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Alien Commander (Zerconian Warriors Book 11)

Page 5

by Sadie Carter

  He couldn’t allow her to be frightened or interrogated. Mating her gave her the protection of his body and his status.

  Her sister turned to him as he stood. She slammed her hands against his chest. “Did you hurt her?”

  “Of course not,” he told her, horrified at the thought. But he didn’t try to stop her as she slapped his chest again.

  “What did you do?”

  “I mated her.”

  The dark-haired female’s eyes widened as she gasped. “Like fuck you did!”

  “He did.” Moroco stared over at him.

  “You had no right! No right to do that without her permission you bastard!” She pummelled her fists into his stomach. He simply stared down at her. It was annoying, and he did not like having another female touch him, but she was not harming him, and he realized that she needed to work through her anger and fear for her sister.

  “You will stop,” Moroco said with a growl at Saffron.

  Surprisingly, the female actually did stop. “What?”

  “You are only hurting yourself. Females are not permitted to hit males.”

  “Oh, but you can hit us?”

  “We would never hit you,” Toriq told her.

  “No male would ever hit or hurt a female physically,” Moroco added, looking insulted.

  Saffron snorted. “Yeah, right, and I’m the freakin’ tooth fairy.”

  Toriq did not know what a tooth fairy was, but he guessed from the way the female spoke that she was not one.

  “Men hurt women all the time.” She moved to stand next to her sister, running her hand gently through her hair. “They hit them, abuse them, put them down. And if you think that doesn’t happen, you’re naïve idiots.”

  Toriq watched her, then turned his gaze down to Sophie. Had that happened to Saffron? To Sophie? Fury filled him at the thought of someone harming his mate

  “Who hurt you?” Moroco demanded sounding as furious at Toriq felt.

  “Nobody,” she snapped back, but he sensed she was lying. “I was just saying that you’re fooling yourself if you think it doesn’t happen.”

  “Did you mean to mate her, Toriq?” Moroco asked.


  “Did you ask her first?” Saffron asked.

  “If I had asked her she may not have agreed.”

  “It was her right to refuse you!”

  “No, it isn’t,” Moroco answered. “She needs his protection. You are not thinking of your sister, you only think of yourself.”


  “Now she has his protection.”

  “But she hasn’t done anything wrong!” Saffron stated. “And I protect my sister.”

  “No. She is my mate. She is my responsibility now.”

  She is my responsibility now.

  Those words swam through her head as she lay on the sofa, pretending to still be unconscious.

  My responsibility.

  She didn’t want to be anyone’s responsibility. Not her sister’s. Not Rich’s. And certainly not Toriq’s.

  Her mate.

  Oh, God. There was no way she could mate Toriq. She didn’t want a man in her life, and certainly not large, gorgeous, self-assured Toriq.

  She swallowed heavily. He wouldn’t want her if he knew everything. She wasn’t exactly prime mate material.

  Poor Toriq, being tied to her.

  The noise of heavy footsteps startled her, and she knew she had to stop the pretence. She opened her eyes just as a handsome, blond-haired warrior stepped into the room. His gaze immediately moved to her, narrowing in thought as he studied her.

  Oh shit.

  Toriq came to attention as the Emperor entered the room. Dex ruled with a fairness that inspired loyalty and a ferociousness that made everyone fear and admire him.

  It was a good combination.

  Behind him walked the one person who could soften him, who could make him lose that cool, unflappable exterior. Zoey had flipped his world on end. She’d brought chaos and upheaval to what had previously been an ordered and rational existence.

  And there were times when Toriq was unbelievably jealous.

  Yes, Zoey might have brought Dex chaos, but she had also brought hope and warmth and love.

  Dex stopped in the middle of the room and looked around. Macon walked in behind him. All of the Zerconians stiffened and came to attention. Toriq glanced down at Sophie. Relief filled him as he saw she was awake although he did not like how scared she looked, her eyes too wide in her pale face. A surge of protectiveness filled him, and he knew he wouldn’t allow anyone to scare or hurt her.

