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AMP - Phase 1 (Cyborg Invasion) (A.M.P)

Page 12

by Brian K. Larson

  She leaned forward and opened a locked drawer on her brown desk. She removed a syringe filled with a green substance and reached around to the back of her neck and injected herself with some of the liquid. Then she returned the syringe and locked the drawer. She smiled and leaned back in her high back chair, closed her eyes and slept until morning.

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Underground Lab Complex

  Bennie’s Quarters

  October 3nd, 2064 06:40

  Nadine rang the privacy bell on Bennie’s quarters, alerting him that she was entering the man trap.

  The two jumped with a start from a sound sleep. Jen hastily dressed as Ben tossed on a robe just before Nadine finished with passing through the trap.

  She clapped her hands, “Chop, chop, now. Time’s a wastin’. We’ve got some testing to do this morning.”

  “Testing?” Ben complained, “I thought we would be told ahead of time?”

  “I am telling you ahead of time. We have to be in Cal’s lab in twenty minutes.”

  “That’s not telling me ahead...”

  Jen poked Bennie in the ribs, “its okay, Nadine. We’re ready,” she gleefully exclaimed.

  “Good, grab your things and let’s go then.”

  A few minutes later, they entered Calvin’s lab. Doctor Rhodes and the two captains were standing by.

  “Good morning, Nadine,” Calvin opened, “Good to see you so...early.”

  “Oh, now don’t start with me. You told me that 0700 was good.”

  “I did, now?” he said, rubbing his tired eyes.

  “Did you get any rack time?” Nadine asked.

  “Nope, been here all night with the good doctor. We’ve been going over all the data we collected.”

  “What are your findings, Cal?”

  Before Calvin had a chance to begin, Rhodes interrupted him, “We’ve found nothing significant to report. That’s why we needed to do another test.”

  “...right...” Cal clumsily added, “We needed more data.”

  “Data...yeah...more data,” Rhodes smiled back at Cal.

  “Well, here are your two test subjects today.”


  “Why not?” Jen asked. “I’m up for it if you are.”

  Ben shook his head, “Oh yes...after the last time, I’m more than ready, Cal.”

  “Okay, you guys. I’ll leave you to it.”

  “Oh, stay...” Calvin said, looking up at Nadine.

  “Yes, why don’t you stay?” Bennie asked.

  “No, sorry. After the last time, I think I’ll keep my distance, thank you. My head is still reeling from the last time.”

  “Okay, have it your way, then.” Cal said, bowing slightly toward Nadine.

  Nadine didn’t bother with Calvin’s gesture, but turned and exited the way she came with chin raised.

  “Okay you two, plant it on the sofa,” Calvin pointed.

  The two sat on a black leather couch that had been brought in at his request, “We want you to be comfortable now.”

  “Lay back and close your eyes for a few minutes,” Rhodes instructed.

  “I’ll go ahead and do the run up sequence, Doc.”

  The machines churned in the background as Calvin set the controls to begin with the very small gamma frequency.

  Jenny took hold of Bennie’s hand in anticipation and he squeezed hers in return, “It’s okay, Jen, you’ll like this part.”

  “I’m sure I will,” she turned to Bennie with a smile.

  “Okay, lean forward and I’ll make your connections,” Rhodes said. He grabbed the two cables draped across the lab bench and inserted them in each of their connectors and then stepped back.

  “Okay, Cal. All ready.”

  “All set,” Cal answered, over the whine of the machine. He slowly increased the power gain on the data feed to Ben and Jenny. He fully knew that they were receiving the stream just by the look on each of their faces.

  “Okay, now that you both are in the first stage of AMP,” Rhodes knelt down before the two, “When we increase the power to the signal, I’m going to hand each of you the formulas for the enzyme that activates the chip. Compare mine to the alien readings and see if you can tell me what ingredient is missing to finalize my enzyme.”

