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Act of Betrayal

Page 1

by Matthew Dunn


  To my father—a sailor, a fearless adventurer within exotic climes, an intellectual, a photographer of life, a historian, and a compassionate savior of muddled lives. Ultimately, a true man.


  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

  —1 Peter 5:8



  Title Page




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32


  About the Author

  Also by Matthew Dunn


  About the Publisher



  Three Years Earlier

  Will Cochrane assembled his customized Barrett .50 sniper rifle and lay prone on the grass, waiting to execute a terrorist.

  Ahead of him was a deserted country road, seven miles beyond the outskirts of the German capital. The spy and former special forces soldier was motionless. He had to strike a man’s head while he was driving at speed. The wind was fast; humidity was high; Will was elevated from the road; and the distance from him to target was 520 yards. All of these factors made the task nearly impossible. Plus, his powerful projectile had to punch through glass that could be reinforced to protect its driver. The Barrett’s power was such that it would penetrate bulletproof glass. The problem was the bullet could be misdirected on impact with the car’s window.

  If he missed, the chance of a second attempt would be unavailable. The terrorist would have escaped.

  There were probably only a handful of men in the world who could make this shot. But among those men, Will had an extra quality: he could make the shot and get out of Germany without anyone knowing he’d been here.

  He had one opportunity. One bullet.

  The man Will was waiting to kill was Otto Raeder, a highly elusive German financier of terror cells. Will had never met him and didn’t know what he looked like. Will’s friend Unwin Fox, of the CIA, had recently established that Raeder was in Berlin. He was a high-priority target. Fox’s intelligence said that Raeder was shortly due to courier $5 million to a terror cell in Munich. That couldn’t happen. But Fox couldn’t tell his CIA masters about his intel on Raeder. If he did, they’d be duty bound to pass the information to the Germans, who would attempt to arrest Raeder. Possibly, he would be acquitted in a court of law due to lack of evidence against him.

  Raeder needed to be wiped off the planet. This had to be off the books.

  A black op without U.S. state sanction.

  When Fox had brought his best assassin in for the job, he’d said to Will, “There are many details I’m not going to give you. Do you understand why?”

  Will had replied, “You are breaking the law. You don’t want me to know the scale of this. Otherwise I’m implicated.”


  “Who else is involved?”

  Fox responded, “Three others. There is no point in me giving you the identity of two of them. But I have to tell you who the other person is. His name is Colonel Haden. He’s been watching Raeder for days, tailing him in Berlin and elsewhere, watching for patterns of behavior. On the day of the hit, Haden will be following Raeder. His job is to communicate with you. Haden will give you proof of ID. He will call the shot.”

  “Who’s Colonel Haden?”

  “He’s ex–Delta Force, now works in the Pentagon. I couldn’t take this to the CIA. But I knew Haden would help me on this.”

  Will had asked, “You trust Haden?”

  “He’s a psychopath. But he’ll get the job done.”

  Now, outside Berlin, Will waited. He’d never met Haden, though an ear-and-throat mic gave him direct comms with the colonel.

  On the deserted country road, two cars came into view. The first was a red sedan, the second a blue pickup truck. They were approximately one hundred yards apart.

  Fox had given him the license plate of Raeder’s vehicle. It was the blue truck. Clever. Haden was following Raeder from the front. That was a rare skill, but special operatives excelled at that tactic.

  Will focused his gun’s sights on Raeder. He was in a hoodie and sunglasses. Will looked at Haden. He too wore apparel to cover his features. This was normal for surveillance officers and terrorists who didn’t want to be photographed.

  Haden said into his throat mic, “You got him?”

  Will responded, “Yes.”

  “Don’t screw it up. Green light to shoot when you’re ready.”

  Will retrained his gun on Raeder. Adjustments to line of sight were made. He breathed in deeply and half exhaled before holding his breath. He pulled the trigger.

  His projectile ripped Raeder’s head off.

  Unwin Fox was with Howard Kane and Charlie Sapper in a Pentagon office.

  Kane was Haden’s deputy. He was a Harvard-educated civilian, midthirties, ruthless in his ambition to rise up through the ranks of the Pentagon and ultimately make it to the top on Capitol Hill, and he loathed having his career eclipsed by Haden’s shadow. But he respected the colonel. Together, he and Haden were responsible for liaising with the United States’ special forces community. Their job was one of the most influential tasks in the Pentagon.

  Kane was on the phone with his boss. He snapped his cell shut and said to Fox and Sapper, “The colonel has examined Raeder’s vehicle. Raeder’s dead. But there’s no cash in the vehicle. Your intel was wrong. This wasn’t a cash-run.”

  “Jesus!” Fox slammed his hand onto the table. “Doesn’t matter, though. We didn’t need evidence. I know for a fact the bastard made cash-runs in the past.”

  “It doesn’t matter providing what we did doesn’t get out!” Sapper was a senator. Tall, ambitious, and smart, Sapper looked like Marlene Dietrich, and she deliberately dressed to mimic the actress’s elegant yet cold persona. “I’m fully aware that the only reason you brought me in on this was because you needed political backing if things went wrong.”