  The Empress emerged from behind the Emperor with a squeal, clapping her hands. Her hair, which was similar in color to the Zerconian desert, bounced where she had tied it up on either side of her head. It looked like two streams of water erupting from her head. Odd.

  “I hear congratulations are in order. Yay! I can’t believe you’re having a baby. How exciting.”

  “Zoey,” the Emperor said sharply. “You were given permission to come here only if you remained quiet and followed my direction. Now, stay behind me and remain silent.”

  Annabel and Rich walked into the room. “Good luck with that,” Rich said.

  Dex turned and gave the human a firm look. For once, Rich backed down, holding his hands up. “No offense intended.”

  Annabel sighed. “Rich, you really need to work on your manners.”

  Rich just grinned. “I’m afraid I’m a bit long in the tooth for that, love.”

  Long in the tooth? Toriq studied his mouth. Hmm, his teeth seemed rather short to Toriq.

  “Are you here to arrest me?” Sophie asked in a quiet voice, sitting up.

  Toriq frowned. “You should remain lying down.”

  “I’m fine.” But she didn’t look at him as she spoke.

  Dex turned to Moroco. “Is she well enough for questions?”

  Moroco studied Sophie. “Yes, as long as she does not become overly-stressed. The pressure in her blood is slightly elevated, and I will be monitoring that. I will return later to check on her again.”

  The Emperor ran his hand over his hair then looked around the room. “The rest of you will leave now.”

  “I don’t think so,” Saffron said. Her words were brave, but Toriq saw the way her hands curled into themselves. She was more nervous than she was letting on. “She’s my sister.”

  “And you both live on my planet. Under my rule.” There was a hardness to Dex’s voice that made Saffron pull up short, her eyes widen. However, this female needed firmness.

  “Dex, chill out a bit,” Zoey whispered.

  “I am cool enough. You will leave also, my own.”

  “But Sophie surely gets to have someone here on her side,” Rich protested. “You can’t interrogate her if she doesn’t have adequate representation. That’s unjust. I won’t allow it.”

  Annabel snorted. “You won’t allow it? You’ve been hanging out with these guys too long, bro. You’re starting to sound like them.”

  Rich scowled. “I don’t need your insults right now. I’m trying to help Sophie.”

  Annabel raised an eyebrow. “Why? What’s in it for you?”

  Rich raised his hands into the air. “Why does everyone believe I don’t do anything unless there is something in it for me?”

  Everyone just stared at him.

  “Track record,” Annabel told him.

  “Mate, what do you do here?” Macon asked with a low growl, looking unimpressed.

  “I brought the evidence you were after.” She held up the recording device.

  “You could have sent it to my tablet,” Macon told her.

  “Now where would the fun in that be? Besides, I needed the exercise. I’ve been stuck behind my desk for days. If I don’t start moving, I’m going to turn into a giant marshmallow.”

  “Hey!” Zoey protested. “What have you got against marshmallow?” She pinched the side of her stomach. “Marshmallow is in hot demand right no
w. And love handles? Well, I have it on good authority they just give a man something to hold onto, right?” She elbowed Dex.

  Toriq stared at the Empress in confusion as the Emperor turned to glare at his mate.

  “Whoops,” Zoey said. “Sorry, that was probably a bit TMI.”

  “TMI?” Macon asked.

  “Too much information,” Annabel explained.

  Dex growled quietly. “What did you find, Annabel?”


  “Nothing?” Macon reiterated.

  “Yep, nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. It’s been wiped clean. Interesting bit of technology, though. Where’d you get it from, Sophie?”

  “I didn’t,” Sophie said quietly. “I’ve never seen it before.”

  “How did it come to be in your possession then?” Dex asked calmly.

  Toriq stiffened, prepared to intervene if Sophie showed any sign of stress.

  “Anyone could have planted it,” Saffron stated. “My sister is no spy.”

  Dex gave her a firm look. “I am speaking to Sophie. Macon, get rid of them all.”

