both of our computers are installed in it.”


  “How do you know there’s more?”

  “I know you. What else?”

  “I want that ship we use as a shuttle included; we’ve grown attached to its computer.”

  “Anything else?”

  “No, just that you keep the agreement to service them.”

  “And I suppose you’ll want them armed as well.”

  “That was our agreement that was settled in court.”

  Mike sat back in his chair and put his hand under his chin. Alex started to speak but Jingle raised her hand stopping him. “While you’re serving in the active military, it’s not an issue. It’s after you retire that it could pose a problem.”

  “Not if you transfer ownership to us before we retire. You could use the excuse that you were bound by court order to do it,” Jingle responded.

  “If I do that, you won’t have your ships upgraded if another conflict breaks out.”

  “Mike, Mike, Mike, that wasn’t an issue before. You moved my computer into a new ship without a problem and I still owned the ship.”

  Mike shook his head, “I’ll have the Fleet Legal Team to draw up the deeds and send them to you.”

  Jingle looked at Mike with a furrowed brow, “You caved too easily; what’s going on?”

  “That civilization in the LMC is not the only aggressive civilization there. I never know when I might have to send out someone to scout without clearing it with higher authorities. This is a reasonable agreement. As private citizens when you retire, you can go wherever you choose. There’s also the Pin Wheel Galaxy and heaven forbid, Andromeda. Whoever replaces me some day may not understand your value and I don’t want you restrained from doing what you think is best. Since we now have the base on Bucket, you can have your ships serviced there without drawing notice to it.”

  “Can you give us a Terminator?” Alex asked.

  Mike shook his head, “That would not go unnoticed!”

  “Then give us another Warscout, Mike.”


  “One pilot can fly this ship especially since Alex won’t be commanding numerous fleets. We can move Alex’s computer into the Warscout we currently have on board the Rapids and be able to double the area we might have to scout. Just give us ownership of that Warscout.” Mike was silent as he considered the suggestion and Jingle added, “You can easily justify it.”


  “Well, the cost of building that original warship was more than a billion credits; they were much more costly to build back then. Three Warscouts cost less than one of the old warships. Just say I demanded equal value for what I lost.”

  “How will I justify moving Alex’s computer.”

  “Tell anyone that questions it that I didn’t want a Union Computer on my personal ship. Since I owned Jangle, that would be seen as a valid request. And moving it to the Warscout on the Rapids could be cheaply done.”

  “And putting a Union computer in a Warscout would then be questioned.”

  “Simply tell them that it was cheaper to move an older model computer into the ship on the Rapids. The most expensive thing on the new scouts, other than its weapons, is probably the computer. You’ll say you were saving the Union credits by giving us that Warscout rather than giving us a new one. You can also honestly say that if it were to go to court there could be additional damages that would cost more than all three scouts.”

  Mike started chuckling and looked at Alex, “How do you live with her?”

  Alex smiled, “She does come with some great benefits, Mike.”

  Mike’s smile disappeared and he leaned forward, “I’ll have the documents drawn up including all we’ve discussed. You should know that by accepting the agreements, you will forfeit the right to take your grievance to court. That’s the only way I can possibly justify this.”

  Jingle smiled broadly, “This is a win-win for both of us. Please deliver the other Warscout with the documents.”

  “Why, you don’t need it now?”

  “Because someone in higher authority might decide to abrogate the agreement and possession is nine-tenths of the law, Mike.”

  “That’s a good suggestion. I’ll send them out in a few days; they’ll be waiting at the spaceport on Bucket when you get back.”

  The monitor went dark and Alex turned to Jingle, “Why did you want that ship now?”

  “We’re not going to remove the computer out of the Warscout on the Rapids.”

  “Now you really have me confused.”

  “Alex, if we have another baby, I want a computer to imprint it. That Warscout is perfect to do the job.”

  “But you said we’d need two scouts if we were needed to go out again.”

And by the time we retire, I suspect our new baby will be grown and can go with us.”

  “Our new baby?”

