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Taming the Alien Prince: Sci-Fi Alien Royalty Romance (Intergalactic Lurve Book 2)

Page 12

by Rie Warren

  I pressed a tender kiss to her forehead before rising. Dragging leather pants over my legs, I padded toward my brother.

  “Did Cozmo come?”

  Astrid’s brother appeared beside X, his face grim. “How is she?”

  “She’s okay now. Don’t leave her alone?”

  “I won’t.” Cozmo strode inside and immediately perched beside his sleeping sister.

  I turned back to X. “I’m questioning Uncle alone.”

  “He won’t like that.”

  “Do I look like I give a fuck?”

  A tight smile stretched X’s lips. “Not one single bit. Just let me know when the funeral is so I can fail to show my respects.

  X took up a solid stance beside Magnar, standing guard outside my rooms, and I stalked through the corridors alone.

  Then down into the very depths of the palace where only the sound of my heavy footfalls rang through the silence of the night. Here, the palace resembled a dark, dim garrison—nothing like the sleek luxe atmosphere of the rest of the castle.

  The air moved in icy swirls. Dampness clung to the walls. Dust puffed from beneath my boots.

  X had detained Uncle all right. In the dungeons, a cold ugly place, just like him.

  Jedrek—charged with looking after our detainee—opened one of the many cells as I approached.

  Uncle had been disarmed, but still he stared at me with steely arrogance when I entered.

  I snarled, ready to rip his face off.

  “Easy boy.”

  “I’m not some animal to be handled!” I roared, ranging closer to him. “Do you have any idea what I went through tonight? Astrid could’ve been killed. And this time you’re at my mercy.”

  His face paled until the long jagged scar from temple to chin stood out in stark relief. “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t fucking pretend you have no idea. The attack on Prairie four months ago. The attack on Astrid tonight! Because they’re humans!”

  Rage exploded, and I lashed out. My fist bashed the side of his face, right across the old uneven scar. Blood spewed from the gash opened by my knuckles.

  Uncle reeled back, but he made no move to retaliate. Good thing too because I was one jab, jibe, or jeer away from foregoing interrogation and just getting down to extermination.

  Uncle just stood there, blood dripping off the edge of his jaw to splat on the ground. “I did not have anything to do with any assaults.”

  “Really? That’s not what the male said tonight. Just before I ended his life. I won’t hesitate to end yours, too, in the most unpleasant fashion.”

  “Just because I deem humans unworthy of taking over our planet doesn’t mean I have a hand in this—”

  “In this plan for genocide!” I balled my fists, ready to strike again. “They’re not taking over Zenithia. They’re part of it. It’s called progress.”

  “A human queen is the most vile insult to our species.”

  “Wrong. You’re the most vile insult to our species. You consider anyone different from you an aberration, I should know.”

  “Toughened you up though, didn’t I?”

  I grunted in reply, some of the venom leaking out of me.

  I didn’t want to become him.

  Didn’t want to be like him.

  Didn’t want to heap my hate upon his.

  Uncle walked toward me. He stared at me unflinchingly. For the first time, I saw a certain respect shining from his dark eyes.

  “Differences aside, I’d never seek to harm any of you, Zane. Nor your human females.” His steady look never wavered. “If you believe otherwise then I accept your punishment, whatever you deem it should be.”

  I glimpsed a certain truth in him at that moment. He may have been a monster, treated me abhorrently in my youth, but he’d never been one to spread falsities.

  Nodding, I stepped back. “I suggest you return to your outpost and find out who’s behind the attacks unless you want to face X’s and my retribution firsthand.”

  I spun on my heel and left the cell.

  “Release him,” I ordered Jedrek.


  “He’s innocent in this. Escort him from the palace. The Valkrane trials are over for the time being.”

  By the time I made it back to my rooms, I was no closer to the truth, which unsettled me.

  After I filled X in on what little I’d gleaned, I dismissed Cozmo then rejoined Astrid in bed. As if she recognized me even in her sleep, she cuddled closer to me, drowsily mumbling my name.

