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Soul Surrender (The Soul Mark Series Book 3)

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by Cara E Holt

  That second morning waking up without her, was when the reality of her being gone, hit me. When would I see her again? I’d returned to the unseelie court that morning and called every scholar to the castle. I had ordered that they work tirelessly to find a way to break the oath her father had made to Lucifer.

  Telling her parents and her brother that she had gone and giving them the letters that she had left in my care had been hard. Her Mum had been beside herself. Her Dad vowed with fierce determination that he would use every source within the gate watchers society to help us find a way to get her back. Scott had punched a hole in the living room wall and stormed out of the house. I got it. I had been where he had been the day before. Taylor would help to calm him down and help him get through this. Alana had Blaine to help her get through this, but who did I have? The one person who loved and supported me and kept me grounded was her, and she was gone.

  I had no reason now to stay in the human world but still, I did stay. When I was there I felt close to her. She was everywhere in our home. Her perfume on our bed pillows. Her favourite music on our amazon music account on Alexa. I knew deep down I was also staying, as, if by any miracle she did come back, she would come here first before anywhere else. Not knowing how she was, it was killing me. I needed to know she was okay. So, I needed somehow to attract the attention of the one that took her from me – Lucifer.

  “Okay, so just run that by me again?” Noah asks, looking at me like I am crazy as we sit in my house. “You want to attract the attention of Lucifer by trapping a demon?”

  I nod firmly. I know it sounded crazy. “You heard me right.”

  Noah runs a hand through his red hair and sighs. “Drustan will you please talk some sense in to him?”

  Drustan looks up and me and he knows better than anyone, that once I have made my mind up to do something, there is no persuading me otherwise.

  “What do you need us to do?”

  I give him a smile. I knew I could rely on my closest friend. The portal into my home opens and Blaine comes through, with Alana close behind him.

  “I hope you aren’t making plans without us.” He asks me as he takes a seat on the arm of my sofa. Alana gives me a warm smile as she leans herself on Blaine’s side. It’s hard to look at her without thinking of Ebony. The two are so alike.

  I shake my head at Blaine. “You and Alana need to concentrate on finding the sword before Devlon does. Noah, Drustan and I can handle this.”

  “He’s right.” Drustan agrees.

  “She is my sister.” Alana says protesting. Blaine strokes her hand trying to calm her.

  “And your sister would want you to find the sword. She would want you stop what is coming.” I tell her and she knows it is the truth.

  I see a tear fall down Alana’s cheek. “She should be here with us Lorcen.”

  I walk over to where she stands beside Blaine and pull her into a hug. “We will. We will do everything we can to get her back, but she would want us to continue trying to stop Devlon. She wouldn’t stop.”

  Alana pulls back from me and wipes her eyes and gives me a firm nod. “Then Blaine and I will work day and night to find the sword and you work to get my sister back home.”

  “On that you have my word.” I promise her.

  “Do you have a demon in mind?” Noah asks me. It looks like he has given up on trying to persuade me that this was a crazy idea.

  I smile. “Well in order to get Lucifer’s attention, it can’t be any run of the mill demon. I was thinking one of his sons.”

  Noah laughs. “Now I know you are pulling my fae ears. You want to trap a prince of hell?”

  “You know there could be a much easier way.” Blaine pipes up from where he has been sitting quietly listening to us all.

  I look at him and gesture for him to continue. “Enlighten us then.”

  “You could just call him.”

  Noah sniggers and holds out his phone to me. “Here you go Lorc. I’m sure you can reach him on 666.”

  “Fuck off Noah.” Blaine retorts. “What I mean is, just call him out. It worked for Ebony.”

  I look to Drustan and he shrugs. “It’s worth a shot.”

  I laugh. “So just call him and you honestly think the ruler of hell, will just drop whatever he is doing and come?”

  Noah cocks a brow. “Maybe he will. He might be interested to see what you have to say.”

  I sigh. I had zero hope that this would work. I stand and sweep my magic around me. “I call upon Lucifer.”

