The Naughty Angel and Her Three Very Wise Men: A Christmas Ménage
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Dwayne stepped up to Trish and held out his hand. She sighed and placed hers into his, disappearing from the room. Trish had saved his sister; now it was their turn to save her. “We have to enter the dream world. I can get us there, but the problem is finding her once we're there. I don't know if we'll be able to use our connection to find her. When we do find her, I'll reverse the spell and she'll be able to come back.” He held out his hand to his brother. “We need to go now.” “Wait, I want to go and help.” Her father stepped forward, but Lance shook his head. “No, I can't carry three of us there, and if you entered, the demons would know a Trendon was there.”
Lance said the magic words and they entered the dream realm. Black gray fog covered their feet as they looked around. It was cool, yet there was no wind. Marcus and Lance spread out, slowly making their way down what they could only assume was a hallway. How are we going to know where she is? Hell, we can't even tell if there are any rooms here. “Someone help me! Marcus, Lance, I'm so sorry!” Annabelle's sobs sent his blood boiling as both he and Lance ran towards her voice.
“I've got her. Go to the left. We don't have much time left here.” They ran down the hall. “We have to get out of here or we'll be stuck. Once we break into the room and pull her out, she'll be able to wake up, but we'll have to go back the way we came.”Lance stopped in front of what seemed to be more fog. “There is a pattern here. You're the best with patterns. Can you make it out?” Lance asked. When he waved his hand, the fog disappeared. Marcus studied the pattern as it moved, changing constantly. “Hold on.” He sucked in his breath and started to unwind the pattern. Annabelle's crying distracted him once but he kept at it. “Got it!” They stepped back as the entrance to the room opened. Three demons surrounded her, and blood dripped down her arms and face. She kicked at one of the demons as he grabbed for her hair. “You will die for this!” he hissed and attacked. Lance charged the two who turned to stop them, while he grabbed the one who was abusing Annabelle. “Go Annabelle, out the door. You'll wake up!” He snapped the demon's neck and threw him across the room.
Annabelle stumbled, but dashed out of the door and disappeared. He sighed and turned his attention to his brother. One of the demons snarled as he was trapped against the wall and held there by some unseen force. Lance held the other one by his throat and shouted out a spell. The demon roared before he turned to ash before his eyes. Lance smiled at him, brushing his hands on his pants. “It took you long enough to handle one while I had two,” he teased and ran for the doorway. “Hey, I didn't have magic, you did.” Marcus laughed as Lance once again said the words, grabbing his hand as they both disappeared from the dream realm. Both of them stepped into their bedroom to see their mother applying herbal cream on Annabelle. Her skin was bruised, but at least she was back in her body.
She turned her big brown eyes on them and smiled. “Thank you,” she whispered because her voice was raw from screaming. “I thought for sure I would never make it out of there.” Eden glanced up at her. “Hush, you need to rest. Marcus, she needs to feed now. Her body hasn't had any blood for two days.” His mother's words snapped the brothers into action. Lance moved to one side of the bed, while Marcus moved to the other. He ripped his shirt off his body as Lance did the same. “Come here, baby, you need to eat.” Marcus kneeled on the bed and wrapped his arms around her, cuddling her in his arms. He let out a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I don't think I'll ever sleep again. I'm too scared.” Her tearful words broke his heart as she licked his chest and sank her fangs into his muscles, drawing his powerful blood into her body. His mother leaned up and patted her arm. “Your babies are fine. We'll figure this out so you can rest. Lance, you know more about spells. Is there a way you can create a spell to help us from getting trapped into the dream realm again?” She scooted off the bed and went into Nicholas's arms. Adam stepped forward. “I can ask the council for help. I'm sure they would work with us on this.” He glanced at Lance. “I'll go contact them now. I know one of the members is a wizard from a distant planet. Maybe he can work with you. That way you can spread the word to others to protect them, because if they can do this to my daughter they can do this to others.” Annabelle licked the holes closed and glanced up at her father. “Thank you, Dad.” Her voice was already stronger from the blood. Marcus moved her towards Lance. “You still need more. You didn't get enough. Feed from Lance. We'll work on this.” Marcus stood and nodded to her father. “You're right. We need to spread the word to others. Even our children are at risk now, and with Christmas around the corner, we need this done today.” Nicholas and Adam moved towards the door. “I'll spread the word to the others and let them know of the dangers of sleep. Adam, you can use my den to contact the council.” They chatted as they moved out of the room, their wives following them. Marcus turned to watch Lance hold Annabelle while she fed. “I think we need to take a long vacation after Christmas. Someplace quiet.” He sighed and sat back on the bed, rubbing her but being careful of her injuries. She turned her head and smiled. “Do you think we could go downstairs in the family room? I really don't want to even be in this bed, Marcus.” She shivered. Lance stood and nodded as he picked her up. “I think we can do that. How about a nice roaring fire? We can play some poker, if you want.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Maybe some strip poker?” She laughed and curled up tighter into his arms. “I don't think I want anyone to see you guys naked. I just might have a jealous streak. And do you really want the guards to see me naked if I lose?” Annabelle batted her eyes at Marcus. He growled. “No one will see you naked unless we allow it. I'm afraid Lance won't be joining us. He has to work on our problem. I'm sure Sandy and I can keep you occupied.” Marcus wasn't about to leave his mate alone again. He and Lance had decided that from now on, one of them would be with her every moment until this demon problem was solved.
