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Splintered Lives

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by Carol Holden

  Splintered Lives

  For my beloved Ken

  Splinter - A thin piece broken away from a larger one.


  The morning was beginning to feel like autumn. Sarah could smell the rich scents of full-blown fruits and flowers as she walked through the gardens on her way to her first lecture. The sun shone on the trees and a light breeze gave them a wonderful aria of sound and colour through the fine mist. The water lilies, now without flowers, floated quietly on the pond and the wildlife seemed calm and restful in the limpid air. Sarah could hear the chatter of other students and the sound of feet on concrete but she knew no one. She struggled with her books and bag, until she eventually found the room she was seeking.

  There were twelve other students already sat at desks in the room. They were all mature students with ages from early twenties to early forties and each had a background of business or one from the professions, accountants, solicitors and surveyors. There was a friendly hubbub of noise in the classroom and most of them were male but Sarah saw another woman across the room so she made her way to sit beside her. There was a faint essence of rose scented perfume that gave off a pleasant aroma as Sarah took a seat by her side. Sarah had decided that she would like to teach law but hopefully instil a sense of benevolence into her students.

  They were asked to introduce themselves with a short talk on their previous experience. Sarah gave her name and said that if someone cannot do a job with competence then the best next thing is to teach it. This brought laughter from the others and broke the ice a bit. The woman on her right said her name was Ann and she came from Southern Ireland, where she had been an accountant. Sarah loved her soft mellow accent, her calm manner and decided that she would most likely make a friend of her. The man on Sarah’s left said his name was John, who had a strong Edinburgh accent and a witty turn of phrase. The next man to give us his details was a man with a quiet gentle Welsh accent whose name was David; he had been a civil engineer. All the other students gave their little speeches and she thought what a wonderful texture of sound and local accents made up the group and Sarah loved the North Eastern one especially, as like the Welsh and the Irish, there was a lilt in his voice.

  Their first lesson was with their tutor who was a Lancastrian and he had been a scientist in his previous life. All his lectures were wonderful because he brought all the meticulous ways of a scientist to his lectures and his notes and handouts were particularly helpful. They all went for lunch in the refectory where there was a piquant smell of garlic and herbs as Ann and Sarah queued to get their meal. They then sat at a table where John and David joined them. “How did you find that,” Ann asked the group.

  “Not bad at all,” They answered almost in unison. The table talk was witty and relaxed and there was plenty of laughter. Sarah felt much better than she had done when she first arrived, when she was full of apprehension and lacking in confidence.

  John who was tall and dark with a craggy looking face told us he had been a Sales Executive and he was fed up with the rat race. He intended to teach market research and executive skills. His hectic life had held on to him like a pair of golden handcuffs, where the money he earned was great but he had no time to spend with his family and he had eventually lost them. He was hoping that if he was successful with this course, his wife would take him back and the children would benefit from the time he was hoping to spend with them. John was thirty-five years old and his children were ten years and eight and the year he was going to spend acquiring his Teacher’s Diploma would be well worth the effort if he became a full time father again.

  Ann was a country girl with dreamy brown eyes that were set far apart in a lovely oval face, who had taken her degree in accountancy in Dublin, where she had worked for ten years. She was thirty-two years old and although she had had a few boy friends she had never been able to commit to any of them. She was an attractive woman with thick blond hair that had a real sheen to it that justified her healthy good looks and gave her a warm and friendly aura. Sarah was immediately attached to her and her quick response allowed them to become firm friends. Ann and Sarah had rooms in the same hall and they met up in the morning and had breakfast together, in fact they ate all their meals together and began a social life that was light hearted and full of activities, keeping their lives balanced with the work they had to do.

  David was a shy individual who seemed difficult to get to know at first but as time went on he joined our little group and had a lot to contribute. He had thick auburn hair and a gentle, almost wistful, smile. He was particularly good at Maths and when we had problems with statistics and the like he would talk us through them and make it seem very easy. We were sure he would be the best at teaching than any of our group. David had had a busy life travelling the world, being involved in many civil engineering projects. He had enjoyed that type of life but after his mother had died, the year before, he felt that he would like to settle down and keep an eye on his grieving father. He hoped to get a job in the same town where he had lived as a child and although he was not living with his father, he hoped that he would be able to live somewhere, not too far away.

  Sarah had been a solicitor in her previous life but had become very sad at the way the law worked and the way the poor were disenfranchised. She was thirty years old and after her degree she had to serve her apprenticeship with a firm of solicitors. She lived in a small northern town where everyone knew one another and there was a real community there. When she visited the library the person who would serve her had been a friend since school. Sarah’s sister worked in the local leisure centre and she would sometimes join her for a swim and a sauna. Their parents were hard working people who had struggled to pay for Sarah’s time at University and who adored the children her sister and her husband had produced. Sarah had envied her sister sometimes but she had not been able to find the right partner for herself.

