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The Risk: Scott's Story (Runaway Love Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Washington, Pamela

  I knock on the door and Drew opens it to let me in.

  “Did your princess let you escape?”

  “Hardy har har. She’s snoring in the room. You’ve been silent the whole way here. What’s up?”

  I watch him run his fingers through his hair like he usually does when he’s a little tense.

  “I just have a few things on my mind, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

  “Okay, I hear you, but you look otherwise. Do you want to go to the bar that we passed on the way here?”

  His eyes widen as he exclaims, “What? You want to drink now?”

  “I didn’t say anything about me drinking, but what the hell? Fuck my pep talk and let’s drink! I’ll probably fuck shit up with Grace again tomorrow either way.”

  Drew pats me on the back. “That’s the spirit! But I know you’ll do the right thing when it comes to Grace and the baby. Now, let’s go and drink.”

  We drive over to the bar. It’s a biker bar, but that’s fine with us. We find a spot in the corner, and a pretty brunette with a body full of tattoos comes to take our order. She’s very pretty, and Drew doesn’t fail to acknowledge her. We start ordering round after round, and I wait for the perfect time to ask Drew the big question.

  “Drew…What’s up with the chick who was at your house?”

  He fills the shot glass of whiskey up and tosses it back.

  “You know just how to bring a man down when he’s in a happy place.”

  “I know, but I think she’s in love with you, bro.”

  “Of course she’s in love with me! We’re in love with each other, but I’m not ready for that type of commitment just yet. I want to be free, not tied down with a family.”

  “For a chick like that, you shouldn’t leave her waiting long. She might leave and never come back. Wait. Did you say family?”

  He slams his fist on the table and everyone looks at us.

  “You don’t think I know that! She’s left me before, and I had to hunt everywhere to find her. When I finally found her again, I discovered I have a daughter named Aubrey. Danielle wasn’t even going to tell me! Who does that? Who keeps a daddy from his daughter? Know what? I don’t want to talk about this anymore! Let’s fucking go.” I watch him down the whiskey and drop a few hundred on the table and walk outside.

  I’m speechless. I’ve known Drew as long as I’ve been on the team. I didn’t know he has a daughter. I thought Aubrey was just his niece, and I never asked any questions. He’s always been private about his personal life, but he’s always let me in. He’s been my brother, but now I feel like I don’t even know him.

  I get up and on my way out the door, I bump into Tony, or more like Tony bumps into me. Isn’t this the cherry on top of a fan-fuck-tastic night?

  “What are the odds I would’ve seen my new best bud the night before my renewal ceremony at my usual hangout?” Tony asks mirthlessly.

  “My friend and I just came out for some whiskey. I didn’t take you as the type to frequent a biker bar.”

  “Well, looks can be deceiving, as I’m sure you’re well aware. I’m going to go back and enjoy my second bachelor party. See you at the wedding tomorrow; I’m really excited to see you’re able to make it. Don’t forget it’s at my house - I believe you know where it is.” The venom in his voice is quite obvious, but I won’t give in to his taunts. I know he wants me to react, and the old Scott would have laid him out on the floor and pissed on him, but the new Scott decides to be the bigger man. Besides, I can’t really blame Tony for despising me. Hell, I’d feel the same way.

  He steps to the side and walks back to the bar with his friends. I brush our encounter off and walk to the truck and see Drew pacing outside on the phone, probably with Danielle.

  “Drew, let’s go, man.” He nods and must have told her he’d call her back because he hangs up and opens the passenger side door. I don’t mention that I saw Tony, but I wonder if he saw the exchange between us. I pull up to our bed and breakfast and turn the engine off. Before Drew steps out, he turns to me and I see the worry in his eyes.

  “I know I probably said more about my family than I should’ve, but I don’t ever want people to judge me for my faults.”

  “I would never judge you, man. I just want you to know that I’m here for you! Don’t ever feel like you can’t talk to me. We’re brothers forever.”