Chapter Twelve
For the next two days, not one person slept while Lance and the council members worked on a way to shut the dream realm off from the demons. Everyone was snapping at everyone as Annabelle snuck upstairs to her studio. Both Marcus and Lance had taken turns being with her, but she needed space. Eden had arranged for both of her sons to be away from Annabelle for a short while so she could have some quiet time. With each day that passed, she grew to love them more, learning their individual quirks. Lance had a tendency to be quiet, but driven by some unknown force to control everything around him. Marcus was demanding and in charge of everything, but he was gentle to those whom he loved. Both of them were fierce ancient warriors now training just as the elders of their clan once did. Yesterday she had sat and watched Lance practice fighting techniques naked for two hours. Muscles rippled while the sweat poured off his body. He was lean but quick. Never had she seen something more beautiful. With her sketchpad in hand, she had drawn him, giving her all sorts of ideas for a Christmas gift. Yes, she loved them more than anything in this world, but they were driving her nuts. There was only a week and a half away from Christmas. If something didn't happen soon, there would be no Christmas. Marcus and Lance hadn't touched her sexually either, which was another problem. They claimed she needed to sleep before they touched her. Her body was burning with need, but they still denied her. She was a walking time bomb and she needed to be defused soon. “So help me God, if I don't get some tonight, I'm going to pay a visit to their so- called dungeon without them,” she grumbled as she pushed open the studio door. Never had she been so horny in her life. Eden had tried to explain to her that once mated to a drinker, they would need to touch often, but their touches only drove her crazy. Annabelle knew just what she wanted to paint locking the door so no one would come in while she was undressed. She pulled the long full-length mirror next to her painting table and locked the studio door, stripping out of her clothes and sighing. Even clothes on her hypersensitive body drove her nuts. For three hours, Annabelle painted. She had never done a self-portrait, but it was turning out wonderfully. Her sexual frustrations gave her the edge she needed to create
the perfect gift. Annabelle, open this door right now,” Marcus demanded, and pounded on the door. “Hold your horses, will you?” She carefully covered the picture and wiped her hands before she unlocked the door, turning to put on her clothes. “You were supposed to be with Mother,” he snapped, and slammed the door shut behind him. “Your mother knows I'm up here. She's the one who suggested I come up here. She knew I needed some alone time.” She turned to glare at him. “So don't get all snippy with me. How's Lance doing with the council members? Did they figure out a way to keep the demons out of our dreams?” She bent down and grabbed her jeans when he stepped up behind her and held her down. He caressed her ass. “You're becoming a little mouthy, aren't you?” He slapped her ass twice. “Yes, they believe they have the answer now. That's why I was searching for you. Everyone is in the living room waiting for us.” Annabelle moaned as he rubbed his hard cock against her ass. “Marcus, don't tease me unless you plan to follow through. I'm barely holding on here,” she whimpered. “Tonight, baby, I promise.” He wrapped his arms around her and turned her around. “It's been a long two days and we both need to hold you tonight.” His lips were gentle as he kissed her. “Get dressed.” He stepped back and helped her button up her blouse.