  “We’re not doctors,” Bennie chuckled, “How do you expect us to read that stuff?”

  Jen squeezed his hand to get his attention, “You’ll be surprised how much you’ll understand, Ben. Come now, let’s concentrate,” Jen closed her eyes and faced forward, “Calvin, you can AMP us up.”

  “As you wish,” Calvin turned the dial to a higher setting and then punched in the transmit code, “Here ya go.”

  The two gritted their teeth to suppress their screams. Each of their eyes squeezed shut, and their foreheads furrowed. They grabbed the arms of the sofa they sat on and began to rip the leather. Then Jen relaxed, followed by Ben, who then folded his hands in his lap.

  “How are you feeling?” Rhodes asked.

  They each opened their green colored eyes and stared at the Doctor. Rhodes was taken back slightly before Jen spoke, “it’s okay, Doctor. It seems to be a harmless side effect of the AMP.”

  “You can tell your eyes have changed?”

  “Yes, I am aware they are. It’s only because of our heightened awareness. We could just about think up anything you asked.”

  “How about we start off...small?”

  “Sure, Doctor. Where’s the data you wish us to interpret?”

  Rhodes handed them each a data pad. It only took a few minutes to study the material. Each read at an alarming rate, but Jen finished with her analysis ten seconds before Bennie, “I have the answer to your problem, Doctor.”

  “Good...good, just keep it to yourself. Let’s see if Bennie comes up with the same solution.”

  “I too have the answer, Doc,” Ben said, looking at Rhodes with a smile. “You can check it for yourself, but I believe we have come up with identical solutions.”

  Rhodes skeptically reviewed both solutions the other had written on the data pads, “Unbelievable.”

  “What, Doctor?” Jen asked.

  “Bennie’s right, you each came up with the exact formula for the correct enzyme. Identical...”

  “What are the odds of that, Doc?” Cal asked, turning round on his stool.

  “Not very good at all,” Rhodes said, shaking his head.

  “I think you’ll find everything you’ll need there, Doctor,” Jenny said, looking up with a smile.

  “Thanks...yeah, thanks,” was the only thing Rhodes could reply, “They can start production now.”

  * * *


  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Underground Lab Complex

  General McKenzie’s Office

  October 30th, 2064 15:00

  General McKenzie paced as Calvin and the Doctor finished with delivering their update.

  “Excellent work, gentlemen,” Nadine nodded with a smile, “The Company is most grateful for all your hard work.”

  “So, that’s all folks,” Calvin said, standing to his feet, “Show me the way out of here, and I’ll be on my way now. You can tell the Company that I thank them for their employment, but I do have other projects I need to know how it is.”

  “Sit down, Cal.” McKenzie pointed.

  Calvin slowly returned to his chair, “Now, hold on here. I never signed up for a permanent assignment.”

  “Don’t be silly, Calvin,” Nadine said, “the Company wishes to retain your services for an extended period. They will reward you handsomely.”

  “Handsomely? How much we talking?”

  “By your agreeing to continue working for the Company on the Gamma Project, you get to keep breathing air...”

  “Breathing is good,” he said, turning to the doctor.

p; Rhodes shook his head in agreement, “Ditto, I live to breathe.”

  “Good,” Nadine evilly smiled, “I’ll be sure to let the Company know.”

  “Do we get to have field trips?” Calvin asked, raising his hand.

  Nadine and the General looked at each other, then back to Calvin, “No, really. Can we go top side from time to time? Got to have some of that genuine vitamin D, you know.”

  The general rested his hands on the back of his chair to address the two, “You know that what you’ve seen down here, we can’t risk you leaking anything that would be a threat to national security.”

  “Oh, General,” Calvin said, pressing his hand on his chest, “You wouldn’t actually think that I would kiss and tell now do you?”

  “Calvin, you’re as bad as Colonel Petersen,” the General smiled, “But you actually make me laugh.”

  “So, whattya think? We get to go top side? Sometimes?”

