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Olivia's Guardian

Page 6

by St. Andrews,Rose

  What could be better in life?

  “So, are you learning, little girl, are you going to be good for Daddy?”

  “Yes, sir, yes, but… um…”

  “Oh, what’s wrong?”

  She grinned and looked over her shoulder. “I think you missed a spot. Right cheek, down close to my thigh.”

  “Oh, well, I’ll take care of that!”

  He did, but even more than she expected. She had earned herself an extra dozen swats as she’d broken Rule #4 on her list: Little girls do not try to boss their daddies around. Only when she was bawling like a baby did he stop and release her. She stood next to the chair, her head on his chest, hands cupping her toasty cheeks, and his arm around her.

  “That’s my girl. Now, you get dressed and come to breakfast, and don’t be late.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she said, trying to hide her disappointment.

  He rose and left, and she grumbled about not having time to come, but she knew he preferred her to wait until later. As he told her, it would boost her pleasure, and was Rule #13: No coming without permission. So, gently slipping white panties on, she picked out little green shorts and a yellow blouse. Her bust line was nice, but not huge, and so she felt okay going without a bra. Once in the kitchen, Caleb lifted her to her new highchair and strapped her in. She squealed at the hard seat, and he locked the tray before her.

  She was trapped.

  “All right, time to eat a good breakfast,” he said happily.

  He set it before her and started feeding her. Renewed groans of frustration issued forth from her lungs. The pain of sitting, the helplessness, and being fed all combined to heighten her excitement.

  She recognized the new food items that she’d had him pick up. They were specialty things, designed to nourish her, which was important, but were low-calorie. Based on what Dr. Archer had told them, when they explained her desire to not grow to her normal size, it would help her to maintain her petite size. As it turned out, Archer was a free spirit, and he didn’t judge them regarding their fetish and desire to age-play.

  Only when she’d cleaned her plate was she allowed to get down and go play. The first order of business was a mind-shattering episode of masturbation, for which she had to ask permission to do. In the meantime, Caleb took care of things around the house, and filed his daily report.

  He then knocked on her door. “Olivia, come to my bathroom, it’s time for a special treatment.”

  Lying in bed, naked and sweaty, she sat up. “Yes, Daddy, I’ll be right there.”

  Stumbling about, she threw her clothes back on and raced out the door. She had no idea what he had lined up for her, which was what they’d agreed on, but it was going to be good. As she neared the door, she saw him mixing something, and it took her breath away.

  It was an enema.

  He heard her approach and turned, all smiles. “There’s my girl. Okay, come in here and get across my lap.”

  “Um, why, Daddy? Why am I getting an enema?”

  “Oh, that’s the next part of your surprise today, little one. Now, come on, do as Daddy says.”

  Trembling, she slipped her shorts and underwear off, and assumed the position once more across his lap. It went just like the other times, only better. Caleb made a point of drawing it out. He slowly caressed and squeezed her still-sore cheeks. He swirled the cool lubricant around her anus, and then ever so slowly eased the long and large nozzle deep inside her. She lay there across his lap for what seemed like an hour before he started the flow. She squeaked and whined as she was filled very full, and then gasped at the accompanying touch.

  His right hand slid between her legs to lightly brush her inner thighs. She felt his fingernails rake her skin, gently. Her back arched, she moaned louder, and he tickled her delicate lips. She spread her legs. It wasn’t a conscious decision, her body did it of its own accord. As he entered her, he teased her clit, even as she became fuller and fuller with the enema.

  “I-I-I… ohhh, Daddddyyyy, I’m going to-to-to… ohhh!”

  “Now, now, little girl, do not come without permission. You must wait; Daddy knows when the moment is right. If you come before he says so, you’ll have to be punished,” he said happily.

  “Ohhh, bu-bu-but, Dadddyyyyyy,” she begged.

  “No!” he snapped.

  She shook, almost throwing herself from his lap. Her thighs flexed, her pussy became drenched in her juices, and her mind was on fire. Grabbing his thigh with both hands, she fought the passion threatening to erupt within her. It seemed to drag on for hours. Suddenly, the nozzle was gone, and his left hand crammed a giant butt plug into her.

  “There, you see, all you had to do was wait until you were full,” he said casually. “Okay, you may now come, if you want to.”

