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Embracing the Wolf

Page 20

by Stephanie Nelson

Page 20


  “Now it’s not such a mystery as to why I’m single, huh?”

  “Smooth, you are not,” I said in agreement.

  “So, getting back on track,” Adam said. “You want Anna to walk around and meet the visiting wolves in hopes of what, getting another vision?”

  Wade stared at the door Chelsea had disappeared through for a second before bringing his attention back to us. I’d make sure to smooth things over with Chelsea. I’d be helping Wade out, and it’d give me a chance to connect with her again. I hated how awkward things were between us.

  “Anna’s power is linked through touch,” Wade said. “All she has to do is go around and shake people’s hands. Maybe she’ll get something that will give us a lead. ”

  I imagined walking around shaking two hundred hands, and I instantly felt like a slimy politician, smiling on the outside all the while scheming on the inside. If it helped saved Adam’s life, though, I’d do anything.

  “Do you think …” I began, exchanging a glance with Adam. “Do you think someone wants to kill you because they know I weaken you?” I kept my eyes anywhere but on Adam’s face. Maggie’s earlier pleads resounded in my head. As much as I hated to admit it, there was more truth to her words than I wanted to acknowledge. What if I was the reason for the horrid vision I’d had?

  Adam gripped my face and forced me to look at him. “Anna, there will always be a power hungry wolf ready to take over what is not his. It’s our nature to want to grow our packs for the stability it offers. You do not weaken me, understand?” He paused and waited for me to nod. I didn’t. He just didn’t want to believe that I did and was hoping to convince me. Pressure weighed on my chest from the responsibility of our relationship. I’d never been good with responsibility. I’d quit more jobs than I could count because of it. My entire life I’d been searching for something, anything that would make sense. Now that I’d found it, it was on the verge of slipping through my fingers.

  “Anna, tell me you know that. Don’t let our enemies trick you into thinking otherwise. ”

  “Can we talk about this later?” I glanced at Wade, uncomfortable having such a personal discussion in front of him.

  Adam dropped his hands and took a step back. “Yeah, later. ”

  “Okay then,” Wade said, standing. “You should start socializing as soon as possible and if you feel or see anything, let us know right away. ”

  * * * *

  I’d spent the entire day introducing myself to any wolf I laid eyes on. At one point, I introduced myself to one of my own pack mates. Needless to say, I did not have one vision. By the time the sun started descending, I was beyond frustrated. I viewed our visitors as potential enemies, studying them like criminals in a lineup. If someone approached Adam, I was right there by his side. If someone even mentioned his name, I was butting into his or her conversation to figure out why. I ignored the odd looks and hushed whispers. As long as Adam was safe, I couldn’t give a fuck what our guests thought about me. The vision of Adam dying plagued me all day. It drove me to find the person responsible.

  I was heading over to another group of wolves when someone’s fingers curled around my forearm. Whirling around, a growl vibrated up my throat. I blinked, noticing Elle was my captor. Taking a ragged breath, my shoulders slumped.

  “What’s up, wild woman?”

  “What?” I asked, though my eyes were searching the surrounding crowds. My gaze traveled to the nearby tree line in search for any movement that would alert me to a coming attack.

  “Anna?” Elle shook my shoulders, snapping my attention back to her.

  “What?” I snapped.

  She let go and took a step back, holding her hands up in surrender. Guilt instantly consumed me.

  “Shit, Elle, I’m sorry. It’s just … I’m flippin’ the fuck out. ”

  “I see,” she said with a small smile. “What’s going on?”

  I proceeded to tell her about the vision and what I was doing. By the end, Elle frowned and searched the crowds with her eyes, too.

  “See why I’m freaking out?”

  “Yeah, that’s …” She shook her head, letting the sentence trail off. “But, it doesn’t mean it will happen, right?” At my confused look, she continued, “Visions aren’t set in stone. It’s a possibility, but the future is constantly changing, which means it might not happen. ”

  “The only way it won’t happen, is if I find the person responsible and stop it. Any one of these people could be the one who kills Adam, and I can’t make any visions appear. I have been walking around all day touching and talking to people and nothing. How am I supposed to stop it if my power only works every so often? If he dies and there was something I could do to—”

  “Anna,” Elle said, gripping my hand. “Working yourself up isn’t going to help anyone. You need to take a couple deep breaths and calm down. We’ll figure this out, and you forget one very important thing. ”


  “Adam is one of the few undefeated wolves around. He’s dealt with men trying to take his position, and none of them are here to try again. I know you’re protective of him, but he’s pretty bad ass. ”

  “He wasn’t that bad ass at the ceremony when he was shot with a silver tipped arrow. I had the vision for a reason, Elle. He can’t protect himself if he doesn’t see the attack coming. ”

  Elle released my hand and shook her head. I knew I was being bitchy but the fate of your mate can do that to a woman.

