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Begging for Bad Boys

Page 137

by Willow Winters

  He knocked on the door and pleaded for me to talk to him. I refused to even answer. I thought the silent treatment was perfect for him. I flopped down the bed and fought back the angry tears that threatened to gush out of my eyes. There were enough of them lurking behind my eyes to rival Niagara Falls, but I refused to cry one of them over Charlie and his antics.

  I shoulda known, I scolded myself.

  He had only two weeks left to find a wife, and that deadline was making him desperate to convince me that we could make things work. Not only that, but he was the same old Charlie, always wanting something for nothing, such as all the sex with none of the commitment. At the bar, there was something more he wanted to say, something I saw lingering in his eyes, but he couldn’t even be honest with himself. What makes me think he’ll ever be honest with me? Like Marlene said, he can’t even spell commitment.

  With that horrible thought on my mind and feeling more used and stupid than I’d felt in a long time, I rolled over and tried to sleep, only for Niagara Falls to erupt, unabated, all over my pillow.

  Chapter 20

  The next morning, I got up early to shower and dress for the work day. I wore my hair up in a tight bun with a white blouse and black slacks. When I opened the front door to leave, I realized that my car was still at the fencing club.


  Charlie wasn’t up yet, and neither were the dogs, so just to get in a little jab of my own, I swiped his truck keys and took off.

  Two hours later, Charlie walked in, carrying Max with him and muttering under his breath. “Grand theft auto, huh?” he said as he set Max down. The pup whimpered and curled up at my feet behind the counter.

  “Morning, Boss,” I said brightly. “Sorry about the truck. Hope you don’t mind.”

  “Of course I don’t mind. Riley drove me to get your car, and then I drove it here.” He handed me my keys back.

  “Thank you,” I said. “We have a full schedule today. I’ll get you a printout as soon as everything is organized.”

  “Jaime, can we please not do this?” he asked quietly as Brad walked in from the back room.

  “Do what? I’m perfectly fine,” I lied.

  Fine my ass!

  My heart was aching, bleeding all over the damn floor.

  He obviously saw right through it, because he raised an eyebrow at me. “Seriously, we need to talk about—”

  “Here are your messages,” I said very formally, cutting him off. “Also, you have three new clients coming in today. I’ll go get the room set up.” With that, I walked to the private room in the back and headed for the supply closet to grab the necessary equipment.

  The door slammed shut behind me, and Charlie was there, leaning against the closet door with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “I have work to do,” I said and waited for him to move.

  I remembered how his soft lips had caressed mine ever so sweetly. Damn! Why couldn’t I break the spell this man put on me?

  “I’m your boss, and I’m telling you to take a break,” he said roughly. “We need to talk.”

  “We don’t, Charlie, unless it has to do with work. As for last night, we just had sex, like two grown adults. We can and should just act like nothing happened,” I said, hoping my voice sounded steadier than I felt. “Look, it was just a heat-of-the-moment thing. It happens. It doesn’t mean we’re getting married, and it won’t happen again.”

  “Why not?”

  “To which question are you referring to, Boss? Not getting married? Or never having sex again with you?”

  “Both. Why not?”

  “Because I said so.”

  “Who says no to mind-blowing, best-you’ve-ever-had sex?”

  “The person who wants more than orgasms!” I yelled, only to instantly clap my hand over my mouth, mortified that I let that slip out.

  He shifted uneasily against the door and touched his jaw in thought. “You… Really? You want more than just what we have now?” he asked quietly.

  I hung my head and steeled myself. “No, that’s not what I mean. You want a fake marriage, but I don’t. We’re friends, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

  “You’re a poor-ass liar. You know that?”

  “And you’re a Casanova who’s only using me to get what he wants,” I shot back, but the moment his face fell, I instantly regretted it. “Charlie, wait…”

  “No,” he said stiffly and moved away from the door. “You’re right, Jaime. Just go do whatever you need to. I’ll understand if you decide you can’t live with me, but please keep the job as long as you need it,” he said, then hurried out of the closet and the private room.

  I took a few steps to follow him, then stopped myself. I knew it would never work out between us, especially not now. That was exactly why I insisted on keeping my distance before. I let my guard down, and the exact thing I was afraid of happened.

  “Damn,” I muttered as I quickly gathered the necessary gear. Mindlessly, I set up the room for the new clients, then did my best to avoid my boss for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, the club was too small for us to prevent run-ins forever.

  “Sorry,” Charlie said when he bumped into me in the hall, though I was sure he did it on purpose.

  I looked at him sternly. “I value your friendship, and I don’t want us to do something stupid, something that will ruin it.”

  He pushed some hair out of my eyes again, a favorite gesture of his. “You really just want to stay, uh…in the friend zone? Even after all the romance that blossomed between us last night?”

  “It’s best that way. Nothing in the world complicates things between two people like sex, and I don’t want us to be awkward. You’re my best friend, and I want us to be cool, with no animosity to get in our way. Yes, we both had a wonderful time. I can’t deny that, but let’s not make a big deal out of it. Besides, you’ve got to work on finding a wife. I’ll even help you if you want.”