  The next morning everyone descended on our quarters, fussing over Astrid. Cozmo, Prairie, Kerta, X, and even Dylka made appearances. The company cheered Astrid up, especially when Prairie invited her to tagalong while X dragged her to one of her twice-daily appointments with the healer.

  When Astrid left me with a kiss, a soft plucking of her lips on mine, I wasn’t sure I ever wanted her out of my sight again. But all three warriors would accompany them. The palace was safe, and I knew I could trust X to protect both women with his life.

  In the end I was glad Astrid went with them, because I had something else to take care of.

  Something of utmost importance.



  AS I WALKED down the palace halls, surrounded by the three warriors and Prairie and X, I was still unsure what exactly had happened last night. I couldn’t process why anyone would attack me. Sell me into slavery? Try to rape me?

  I shuddered.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?” Prairie asked. “Maybe we should take you back to Zane.”

  “Please. No. This is just the kind of distraction I need.”

  “You know Zane would never let anything happen to you, right?” She persisted.

  I knew. I’d witnessed with my own eyes him destroying that male last night—leaving nothing but a bloody headless carcass. He’d displayed none of that rabid violence when we’d retired to his rooms. The way he’d bathed me, cleaning away the feeling of that man’s hands on me. Then he’d slowly, so, so gently, brought me to a shuddering orgasm without taking anything for himself.

  Zane’s love was a force all on its own, all-encompassing, all-consuming.

  For the first time life on Zenithia seemed like a very real possibility. If not for the one thing missing. My parents.

  In that regard, I counted Prairie lucky, which was a shitty thing to think. I had no idea what her upbringing had been like or what she’d endured on her own.

  At least X’s and her baby would be surrounded by love.

  Excitement began to ripple through me. I wondered what kind of medical equipment they had here. If we’d get to see the baby via ultrasound or sonogram . . .

  The healer I remembered from my first day—a tall exotic female with lavender-tinted skin—waited as Prairie, X, and I entered the examining room of what seemed to be a bustling medical bay inside the palace.

  Dex, Magnar, and Jedrek stood guard outside the doors that whooshed closed behind us.

  Beside a long soft-looking lounger, the woman beckoned Prairie to her. Otherwise the room appeared to be empty. No ultrasound, not even any medical implements like a stethoscope or jars of swabs and cotton balls. No microscopes, no machines, and the healer definitely wasn’t wearing scrubs, but a stately outfit consisting of a flowing robe over loose pants.

  My excitement turned to disappointment.

  “Prairie, how have you been?” the silver-haired healer asked.

  “You mean since you poked and prodded me last night? I swear this is worse than that whole mating ceremony rigmarole when the ladies got me all slicked up so I could get it on with this guy here.”

  X had to be well used to his mate’s sarcasm by now—he merely leaned over to kiss Prairie’s mouth until she shut up.

  “She’s been well,” he added. “Aside from a little excitement last night . . .”

  “Hey, bucko. That was not my fault,” Prairie shot back.

  X glanced
at me then at the healer. “Perhaps you should also check Astrid? She was attacked last night.”

  “Attacked? Why didn’t you bring her to me immediately?” Concern stemmed from the healer.

  Prairie wagged a finger at X. “Bad king. Bad.”

  “I’m fine. Honestly. A little shaken up is all, and Zane took very good care of me.”

  “In bed,” Prairie muttered in an undertone.

  Even the healer’s eyebrows rose at that one.

  “Your Majesty,” she turned to X, “would you help Prairie onto the bed.”

  “Doesn’t she need to undress?” I stepped closer.

  “Now you wanna get a look at my goods too?”

  “Meehri, you know this would go a whole lot faster if you just—”

  The pretty and precocious redhead mimed zipping her lips and tossing away the key.

  She lay back where X placed her, taking his hand in hers as a serene smile spread across her face. The smile of a woman completely at peace.

  With nothing but a flick of her wrist, the healer conjured a 3D image that floated over Prairie’s burgeoning belly.

  I almost passed out on the spot. And here I’d been disappointed there wasn’t an ultrasound.