  “Dex, I really think I should stay. Sophie deserves to have someone on her side,” Zoey protested as Macon began to round them all up.

  Toriq moved closer to Sophie. “She does.”

  Zoey’s eyes widened, and Dex looked at him with an impatient frown. “Toriq?”


  “And why would you be on Sophie’s side?” Rich asked. “You work for him.” He nodded at Dex. “You guys don’t wipe your asses without his say-so.”

  “Classy, Rich. Real classy.” Annabel gave her brother a disgusted look.

  “What? It’s the truth. Why should Sophie want him by her side while she’s being interrogated?”

  “Because she is mine.”

  Dex raised both eyebrows now while Macon just stared at him. But Toriq kept his gaze steady, his face calm. The last thing his mate needed was someone else getting upset. She needed calm. She needed steady.

  And he would give her what she needed.

  “He reckons he’s mated her. But how do we know it’s not some trick?” Saffron asked.

  “I don’t think these guys joke about that sort of thing,” Annabel told her. “Remember, finding a mate is life and death for them. If Toriq says that Sophie is his mate…”

  Zoey smiled. “This is great.”

  “It is? How is any of this great?” Rich asked with a scowl. “This could completely disrupt my plans.”

  “What plans?” Macon asked.

  Annabel sighed. “I knew you had something up your sleeve. No way would you be here out of the goodness of your heart.”

  “Hey, I care about people. Sometimes I can be unselfish.”

  Annabel just snorted.

  “But we had plans, Sophie,” Rich turned to his mate. “Bad enough you’re pregnant, but now you’re mated to one of these over-sized apes as well?”

  Chapter Six

  “Bad enough I’m pregnant?” Sophie half-whispered, feeling her temper stir. She didn’t get angry often, but Rich was totally pushing her buttons. “You think my baby is an inconvenience? That he is getting in the way of your plans?”

  “He? It’s a wee boy. Oh, that’s awesome!” Zoey told her.

  Distracted, Sophie looked over at Zoey and gave her a small smile. “Um, thanks.”

  A boy. Jesus, what did she know about boys? Absolutely nothing. But she’d learn. She was all this little baby had. Her and Saffron. Her gaze moved to Toriq. Would he want anything to do with the baby considering it wasn’t his?

  God, he was her mate. This huge, quiet, sexy warrior was her mate. Forget her panic over what to do with a baby boy, what was she going to do with this tough warrior? What would he want from her?

  He really lucked out in the mate lottery when he’d pulled her as a mate. She bet he was already regretting mating her. Not that he’d had much choice.

  It was mate her or eventually die from mating fever.

  Hell of a choice to make. After this whole spy thing was cleared up, she’d make certain he knew she didn’t expect anything from him. Didn’t expect this to be a real mating. She knew he could never come to love her. Or the baby.

  Could she live in a relationship like that? Was it fair to the baby? Then again, she’d loved Maxwell and look where that had got her. Love was a crap emotion. It clouded your mind, made you do things you wouldn’t otherwise do.

  It made you weak. And Sophie needed to learn how to be strong.

  “Soph? You okay?” Saffron asked, looking concerned. Poor Saffron, she’d give up everything for Sophie. Guilt and worry about what would happen now ate at her. Would Saffron leave? She’d never wanted to remain here. Hadn’t wanted to risk either of them mating one of these Zerconians.

  Well, too late now. She gave a small laugh.

  “She is getting tired. She needs to rest,” Toriq said.

  Dex studied her and Sophie wished she could stand. Having him loom over her made her really nervous. And guilty.

  You haven’t done anything wrong. Stop feeling guilty.

  Dex nodded. “Just a few questions. Without interruption.”

  Everyone nodded.

  “You deny having seen this before?” He pointed to the device that Annabel still held.

  “I’ve never seen it in my life.”

  “And what about the accusation that you were overheard talking about the details of our trip to Vexeran?”