“So, do I get a peek at what you've been doing up here? And I didn't know you painted in the nude. It would have been fun to watch.” His eyes smoldered as she slipped into her pants. “Nope, not until Christmas. Since I can't go shopping, I thought I would make my presents. It's not much, but at least it will be something.” She shrugged and walked out the door with him following. “Don't worry about it presents, Annabelle. As long as we have each other, that's all we need.” He grabbed her around her waist and swung her up in his arms. “We love you, Annabelle.” He nuzzled her neck as he made his way into the living room. Lance walked up to them as they entered, his hair messed up and his clothes wrinkled. “So you found our wayward mate.” He smiled and cupped her cheek. “Tonight you'll be able to sleep in peace.” Annabelle smiled at him. “Have you rested at all?” “I will tonight, in your arms. Come, everyone is waiting. Father has already informed the other families what has to be done. It will only take a few minutes and then we can all rest.” He turned and strolled to the middle of the room where he waited until everyone was in the room. His deep voice filled the room as everyone gathered close to him waiting for his magic to help them. Red, black, and white candles burned, along with herbs that heated in pots around the room. Marcus lowered her feet to the ground. She had never been more proud to have these two great mates as hers. Their wisdom, caring nature, and love for their people shone brightly in everything they did. Her skin tingled, and the scent of rosewood drifted around the room, calming everyone. Magic swirled around the room, sliding over everyone's skin and coating it and soaking into their bodies. Her muscles relaxed as she leaned against Marcus. “We are one with our dreams. Let the realm of dreams be once again a place of peace where no man, woman, or child should fear. So mote it be. So mote it be,” Lance commanded. A bright red light flashed in the room, sweat broke out on her skin, and the smoke from the candles danced around the room, touching the ceiling, the floor, everywhere. “It is done. The council has tested this spell, so we know this will work, but I suggest we sleep in shifts. If all of us sleep at the same time, we could open ourselves up for attack.” Lance swayed and she jumped to wrap her arms around him, as did Marcus. “You will sleep now. You've done enough,” Annabelle said. “Marcus, help him up to our room.” She followed them up the stairs as Nicholas ordered the guards to take turns sleeping. “You do know that when I get my strength back, you are so getting that cute little butt of yours smacked,” Lance snapped. “We'll see. Right now you couldn't smack a damn thing.” She pulled his shirt up over his head and kissed his chest. “You were magnificent down there. I'm so glad you're mine.” She rubbed her cheek onto his chest. “Now, get into bed.” She stepped back and watched him crawl into the bed. He grabbed her wrist and tugged her down onto the bed. “I'm not sleeping without you in my arms.” Lance helped her strip out of her clothes. Marcus removed his own clothes and crawled in next to them. “You need to rest too, Annabelle. You carry our children and we know it's taking a lot out of you.” He ran his hand up her arm. She tried to get up, but they held onto her. “I'm scared, Lance,” she mumbled into his chest. “I know you are, but you have to trust me, Annabelle. They won't get you.” Lance kissed the top of her head as both of them snuggled closer to her body, surrounding her. “Sleep, Annabelle, just sleep.”
* * * *
Marcus had already told Lance he would stay up and guard them while they slept. Annabelle started snoring ten minutes later, and Lance fifteen minutes in. But Marcus had already slept earlier. He wasn't about to tell Annabelle that he volunteered to have them test the spell on him first. He'd slept like a baby for four hours, undisturbed by anything. He covered their slumbering bodies with the blanket, got up, and sat by the fireplace. Marcus had already informed the personal office that Annabelle would not be back to work. They had already planned what they were giving Annabelle for Christmas: a big human wedding on Christmas Day with all her family around. He smiled as he envisioned her in the red dress they'd bought for her to wear. Everyone had been sworn to secrecy. Tomorrow night, they would introduce Annabelle to their small group at the dungeon. Nothing would interrupt them again. There was no doubt she would fit in well at their second home. As a precaution against the demons, they would take the underground tunnels there. It would take a little longer getting there, but it would be safer. Her soft moan drew his attention towards the bed. He rose and walked over to it. She turned and grabbed onto the pillow, curling around it. Lance pulled her body back to his. Even in sleep, he knew she needed to be held. Yes, their mate was their life and brought a sense of peace to both of them. Marcus jumped when he heard soft knocking on their door. He turned to see his father peek inside. He walked to the door and glanced back to make sure they were still sleeping, which they were. Marcus stepped out into the hallway and cracked the door so they wouldn't be awakened. “You should be sleeping, Father.” “I'm going there in a minute. I just wanted to let you know the things you ordered for the wedding came in while you were sleeping earlier. We hid them in the basement. I've also asked Father Brandon to