  “Being negative about it isn’t going to help is all I was saying. ”

  Elle and I had hit it off from the start. We never fought, and she’d always been there for me, but in that moment I was beyond frustrated with her. I admit, I was a little crazed and not thinking clearly. After being haunted by the vision all day, I figured I was entitled to freak out. Silver linings are great, but I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to look for one.

  “And telling me not to worry about it isn’t going to help either. ”

  Elle snorted. “Whatever. Deal with it however you want, my alpha. I just came out here to tell you Adam asked to see you. He’s waiting in the house. ” She turned and walked away. I stared at her back, the anger dissipating and leaving me feeling like shit.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The house was completely dark and empty when I entered it. Candles on tall pedestals made a path toward the kitchen. Confused, I followed it, only to find it led down the hallway and to my bedroom. My frustrations slipped away, and a smile slipped onto my face. I never pegged Adam as the type for big romantic gestures, and it had me curious.

  I hesitated outside my room for a moment before I opened the door. Adam stood just inside, wearing dark jeans and a button down white shirt that he’d tucked in. The first couple buttons were undone, and I could see the hint of muscles peeking out. My reaction to him never seemed to shock me. He was beautiful, and he was mine.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Remember that thing I said we’d do tonight?”

  I smiled. “Vaguely. ”

  Adam smiled in return, coming toward me. He brushed a finger against my cheek, his eyes penetrating. The glow of candlelight cast shadows against his face.

  “You’ve been stressed. ” When I began to say something, Adam continued, “I thought you deserved a night where you wouldn’t have to worry about wandering eyes, conversation, or threats. I planned to do this at the ceremony the other night, but this is more fitting. I don’t need an audience to pledge myself to you, Chante. The only person I need to know how devoted I am to you is you. ”

  Realization set in. Adam was recreating his own ceremony, and it was far better than the original. He stood in front of me and began to work the buttons of his shirt, his eyes still on my face. Mine were watching the reveal of taut skin over hard muscle. Adam could make me forget an apocalypse, so long as he was undressing in front of me and looking at me with tha
t glint in his eyes.

  “I’m not going to lie and say that you questioning our union hasn’t bothered me, Anna. ”

  “I’m not questioning it,” I lied. “I’m … it’s just complex. I’m not use to being in a relationship, much less one with a royal werewolf. And now we’re bonded … it just makes it more complicated. ”

  “Hmm,” Adam said, un-tucking his shirt and sliding it off his body. He slipped off his shoes and began working the button on his jeans. My eyes tracked each movement as anticipation rushed through my body. My wolf was alive and ready for a night with her mate.

  “I know you have a bit of a commitment phobia—”

  “That’s not it,” I told him. “I am one hundred percent committed to you, Adam. It’s the link we share that worries me. ”

  He slipped out of his jeans and rested his hands on his hips. A tingle skipped up my thighs as I stared at the “V” of his hipbones. I wanted to kiss that spot.

  “I don’t know what I can say to change your mind, Anna, but I do know this: you are mine. Not just for the moment. You will be mine until there is no me, because death is the only thing that I’ll allow to tear us apart. This thing between us isn’t just a bond or another relationship. It runs deeper than any of that. ” He stepped toward me and cupped my face. “I don’t know how I lived before you, but I damn sure won’t live without you. ”

  I was beginning to get nervous. “Why would you think you’d have to live without me?”

  His lips straightened into a hard line. “I got curious about what my mother said to you, so I asked her. She didn’t come right out and say it, but from what she told me, I know she’s trying to convince you to leave. And by the way you’ve been acting about our bond and your vision, I know you’re entertaining the idea. ”

  I couldn’t miss the anger in his voice or the hurt clouding his eyes. He made it seem like it was a done deal and it’d been an easy decision to make. The fact that he thought I could make a decision like that so easily hurt.

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