  Her womb—part of it anyway—appeared in front of us like hi-tech magic.

  All of a sudden, Prairie gasped, voice full of horror. “Ohemgee! It has two heads!”

  Eyes wide, I saw exactly what she did. Two tiny heads filling the multidimensional imagery.

  “I mean I’m fine with the two cocks thing, but—”

  “Diphallia,” I whispered.

  X remained strangely silent. Maybe two heads was a thing? In which case, I’d have to rethink everything about Zenithia all over again.

  Then the healer waved her fingers a little, and the hologram zoomed out to capture Prairie’s entire womb.

  “You’re having twins!” I shouted, stunned into relief by the clear image of two separate babies. “Last night you only mentioned one baby.”

  And what did Prairie do? She laughed, of course.

  “Well, I needed to leave you a little surprise, didn’t I? Babies.” She patted her tummy lovingly. “That’s right. It seems Zenithians never do anything by halves.”

  “That’s miraculous, Prairie.” Peering closer, I started walking around the image, but the healer saw my intention and simply rotated the hologram so I could have a better look.

  There was nothing quite like witnessing a human-alien-hybrid life being created. Each baby had the two heart chambers but otherwise their anatomy appeared typical. And it was clear Prairie was pregnant with a boy and a girl.

  Tears sprung to my eyes. “You’re both very, very lucky.”

  “I know.” She grinned.

  X stroked a large palm over her belly, and incredibly, both babies kicked up against his hand. The brightest smile shone on his face. The huge male, the king of his race, positively beamed with pride.

  “Even better, superfast gestation so I can get my drink on again soon. Booyah,” the smug momma-to-be added.

  Giggling, I left X and Prairie to it, thinking I could get Magnar to escort me back to Zane. Seeing the king and queen so completely happy made me want to rush to my own . . . mate.

  Zane. My mate.

  But I didn’t find just the three warriors waiting outside. A small congregation had gathered.

  Then I spied it. A headband consisting of plastic alien antennae on springs that went boooiiing when plucked. The kitsch headband that belonged to . . .

  “MOM!” I flung myself into her arms, laughing deliriously and crying at the same time.

  I leaned back to make sure she wasn’t a mirage. One glance at her Humans Aren’t Real T-shirt and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt it was her. She was here.

  I hugged her more closely.

  Her arms wound around me.

  Then Dad was there too.

  And Cozmo.

  My eyes wet, I lifted them to see Zane, whose smile was at least as blinding as X’s had been.



  “BUT HOW DID you? What did you?” Astrid broke free of her brother and parents, spinning around to me.

  “Took a little road trip.” I hung back, captivated by her sheer joy. “Or a space trip.”

  I’d found her folks still at Area 51. All other Believers had departed, but their Winnebago parked in the middle of the desert boasted a glittery, somewhat wind-torn banner proclaiming Hellooo to the Aliens!

  One look at her mom’s T-shirt—embroidered and bedazzled with Humans Aren’t Real—and it became obvious they were definitely as pro extraterrestrial as Astrid had said.

  I’d hardly had to mention her name and Zenithia in the same sentence, and offer them a ride to outer space, before they’d packed their bags and trekked enthusiastically beside me. Pinging questions a mile a minute about the Sharonite Galaxy and Zenithian hierarchy, Delphine and Herb reminded me of Astrid’s never-ending curiosity and zest for knowledge.

  I hadn’t told them about Cozmo though, their long lost son. I saved that surprise until we arrived here, in the palace. When Kerta had strolled down the hallway, Cozmo in tow, tears cascaded, hugs abounded, and my eyes may have dampened too.

  Now Prairie and X joined us, completing the commotion in the corridor.

  “But you were there and back in less than a couple hours.” Astrid peered at me then back at her parents and brother.

  “Ah. That old space-time continuum thing.” Prairie stroked her chin like she was a professor or something.

  Before even more introductions could get underway, everyone faded away—all except the new humans, Astrid, Cozmo, Magnar, and me. With their disappearing act, they acknowledged the importance of this moment, this portentous reunion for Astrid’s family. Family I hoped to become part of.