  “Only if escorted...and for very limited time.”

  Calvin stood up, “Oh, thank you General!” he wrapped his arms around McKenzie from across the desk, then gave him a big kiss on the cheek, “You’re the best!”

  McKenzie pushed the man off of him while Rhodes tugged on his shirt, “Calvin! Get a hold of yourself! The only way I’m not having you arrested is you don’t wear the uniform...and that’s the only reason!”

  “Sorry...very sorry,” Calvin smiled, returning to his chair.

  “I’ll make the arrangements, General,” Nadine smirked.

  “It’s not funny, Nadine!” the General shouted.

  “I’m not laughing, sir,” she managed so say with a straight face.

  The General wiped the slobber off his cheek and gave a sigh, “Don’t ever do that again.”

  “So, Calvin,” Nadine asked, “About the wireless features of the chip, do you have that interfaced yet?”

  “Oh,” Dr. Rhodes said, raising his finger in the air, “The wireless technology won’t fit inside the current chip model. That’s an entirely different schematic that will take a completely new set of designs.”

  “Are you sure there isn’t enough room in the current design?”

  “Positive, if you want production of this chip to move forward, you get them minus the wireless.”

  “Calvin? Do you concur with your associate here?”

  “One hundred percent, Madam.”

  “Good. I’ll submit this first run to, let’s say 100,000 units worldwide?”

  “I think that’s actually a relatively small number,” the General said, “Maybe a hundred thousand in the United Territories alone. I’d say maybe closer to a million worldwide.”

  The General leaned over to Rhodes, “Are you certain that the bliss effect will totally eradicate any other addiction a person would have?”

  “It’s all right there in my report, General,” Rhodes said, with a more serious tone, “The chip actually repairs the addiction the person has, weather it was heroin, methamphetamines, or the latest kick out there, cokalamine All the test subjects injected so far, show no signs of addiction in their bodies.”

  “How many subjects so far have had the implant?” McKenzie asked.

  “Fifteen to date. One fatality, three became insane. The rest are stable, awake and alert.”

  “So, eleven are good.”

  Nadine interrupted the General, “I’ve seen to it that they are being treated and taken care of appropriately. They will eventually be released back into society.”

  “Double the implant output per week.”

  “You want ten a week now?”

  “Nadine, if you can’t handle that schedule...”

  “General, I can handle it...I was merely clarifying. Ten a week it shall be, in fact, our lower lab facility can house fifty a week.”

  “We’ll fill your facility to capacity soon enough,” the General nodded.

  “Once that happens, General, we’ll need to move our operations topside so we can have a wider distribution network.”

  “We’re already making the arrangements for three major distribution channels. We’re starting with the medical use first, then release the chip to anyone who can afford one,” McKenzie smiled.

  “Then we’ll provide the licenses to select businesses. They’ll open up clubs where those who have been chipped, can go for a quick and harmless fix...”

  “While cleaning their bodies of toxins,” Rhodes finished, “Let’s not lose sight of the real purpose of these chips.”

  “Oh, of course,” Nadine nodded enthusiastically, “Absolutely. We need to get this out to the hands of the commoners to trump the Vatican’s hand before they can claim it as theirs.”

  “And, we are ahead of them,” Calvin offered, “At least they were way behind three months ago.”

  “As long as they weren’t able to obtain the rest of the transmission from the alien complex before we interrupted the signal.”

  “General,” Calvin began, “As far as we know, they didn’t get it all. But we really don’t have any way to verify that fact.”

  “True,” McKenzie said, with eyebrows raised, “Let’s just treat it as if they didn’t get it. Carry on gentlemen, you’re both excused.”

  “So, General,” Calvin asked, “When can we go on our field trip?”

  “We’ll get back to you on that.”

  “Yes,” Nadine said, looking over her shoulder as the two got up to leave, “You’ll be the first to know.”

