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Dragon Emperor 7: From Human to Dragon to God

Page 25

by Eric Vall

  “Good morning, Lord Evan and Princess Alyona!” Kinba boomed as he sat down across from me. “It is already time for you to leave, then?”

  “Yes, we still have many places to go,” Alyona confirmed.

  “A pity,” Aaliyah remarked as she met my eye and sat beside her father.

  “I have a little parting gift for you,” Kinba said with a smile, and he looked at Kalem, who quickly ran into another room without a word.

  “While he’s getting the gift, let me just say how much we appreciate what you’ve done for us here,” Aaliyah interjected, and for once, her expression was serious instead of sensual. “There were a lot of generational feuds and stubborn, angry men here in Tikal, and you resolved that with a little stubbornness of your own.”

  Alyona giggled at the last part.

  “Thank you, I’m just glad we could actually make a difference,” I conceded with a smirk. “I’ve never been a part of anything like this before. It’s all new to me.”

  The lioness hadn’t said anything about joining us, so perhaps she hadn’t changed her mind. Either way, I didn’t want to call her out about it in front of her father.

  “Well, you’d never know it.” Aaliyah winked. “You handled us all like it was nothing.”

  I distinctly remembered handling her last night, and my cock twitched in my pants, but I cleared my throat and nodded at her compliment.

  Just in time, Kalem rushed back into the room holding a large box that had been wrapped in palm leaves and decorated with ribbon and small jewels, and a growl rumbled in my chest at the idea of adding to my horde.

  “I’ve always heard dragons love their treasure,” Kinba said with a smile at my reaction. “So, I wanted to give you this.”

  The lion reached into the box and pulled out a brilliant, giant ruby the size of a football. The jewel was massive, and my dragon instincts nearly made me rip it out of his hands.

  “It’s stunning,” I breathed as I resisted my very undiplomatic urge and waited for him to hand it to me.

  Finally, Kinba dropped the ruby into my open arms and set the box down at my feet. I stared at the ruby hungrily for a few moments before I slipped it back into the box with great effort. Then I carefully put the jeweled box into my spatial storage and smiled at the Demi-Human.

  “Thank you,” I said with a nod. “That’s a wonderful gift.”

  “I’m so glad you like it!” Kinba clapped his hands before he conspicuously looked at Aaliyah. “I know you aren’t getting to take all the treasures you wanted, but I hope that is a decent option for you.”

  “It is,” I replied with a smirk. Obviously, I’d much rather take his daughter and continue to lavish her with my attention and my seed, but the ruby was something that satisfied me in a different way. I couldn’t wait to add it to my collection in the Lunar Palace.

  Finally, I rose from my seat and helped Alyona up as well. Kinba stood up and stuck his arm out to me, and I shook his forearm with a nod.

  “Thank you again, Lord Evan and Princess Alyona,” Kinba said in a solemn voice. “I am forever grateful to you, and to the crown.”

  “I’m sure we’ll see you again, Lord Kinba,” I answered.

  “I should hope so.” The older lion smiled. “I do expect my daughter back in one piece.”

  I blinked in confusion, and then my gaze flickered over to Aaliyah to find her smirking.

  “You’re coming with us?” I asked.

  “My father said he could handle things here,” the lioness said with a shrug. “So, if your offer still stands, Lord Evan … ”

  A low toned rumble echoed in my chest as a possessive feeling ignited in my veins. The lioness was mine after all.

  “The offer does still stand.” I grinned. “Welcome aboard, Lady Aaliyah.”

  “Oh, how wonderful!” Alyona exclaimed and clapped her hands. “The rest of our party will be thrilled!”

  “It is an honor to join you, princess,” Aaliyah intoned and bowed her head, and she crossed an arm over her chest. “I swear to protect you and hunt down your enemies, because they are my enemies as well.”

  “Thank you,” Alyona said in a semi-serious tone, but she couldn’t stop smiling. “You honor me with your loyalty.”

  “Do you need to pack?” I asked the lioness.

