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Dream of Legends fie-2

Page 12

by Stephen Zimmer

  “They are close enough. Unless you prefer to die gloriously and take a few of them with you, and hope that some gleeman sings of you one day, I would suggest that we all get moving now. As for myself, I am not seeking glory in a senseless fight, so I am leaving now. You may stay if you like, though,” Gunther replied tersely.

  The man was not in the mood for any edgy banter with Erin, preempting any rude responses that she might have had on her lips. For her part, Erin made no caustic reply, keeping her mouth shut.

  Gunther moved swiftly, gathering up a couple of leather packs, and opening a pair of wooden chests on the ground. He rummaged through the chests quickly, withdrawing some items of clothing and other incidentals that he packed into the hide pouches.

  Lee and the others were sternly exhorted by Gunther to get their weapons along with any other things that they wished to take with them. There was not much in that regard, as Lee and the others did not have so much as a change of clothes.

  Packs filled, Gunther strode over to the back of the room, heading towards the barred door, brushing roughly by Ryan in the process. Ryan was almost knocked off his feet by the brusque impact.

  Lee knew that the contact was not intentional, simply a result of Gunther’s mind being far away from the woodland abode. Gunther paused to glance back towards Ryan, as if in afterthought, and apparently recognized the confusion upon the younger man’s face.

  “There is no time. We must go without delay,” he said more gently, as he lifted the wooden plank from the great door and swung it open.

  What little light existed in the outer room was immediately sucked up, swallowed by the impenetrable blackness on the other side of the door. Lee reflexively shivered as a strong draft of cold air rushed out.

  The cooler air had a clean moistness to it, emerging from the interior of the cave-like atmosphere. Only a tiny speck of dim light in the far depths of the blackness signified anything that he could orient upon with his eyes.

  The four awaited Gunther hesitantly, looking between the entrance and the woodsman.

  “The door is open for you to go through, now!” Gunther barked at them with urgency. “Walk slowly towards the light, the ground underfoot is even enough. You can feel your way along the sides if you wish, but keep your balance.”

  Lee started through the doorway first, giving some confidence to the others as they followed behind him. He noticed that the ground within the doorway was at a somewhat steep, downward slant, which headed straight towards the distant light.

  Putting his hands out, he discovered that they were in a narrow passage, as his hands found the rough-hewn rock on the sides. Methodically, he took his first steps forward, careful to maintain his footing. The surfacing beneath his feet, though not perfectly even, did not have any large projections or dips that threatened to make him stumble or fall.

  After about twenty paces in the narrow corridor, his hands could no longer touch both sides at once. He could also sense the enlargement of space in the widening corridor, yawning open above and around them. He adjusted over to the side, to move forward along the wall to the right.

  Within the surrounding blackness, he could hear the sounds of the Jaghuns padding up from behind. The creatures passed by Lee and the others in the darkness. Their presence in the passageway was undeniably reassuring to Lee, though it did not quench his sense of apprehension as they moved through the dark towards the unknown.

  Lee heard the shutting of the wooden door behind them, followed by a sliding sound and a loud “pop,” undoubtedly a wood plank being shoved into place from the inside.

  It came as no surprise to Lee that Gunther had taken both sides of the door into consideration when he had built his dwelling. Heavy, swift footsteps then echoed into the larger part of the passageway, as Gunther hurried down the corridor. Within moments, he drew up alongside Lee.

  “The enemy will find my home, but there will be no easy path for them to take to come against us down here. Remember, we are calling upon friends in a time of need,” Gunther said to Lee, loud enough for the others to hear. He then spoke in an even louder voice to the quartet. “Now keep going towards that distant light.”

  Gunther’s voice trailed off as he started forward, taking the lead. Lee and his three companions fixed their eyes upon the distant glow, still far ahead and below.

  Moving slowly through the deep gloom, the rest of the descent seemed to take an eternity to complete. The light before them was a welcoming beacon, reassuring and calling to them as they carefully passed through the engulfing darkness of the downward pathway.