  They exited the general’s office and the door slid closed. Nadine turned to McKenzie, “So, what do you think?”

  “I don’t like it. They’re up to something.”

  “I totally agree,” Nadine said, “I’ll have the tapes from the lab reviewed.”

  “Let me know if you come up with anything.”

  “Oh, you can bet I will, General.”

  “I didn’t think you were going to have an open discussion on the jamming clubs.”

  “They would have found out soon enough. I just sped it up.”

  “At least now we’ll know if they remain loyal to our project,” McKenzie pulled out his chair and sat at his desk, “What you are going to do about the wireless problem. If we are to gain the population’s mind control, then we’ll need wireless activated in the chips.”

  “You leave that to me, General.”

  “Very well. How soon do you think we can have those plans added to the production line?

  “I should have it done by the end of the day.”


  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Underground Lab Complex

  Nadine’s Office

  October 30th, 2064 19:00hrs

  “Now, Jenny,” Nadine instructed, “You just sit down and relax.”

  Jenny promptly took a chair and watched as Nadine removed a coiled up fiber cable from her desk and plugged it into the receptacle on the wall.

  “You’re going to AMP me?”

  “Yes, honey. I have a special assignment for you.”

  “How is it you came to have an AMP station in your quarters?”

  “I’m the project facilitator. Did you not expect me to have access to my own system?”

  “No, Ma’am. I wasn’t accusing you of anything...just curious is all.”

  Nadine smiled at Jen, then turned to her console to open the AMP program.

  “Now, lean forward,” she plugged the end of the cable into Jenny’s. “There, all set. Now just sit back and relax a moment.”

  “Sure thing, Ma’am,” Jenny leaned back in her chair, with eyes closed.

  “Okay, we’re all charged up on this side. You ready?”

  “Oh yes. I am ready, please proceed,” Jenny was eager to experience the gamma waves again.

  Nadine punched the transmit button on her console, sending the bliss effect through the cable to Jenny’s chip. She immediately grew a smile and then began singing softly.

feel good, Jenny?”

  “Ohhh, yeeees, Ma’am. I feel wonderful.”

  “Good. Just keep relaxing and I’ll increase the output shortly. Then we’ll see if you can solve another technical problem for me.”

  “Oh, suuure thiiing.”

  Nadine let Jenny bask in the bliss effect for several minutes, and then turned the output to the higher range. She opened her eyes wide, exposing her brilliant green eyes now being displayed.

  “Excellent! Now,” Nadine handed her a data pad, “I need you to come up with a new design that will allow wireless connectivity to fit in the current chip you think you can do that for me, sweetie?”

  “Oh, of course,” Jen smiled. She took the data pad and studied it for several more minutes, then made the corrections to the schematic that would allow for the wireless feature.

  When she was finished, she handed the data pad back to Nadine, “Here. That should do it.”

  “Wow! Impressive!” Nadine smiled, looking at the new design, “You did this in record time. I think there will be a time, very soon, that there won’t be anything you can’t do.”

  “I’m only more than happy to help. I can’t wait to tell Bennie...”

  “, you need to keep this little AMP session between the two of us.”

  “But, we can trust Ben.”

  “You have to give me your word on this.”

  “I don’t understand, Nadine,” she said, looking her way. She silently tried to probe her mind, but Nadine, turned off the AMP. The abrupt withdrawal of the signal sent Jenny crashing down from her blissful state, leaving her drained and dazed.

  Her eyes returned to normal and then Nadine reached over and unplugged the cord, draping it across her desk, “This is another one of those ‘National Security Risk’ things. You’re clearance is higher than Bennie. We completely trust you, Jenny.”

  “Ah, this is a ‘Top Secret’ mission then?”

  “So to speak, yes,” Nadine said, crossing her arms, “You have to promise me now.”

  “Okay. I least for now.”

  “Good, my dear. You can return to your quarters now. I’ll come for you later in the morning for more testing.”


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