perform the ceremony on Christmas Eve. I'll have just enough time to be here. Have you found the third, or has he contacted you?” He smiled and slapped him on the shoulder. “You have a fine mate, the both of you, Marcus. Guard her well. Your mother and I were wondering if you three—or four, should he finally appear—would like to have this place as your home. It's too big for just the two of us now, and when your sister gets back, we want to take her away for a while. It's going to take some adjustment for her and this will give her time to relax away from everyone. We're going to take her up to the mountains after Christmas.” He smiled. “We thought we might buy the Harpers’ home next door. They moved a while ago and your mother has always loved that house. It would be close enough that we could still help out with the babies coming, but still give you the privacy you need.” Marcus was stunned. He always believed his parents would live here. “Are you sure you want to do this? This has been the family home forever and I just can't see you not here.” “We're sure. This was always going to go to you and your brother. It's time for the next generation to live here. I think that's why your mother told Annabelle about the attic for her studio. Have you told her about the legend and how we believe it's the three of you, plus the missing one?” Marcus pulled his father into a hug. “Thank you. I'm sure Annabelle will love living here, as we have. No soon we'll tell her, but we wanted to make sure before we tell her.” His father nodded turned making his way down the hallway and disappeared into his bedroom. He smiled and stepped into the room to see Lance staring at him. You hear? Marcus asked, and Lance nodded. I knew it was coming, but I'm just surprised it's so soon. He closed his eyes and sighed. I'm just glad they will be close by, especially with the uprising. The hou
se next door has a great security system and we have the tunnels underneath that connect the houses. Come to bed, Marcus. I know you didn't get enough sleep. I have spells on the room so no one can enter. If we're going to entertain our lady, we are both going to need our strength. Marcus sighed and slipped into bed. In truth, he was still tired and the rest would do them all good.
Chapter Thirteen
Annabelle woke to the birds singing outside their window. She stretched and noticed both of her mates were gone. She sighed and strolled to the bathroom. A nice hot shower would wake her up. Too bad her mates had taken off. She would have loved to have them join her. Gathering her clothes, Annabelle walked to the bathroom and turned on the water. She smiled as she stepped into the shower and let the warm water wash away the cobwebs in her brain. Her mates were amazing and she couldn't stay mad at them for letting her sleep. She knew the babies needed as much sleep as she did. On autopilot, she moved her hand to her belly and rubbed it. “Are you all boys or will I have a little girl too?” Just the thought of a little girl with their eyes and her temperament made her laugh. “Boy, would you drive your fathers crazy. Just think of things we could do to torment them.” She turned to let the water caress her back, and was surprised to see Marcus in the shower with her. He smiled and cupped her cheek. “So you want a little girl to torment us?” His voice was husky and sexy. “Not to worry, we're up to the challenge. Did you sleep okay?” He bent his head and nibbled her neck. Raising her arms, she wrapped them around his neck and kissed his chest. “You know I did, and we'll see if you are up to the challenge.” She smiled as she swirled her tongue around his nipple. “I need you, Marcus. Where's Lance?” She turned her head to see Lance had stepped into the shower carrying shaving cream, a razor, and a butt plug. She smiled. “Do we have plans I should know about?” She studied Lance as he set the items down and turned the water off. Lance smiled and nodded to the seat in the large tub. “Sit, Annabelle, and spread those nice legs of yours. It's time to prepare you for tonight.” Her pussy quivered and Annabelle moaned as she did what he asked. Marcus sat on the edge of the tub, stroking his cock as he watched Lance kneel between her legs. “Lance is going to shave you today, but we expect you to keep yourself bare down there from now on. There is a nice salon in town you can go to. They will wax you. I've already set up an account for you. I expect you to use it whenever needed.” She was getting excited as Lance spread the warm shaving cream on her pussy hairs, rubbing her lips, separating them. For the next fifteen minutes, Lance shaved her clean. By the time he was done, she was shaking with need. Marcus reached over and turned the water back on and handed Lance the hose to wash her off. Using two fingers, he separated her pussy lips and aimed the pressured hose on her clit. She closed her eyes and moaned, leaning her head against the shower wall. “I need more, Lance,” she whispered. It seemed like it had been weeks since she had had them in her body. He slid two fingers into her pussy. “Hush, we'll take care of you.” He slowly pumped in and out of her, driving her passion higher. Suddenly he pulled his fingers out and turned off the water. “Stand up and put your hands on the seat. Make sure you spread your legs,” Marcus ordered. Annabelle lifted her head and gazed at him as she slowly stood and faced the wall. Her hands trembled as she placed them on the seat and spread her legs. “We're going to insert a butt