  When Sarah was 25 years old she fell in love with Andrew, a more senior member of the same firm. They had a lot of fun and decided to move in together. They enjoyed travelling together, entertaining their friends and building a home. Andrew was very ambitious and he had a very different attitude to work than Sarah. He would happily charge large amounts for his services without any reticence. Sarah hated to have to charge great amounts to little old ladies she knew could ill afford it. Sometimes this upset their easy life but she cared enough for Andrew and understood that life is not always agreeable.

  Andrew applied for a well-paid job in America but Sarah was not ready to make such a move. It was an uneasy break for them but they decided that it was a break. They had come to the end of their time together. As she had moved into his flat, he had to sell it in order to free his capital to buy something in America; she decided to go home to her parents for the time before she started her college course.

  She drove him to the airport and they parted as friends. Although she was sad, she knew it was the best thing for both of them.

  As they kissed and said ‘Goodbye,’ they both knew that they would lose touch eventually.

  They had six weeks in the ivory tower of the college and then they were flung out in to the real world of teaching practice. Their social life became stunted and they had to work hard each evening in order to prepare the lesson notes for the following day. Sarah’s first class was one of mature students who were taking company law for their banking and business courses. They were a smartly dressed bunch with plenty to say to each other as they had been together as a group for some time. When Sarah wrote the notes on the board it looked as if a cat had walked across it because her fingers were so sweaty with fear and embarrassment. Her students didn’t seem to notice and after the first morning she began to enjoy herself. She loved it when someone in th
e class asked a relevant question, thus reinforcing her theory that they must have understood her as they were asking the right questions.

  She had to now fit in with another set of people, lecturers and laboratory assistants and there was another student teacher who was attending the same college as herself but whom she had not seen before because she was studying in another faculty. She was an English Language student teaching English as a second language. Most of her students came from Japan and they needed their English language to be able to understand the content of their technology courses. She had a wonderful sense of humour and had the whole staff room reeling with laughter at the tales she told us of the mistakes she and her students made when trying to understand each other. “I lish to weave the crass,” one had said and then walked out of her class. She had been perturbed until she had interpreted him to mean, “I wish to leave the class.” Later a man arrived who seemed arrogant and miserable and he didn’t approve of their laughter. He sat in a corner with his cronies and after a look of disdain in their direction he completely ignored them, the English language teacher and Sarah. If all the staff had had that attitude their lives in that college would have been a nightmare.

  Now it was weekend and they were determined, Ann and Sarah, that they would have a pleasant time, and leave the work for the Monday lectures until Sunday to complete. Ann had been taken aback by some of the students that she had had to contend with. Some had little motivation as well as little aptitude and she was exhausted by the Friday night. The Student’s Union had arranged for a band to entertain them in the student’s bar and they showered and dressed in their student gear that felt really comfortable after the week of wearing suits.

  When they looked around the bar for some of their tutor group, they could only see a few of them. John joined them later and he told them that two of the group had left their classes on their teaching practice because they found that teaching was not for them. They had fled the college in which they were teaching, and after phoning the Teachers’ Training personnel department, they had gone back to their own homes, with the hopeful intention of getting their jobs back. David joined them later and he had been very impressed by the students he was teaching. He thought he would love the job, and this confirmed Sarah’s first impression that he would become an excellent teacher and mentor. They met up with some others from their group and set up a kitty because none of them were so financially sound that they could buy drinks for the entire group. Bottles of red wine were purchased at the bar, and the friends settled down to listen to the band and let themselves relax and enjoy their much-appreciated break. The band was not too loud, and some of the folk pieces they played were soft and mellow with lovely caring words. Sarah began to feel dreamy and at last ready to enjoy her stay at the training college. Ann was also now relaxed, the frown from her arduous week of teaching had faded from her serene face, and her laughter rang out with the rest of them.

  After their teaching practice they were soon into the swing again within the college. They had a time given for sport or recreation on the Wednesday afternoons, and Ann and Sarah learnt to play golf on a nearby golf course. The golf club was in a lovely area in the outskirts of the city. The autumn colours had darkened to deep reds and oranges and the scents from the surrounding bracken were pungent with the late woodland fruits. They were taught how to hold the clubs and the way to swing them to hit the ball. They were not that keen on the game and at times held up the proper golfers, who were not too pleased with them. They attended social affairs and had a wonderful Christmas party when just their group, now down to eleven, had a night out on the nearby town and had to be brought back in taxis to their hall.

  They all left for the Christmas holiday and had three weeks before returning to college. They had more lectures in the New Year and then they were out again for another six weeks on teaching practice. Sarah was sent down south to a college in a small town south east of Bristol where the University of Bristol had an annex where Law was taught. She was given classes, where first year students were taught, and she found that these young people showed all the enthusiasm and motivation she had felt when she was their age. She wanted to help them to understand the pitfalls without spoiling their outlook and she worked hard each evening by carefully preparing her notes so that they would incorporate the ideology of care of the client. When the class tutor sat in to assess Sarah’s lessons he looked surprised and unimpressed. She fought to keep her mind on the lesson but began to hesitate because of the atmosphere he was bringing into the room.