  “Nope, I travel light.” She reached behind her chair and revealed a large traveling pack. Then the lion Demi-Human swung it over her shoulders and nodded to me. “Ready.”

  “Well, then,” I chuckled. “I guess we’re ready to go.”

  Alyona giggled as she looped her arm through the lioness’, but when the princess turned to me, I waved her toward the door.

  “I’ll join you in a moment,” I said.

  The princess nodded in response, and Aaliyah untangled herself to hug her father.

  The two lions embraced for a long moment and shared a few murmured words, but then Aaliyah pulled back, kissed her father on the cheek, and rejoined Alyona. A moment later, the two women turned and walked out the door, and it was just me and Kinba.

  I looked to the lion lord, but he held up a hand to stop me.

  “I have known my daughter caught your eye since the moment you returned her to me from House Onca,” Kinba said. “And I knew you had caught her eye as well. I’ll admit, in the beginning, I was not exactly thrilled, but … you have proven yourself to be a dragon of great integrity, honesty, and power. You have saved my daughter, and you have saved my city and people from the brink of destruction. It would be my honor if Aaliyah chose you as her mate, Lord Evan.”

  Another mate? I smiled at the notion, and the possessive feeling preened in my chest again.

  “You have also proven yourself to be a good man, Kinba,” I said as I reached out and clapped his shoulder. “Or lion, at least. I promise to protect your daughter with my life, and once mine and the princess’ campaign is over, we’ll travel back through Tikal.”

  “Then I look forward to your return,” the older lion Demi-Human replied, and he surprisingly pulled me into a one-armed embrace.

  What a world of difference from the arrogant lion I first had to intimidate.

  After a moment, the two of us disengaged, and then I nodded and turned to join my princess and lioness.

  The two of them were waiting on the steps of the pyramid, but as I stepped out into the desert sun, I decided to show off a bit. So, I jumped off the stairs and transformed in mid-air, and I felt like I pulled off the move pretty well considering it wasn’t mid-battle this time.

  Alyona gasped as I landed with a thud on the sand, just barely missing the bottom stair, and then she clapped as she ran down to me.

  Aaliyah followed the princess at a more moderate pace, but I could tell the lioness was impressed.

  “Want a ride?” I asked.

  “Yes, please,” Aaliyah purred, and Alyona giggled.

  The lioness helped my bride-to-be up onto my back before she jumped up herself. Then I felt both of them grip my spikes, and I kicked up sand as we flew into the air and headed back for House Onca. Flying was definitely faster, and we’d only been gone about an hour, so I flew back to the jungle palace a little more slowly than I’d flown to the others.

  As we drifted high above Tikal, I looked over my shoulder and watched as Aaliyah let go of my spike and flung her hands out. I guessed it was as close as she would get to spreading her wings, and I grinned at the sight.

  Eventually, we dove down for a soft landing in front of House Onca’s palace, and I had to be careful to avoid the wagons that were now loaded and ready to go. I landed closer to the jungle trees than normal, felt Alyona and the lioness slip off my back, and quickly transformed into my human body, so the servants could continue their trips back and forth to the wagons.

  “Do I need to make room for one more?” Nike asked as he turned from the wagons, and he tried not to smirk at Aaliyah.

  “Yes, please,” I chuckled. “Lady Aaliyah will be joining our campaign.”

Welcome, my lady.” Nike grinned and nodded.

  “What are they doing?” I asked Nike as I watched the servants bring box after box to the last few wagons.

  “Ah, they are gifting us some things,” Nike replied as he ran his hand through his hair. “I tried to give them some of the gifts we brought, but Lord Jai wouldn’t hear of it.”

  “Well, what would a good diplomat do here, princess?” I turned to Alyona for advice.

  “I suppose it would be rude to refuse the gifts,” she murmured as she tied her hair back away from her face, since it was a bit wild from the ride.

  “Then I guess we’ll just leave them be,” I decided. “Just tell them it’s too full in a little bit, so we don’t end up taking too much.”

  Nike nodded and walked over to the wagons to keep a closer eye on the servants.