  “I know and sometimes I forget that, but tomorrow we’ll put our game faces on and enjoy this wedding.”

  I don’t say much after and we go upstairs to our rooms. I’m relieved that Maxine’s still asleep, and I go and lie down beside her. Tomorrow’s going to be a hard day on both of us.

  I wake up around noon. I don’t want to go to the wedding, but I’m going because I need to see Grace again. I sit on the edge of the bed and watch Maxine come out of the shower. As she’s drying off in the mirror, I feel my cock stir for her. It’s been a few days since we’ve been intimate, and I know what she’s trying to do. I adjust myself and give her a kiss before I go into the shower.

  I come out the shower and dry off, spray some cologne on, pull out my Tom Ford suit, and get dressed. It’s one o’clock and the wedding starts at two. I need to leave now and head to the florist to pick up my roses for Grace. I send Drew a quick text to ask him to let Maxine ride with him because I have a few things to do before the wedding.

  I drive to the florist to pick up the dozen roses I had previously ordered, and I write a note in the card:

  It will always be me and you against the world, remember who said that… YOU. xoxo SF

  I pull up to Grace and Tony’s house thirty minutes before the ceremony is scheduled to start and see a lot of people moving around in and out the house. I peek out into the backyard and everything looks so perfect. I know Grace will love it. I bet this setup is all her design. I ask someone where Grace is and they point upstairs. I walk upstairs to her room. I fix my suit before I knock on the door. Here goes nothing…

  I wasn’t waiting long before a blonde opens the door and gives me the most disgusted look. I know right away that Grace confides in this woman and that she knows everything, or almost everything, about us. I don’t blame her; I know I’ve treated Grace horribly and been a terrible person. But, I’m not that man anymore, and I’m only here to try and make things right.

  I wish I could capture, or even explain, the look on Grace’s beautiful face when she realizes I’m in her room. Once Grace gives her friend the okay for us to be alone, I can’t take my eyes off her and her round belly bump. I walk toward her, and I want so badly to take her in my arms, kiss her, and never let her go. Instead, I give her the roses, then I keep a little bit of distance between us and tell her I’m sorry as I get down on one knee.

  Before I can say anything else, Grace jumps up and starts pacing back and forth. She’s trying her damnedest not to cry, probably so she doesn’t mess up her perfectly done make-up. She seems so lost and confused, yet hopeful and determined at the same time. She stops pacing when I pull out the necklace box and open it up. She looks at me then at the necklace.

  “What is this, Scott?”

  I stand up and gently turn her toward the mirror. I slowly place the necklace around her neck and clasp it while never breaking contact with her beautiful grey eyes.

  “This necklace is a gift for you. I’m sorry for everything that’s happened between us.”

  I kiss her neck and step away. She looks into the mirror as she gingerly moves her fingers over the gold key as if in wonderment.

  “But why a key with a diamond in the middle?” She turns around and looks straight at me.

  I smile tenderly and sadly. “Because you will always have the key to my heart. No matter what I’m doing or what you’re doing, we’ll always be connected forever. I would’ve loved to have put a diamond on your finger, but we’ll have to settle for it being close to your heart instead. I hope you know you’ll always be in my heart. Hell, Grace, you
are my heart and always have been.”

  She comes closer and hugs me as tightly as she can.

  “Thank you, Scott. I think our daughter will appreciate this when I tell her our story.”

  Did I just hear her correctly? She’s having a little girl? We’re having a daughter?

  “So, it’s a girl, huh? Do you have any name ideas?” I stupidly ask because I don’t know what else to say.

  She steps away and wipes her face. “I don’t, but Tony does. He wants to name her after his mother.”

  I feel a little ping in my heart, but what can I do? I’ll have to be her father from afar until it’s time for her to get to know me. I nod my head and then there’s a knock on the door. I straighten up and smooth my suit. This is my last chance to say what’s in my heart, but I can’t do that to her now. Grace has made the decision to keep her family intact and stay with the man who saved her instead of choosing the man who broke her. I realize in that moment that I’m truly not worth the risk. Grace can’t risk her heart, her children, her life, on me. I can never ask her to try.