  Nothing happens. We all sit there looking at each other.

  “You know I don’t appreciate being called out like this.” He walks into my house as if he owns the place. Lucifer is dressed in a smart navy-blue suit, complete with tie. He takes a seat beside Noah on the sofa, who casually shuffles further away from him, until he is sat right next to Blaine. “I haven’t got all day, so spit it out Fae.”

  I rein in my shock that this actually worked. “You took my mate from me Lucifer.”

  Lucifer sighs and holds up a finger. “I think you’ll find that actually YOU took what didn’t belong to you in the first place. I was merely taking back, that which belonged to my son.”

  I clench my fists. I hated this fucker. He had caused my mate so much pain. I needed to keep calm though. Getting angry with the devil himself would get me nowhere.

  “I just need to know she is okay.”

  Lucifer’s eyes burn into mine. “You mean to say you have called me out here just to ask me if your loved one is okay?” He scoffs. “I am not someone you call on a whim.”

  I cross my arms and glare at him. “I think it’s the least you owe me.”

  He grins. “You know what. You have caught me in a good mood. I have had a delightful morning torturing some damned souls.” He stands and straightens his jacket. “My son’s new mate is fine. She is with him at his home in our realm. I’m sure my son is wasting no time in getting to know her better.”

  “If he has laid one finger on her against her will, I will kill him.” I seethe. Drustan puts a hand on my arm and gives me cautious glance.

  Lucifer smirks at me again. “Did you know they had already met?” He must see the surprise cross my face because he grins wider. “Oh yes, you see they met in that club in New York you took her to. My son was very taken with her from the moment he saw her and she must have seen something in him as she called him to her dreams at night.”

  I shake my head resolutely. “You lie.”

  The devil cocks a brow. “Do I? I’d say ask her little witch friend, but sadly she is no longer with us. You might not like it my young prince, but it is the truth. Now I wonder why she kept all this from you? I mean, if my son meant nothing to her then why did she not tell you?”

  He walks over to where Alana is stood and takes her hand in his and kisses it. “You do look like your sister. You know I have many fine sons who would be happy to have you at their side. You could come and be with your sister?”

  Alana pulls her hand from his, her face turning ashen white. “I think I’ll pass on that offer.”

  Lucifer shrugs. “Well if you change your mind. You know how to reach me.” He turns back to face me. “Shall I tell your beautiful mate you said hello”

  I stand and walk nearer to him. “I will get her back. I don’t know how yet, but I will.”

  Lucifer simply chuckles at me and without a backward glance he walks out of my house and out the front door. Part of me wants to follow him out and throw every bit of magic that courses through my veins at him, but even I know that I am no match for the ruler of hell.

  “Fuck.” I exclaim as I kick my foot against the wall in anger and frustration. I sit down and rest my head in my hands trying to calm myself. “Is it true?”

  I look up at Alana who squirms under my close scrutiny. “There was a demon who had been visiting her dreams, but she did not know who he was.” Alana comes over and crouches down in front of me and pulls my hands down. “She didn’t
tell you because she didn’t want to worry you. She had Mel block him from her dreams. He means nothing to her Lorcen. You have nothing to fear.”


  We stand in a cold and damp street in rainy Scotland. I lift my face to the light skies and inhale. Day light. I was also on home soil, back on the land I grew up on.

  “Why are we here?”

  Kol doesn’t offer me a reply and takes my hand in his and leads me down a main street until we stand before a great big glossy looking tower block. He proceeds inside, gently pulling me along behind him. Inside women and men in smart suits go about their business. I look down at my black jeans and denim jacket and feel somewhat out of place. Kol in his ripped jeans and leather jacket, with his tattoo’s all on display looks even more out of place.

  “You brought me along for a business meeting,” I state frowning. “Jeez Kol, you really know how to show a girl a good time!”