  As we waited, I saw a group of jaguar children run and laugh across the courtyard, and I realized I hadn’t checked in with my littlest citizens since I’d left Hatra. I knew the Asuran brother and sister wouldn’t have the magic to respond, but I couldn’t let them feel as though I’d forgotten them, so I conjured up a dragon to send to Ilya and Ilyushina.

  “Tell the little ones that I miss them,” I instructed the messenger. “I’m sure they’re doing great and barely remember their old dragon, but I don’t think Hatra would be doing so well if they weren’t there.”

  The little silver dragon nodded and took flight toward my city, and Alyona smiled when she realized I was concerned for the kids we’d rescued.

  “Don’t tell anyone I’m going soft,” I whispered to the princess.

  “Your secret is safe with me,” she giggled and mimed locking her mouth shut.

  I chuckled and conjured a second dragon to send word to Ruslan and Julia that we were moving on from Tikal.

  “Tell my parents that Tikal is ready for us to move on,” I told the little dragon. “We are leaving shortly for Lumin. Hope all is still well in Hatra.”

  The second dragon dipped its head as it took off toward my adoptive family, and then I looked at my fiancée and smiled.

  “It looks as though the jaguars are tapering off with their gifts,” Alyona noted and pursed her lips in amusement.

  “Great.” I rubbed my hands together. “I’m ready to get going. All these goodbyes have made me antsy.”

  Alyona laughed and walked toward the wagon, just as Laika, Ravi, and the dryads walked out of the palace with Lord Jai, Raed, and Jamir right behind them.

  The dryads halted in their tracks, though, when they caught sight of Aaliyah.

  “Wait!” Polina gasped, and her emerald eyes grew wide. “Is Lady Aaliyah coming with us?”

  “I am.” The lioness smiled and nodded.

  “Yayyyyyyyyy!” the three sisters squealed in unison, and they sprinted forward to tackle the lion Demi-Human in a crushing hug.

  Ravi followed after them a little more calmly, but she quickly joined in on the group hug, too, and I smiled as I watched Aaliyah get seamlessly folded into my harem.

  This stop in Tikal had given me riches, another prosperous city, and a new mate. My dragon instincts were well pleased.

  “We’ll be on the wagons,” Laika chuckled as the sisters and Ravi started to drag Aaliyah toward the caravan, and I could hear the dryads arguing about who was going to sit next to the lioness.

  “I’ll be over there shortly,” I called over my shoulder and approached Jai and his advisors, with Alyona giggling on my arm.

  “Well, it has certainly been an interesting few weeks with you, Lord Dragon and Princess Alyona,” Jai chuckled and embraced me. “I’m glad you both scared me into listening.”

  “Sorry about our tactics at first,” Alyona said with a sheepish smile. “I’m glad that it all worked out, though.”

  “Oh, don’t apologize!” Jai bowed to the princess. “You made us see clearly for the first time in decades. We’re grateful for everything. You asked for my allegiance to the crown upon keeping your word, and you have it. Please make sure the king knows that Tikal is happy to be part of his kingdom.”

  “We hope you’ll tell everyone who asks about our mission,” I replied. “We want what’s best for Rahma and to reunite under the great King Rodion.”

  “I’ll tell everyone I know,” Jai swore as he shook my forearm.

  Nike came around the last of the wagons and approached the group.

  “Are we ready now?” I smirked.

  “I believe so,” he answered with a chuckle.

  “Goodbye, Lord Jai,” I yelled to the cheetah as I lifted Alyona onto the wagon with Laika.

  “Farewell, Lord Evan!” Jai called out.

  I looked at Laika and nodded.

  “Let’s go!” she whipped the reins and kicked the horses into gear, and the wagons behind ours followed as we made our way out of Tikal.

  As I faced the road ahead of us, I was more than ready for Lumin, the Dandelion Gates, and the Green Glass Sect.

  End of book 7

  End Notes

  Thank you for reading Dragon Emperor 7! I hope you really liked it. I’ll start working on the next Dragon Emperor as soon as this book has 100 reviews, so leave a review right here!

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2020 by Eric Vall




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