plug now. You will keep this in you for the next three hours. We need you stretched for what we have planned for you tonight.” Marcus's voice was like a drug, relaxing and calm. “Head down, Annabelle.” He gently pushed her head down and started to rub her shoulders as Lance slipped two lubricated fingers into her ass slowly. Annabelle hissed as he passed the tight ring of her ass and slid his fingers all the way into her. In and out with the motion of scissoring inside her, stretching her. Lance was meticulous. Never once did he hurry as he prepared her. Another finger joined the two. It was tight, but the pain turned to pleasure. Marcus slid one of his hands down and cupped her breast. “You're doing great. Just relax. Soon we'll be inside you.” “You're so tight against my fingers, Annabelle. I can't wait to sink my cock into this virgin ass.” Lance mumbled as he slowly fucked her ass with his fingers. But all too soon Lance pulled his fingers away, leaving her wanting. She didn't have to wait long. The cold tip of the butt plug pushed slowly into her, hitting the tight ring of her ass. “This is going to sting for a minute.” Marcus whispered into her ear and squeezed her nipple as Lance pushed it past her ring and inside her. “Ohh…” she moaned, curling her hands into fists as she waited for the burning sensation to turn to pure pleasure. The butt plug was moved slowly in and out of her until it was totally inside her. She moved, trying to dislodge it, but she got smacked on the ass and held. “Don't move. I'm not done with you.” Lance's voice was strained. He pulled her back away from the wall as Marcus got down in front of her and looked up at her. “He's going to fuck you now, Annabelle, while I suck your clit. Then I will take you. What you feel will only be part of what will happen tonight when we both take you. Put your arms around Lance's neck and don't let go.” Lance pulled her body up against his as he pushed the head of his cock slowly in her pussy from behind. “Lock your fingers together behind me,” he said as he pushed further into her. “It's too much…” She gasped as he slid all the way into her. Her body tingled, pain and pleasure fought with each other in her body, and Marcus's dirty words only turned her on more, before his mouth covered her clit. “Easy. Just relax and let us do all the work. Wrap your legs around Marcus's shoulders when I lift you.” His hands grabbed her butt cheeks and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around Marcus's head, giving him better access to her clit. Marcus wrapped his arms around her legs to reach her pussy lips and separated them as he nibbled and sucked her clit. Lance moved his hands around her and grabbed onto her breasts, pushing them together. “We have so many things we want to do to you, Annabelle. This is only the beginning. Do you feel the connection between us?” Both Lance and Marcus opened their minds to her. Their passion and love poured into her as it did when they were feeling. As they worked her body, she began to feel a mind-blasting orgasm. Lance continued to pump into her, picking up the pace while Marcus wouldn't let go of her clit. “Another, Annabelle. Give us another one.” Lance licked her neck, then sank his fangs into he, as he slammed into her two more times, sending his hot seed into her pussy. She screamed and bucked against Marcus's face as another orgasm rolled over her, sweat beading her forehead. Her legs shook as Marcus unwrapped them and gently lowered them to the floor of the tub. Closing the holes in her neck, Lance pulled her arms down, rubbing the circulation back in them. As he placed her into Marcus's arms, he slid out of her. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “You're not done yet.” He grinned and climbed out of the shower, leaving her alone with Marcus. She glanced up into Marcus's heated gaze. “Marcus?” He smiled and kissed her hard. He nipped her lower lip and sucked it into his mouth while he placed her back against the wall, pushing into her pussy. His kiss deepened, pushing his tongue into her mouth. Marcus pulled her legs up, and she wrapped them around his waist as he cupped her ass. Annabelle pulled away from the kiss to gaze up at him. He smiled and pulled the butt plug out a few inches, to only push it back in at the same time he surged into her. Her head bumped against the shower wall and her eyes closed. “My God, Marcus!” she squealed as he pumped in and out of her, moving the butt plug with him. “You hug me so tight with your pussy. I could stay inside you all day. Come feed, baby. I need this.” He reached up and guided her head to his chest. “Take me into you,” he pleaded. She scraped her fangs against his chest. His muscles tightened and his cock grew thicker inside her. “I want this too, Marcus. I love you.” Annabelle sank her fangs into his chest, drinking his warm blood. Marcus slammed into her over and over again, as his hands dug into her ass as he held her. “I love you, Annabelle! Mine!” he shouted, releasing his seed and triggering her orgasm. Her nails dug into his arms as she closed the holes and moaned. She could feel everything he did as his body shook inside her. The l
ove and need that poured into her brought tears to her eyes as her orgasm coursed through her. Annabelle shook and buried her head in his neck. She never knew someone could love this much and the thought of someone hurting them scared the crap out of her. He hugged her and lowered her legs down. “It's all right. We're not going anywhere.”