  Jingle sighed, looked up and rolled her eyes before saying, “You caught me again! Yes, I’m expecting.” Alex’s mouth fell open and Jingle said tartly, “What? You think I’m too old?”

  “No, it’s not that; you’re still in your thirties.” Alex paused and asked, “When?”

  “How about telling me how happy you are and how wonderful this is!”

  “When, Jingle?!”

  Jingle released a heavy sigh, “Six months.”

  “This war will just be getting started by then!”

  “I know,” Jingle said in a weary tone.

  “I won’t have you out here when the baby is due!”

  “I know that, Alex! I’m not stupid!”

  “So, who takes your place on this ship?”

  “We need to worry about that when the time comes.”


  “Alex, I’m hoping we can delay them before they launch another attack.”

  “And just how are you going to do that?”

  “Make them an offer they can’t refuse.”

  “You said they would never negotiate with us.”

  “No, what I said was they’ll never negotiate without being punched in the nose. We’re going to hit them upside their heads and make them back off long enough for me to have my baby and get back out here.”

  “Please tell me how you intend to do that.”

  “You know that them using their old warships in the next attack is off the table.”


  “Because they’re suspecting that the warship that attacked one of their ships came from Canis Major. They’ll be sending in a full battle fleet to investigate this time.”

  “Go on.”

  “Well, we’ll meet that fleet as it’s leaving the LMC and tell them that if they go through with their plans, we will destroy all of their warships and if they make another attempt at invading Canis Major we will take the war to their space.”

  “And you think that will stop them?”

  “Not in the long run, but it will cause them to delay.”

  “You know they’ll start installing force fields around their ships before they attack again.”

  “Let them, they’ll have no way of knowing our defense missiles will pass right through them.”

  “And if they don’t?”

  “Can they pass through our force fields?”

  “Well…yes, but…”

  “Even if they don’t, we have the DDs to take them out. We’re one step ahead of them, Alex. And that one step will prove to be their ultimate undoing.”

  “So when do you go out and have this conversation?”

  “When the probes report them forming up their warships.”

  “Are you going to tell Mike about this?”

  “You’re in command here, does this meet your approval?”

  “I guess.”

  “Then it’s approved. Sit back and relax, it shouldn’t take much longer.”

  They sat for a while and Jingle saw Alex shaking his head slightly. “What’s bothering you?”

  Alex released a small breath before saying, “You come up with these brilliant plans and it makes me feel totally inadequate to be in command. I should have thought of doing this.”

  “There’s a fundamental difference in the way we think, Alex.”

  “What do you mean?’

  “You have the mindset of a warrior and you are a brilliant tactician. “I, on the other hand, constantly think about how to avoid fighting. The two mindsets don’t operate the same. Ask me how we should set up our forces to meet them and I’ll give you a thousand-yard stare; I just can’t visualize it. You’re more than I am as I am more than you in some areas. But together, it’s like Mike has said from the beginning, ‘we’re a good team’.”

  Alex nodded, “You always say the perfect thing to pick me up.”

  “That’s what love is. You do the same.”

  “Alex, we’re receiving a message from one of the stealth probes that a large number of warships are starting to gather at the edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud,” Brooks announced.

  Alex turned to Jingle, “Time to go. Connect me with Admiral Wolfe.” Adam appeared on the monitor, “Admiral, I’m leaving to have a conversation with the fleet gathering outside the LMC. You are in command until I return.”

  “Sir, I’m outranked by three admirals in our fleets.”

  “That was true until yesterday. You’ve been promoted to Senior Fleet Admiral and are now my Second-in-Command. I’m depending on you to make sure we’re ready to meet them.”

  Adam’s face showed his shock and he smiled, “I’ll handle it, Sir. And thank you for your confidence.”

  “You’ve earned it.” Alex ended the contact and turned the ship toward the distant wispy cloud.

  • • •

  They arrived just inside scanning range of the warships gathering in the LMC and Alex commented, “You’re right; all of the ships are their newest warship.”

  “Jangle start intercepting their communications and find me the commander of this fleet.”

  “Working on it now.”