  “You’ll help me find a wife? Personally, I think that’s a little awkward, don’t you?”

  I looked away. “I’ll leave it up to you then.”

  “Are you sure there’s no way I can talk you into it? You’re the only woman I want to wake up to every morning. I don’t want anyone else but you.”

  “Maybe, but I want more than you can give, Charlie, so much more. As great as it would be, and as much as I need to dig myself out of a financial nightmare, the money’s not enough for me. What I want, I know I can never have with you, so when it comes to us, I’ll settle for friendship.”

  “Define more,” he said flatly, frustrating me beyond belief.

  “Charlie,” I said slowly, “I’m crazy about you, you idiot…and that made last night all the more special.”

  “Last night meant everything to me too,” he said. “It wasn’t just a one-night stand.”

  “I know. It was wonderful.”

  “Then why not see where this goes?”

  “No,” I said. “Please understand. I just want to be friends, and I want you to feel free to date and, uh…marry anybody you want. I won’t get in your way.”

  “You’re never in my way, Jaime.”

  “Yeah, well, you might change your mind about that later, when your Miss Fake Right comes along.”

  We talked for another hour and finally came to the conclusion that just being friends was the best course of action for us both.

  It killed me more than anything but I knew it was the right decision.

  Chapter 21

  The next few days were rough, and I only had myself to blame. Why did I give in to temptation so easily? I wanted to blame the champagne and that little black dress, but I knew it was all my fault, and now there was a serious rift between us. He’d probably still be asking me to marry him, I thought, and that would have been a whole lot easier to deal with than what came strolling through our door one night.

  We hadn’t really talked since our impromptu meeting at work, in the privacy of the supply closet, and I stayed ou
t of his way at the club and at his house. I’d been searching for another job, but I’d found nothing so far. So, I was stuck in his house for the time being, because I didn’t want my dogs or me to have to make a home out of a couple refrigerator boxes in an alley.

  “Wow, this place is amazing!” a female voice called through the house, a voice I knew.

  I looked up from my laptop. I’d been enjoying a quiet evening alone, but that was suddenly over.

  “I can’t believe you live here all by yourself.”

  I quickly closed my laptop as I heard footsteps coming my way. The dogs were all out back, but they barked and whined to be let it in when Charlie came into view, with Marlene on his arm.

  “Not by myself,” Charlie said as his eyes landed on me. “Jaime’s been keeping me company lately.”

  “Oh. I thought she wasn’t staying for long,” Marlene said, shooting me a vile glare. “How nice for you two, getting to spend so much time together.”

  “Don’t worry,” I said with a smile. “It’s only temporary. You should check out the pool. It’s indoors and heated. You’ll love it.” I stood and moved to open the back door.

  The dogs paraded inside and immediately made a beeline for Charlie. The smile that lit his face was real, and he loved the attention the dogs gave him.

  “We’ll just get out of your way so you two can enjoy your date,” I said.

  It was hard to force the words out, and it was even harder to ignore the ache in my chest, a symptom of seeing them together. I knew Charlie would eventually start bringing women home, but I really thought he would avoid Marlene. She was only after one thing, and it wasn’t his good looks or his charming personality. She was all about the money, something she wasn’t even supposed to know about yet. I was so afraid Charlie would end up marrying her and getting exactly what he wanted for those two years, and she’d walk away with a fortune she didn’t deserve.

  I knocked my head back against the door and winced at the subtle pain. “Shoulda just said yes,” I muttered to myself, but I quickly turned my annoyance on Charlie. Why can’t he just admit what he really feels for me? It floored me to think Charlie, of all people, was scared, but that was the only conclusion that made sense. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have brought another woman around to rub it in my face. I hoped they wouldn’t embark on a noisy one-night stand, something I knew I couldn’t possibly bear, and I was quietly glad that he got rid of her quickly. A little part of me liked to think it was so he could spare my feelings.

  Unfortunately, that wasn’t the last time Marlene showed up at the house. He didn’t exactly invite her, but she was dying to dig her claws into him and his father’s money, so she made herself welcome more often than either of us wanted her to. In fact, she stopped by for the next four nights in a row, right after work.

  Every time she made an appearance, I ducked out of sight, desperate to be away from them both, especially Marlene’s obnoxious laughter. Jealousy was my new favorite emotion, and I barely managed to hold it in check. Every time I spotted them together downstairs, swimming in the pool, and him kissing her cheek or holding her hand, I wanted to puke. I literally gagged, and my anger grew worse with each passing day. I knew that sooner or later, I’d hit my limit, that she’d push me to the boundaries of what any sane woman could take when faced with the man she loved being with another woman.

  I thought it was safe, when the house was quiet, to sneak downstairs and grab one of the bottles of wine I’d bought. I quickly snatched it and a glass; for a moment, I considered leaving the latter, because I wasn’t sure I even needed to dirty it, since I’d likely gulp down the whole bottle in one sitting, thanks to those two and their hands-on bullshit. Just as I was making my way back to my room, I heard a moan coming from the living room. I whipped around and saw the two of them on the couch, tangled in each other’s arms, with Marlene’s shirt tossed aside.