  Kol Chuckles in front of me as we head for the lift. We wait alongside a group of people already stood waiting. We huddle into the lift and Kol takes up most of it with his height and size. He stands there arms folded looking like formidable demon he is. I see the two women at the side of me look him up-and-down and then one whispers in the other’s ear. My fae ears hear the whispered words and I shake my head in disgust. Kol having heard it too grins and gives the ladies a wink.

  We leave the lift at the 15th floor and come out onto an office floor that is every bit swanky and sleek. Glass walls separate different office spaces. Kol walks to the reception desk and is greeted with an appreciative glance from the blonde girl at the desk.

  “May I help you?”

  “I’m here to see Rourke.”

  “And you are..?” She asks now giving us a scrutinising glance. I see her look over my casual attire and I shuffle uncomfortably under her gaze.


  The receptionists picks up her phone. “Gemma, I have a ‘Kol’ here to see Mr Stearne”

  She gestures over to a sofa. “Have a seat. Gemma will be along to collect you shortly.”

  “Why are we here?” I ask as I take a seat beside him.

  Kol gives me a side glance and sighs. “Business flower.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “Yeah yeah, business.”

  A stunning looking brunette wearing a very fitted blue pencil dress walks through the glass doors and comes over to us. “If you would follow me please.”

  Silently we follow her through the vast office space. As we pass through, I see women at their desks stop and take in Kol. Yeah, yeah ladies he’s hot as hell, take a good look. We come to a large black door that Gemma holds open for us.

  Before us at a large glass desk with floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the Edinburgh skyline is a dark haired man. His dark hair is slicked back away from his face and a trimmed goatie beard covers his chin. He looks up as we enter and his ocean blue eyes land first on Kol and then on me. He wears his blue suit well, looking every inch the powerful executive I imagine he is.

  “Kol. This is a surprise.” He closes his laptop and gives us his full attention.

  “Really?” Kol replies, the disbelief clear in his tone of voice. He takes a seat without being asked, so I follow suit and sit in the seat beside him. “I think we both know you were expecting a visit sooner or later. Be glad it is me and not Lilith.”

  Rourke releases a small smile and heavens, if it doesn’t light up those blue eyes of his. His eyes meet mine and I give him a shy smile. “Who’s the friend?”

  “No one you need to know.” Kol leans forward in his seat and rests his elbows on his thighs. “Tell me you have this under control Rourke.”

  “I have this under control.” He repeats back to Kol, his face marred by a frown.

  “So, it’s true then? About her blood?”

  Rourke’s jaw clenches. “Those damn Device witches and their infernal magic.”

  “Does Balthazar know?”

  Rourke nods in response not meeting Kol’s eyes. “He knows.”


  Rourke sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He looks tired and like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. “And Balthazar has ordered I kill her.”

  My eyes widen. This has suddenly got interesting.

  Kol scoffs. “Do you love her?”

  Rourke gives him a warning look, as if to say don’t ask me that question. “Does it matter if I do?”

  Kol gives him a sad smile. “Of course it matters. This could cause another war you know?”

  Rourke bangs his fist on his desk making me jump in my seat. “You think I don’t know that Kol? That the very woman I love could bring about the end of my kind. The fucking irony of this cursed situation.”

  “You need to get this under control somehow.” Kol advises. He looks briefly at me and gives me a reassuring smile.

  “If it was her.” Rourke gestures with his head at me. “If she could cause the end of your race would you take her life?”

  Kol’s jaw clenches and he shakes his head. “No. I would protect her with my last immortal breath.”

  I clear my throat and move my gaze away from Kol’s. “I’m Ebony by the way.”

  Rourke smiles then and boy if it isn’t a handsome smile. “Pleased to meet you Ebony. As you have gathered I am Rourke.” His eyes move back to Kol. “Is she the one you were searching for?”

  Kol shifts in his seat and gives him a curt nod.

  “You do understand then? I cannot give her up, no matter the consequences.”

  Kol sighs and rubs his chin as if running over a thought in his mind. “You could turn her.”

  Rourke stands and gives us his back, looking out at the cloudy skies of Edinburgh. “I could, but do I want this life for her?”