  Gradually, the speck of light grew to become a definable circle, which in turn became an oval-shaped portal that was easily big enough for the group to walk through.

  The light gradually illuminated the ground and sides around them, though it revealed little other than rock. Of all the strange things that Lee had seen in his life within two worlds, what awaited the group at the end of the passageway was perhaps the strangest yet. He had expected something unusual, but found that he was completely unprepared for the sight that finally met his eyes.

  The light was not generated from any sun or artificial means.

  The luminescent glow came from broad, amorphous patches spread high up the sides of a huge rock cavern that the passageway opened into. The blue-hued light was quite ample, revealing what looked to be a rather bizarre type of forest that was spread out far and wide within the gargantuan cavern.

  Even at first glance, and in the midst of his great awe, Lee saw that there was some type of order to the strange forest. It was as if it had been cultivated in a highly organized arrangement, with a specific purpose. Lee’s first impression was that it held the quality of a well-tended farm.

  The forest was a mixture of soaring vertical growths, some varieties resembling giant mushrooms, continuing on down to much shorter stalks that were barely taller than Lee. The footing underneath was very strange, covered by algae-like growths and spongy loam. Lee could see that it was the substance of the much thicker layers that served as the foundation for the greater forest. The amount of organic material that the towering stalks were rooted in was incredible to consider.

  The bright, glowing patches on the walls, and the bathing bluish light that they cast, added considerably to the mystical beauty of the extraordinary place.

  Lee had come to a complete halt just a few steps into the cavern. He looked about in wonder, nearly breathless as his eyes adjusted further to the glowing light. The overall effect of the place was simply magical, and unlike anything he had ever experienced.

  “I don’t believe this,” Lynn remarked slowly, her eyes drinking in the astonishing sights all around them.

  “Unbelievable,” Ryan said, craning his neck back to look up at the underbelly of one of the tall mushroom caps. Had the cap been upon the ground, all four of the companions could have stood within its circumference.

  Lee hardly bothered to notice the Jaghuns grouping swiftly around them, in a protective manner. Just ahead, Gunther had come to a stop himself, though it was not out of awe for the sights around them. His eyes darted among the growths, as if searching for some sort of sign or presence.

  Gunther slowly stepped back to where Lee was.

  “What is it?” Lee asked him in a hushed tone.

  “The Unguhur might wonder why I bring companions who can speak their language well… as they know that I possess only a modest number of their words. It is best not to give rise to suspicions where we are needing friends,” Gunther said, keeping his attention riveted upon their surroundings. “I will have to unveil everything about the four of you in time, including your amulets from the Wanderer.”

  “Should we take ours off?” Lynn asked him, voicing the obvious question that came to Lee’s mind.

  It took no great leap of logic to perceive that the Unguhur would be quite surprised to encounter four people that they had never met speaking their language without error, much more fluently than Gunther.
  “They will know you are of another world no matter what you do. I may suggest that you keep your own words few at the beginning. But keep your amulets on you. At least it will help you understand what they say. We have little other choice,” Gunther replied evenly. He then paused, as if thinking further on the matter. “Then again, at first it may not be deemed wise to reveal that you can speak with them, and understand them. Sometimes it is wisest to hold some things back. It could even be an advantage. They may speak more openly if they do not know you can understand their words.”

  Lee, Lynn, and the others nodded in understanding. Lee was relieved to know that they could retain the pendants. Once he had come to understand the nature of the amulet, he had regarded it as invaluable, if not indispensable. In a world where he knew not one of the languages spoken upon its surface, the amulet was a lifeline.

  The group remained silent as Gunther continued to look out into the wondrous forest around them.

  “As a friend I come,” Gunther called out loudly into the stillness around them.