  “We’re grateful for your involvement, Senator,” Kane said. He called Haden again. There was no reply. Frowning, Kane said to the others, “The drill was clear. Haden calls the shot, Cochrane shoots, Haden checks proof of death and collects the cash, and my assets get rid of Raeder’s body. But throughout, Haden has to maintain contact with me. Why’s he not answering?”

  “And why’s there no cash?” Sapper was pacing. “Could be Haden’s just got no cell signal right now. What about Cochrane?”

  “He has different protocols. He had to make the kill from distance, vanish, and not communicate with us until he’s back in the States. Right now, he won’t be anywhere near the kill zone.”

  “So where the hell is Haden? Why is he not answering his cell? And where’s Raeder’s cash? If the Germans or anyone else gets wind of what we’ve done, we’re screwed unless we can prove that R
aeder was about to fund a terror cell.” Sapper stormed out of the room while saying, “I was prepared to cover for you guys—still am—but you better fix this or my career is ruined.”

  After she was gone, Fox looked at Kane. “Something’s not right.”

  “I know.” Kane looked frustrated. “Give it time, though. There’ll be an explanation. Maybe our intel was wrong. Possibly Raeder’s cash is still in his hotel room. What matters is that Raeder’s dead and his body will never be recovered—my four men will ensure that. The senator’s just a bit jumpy, and it’s in her interests to keep quiet about what we did. Today we just wiped out a piece of scum. The cash is irrelevant.” Again, he tried Haden’s cell. There was still no answer. He called the leader of the American team of assets at his disposal. “Everything under control?”

  Jason Flail, a former Green Beret, replied, “Yeah. Body’s in our truck. Target’s car has been torched. We’re moving now. No sight of the colonel. You told me he was to stay here until we’d sanitized the zone.”

  Kane ended the call. “Where the hell is Haden?”

  Fox had a sinking feeling. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  Kane rubbed his face. “Haden’s stolen the cash and gone to ground.”


  Kane shook his head in disbelief. “He planned this all along.”

  “Let’s not jump to conclusions.”

  “No, let’s jump to conclusions! We all agreed it was vital that Haden oversee the mission and remain in contact with us until the job was done. Now he’s not answering his phone and Raeder’s cash is gone.”

  Fox pondered Kane’s observations. “Let me know the moment Haden makes contact with you.” He stood to leave but hesitated. “I’m worried about Sapper. Even if Haden has committed a crime, she’ll keep quiet about what we did, providing everything is kept quiet about the hit on Raeder. But the moment there’s a leak about the hit, she’ll go public to save her neck.”

  After Fox was gone, Kane called Flail. “Are you confident the body can be disposed of?”

  “Yes. My men and I will take it far from here.”

  Flail’s men were also ex–Green Berets.

  Kane nodded. “When you’re back in the States, I want you to put a ring of steel around my team. You won’t be able to track Cochrane. That doesn’t matter. He doesn’t know the full details of the mission and those involved. But I want you to put an intercept on Sapper’s and Fox’s cells, plus bug their homes. If you get a whiff that there are loose lips, let me know. You understand what I’m saying?”

  The asset responded in the affirmative. “Is something wrong?”

  “Maybe nothing. But Haden was supposed to stay with you and help remove the target. We have to assume something is wrong with Haden. And if that’s the case, we can’t have others breaking ranks and confessing to an illegal hit. You got that?”

  “I got it.”

  Kane hung up. He considered what was happening. It didn’t matter if Haden had stolen Raeder’s cash, providing Haden went to ground and never reared his head again. That was the likely outcome, given he’d have no motive to return to the office or cause trouble. The problem was that Haden was as lethal as he was unpredictable.

  Chapter 1

  Howard Kane made an urgent call to Senator Charlie Sapper. “Hold. I’m patching in Unwin Fox.” When all three of them were on the line, Kane said, “I’ve just heard there’s been a sighting of Mr. H. In the East Coast states!”

  “Idiot. Why didn’t he stay off the radar?” Fox was pacing in his office in Langley.

  “Many possibilities.” Kane felt agitated. “Maybe he’s being careless. Maybe he’s come back to see his wife. Or maybe . . .” He left the last sentence unfinished.

  “What do we do?” asked Sapper.

  “I don’t know!” Kane composed himself. “The sighting is credible. Before taking over his job, I was duty bound to inform the military and the Feds that Mr. H was missing. Obviously they know nothing about Germany, but they’ve taken his disappearance seriously. The guy’s a trained killer and carries category one secrets in his head. They don’t want him on the loose. We do, but only if he doesn’t come up for air and get captured. If that happens, certainly he’ll use the Berlin mission to mitigate his crime of theft. Then we’re screwed.”

  “You bastard, Kane!” Sapper was shouting. “It’s one thing if the fallout had been only months after the hit. Three years makes it look like I’m a conspirator, trying to suppress the truth of a covert op. Mr. H, as you call him, can’t stir things up this far down the line.”