  “Whatever you do, don’t take that off. Can you promise me that?”

  Fresh tears come rolling down Grace’s face. I can’t just stay there and watch her cry. Her friend opens the door as I’m walking toward it. She looks at me and then at Grace. I just keep going out the door. When I grab the handle to close the door, I hear Grace say, “I Promise.” That’s all I needed to hear after I close the door and return to my truck.

  I decide not to stay for the wedding. I did what I was supposed to do when I saw Grace. I forget all about Drew and Maxine until I hear a knock at my window.

  “Hey, man, are you okay?”

  Drew looks really sharp in his suit, and I see Maxine coming up behind him looking beautiful in her way too revealing dress.

  “Yeah, I’m okay, but get in, we’ll have your car sent back to the bed and breakfast. I want to show you two something. There’s no need for us to be here anymore. I talked to Grace and we have an understanding. Plus, if I stay, my heart will hurt more than it is already.”

  “Did I hear that right? Scott is growing up? Okay, let’s see what you want to show us. Maxine, get in the back.” Drew’s pride and faith in me warms my hurting heart a little bit. I feel a little better knowing he thinks I made the right decision.

  Drew walks around the truck and gets in while Maxine gets in the backseat.

  “I don’t know why I have to be in the backseat,” Maxine grumbles. I just smile at her childishness. I need normality right now.

  I start pulling out from the curb when I see Grace standing at the doorway watching me leave. I can tell her fingers are still caressing the necklace. I turn my head and continue driving off without acknowledging her. Of course, this shit doesn’t go unnoticed by Maxine.

  “Doesn’t Grace look pretty standing at the door?”

  I don’t respond and drive to the first place I met Grace - Ms. Allen’s. Don’t ask me why I chose to come here, but I just needed to stop by.

  “Where are we at Scott?” Maxine inquires disdainfully.

  “This is the group home I lived at before your dad took me to England.”

  “You lived in this dump? Weren’t you scared?”

  “Yes, I lived here. The outside looks pretty bad, but what was inside this house saved me from the violent, rebellious path I was going down. That’s what truly matters. I honestly don’t know what would’ve happened to me if I hadn’t come here.”

  I’d planned to get out and walk around, but I couldn’t bring myself to get any closer to my past with Grace. Instead, I made the hardest drive of my life to my real home. Drew doesn’t say anything the whole ride there, but he understands my heart is hurting. The cowardly and selfish part of me wants to turn around and go back to the wedding and claim Grace for myself, but I can’t. I have to be the bigger person. And I need to stop avoiding my childhood and just face it head on.

  I pull up to my old house and step out of the truck. I walk around and cross my arms and lean against my vehicle while I look at the place that gave me a few happy moments and many sad ones. Drew gets out and stands next to me. Maxine’s too afraid to leave the safety of the truck.

  “This is your home, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, it is. My mom was amazing when she was sober. Did I ever tell you she used to be a singer?”

  “Nah, I didn’t know that because you never talk about her. I bet she was a great singer.”

  “Yeah she was, she recorded an album with my dad once, but I never bought a copy. When my dad left and went back to his family, I guess that when my mom starting going downhill. Her sadness consumed her until it had total control over her.”

  “Yeah, I know how that feels. When my dad was cheating on my mom and she found out, she was very depressed. She would blame me for everything that went wrong in their marriage.”

  “Yeah, my mom just thought he would’ve stayed with her.”

  Without even realizing what I’m doing, I walk toward the house and knock on the door. What’s the worst that can happen? I turn around and look at Drew and notice he’s pointing to something behind me. When I turn around, there’s a seemingly pleasant older lady with salt and pepper hair standing at the door.

  “Hi, my name is Scott Fordham. I used to live here a long time ago with my mom and for some reason, I felt like I needed to knock on the door and see if anyone was home. I’m sorry if I’m bothering you.”