  “Oh my gosh,” I muttered and covered my eyes.

  “Jaime!” Charlie yelped in a panic. “I-I thought you weren’t home.”

  “I just got here,” I said, still covering my eyes. “Please carry on. I wouldn’t want to stop you from making out with the woman who just wants to take every penny you’ll have at the end of those two years.”

  “Jaime!” he snapped as Marlene cursed under his breath.

  “I would never do that,” she said innocently. “I’ve always had a thing for Charlie. We’re just…rekindling it.”

  I barked out a laugh and uncovered my eyes just as she finished tugging her shirt back down. “Right. If you’ve ever had an interest in him, it was all below the waist. You don’t like Charlie. You don’t even know anything about him.”

  “She doesn’t know about the deal,” Charlie said through gritted teeth.

  “Actually, she does,” I said. “That’s why she jumped at the chance to be with you.”

  Charlie frowned and turned around to face her. “You know?” he said, looking at her in disbelief.

  “Don’t blame me,” Marlene said with a callous shrug. “Your bestie over there spilled the beans. Some friend, huh?”

  I gulped as Charlie turned his glare back on me, his face reddening. “You told her?”

  “To be fair, I told Tammy, and she told everyone,” I said. “Really, it was an accident, but you… You just can’t be with her.”

  “Why not?” he asked. “You gave me permission, even suggested we get together.”

  My mouth fell open, and Marlene cackled from behind him.

  “I’m going to use Charlie exactly the way he wants to use me,” she said.

  Charlie just stared at her. “You’re using me?”

  She gazed at him. “Aren’t you doing the exact same thing?”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t want to use anybody. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  “Oh, Charlie, please don’t tell me you’re growing a conscience!”

  “Please take your purse and go,” Charlie said. “It’s best this way.”

  I threw her purse toward the door.

  She glared at me. “Touch my property and I’ll call the police.”

  “Sorry. My apologies. I thought you might enjoy a game of fetch, since you’re a bitch and all.”

  “You two both deserve each other! Neither one of you can settle down because you’re both has-beens! Nobody wants you. You’re both all washed up.”

  “Get out!” he said to her, pointing at the door.

  “Are you mad because you were so easy to seduce? I think we’re perfect for each other. I can marry you with no feelings attached. Isn’t that what you want? Why are you suddenly deviating from the game plan?”

  “I planned on marrying somebody with no feelings attached,” Charlie said, “when I first came back to town, but…” He gazed over at me. “But things have changed.”

  “What’s changed? Are you actually falling for Jaime? Good luck getting rid of her in two years.”

  “Who says I’ll want to?” he asked. “Maybe Jaime and I are two unperfect people refusing to give up on each other.”

  Those words melted my heart and I gazed into his eyes. Those were the exact words I said to him on Halloween, the night I’d broken into his house.

  Marlene laughed and looked at me as if I was some kind of insect. “You’ll be better off with me, Charlie. I don’t care who sleeps with you, and I’ll never be a jealous or nagging wife. There will be no strings attached, and sex with me will always be on the table…even literally if you want,” she announced with a wink. “We’ll have a happy divorce, and I’m not gonna expect you to stick around. Once that money comes in, it’s a done deal. What other woman’s gonna give you that? What other woman will allow that? I’m exactly what you’re looking for.”

  “What I was looking for. I’m not looking for that kind of shallow life anymore.”

  “Damn. I should’ve snagged you the second you arrived in Blue Ridge.”

  “I asked you out when I first got to town, but you turned
me down.”

  “Well, you shoulda mentioned the money, Charlie. I would’ve let you put a ring on it that very night. Hell, I would have settled for one of those plastic rings from a bubblegum machine!” She then turned to look at me. “I hope you enjoy such a shallow man.”

  “Wait. You’re accusing him of being shallow? Do you even hear yourself, Marlene? You literally just offered to marry and sleep with someone for money! There’s more to Charlie than you’ll ever know,” I roared. “Now get the hell out of here.”

  “She’s right. Go,” Charlie said when she looked at him pleadingly.

  “Call me if you change your mind,” she said. “The offer will remain open, till I get a better one.”

  “You won’t…and it’s not an offer anymore,” he said.

  Glowering at me every step of the way toward the door, Marlene grabbed her purse and marched out. “Bitch!” she threw at me right before she closed the door.

  “Right back at ya!” I yelled.

  Charlie shook his head.

  I bit my lip as I glanced up at him. “I’m sorry I ruined your date.”

  “What the hell is your problem?” he asked, stepping right in front of me. “You drag me along, fall into my arms, give me the best damn night of my life, then turn around and spit in my face!”

  “Huh? It didn’t happen that way, and you know it!” I shot back, furious. “You were the one who kept acting like we can’t be anything more than business partners. What do you want from me? A fuck buddy? Friends with benefits? Gosh, Charlie, I’ve never wanted that. I find it repulsive. I thought you changed, but you haven’t. You’re still blind, just like you always have been.”

  “I have to marry someone by the end of the month, or I lose the money and the house,” he reminded me. “I’m on a time limit.”


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