  His voice carried far and vibrantly, echoing within the enormous space of the cavern. His words brought Lee, Lynn, Ryan, and Erin closer towards him. Lee was taken out of his enraptured state, as he looked around to see who or what Gunther was speaking to. He found himself gripped by nervous anticipation, feeling the sense of expectency coming from the woodsman.

  Movement drew Lee’s eyes, as a grayish shape could be seen moving amongst the growths, emerging from a deeper part of the fungus-forest and heading towards them. Several other large shapes issued from the midst of the forest growths just a few moments later.

  Lee quickly realized the great size of the approaching beings, which became more apparent with each long stride that they took. Were it not for the relaxed nature of the Jaghuns and the calm disposition of Gunther, Lee and the others would likely have taken flight and run as hard as they could back towards the passage.

  The hulking creatures approaching them were indeed humanoid, each one standing well over eight feet in height. They had large, triangular ears that were pressed close against the sides of their broad heads.

  Their faces had a distinctive concavity. Were it not for their greatly formidable nature, Lee would have found them to have a naturally melancholic expression. Large, forward-set eyes rested deep in their wide sockets, while their prominent lower jaws jutted forward.

  Their thick, bullish necks were connected to immensely muscular bodies, warning any who looked upon them of great physical strength. They were also long-limbed creatures in proportion to their powerful bodies, the considerable lengths of their arms and legs rippling with chiseled muscle.

  There was little mystery as to the identity of the oncoming creatures. Lee knew that the beings striding towards them were the Unguhur.

  He could see why the creatures had once been called Stone Hides. Their grayish skin did indeed have a stony texture, though up close Lee could see that the creatures had a very light growth of thin, gray hairs along the surface of their bodies.

  Most of the creatures wore a type of hide-skirt, similar to a kilt, which was wrapped around their waists and hung down to just above their thick knees. A select few wore plain hide tunics along with the kilt, both items appearing to be fashioned of a thicker, different kind of leather. These Unguhur looked to be larger and even more muscular than the ones with only the kilt.

  Their massive hands exhibited fingers that ended in what looked like small spear blades. The same was true of their long feet. Lee could not help but conjecture that the creatures could readily tunnel through hard-packed ground without the need for any tools.

  The ones wearing tunics were armed with what appeared to be great lances. The lance blades were made of a black stone that had been shaped long and sharp, making the weapon suitable for slashing or for thrusting.

  Those with just the hide-skirts carried much shorter weapons, club-sized for the scale of the beasts. The crude, mace-like weapons held a large, obsidian stone lashed tightly to the end of their thick shafts.

  The creatures bearing the lances moved to the forefront of the bare-chested ones, the latter clustering behind.

  Altogether, sixteen of the creatures had come to stand before Gunther’s party. The huge beings made no hostile moves, though they kept some distance between the two parties. The ones in the front retained a firm grip upon their huge spears, though the sharpened points were tilted upwards, oriented towards the cavern ceiling.

  Gunther turned to Lee and the others, and spoke in a lowered voice. “We must wait for one of the Unguhur leaders, versed in our language. One will come. These were the closest to us. Warriors and laborers, attending to this cavern.”

  Lee nodded wordlessly to Gunther. He was not about to divulge the nature of their amulets to these creatures, for there was no telling what kind of interest or alarm that the magical amulets might invoke in the brutish-looking beings. He definitely did not want to risk gaining their ire.

  It seemed like an age had passed, when five more of the Unguhur finally came forth from the forest. Like those in the forefront of the group before Gunther, four were wearing the tunic-kilt combination and bore great spears. The four warriors walked in escort around the fifth member of their group, keeping the distinctive individual centered within their midst.

  The protected Unguhur, alone among the twenty others of its kind in sight, was unarmed. Clad in a full-length tunic of softer material, flowing almost like a robe, the creature wore a necklace made up of an array of very long, sharp teeth. Tan-hued hide armbands were wound snugly about each of its upper arms. Each of the armbands exhibited a single line of raised scutes, presumably from the hide of whatever creature had been used to fashion them.

