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AMP - Phase 1 (Cyborg Invasion) (A.M.P)

Page 3

by Brian K. Larson

  “Doctor, he’s in ventricular tachycardia…heart rate 130, BP dropping…we’re losing him!”

  “Give him one milligram IV Lidocaine…then repeat in three minutes with half a millimeter…get him stable, we need to get him ready for emergency surgery.”

  “I’m getting a room ready, doctor,” one of the nurses acknowledged.

  “The Lidocaine had little effect, he’s still tachycardia…BP still dropping.”

  “We need to move him now!”

  “They’re ready downstairs, doctor.”

  The team quickly wheeled Bennie out of the room to the surgery theater, leaving Beverly behind…alone…crying.

  * * *

  Oak Harbor Washington

  Whidbey Island Naval Base and Space Port

  Special Operations Command Center

  July 5th 2064 13:30

  “So what you’re saying, Lieutenant is that you have received some kind of signal emanating from the asteroid?

  “Yes, sir,” Lieutenant Preston nodded. Pointing to his screen, “This is a carrier wave and it’s not from any of our vessels. There is some data encapsulated within the carrier wave.”


  “Yes, sir.”

  “Well don’t make me ask...”

  “I’m still trying to figure it all out…”

  “…well?” the General shrugged.

  “Well is a deep subject…sir.”

  Griffin interrupted the General before he could chew the Lieutenant a new ass, “Preston…please don’t make the General wait any longer…nor the rest of us for that matter.”

  “You see…” Preston stuttered.

  “…come on with it man!”

  “…It’s foreign.”

  “Foreign? That’s it? What, we talking about the Russians?”

  “No…foreign as in…”

  “…not from this planet?” Griffin finished, “Is that what you are telling us? This is an…extraterrestrial signal?”

  “Um, well, yeah…that’s it…sir.”

  The General burst out in laughter and slapped his knee, “Boy! You two really had me going there!”

  “Sir, it’s real…this isn’t a prank.”

  The General quieted his laugher and looked at the computer screen of an image the Lieutenant brought up, “We did some preliminary scans and captured these images…”

  The general studied the picture and then stepped back once the technician zoomed in.

  Preston pointed to the image, “This is the CSMO. It’s stationary about 1000 meters from the surface.”

  “Yeah,” the general said, “I understand this is the mining ops…but what’s this?” pointing at another spot on the screen.

  “Your guess is as good as mine, sir. But I’d say it’s a crashed UFO on the asteroid surface.”

  “Uh huh…right…” McKenzie nodded, “Son, what you are saying here right now is never to leave this room,” he raised his voice, “That means everyone in this room…is that clear?”

  The room fell silent and everyone in the room somberly nodded over the noise of the instruments and cooling fans blowing.

  “Are they alive?” Griffin asked.

  “I’m not picking anything up other than the carrier wave. It’s like an automated signal.” The Lieutenant looked up at the general, “I’d say that somehow the crew on the CSMO activated something down there.”

  Turning to Griffin, “What’s the word on Colonel Petersen?”

  “He’s still traveling from Spain, sir.”

  McKenzie addressed the Lieutenant, “Can you interpret the language?”

  “It’s very complex. Every word, even every syllable could have sixteen meanings…but the base is mathematical. Our computers are able to see those patterns…wait a minute…”


  “What is it, Lieutenant?” Griffin asked, almost at the same time.

  “Just one sec,” Preston said, typing on his keyboard. Then he sat back, covered his smile with his hand, “I don’t believe this!”

  “Lieutenant, are we going to start that again?” McKenzie said with a stern look.

  “No, sir.” Preston wiped the sweat off his forehead, “The computer is putting together a set of schematics from the data.”

  “The code is in an old binary machine language. It took a little while for the processors to work with it.”

  “What’s the schematic of?” Griffin asked.

  “The thing looks like a chip of some type…it looks like the instructions are coded for a medical procedure.”

  “Bio-technology?” McKenzie said, hands on his hips.

  “Yes, that’s exactly what it appears to be.”

  “Do you think our friends are getting this?”

  “Let’s just say there isn’t anything preventing anyone from receiving the signal, but I doubt many will understand its complexity.”

  “Just the important ones, right son?”

  “Yes, sir. I suppose so, sir.”

  “Griffin,” the general said, “We can’t wait for Tucker. I want an alternate commander appointed. We have to get there before they do! We have to stop that signal from getting into the wrong hands.”

  “I’m on it General,” Griffin acknowledged, “and I’ll bet that they’re going to do the same.”

  “That’s a risk alright. I want the ships equipped with our best weapons. If we run into any trouble from our friends, I want them to defend themselves.”

  “I read you loud and clear, General. You can count on me.”

  McKenzie’s and the Major’s data pads went off at the same time. The general turned one way and Griffin turned the other to listen to their calls.

  Then the two ended their calls and turned to each other with wide eyebrows. The two stood in shock at the news of them nearly losing the colonel’s son a few minutes ago.

  “He’s gone into emergency surgery. They say they’re fairly certain the doctor found the bleeder. He’s repairing it now,” Griffin nodded.