  “I didn’t know the details. The only people I talked to about that trip were Alice and Saffron. When Alice told us you were leaving. I never spoke about it to anyone else. Why would I?”

  “Do you have any ties to Humans for Humans?”

  “No. No, of course not. They don’t care who they kill in order to further their cause. I could never be a part of that.” She placed her hand on her stomach, feeling ill. How could they think so badly of her? She knew they didn’t know her well. She and Saffron tended to stick to themselves. But still…it felt terrible knowing they thought she could be capable of helping Humans for Humans.

  “I believe that is enough for now,” Toriq said firmly.

  Sophie’s breath caught as Dex stared at him. Oh God, was Toriq going to get into trouble for sticking up for her? These guys were really into their loyalty and following the rules. She couldn’t let Toriq get punished because of her.

  “It’s okay, I can keep going. I feel fine.”


  Toriq gave her a look that told her he didn’t believe a word she said. “It is up to me to ensure your health. Enough questions. She needs rest.” He directed this back at Dex.

  She wasn’t quite sure how to take his statement that he would ensure her health. She was a grown woman after all. But these guys were majorly protective of women under their care. She’d seen that first hand in the way Jaxan treated Alice like she was precious.

  It made her jealous and wishful.

  Seemed you had to be careful what you wished for around here.

  Dex nodded. “You may take your mate back to your accommodations to rest. I wish to speak to her accuser again. But I will need to question her again.” He turned to Rich. “And it seems you have been holding things back.”

  Rich held his hands up as Toriq held a hand out to her. She looked at that large palm. If she took it, she had a feeling her life was going to change. Forever.

  “Sophie?” His voice was a soft whisper.

  “What?” she half-squeaked as Rich continued to protest. Everyone’s attention was on him, thankfully. She looked up at Toriq. His gaze narrowed then he pulled his hand back. She reached out without thinking and slipped her hand into his.

  “Your hand is freezing.” He pulled her up. She swayed, and he grasped her around the hips then abruptly let her go as though he hadn’t meant to do that. “I apologize.”

  For what? For touching her? She didn’t have damn cooties. Why didn’t he want to touch her?

  Oh Lord, Sophie. You are so screwed up.r />
  She withdrew her hand from his and straightened her shoulders. “It’s okay.” She forced herself to smile. She got it. He didn’t want this. Well, they were in the same boat. She didn’t want this either. They’d just have to suffer through together.

  Suffer…yeah right. Like I was suffering when he kissed me. Like I didn’t want him to kiss me...everywhere.

  Okay, she needed to calm down before she imploded.


  She turned to watch Rich throw his arms up before storming out of the house.

  “Well,” Zoey muttered. “That went well.”

  Dex gave her a look, then Toriq. “You take responsibility for her?”


  “Good. Come, Zoey.”

  “Of course, my master.” Zoey gave Dex a meek look, but when his back was turned, she gave Sophie a wink. Alice hugged her and Annabel gave her a smile before they left with Macon. He just gave her a suspicious look. Not winning any friends there.

  Saffron turned to Toriq. “I can take care of my sister like I always have.”

  Sophie bit back the retort that she was a grown woman and could take care of herself. Saffron was so used to taking care of her, and honestly, it wasn’t like Sophie had been doing a great job of looking after herself.

  “Thank you for caring for your sister.” He placed his hand on her lower back, and a shiver of desire raced through her. She took a deep breath, and he removed his hand abruptly. “But she is under my protection now and will be coming with me.”

  He turned to Sophie. “Do you need help walking? I could call for a shuttle. My accommodations are uphill from here. I do not wish you to tire and I do not think you wish me to carry you.”

  What made him think that? If he was carrying her, he’d be touching her… but no, being carried would be a bad idea. Not to mention, kind of humiliating to be carried around like a child.

  “You don’t think my sister is going anywhere with you, right?” Saffron spat out.

  Sophie felt him tense beside her. Was her sister upsetting him? What would he do when he was upset? Did he get violent when he was angry?

  No. No, these guys didn’t get violent towards women.


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