  “Oh, how sweet young man! Did you say your last name is Fordham?”

  I am shocked when she says my last name like she knows it. “Yes, ma’am, it is. Did you know my mom?”

  “No, sweetie, I never met your family, but I do have some mail I’ve been holding on to for years in case someone ever came back. Somehow I just knew I needed to save it. Come inside and have a seat. Do you want to invite your friend in?”

  I turn around and wave for Drew to come in, but he shakes his head. I guess I’m doing this alone. I walk into the house behind the old lady. I feel a difference in my former home, but when I look around, I can feel my mom’s spirit around here. It’s oddly comforting, yet suffocating, at the same time. I don’t know how long I can stay inside this house. I sit down on the yellow couch and wait for the elderly lady to come back.

  She comes back into the living room with a shoe box. “These are addressed to Elizabeth Preston. Is that someone you know? And there’s one in here for Scott Fordham.”

  My heart aches more as it just drops to my stomach when she mentions my mother’s name.

  “Yes, ma’am. Elizabeth Preston is my mother and I’m obviously Scott. My parents never married.” I don’t know why I feel the need to add the last part, but I can’t really control the thoughts swirling through my mind right now. She hands me the box, and I sit it on the table so I can take a peek inside.

  I take the top off and look at several envelopes that are from my dad. I see another letter from him addressed to me. I want to open it, but I’ll wait until I have a full bottle of whiskey in front of me.

  I go to pack everything back into the box when I see a picture of my mom, a man I assume is my dad, and myself at the bottom. I look at it and I think I’m going to cry, but I hold my tears back. I quickly stuff everything back into the box. I stand and hug the old woman.

  “Thank you so very much for holding on to these. You’ve given me a precious key to my past. You’ll never know how much this means to me.”

  “It was my pleasure, young man. My name is Charlotte, by the way. Please feel free to come back and visit me any time. I get quite lonely here by myself.”

  “Well, thank you, Ms. Charlotte. If I’m ever in this area again, I’ll definitely stop by. I’m going to have to leave now, though. I don’t want to have my friends waiting on me forever.”

  “That’s completely understandable.”

  She walks me to the door and I turn around and hug her again. “Thank you so much”r />
  She smiles and I turn and walk down the steps back to the truck. I see Drew’s already back in the truck on his phone, and Maxine’s looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. I walk around and get in the truck and honk the horn when I pull away.

  We don’t talk at all on our way back to the bed and breakfast. I just want to go home and lock myself in my office and read through all this mail.

  Drew breaks the silence. “How about we call up the pilot and leave today? The longer we stay, the more you could be tempted and might not want to leave.” I laugh because he’s so right.

  “Maxine, go ahead and make the call, please.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  We go back to our rooms, and luckily for me, I didn’t unpack anything. I put my toothbrush away in my shower bag and put in my suitcase. Maxine has to take a shower, so I sit on the bed to wait for her. Her phone begins ringing on the nightstand. I look over and it says Gigi. No. It can’t be the same Gigi, aka Gloria, who I fucked. I look at my phone and see that it’s the same number.

  Gloria leaves a voicemail, so I pick up Maxine’s phone and play the message. “Hey, Max! Girl, this is a complete bust with Scott. I don’t think he’ll have sex with me again. I noticed that you’re back at his apartment so you won’t be needing my services anymore anyway. He was a great lay, I can tell you that much. Although, you already know that. You’re one lucky girl! Have fun in the States. See you when you get back. Oh, I’m moving out of the apartment soon, so don’t wait too long to see me.”

  What crazy, fucking scheme did Maxine hatch with Gloria? What am I missing in this little game? Why - ?

  I place Maxine’s phone back down right when the bathroom door opens. I’m not going to say anything at all. If she wants to play, I can play also. I grab my suitcase and tell her I’ll meet her at the truck.

  I don’t talk to Maxine the whole flight back to London. I look at Drew for conversation, but he’s been staring out the window the whole flight. I wonder what’s gotten into him.


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