  “Get back over there. We need Beverly to be on our side now more than ever.”

  “Especially with this newly found tech we’re getting.”

  “Make sure you get her to sign consent…”

  “Ben is considered an adult. I don’t think we need her consent.”

  “Well now, he’s in a coma I understand,” McKenzie smiled, “See to it you get the forms signed anyway.”

  “Understood, sir. The Colonel’s son will be an excellent test subject for this tech.”

  * * *

  Oak Harbor Washington

  Whidbey Island Naval Base and Space Port

  Memorial Hospital

  Date: July 5th 2064 19:07

  Griffin stood next to Beverly, holding her up with an arm. He let her sink into him and she felt comfort from her friend’s support.

  “Doctor? How is he?”

  “Ma’am, he made it through surgery and is in recovery. He had a tear in his aorta. A few minutes more and we would be having an entirely different conversation.”

  “Thank God!” Beverly said with a sigh of relief, nearly collapsing in Griffin’s arms.

  “He’s not completely out of the woods yet.”

  “Whattya mean Doc?” Griffin asked, with a feigned look of concern.

  “There’s still the head trauma to deal with.”

  “Can you tell me when my son will wake up?” Bev asked, shaking.

  “No, Ma’am. I’m afraid it’s all up to Bennie now.”

  Griffin nodded, “Bennie’s a fighter, Bev. He’ll pull through alright.”

  “I know, I know…I’m just a wreck over this.”

  “It’s okay, Beverly,” Griffin said, turning her toward him, “I promise we won’t let anything happen to Bennie.”

  “Oh, Tom…you don’t know what it means to hear you say that.”

  “…and just so you know, I do need your consent on a few forms. Bev, we have a new procedure we’d like to test on Bennie…you know…if he doesn�
�t wake up on his own.”

  “What’s this procedure, Tom?”

  “I can’t tell you very much.”

  “Government secrecy?”

  “Yeah, something like that. Bev, trust me. This is on the cutting edge. It’s latest technological breakthrough. It could revolutionize medicine as we know it today.”

  “I trust you, Tom,” Beverly smiled and gave him a hug. Then kissed his cheek, “Show me the forms…I’ll give you my consent.”

  Griffin smiled and then kissed her in return, “Right this way…”

  * * *

  Oak Harbor Washington

  Whidbey Island Naval Base and Space Port

  Major Griffin’s Office

  July 14th 2064 16:00

  “That's right General. Major Jamison is our man for the mission... ...yes, he just came in and said he wanted to be on point. I didn't even have to coax him. He said something about having nothing to lose... ... ..., we've not been able to locate the colonel. Cassie is working on it though...I hope she's as good as you say she is... ...right, we'll keep the boy on life support just in case... ... ...don't worry about a thing General, I've got everything under control. Bennie is stable, but he is still in a coma..., it's not induced...he really never woke up from the surgery... ...yeah, they're all stumped... ...what's that? Right, they think he refuses to wake up. The doctors think that he doesn't want to deal with the loss of Jen... ... ...well General, we really weren't counting on him having any passengers... ...I know I should have verified... ...I'm sorry for the added costs... ...right... ...she's fine... ...and we have Beverly’s full cooperation... ...okay General, I'll keep you posted... to you later, bye.”

  The Major disconnected his data pad, only to be interrupted by a quiet knock on the door. He stood with a start, "Beverly! What are you doing here?”

  “What's the matter, Tom? You don't seem glad to see me.”

  “Oh, no, come in, come in. Sit down, Bev."

  “What was all that about, Tom?”

  “Oh, that? That was the General, just giving him a briefing.”

  “What was that you said about she’s fine?” Bev asked, crossing her arms, “Where you referring to me...cause if you were, you’re dead wrong.”

  “Excuse me?” Griffin said with raised eyebrows.

  “I’m not fine...not by a long shot. My only son is still in a coma.”

  “...but alive. Don’t forget that...and I wasn’t referring to you, Ma’am.”

  “Tom, you don’t have to be that way with me,” she said leaning forward, “I’m a big don’t have to cover for me. It’s okay to tell people that I’m not okay.”

  “Anything you say, Bev. I’ll be more careful in the future with regard to your feelings.”

  “Thank you, Tom,” she smiled, “Now, shall we?”

  “Shall we...what?”

  “Oh come on, Tom. You can’t be serious?”


  “Dinner? Remember?”

  “Oh, of course. Is it that time already?”

  “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.”

  “Alright then,” Griffin said, standing and offering her his arm, “Shall we?”

  Beverly took his arm, looked up into his eyes and smiled, “Just because my son’s in the hospital doesn’t mean I have to stop living.”

  “You are so right, Bev,” the red faced Major said, escorting her through the door.

  * * *

  Oak Harbor Washington

  Whidbey Island Naval Base and Space Port

  Special Operations Command Center

  August 8th 2064 06:00

  General McKenzie stood with an angry stare, “You’re saying we only got a few minutes of recording from Gus’ satellite?”