  More and more warships arrived, and Brooks announced, “There are forty-thousand warships and they’re still arriving. Looks like they mean business.” Alex nodded. Finally, the ships began moving into formation and Brooks said, “Fifty thousand are forming up.”

  “Jangle!” Jingle said impatiently.

  “Whoever the commander is, they’re not communicating. I do have the general frequency they are using.”

  “Put me on it!” Jingle ordered.

  “You’re connected.”

  Jingle activated her communicator and looked at the monitor, “Before you launch your fleet and step into something you’ll really regret, I suggest you connect me with the Kraken.”

  “Who are you?”

  “I’ve got it! Connecting you with the ship that sent that message,” Jangle announced.

  “I’m currently the owner of the small galaxy you intend to attack. If you don’t want to lose all of your warships, I highly recommend you connect me with the Kraken.”

  The alien stared at Jingle on his monitor and pressed a button. “Kraken, I’m receiving a threatening transmission from someone asking to communicate with you.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Someone who says they own the small galaxy.”

  “Connect me with your communicator.” Jingle saw the Kraken appear, and though she knew nothing about this species, she could immediately tell that this alien was arrogant with a capital A. “Who are you to tell me what to do?”

  “Someone who will take no pleasure in destroying these warships you’ve gathered; and I want to offer you one opportunity to avoid that happening.”

  “The aliens in the small galaxy entered my sovereign space and they will pay for doing that!”

  “If that’s the issue, then you can just turn your ships around. We’ve destroyed that civilization for the same reason and they no longer exist. We also do not allow anyone to violate our territory and that small galaxy now belongs to me.”

  The large mantis like creature stared at her and then said, “And why should I believe you?”

  “I could care less if you do. I know you have an issue with the civilization in the small galaxy and that’s the only reason I feel you should be warned against going there. I’ve given you your warning and I will feel no remorse destroying this fleet if you send it there.”

  “You could be one of them trying to prevent justice being done.”

  Jingle snorted, “Look at your monitor! Do I look anything like the creatures in the small galaxy?”

  “That’s no proof! You could still be a species that lives in that galaxy.”

  Jingle leaned forward and glared at the Kraken, “You’re a lot dumber than I thought! Send those ships and I will destroy them!�
�� Jingle ended the communication and the monitor went dark.

  “Insulting him will probably make him launch that fleet to save face.”

  “That’s exactly what I intended, Alex. He would probably send them anyway, but leaders have a way of telling if someone is bluffing or telling the truth. He needed to understand I’m serious.”

  “Well, I think you made that abundantly clear.”

  “The Kraken has ordered the fleet to move out,” Jangle announced. Alex turned the Warscout and went to maximum speed back to Canis Major.

  Jingle turned to Alex, “The ball is in your court now.” Alex nodded and began dropping stealth probes.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Alex arrived at Canis Major and looked up, “Brooks, what formations are they using?”

  “They have their fleet divided into a hundred units with five-hundred warships in each. They’ve staggered their formations into two long lines with units above and to each side of the bottom line.”

  Alex pressed his console and Adam appeared, “They’re approaching in two lines with the warships staggered. Have the Warscouts to move below and above their lines, match up with their units, and target every warships with a defense missile in their five-hundred ship units. I only want one defense missile targeted on each ship.”

  “We’ll move out and move into position before they arrive outside Canis Major.”

  “That’s a good idea. The Warscouts will launch on my command and they will all fire simultaneously.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Alex, one of the probes shows that the commander of that fleet has some distance between his ship and the lines,” Brooks announced. “There are twenty escorts holding position around his vessel.”

  “Are those escorts close to his ship?” Jingle asked.

  “No, they’ve put some distance between them and the commander’s ship.”

  Jingle punched the communicator and Adam appeared again, “Admiral, the commander of the LMC fleet is lagging behind the fleet and has twenty escorts surrounding his ships. I want those twenty escorts taken out with blasters at the same moment the defense missiles hit.”

  “I’m going to assign that task to the Terminators, Sir.”

  “Why are you going to do that?” Alex asked.


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