  “I know, I know!” The last thing Kane needed was for the Berlin operatives to panic. “I have a plan. Let’s meet at Charlie’s house at nine p.m. I’ll bring some of my men as protection. If I’m late, just wait there for me. I’ve got a lot of calls to make to the Feds and Homeland Security in the interim. But let’s assume one thing: Mr. H is back and we are in severe danger.”

  Three years ago Haden was reassigned to the Pentagon from the army. Back then he was forty-one. He’d reached the rank of colonel at the remarkable age of thirty-six. Even more remarkable was that he’d done so in a career spent mostly in the special forces community. SF may have all the thrills and action, but it’s a career killer for officers. They reach a stage where if they want to be promoted they have to leave SF and do their time in general service. That wasn’t for Haden. He was a brilliant leader and soldier, and he’d probably be a brigadier or general by now had he not resolutely stuck to his Ranger and Delta Force units.

  In order to progress his rapid ascendancy in the military, the Pentagon assignment was forced onto him by high command. He hated every minute of the job: wearing a suit, running a department, playing diplomatic politics—doing all of this when in truth he’d have rather been on a mountainside in Afghanistan calling in an airstrike or storming Taliban caves for up-close and personal head-to-head death.

  Like many battle-hardened men, Haden was difficult to read. He did the job at hand, used brilliant tactics and unflinching bravery to destroy the enemy, yet nobody knew if he was a good man. He kept that hidden.

  But there was no doubting his effectiveness. Or his ruthlessness.

  This was what scared and confused most of the others in the Berlin operation. They didn’t know if he was on their side. Now three of them knew. The truth was terrible.

  The colonel was tall and slender, had buzz-cut silver hair, arms like entwined cables of high-tensile steel, a gait that moved slowly yet could cover forty miles in record time with sixty pounds on his back, and a hand that was as steady as ice as it pulled a trigger and sent a projectile to the exact spot it needed to go. He was a very intelligent and highly trained killing machine. And a powerful one at that. Haden said little and did a lot. But there was no hiding that look in his eyes. It was a thousand-yard stare. Always looking over the horizon. And the blue eyes were dead.

  Only the assassin Will Cochrane wasn’t scared of him. That’s because Cochrane was infinitely worse. He was the one man Haden feared.

  But even Cochrane didn’t know where Haden was now.

  The Berlin mission had happened like clockwork. Haden tails target; Cochrane shoots; proof of death confirmed; body extracted; job done.

  Haden saw the shot. But he never came back to America after it happened. He vanished.

  Three years later, it seemed that he’d returned to U.S. soil and was intent on killing all those involved in Germany.

  When on active duty, the colonel had caught some of his Delta colleagues about to conduct a summary execution of five Taliban prisoners. They were on an Afghan escarpment, high wind and searing heat blasting the faces of the prisoners, all of them bound and on their knees. No doubt they deserved worse than death. They’d been caught raping, pillaging, and murdering a village. The whole village would be dead were it not for the bravery of the four-man Delta unit that was about to put bullets into the backs of their skulls. The colonel knew they’d get away with it. No
one out here lived by rules. It was bandit country. The Wild West. A depraved and scorched stretch of hell where life had little meaning and death no consequence.

  But the colonel was wise and had to show his men that barbarity meant nothing unless it had purpose. He told his men to stand down as he walked along the line of prisoners and gave his Delta operators a lecture on humanity. For once, he spoke at length.

  “These men are scum. And we fight them because we are not scum. Don’t get me wrong—I don’t give a shit if they die. I don’t care if these cunts get blown to pieces. But I do care about us. When we get back to Fort Bragg, we’ll have a beer, get laid, watch a movie, vote on who we like and don’t like in our shit-storm government, and breathe the free air. It’s why we do this.” He smiled as he spoke in fluent Pashto to the Afghan prisoners: “You guys seen Sex and the City? It’s a bit too faggoty for my tastes. But I’ll tell you what I like about it. It’s about people working out their fate. Doing it themselves. No one telling them what they should think and feel. No frickin’ imam giving them scriptures. It’s why me and my men fight jerks like you. We make space for Sex and the City. We make people free.”

  The Taliban looked terrified as he unholstered his sidearm.

  “My men want to kill you. Can’t say I blame them. You punks are just like every other young man. You should be out every Friday night getting wasted, fighting, screwing, and ending up in a hospital until you get your testosterone out of your system and learn your lesson. Trouble is, you picked the wrong bar today.”

  He walked along the line, shooting four of the men in the head.

  The fifth man was quaking and sobbing.

  Haden looked at his Delta comrades. “This is the lesson. Toss me a tourniquet.”

  One of them did so.

  Haden withdrew his military knife and sawed off the man’s forearm. He applied the tourniquet. “Not sure if he’ll live. Don’t care.” He cut loose his ropes and said to the screaming prisoner, “Get your ass out of here. And if you make it home tell your pals that there are devils in the mountains.”


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