  Turn her! My eyes land on Kol, full of silent questions. Is Rourke a vampire?!

  Kol stands and this makes Rourke turn back to face us. “Don’t let this descend into a war. Find a solution.”

  Rourke gives him a tight nod and walks around his desk to stand before him. He offers Kol his hand and Kol pulls him into an embrace. “You must come for dinner the two of you.” He looks over at me and smiles. “I want to know more about the girl that finally caught this one’s attention.”

  I shrug and smile shyly. “I’m no one special.” At this Kol laughs and raises an eye brow.

  “She’s every bit special.” Kol tells Rourke, who grins in return.

  “So the rumours say.” Rourke states, his gaze scrutinising me. He steps back from Kol and comes over to me. “It is a real pleasure to meet you Ebony.” He takes my hand in his and lays a kiss on it, like a handsome suitor and I wonder who the lucky girl is that he willing to start a war over.

  “Keep me informed.” Kol tells him as he offers out his hand to me. I let mine fall into his and he guides me to the door. We head silently back down in the lift and back out into the cloudy daylight.

  “Okay. I can’t stay quiet any longer! Is Rourke a vampire?”

  Kol sighs looking bored. “Yes flower he is. Rourke is the head of the U.K vampire clan.”

  My mouth drops open. “You’re shittin me? But how is he out in the daylight?”

  Kol breaks into a smile, “I love that accent of yours and the way you word things.”

  I give him a playful shove. “Details, please Kol.”

  “About twenty years ago, vampires developed a vaccine that allows them to walk in daylight. They have to have the vaccine every day and it only lasts around eight hours.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “Wow. So, humans are unknowingly walking amongst vampires during the day. That is crazy shit.” I shake my head in disbelief.“So what now?” I ask him rocking on my heels as we stand on the pavement of the busy street.

  “We head home.”

  I put my bottom lip out and give him a sad face. “Do we have to? I mean we are in Edinburgh. I’ve never been before, and I have always wanted to see the castle.”

  Kol sighs and
shakes his head with a smile. “You want us to go sightseeing?”

  I shrug and give him my best pleading face. “Yeah I do. Come on please. It will be fun.”

  He looks like he is about to say no so I grab his hand into mine. “Come on Kol. I don’t want to go back there yet. I need some daylight.”

  I can see his resolve faltering and give myself a silent cheer in my head. “Come on then flower. Let’s take you to see the darn castle.”

  We spend the next couple of hours, alongside other human tourists, exploring the castle. I am lucky though I have my own expert guide. Kol has been to this castle before and I delight in hearing his stories about his interactions with James the third.

  We arrive back at Kol’s home a few hours later and I am chatting enthusiastically to him about the castle when my eyes fall on Lucifer.

  “Father.” Kol says with a frown, coming to a stop behind the sofa. “To what do we owe this unexpected visit?”

  Lucifer gives him a tight smile. “I came to see how things were progressing.” His eyes fall on me. “Clearly not very well. She does not bear your marks.”

  I hear Kol release a sigh. “She will. Give us time.”

  Lucifer sniggers in response and adjusts the black tie he wears. “Time is something we cannot afford. I want her pregnant with your child within a month.”

  I have been quiet up-to-now, happy to be an observer in this situation. “Excuse me! Did you say pregnant? Let me make this clear, I am having no one’s baby and nor will I be for a long, long time. I mean jeez I’m seventeen you know.”

  Lucifer’s dark angry eyes glare at me. “You will do as you are told. I have your father locked up in Tartarus and there he will stay until you play the role needed.” He stands and walks by us. “Oh and I want you at court tonight. It is time for Ebony to earn her place.”

  “We have plans.” Kol tells him coldly.

  “Then unmake them. I expect you both there.” He orders without giving us a backward glance. Just before he leaves he turns back. “I almost forgot. Your devoted Unseelie prince called upon me today. He was very surprised to learn that you and my son had met before. He didn’t seem happy at all to know you had invited my son into your dreams.”


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