  “Hail, Eranthus,” Gunther proclaimed, lowering his head towards the approaching contingent.

  “Gunther. You come. Been long. No wood? No trade? You bring others?” the robe-wearing one stated, as the last group of Unguhur finally reached the larger gathering.

  Lee listened with the benefit of the amulet, but from the stilted delivery of the Unguhur, he surmised that Gunther was being addressed in the Saxan tongue. The creature spoke in a low, gravely tone of voice that fit well within the atmosphere pervading the strange underground world. It was obvious to Lee, watching the considerable deference given to the creature by its surrounding brethren, that the being held great authority amongst its kind.

  It was difficult to read the expression upon the creature’s broad face, but the look in the creature’s eyes conveyed familiarity, and a sense of friendship, towards Gunther. The same eyes shifted to study the four humans with Gunther very closely. The creature’s eyes narrowed, furrowing the skin covering the prominent ridge of its forehead, as it applied scrutiny to the human guests.

  “Enemy come?” the being then asked, looking back to Gunther.

  Gunther nodded, and as he spoke he used physical gestures to illustrate and emphasize his words. “Bad times come in world above. Work of Unifier. Big army comes. There are many enemy. Had to leave home. Could not stay above. Too much danger. Come to warn Unguhur. Need home with Unguhur.”

  At the mention of the Unifier, Eranthus’ facial muscles tensed into something akin to a snarl. The lips curled back far enough to reveal that the Unguhur had very sizeable teeth, accompanied with a set of extremely prominent, sharp canines. Lee could certainly tell that there was no love lost between the Unifier and the Unguhur, something that made Lee feel much more reassured.

  “You safe. In Unguhur lands now. Come now. Who friends?” Eranthus asked, his eyes looking back inquisitively at the four with Gunther.

  “Will give story. Maybe prophecy. Friends. Protect from Unifier,” Gunther replied.

  “Gunther friends welcome. Gunther beasts welcome. Come. We go to Oranim,” Eranthus said. “Watch tunnel.”

  Eranthus turned and spoke in a lower tone to the warriors that had escorted him. Lee picked out several words, listening as the Unguhur leader instruc
ted the warriors to summon others, ordering them to watch over the long tunnel that led to Gunther’s dwelling.

  When Eranthus was finished speaking to the warriors, two of the spear-carrying Unguhur cupped their hands to their faces, and bellowed back in the direction of the bizarre forest. In mere moments, a number of other voices were raised from places near and far throughout the great cavern. A trickle of Unguhur appeared shortly, covering the ground in swift, loping strides as they hastened to the summons.

  Gunther did not have to explain to Lee that each of the giant creatures was worth several human warriors, if combat were to ensue. Lee found himself intensely grateful for the fact that Gunther was regarded as a friend by the creatures, for over thirty of the Unguhur now surrounded them. If the Unguhur had decided to become hostile, there was nothing that Gunther and all of his Jaghuns combined could have done to protect Lee and his companions.

  The warriors gathered together, leaving with the ones that Eranthus had instructed and heading towards the lower tunnel entrance.

  Eranthus then motioned for the humans to follow, adding the invocation, “Warriors there. Now, come.”

  Only a couple of the warriors had remained behind, and these now escorted Eranthus, as the club-wielding Unguhur dispersed and moved back into the depths of the towering growths.

  Eranthus led them on a path that meandered through the forest-like environment. Walking in silence, Lee took in the sights of the lofty stalks rising around them. They moved through many varieties of unusual growths, before they finally stepped out of the forest and entered a broad clearing.

  His feet stepped once again onto a hardened surface, the ground no longer covered with the organic material that saturated the area underneath the fungal growths.

  A short distance ahead of them, at the end of a gentle, downward slope, an underground river flowed. The dark waters of the river coursed with a slow current, patient and confident within the channel that it had carved out of the rock over long ages.


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