  “Forty-five minutes of recording time, then nothing.”

  “What about the CSMO? Is it still stationary?”

  “Yes, sir. She’s not budged an inch.”

  “And there’s no signal or anything from Salvage-4’s ship? They just disappeared?”

  “Except the ship is transmitting its emergency beacon.”

  “So they are alive?”

  “We’re not entirely sure, sir.”

  “Okay. Lieutenant, get me Captain Phillips.”

  “Right away, sir... ...patching her through to your data pad now.”

  “Cassie, how are you? Thanks, I’m fine. Say, how close are you to getting to the colonel? That’s right, we need him to man the next recovery mission...’ll bring him in tomorrow then? Excellent...I knew you’d be able to find him... ... ...Captain, I’m sure you went through hell to find him, and I am completely indebted to your resourcefulness...’re quite welcome... ...captain, there’s one more thing...I’m sending you with Sergeant Samuels on the next mission... .... ...Captain? You still there? Yes, that’s right...yes, I need you on this one... ...I knew I could count on you...thank you Cassandra. I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow... ...with the Colonel... ...’re certain you can find him? I know, I said you found him already... ...very well then, I just wanted to ensure you understood the gravity of this’s imperative that we get the team ready to launch in ten days...yes, it’s a race...but I’m sure we’ll beat them...we have ways of delaying them from their launch...right, your ship will be well equipped.

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  General McKenzie’s office

  September 4th 2064 18:00

  “What’s your latest report?” the General asked, staring at the man across his desk.

  “We received a final transmission from the Salvage-5 team.”

  “Do you think they fell to the same demise as Major Jamison?”

  “I think Tucker has the situation under control. They safely made the alien landing bay.”

  “Then why is this their last transmission? Did they find the tech or not?”

  “We lost transmission when they entered the dome on the structure. I’m confident that the colonel has the situation under control.”

  “I have my reservations,” the General said, stroking his chin, “Start briefing another team.”

  “Sir, it’s too early to call it.”

  “No, I think he failed…and I think it was a mistake to recommend Tucker Petersen for this mission.”

  “I think you’re wrong, General.”

  “Look, General, he was successful in intercepting the signal.”

  “At least the Vatican won’t have any more downloads. Did we manage to get the entire feed?”

  “We received most of it, sir.”

  “That’s why we need Tuck to complete his mission. Without the physical tech to reverse engineer…”

  “I know, I know…the blueprints are worthless without it,” the General said, begrudgingly, “Okay, I’ll give them another 24 hours…if you don’t hear from him by then, start making arrangements for the next team.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Now about the boy.”

  “Tuckers kid?”

  “Yes, take him off life support when you call it.”

  “Terminate the boy?”

  “We’ve kept him alive longer than we should’ve. Even if we get the tech, it might be too late for him now.”

  “Sir, with all due respect…”

  “Are you questioning my authority?”

  “The question is, sir, don’t the parents have the right to make that decision, not us?”

  “Are the parents able to pay for his care? No, I seriously doubt it…we need to stop wasting resources…’sides, I’m sure another candidate will become available.”

  “What, like Bennie?”

  “Bennie was a necessary casualty. I needed Tucker to have a reason to go on this mission.”

  “You caused the accident that put him in the coma, and now you want me to finish off your dirty work?”

  “Unless you want me to implicate you in creati
ng the crash, I would do exactly as you’re told…dismissed Major.”

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  General McKenzie’s Home

  September 5th 2064 00:30

  General McKenzie’s data pad woke him by flashing a bright light into his dark bedroom. The buzz of the device on his bedside nearly caused him to knock it to the ground as he reached for the thing.

  “Ye…yes…” he grumbled, “This is McKenzie. And this had better be good.”

  “Major Griffin, sir.”

  “Yes, go on…man, spill it!”

  “You said for me to notify you if there was any news.”

  “Did you hear from our boys?” the general asked, sitting up in bed.

  “No sir. But we have a visual on the Asteroid 15 Eunomia…it’s in three sections…fractured right down the middle and off to one end.”

  “But nothing from the crew…”

  “No sir.”

  “Humph…that’s really too bad then…proceed with the termination of the child.”

  “But, sir, they have another 18 hours.”

  “Don’t but sir, me!”

  “Let me remind you of your promise…”

  “…damn it anyway…go ahead and wait…let it never be said that I’m not a compassionate man…but I’m not a patient one…no later than 1800 hours, you hear me? If you don’t, I will go down there and unplug him my damn self!”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you sir,” Then Griffin terminated the data link.

  “Damn fool,” McKenzie muttered before rolling over and going back to sleep.

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Military Hospital

  September 5th 2064 17:59

  Major Griffith stood over Beverly, who sobbed as she grieved for her son’s life when his data pad went off, “General?”

  “Call it, Major. There’s no time left.”

  “General, if their last transmission had just been sent, it’d take 23 minutes to be received…give us that.”

  “Major, you’re grasping…no more time. I told you not past 1800, it’s now comin’ on 1801…the bill is now on the mother and her family, Ben’s no more the government’s responsibility.”


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