  At the end of the lesson he asked her to accompany him to his office, telling her that the way she was leaning her lessons towards altruism was not the way to teach law. Sarah wondered if she had been too keen on her own ideas and then she remembered the cases she had been involved with in her capacity as a solicitor. She hated to have to charge the poor old lady who had a real grievance but could not afford to take it far enough so that she could get some satisfaction. She remembered the way she had to invoice the amounts charging over one hundred pounds an hour for her services and the great amounts charged for a letter or a telephone call. These things were wrong and there should be more help for the powerless. She told the lecturer her thoughts and he was not impressed. He said he would have to send Sarah back to the training college, as this was no way he wanted his students taught.

  She was returned forthwith and she was brought in front of the principal, who reassured her that she was not the first to be thought too liberal in their teaching and that he would find a place where the staff had similar views to her. Sarah felt a failure and she was alone on the campus because all groups were out on teaching practice. The silence around the college was intimidating and Sarah’s self esteem was at its all time low. She moped about in her room for two days without any communication from the head. When he eventually sent for her he told her that there were no places at that late date. She did not know what to do and wondered if the idea of teaching had been a mistake.

  Ann was away somewhere in Shropshire, John was in Leeds and David had been sent to London. Sarah really felt cut off. She didn’t want to tell her family about her failure and when she rang them she put on her most happy voice. She hung around the principal’s office, hoping that he would have some news for her. He came to the common room where she was trying to work on the education notes. He beamed at her with enthusiasm and told her he had found a place in a secondary school for children with learning difficulties and perhaps that would be more to her liking. She didn’t know what to think. How could she teach these children? She didn’t have the skills; she hadn’t had any contact with them.

  When Sarah arrived at the designated school, she found that most of the children were Asian, and because their parents spoke very little English, they needed a lot of help at school. Many were not needy because they had learning difficulties but because there were no English books in their homes, and although their parents valued education highly, they were unable to help them in their present situation.

  Sarah loved the school and the children. The teachers were brilliant and caring and the children responded to them. Sarah was helped enormously by the head of department and she soon understood the level at which she should be teaching. She was sorry to leave and go back to college but the experience had given her confidence and ideas of what she may want to do in the future.

  When the course was finished they had a leaving party where the four friends of them made a pact to meet up at least once a year. They knew that they would be scattered but they decided that they would meet in the school holidays every year, and perhaps arrange other meetings, if possible. It is true when you go to college you make friends for life because of the bonds made initially are from loneliness. They had supported each other, and had a lot of fun but it was now time to say goodbye.

  Sarah went home to her family and began to search for a position. She decided that she would love to become part of the Volunteer Service Overseas. She had some savings lef
t from her previous job so it was not imperative that she would have to find a job that paid a lot. She had always fancied a trip to Nepal so she volunteered for a teaching job in Pokara, one day’s road journey from Kathmandu

  Chapter 1


  Sarah arrived in Kathmandu in the early morning, after a long air journey with many changes of planes. Julian, another British citizen, who had been running the VSO office for many years, met her at the airport. He made her feel welcome as he shook her hand and she found a handsome friend at once. He was in his middle forties and with his tanned face and greying hair he flashed her a smile that put her at ease immediately. She got into his car while he stored the luggage in the boot, and off they went to the centre, where she met other volunteers. He pointed out the landmarks of Kathmandu as they travelled to the house where he said Sarah would stay until she was rested, before placing her where she could be of most use.

  She was a little disappointed in Kathmandu, because it was a larger town than she had imagined, it is full of smog and pollution, as it is situated in a bowl between the mountains. The people on the streets were wearing masks around their mouths because of the pollution. She rested overnight and in the morning she was taken by road to Pokhara, on a wondrous drive through a valley between mountains and along a road that follows the river. The scenery was beautiful with little villages on their way. They stopped for a drink and some lunch at a wayside place; Sarah followed Joe around the back where there were benches overlooking the river and they saw people in a dinghy, white water sailing. The sound of the rushing water as the river was in full flow, and the dinghy was tossed from side to side, made it seem dangerous. Because of the scents rising from the vegetation and the freshness of the water rushing down the river, Sarah could almost taste the place. There were narrow bridges over the river with rope sides and just enough room on the bottom to place your feet. The air was clear and they saw a large eagle soaring overhead and the sound of birdsong from the many trees. They, the driver and Sarah, saw Nepalese women with great loads on their backs crossing these bridges, usually with a band of chattering children, hanging on to their mothers’ skirts. This was when she realised how hard their lives were; “they do not have motorized transport as we in the West have, and they have to carry everything they need to live, on their backs,” thought Sarah. She saw women with great water carriers on their backs but fastened around their foreheads with straps. As they approached Pokhara they could see the white topped mountains and the great fishtail one called Machhapuchhre and Annapurna to one side. Sarah was to work halfway up that mountain in a school for young Nepalese children.


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