  “You’re bribing me.” Astrid’s blue gaze pierced me.

  “No, I’m not.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Okay. Maybe a little. Is it working?” Unsure, I dropped my hands, awaiting her reaction.

  She hurled herself at me. “Yes! Oh my God, yes!”

  A thick laugh rumbled from my throat, laughter that ceased when her lips melted against mine. I tasted the saltiness of tears shed, felt the heat of her body I craved, heard the beat of her heart I wanted to win completely.

  Her lips drifted to my cheek then down to my chin she nipped.

  She peeked up at me. “So they can stay?”

  “Is a unix multicolored?”


  “What’s a unix?” Delphine asked.

  Astrid hopped down just as quickly as she’d jumped into my arms. She gathered her mom’s hands in hers.

  “I’ve got so much to tell you. But you should catch up with Cozmo first. And then we’ll eat and I’ll take you on a walk to the seaside and hopefully we can catch sight of the unix. There are blue pastures where the tazek graze and . . .”

  I’d never heard Astrid talk so fast before. Never seen her so excited, except when she was riding my cocks, a thought I probably better subdue before I scandalized her parents with what I wanted to do to their daughter.

  “And while you hang out with Cozmo I think I need to give a proper thank you to my mate.” Her sultry tone and the blatant invitation of her swinging hips as she sauntered to me made my mouth salivate to taste her.

  “Oh my heavens.” Delphine pressed her hands beneath her chin. “You’re really engaged to the prince of Zenithia?”

  Taking a leaf from Prairie’s page, Astrid called back, “Please don’t bow to him. His head is already big enough.”

  Heads, plural. The ones in my leathers straining. Astrid didn’t know the half of it.

  Guessed I didn’t need to subdue my cocks’ throbbing need for her after all . . .


  The feast was in full swing in the Great Hall, what Astrid called a rehearsal dinner to our upcoming ceremonial mating.

  Speaking of Astrid, she laughed boist
erously beside me, sharing another anecdote about life on Zenithia with her parents. And she looked hot. So fuckhot I couldn’t concentrate on her words any longer.

  The deep purple gown highlighted her ripe curves, nipples prominent and peaked inside the thin material. Her nebulous blonde hair streaked down her back, and every time she chuckled her tits jiggled, causing my cocks to lurch inside my leather pants.

  Leather pants filled to bursting with my weighty balls and steadily thickening dicks.

  X stood to say another toast as more meat, fruit, more drinks and sweets were served.

  The Hall overflowed with our court, friends, family, freed men and women. Music pulsed from the drummers in the corner, and X and Prairie lounged on their thrones, although more often than not Prairie perched on his lap.

  Almost full term, her belly rotund with twins she’d birth soon, Prairie shone with the glow of motherhood.

  Astrid glowed just as much. She caught my hand as my fingers trailed up her thigh, inside the dress.

  “You’re a naughty male.”

  “Guilty.” I swooped down for a luxurious kiss, ending with the lewd sound of wet lips clinging.

  “With my parents sitting right here.”

  “Happy to take you someplace private. I’ll fuck you until you scream so much you lose your voice. Screw you so hard I’ll leave you aching for me to fill you every second of every day.” My dark dirty voice, rife with intent, made her eyes dilate to near black.

  After dragging in a shuddering breath, she flashed me a coy feminine smile full of her own wicked promise. “Later.”

  “I’m holding you to that.”

  “I hope so.” She gave a pleased hum.

  She knew she had me.

  “Get a room!” Dex boomed, raising chuckles and applause from all around.

  That was okay. His time was coming, and I’d be right there to stick it to him—but not like Jedrek wanted to stick it to him.

  I’d installed Astrid’s parents in lodging similar to and nearby Cozmo’s, what Astrid liked to call the mother-in-law suite. They’d settled in during the past fortnight, but they hadn’t stopped fretting about the fate of their beloved Winnebago. Not until I’d returned to Earth and delivered the land beast—bequeathed by Herb and Delphine—to one Mr. Hobbs.


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