  She exploded, screaming out a climax bigger than any she’d ever known. The concept of ceding control of her body, of allowing someone else to decide when she experienced an orgasm was so totally alien to her, and it heightened the pleasure more than anything in her life. It was several minutes before she came down, and he fixed her clothes and stood her up by then.

  “Ohhh, Daddy, I need to go,” she whined.

  “You’ll go when I tell you, just like with coming. Now, go to the kitchen, and we’ll have lunch.”

  Her jaw dropped. “Lunch!? You-you mean I have to wait until after we eat to… go?”

  He grinned. “At least that long. If you whine and complain, it’ll be longer. Now scoot and set the table while I clean up.”

  She groaned, but did as he’d ordered. Her belly seemed to slosh with each step, and he joined her a few minutes later. Lunch was like breakfast, she had to sit and let him feed her, and only when she’d cleaned her plate was she finally allowed to go to the bathroom (after he popped her plug). As she dried her hands and opened the door, he was standing there all smiles.

  “Oh, Daddy, you startled me.”

  “Merely impatient for your company. So, come with me now, it’s time for Daddy to have his fun.”

  She practically raced him to his bedroom. Once naked and in bed, their bodies blended and merged, and the fire was rekindled within her. He kissed her lips, then her breasts, his tongue swirling about her nipples, and goosebumps rippled over her skin. Suddenly, he rolled her over and got behind her, and hoisted her up on her knees. She gasped, feeling his cock slide between her tender and warm cheeks.

  “Oh, Daddy, what are you doing?”

  “What, have you never done this? Are you an anal virgin? Well, you soon won’t be,” he chuckled.

  “Oh!” she squealed.

  He entered her, her large cock stretching her delicate flesh. She grunted in a blending of pain and delight. Her eyes grew wide as her head went down on a pillow. His hips banged into her sore ass, she moaned, and his cock thrust deep inside her. He grabbed her about the waist and once more took control of her body. He forced her to drive back to meet his cock as it drilled her hard and fast. In went his hard shaft, her anus stretched again, she saw stars, pain sparked within her, and then the pleasure grew stronger.

  “Oh, yeah, baby, that’s so good,” he groaned.

  “Ouch, oh! Daddy, I-I-I… ohhh, I can’t, I can’t take-take itttt—ohhh,” she howled.

  Caleb gave a throaty, passionate gasp, then promised, “You will. You’ll come from it. And you’ll beg for more.”

  Over and over their bodies united, her passion grew, the flames consumed her, and her hands helped once more. Her left squeezed and grabbed her breasts, her right thrust into her clit, and again she found her mind bending to his will.

  “I-I, Da-Da… Daddddyyyyy, yes, do it, fuck me up the ass, more, give me morrrrre!” she screamed.

  He did so. He exploded inside her, his cum warming the inside of her ass.

  Olivia lost it. Her eyes rolled back in her head, she gasped, her body spasming, and she came harder than she’d ever come before. When she finally came down, their positions had changed. Once more he was asleep on his back an
d snoring, and she lay with her cheek resting on his large chest. His curly white hair tickled her nose and she loved the feel of his chest gently rising and falling with each breath, and the solid thump-thump of his heartbeat.

  Her ass positively pulsated with fiery pain and pleasure, and she sighed happily. She had a man in her life who made her happy, and she prayed it all wasn’t a dream.


  It was the front door again. She sighed and slipped on her clothes, wincing as she bent down to pull up her shorts. Her ass was very sore, inside and out! Then she made her way to the door and was surprised to find all of her close neighbors there, not just Gwen and Roger.

  “Um, afternoon, everyone. Something I can do for you?”

  “Olivia, what is with all the noise?” Amy said. “Even this old fart heard it, and he’s half deaf.”

  Olivia smirked as Amy pointed at Brad with her thumb.

  He grumbled and crossed his arms. “Old woman, you can’t keep using that lame line. I, unlike you, am young again!”

  “It was nothing bad, people. Um, Gwen, you didn’t… explain?”

  Roger nodded. “Oh, she made it clear to me about last time, but this was much louder.”

  “Yeah, even I was concerned,” Gwen added.

  Olivia turned bright crimson. “Folks, really, it was nothing, just… ah, um… sex.”

  Stunned silence followed and the six looked from one to the other with their jaws hanging open.

  Amy bent forward on her cane, a sour expression on her face. “Are you saying he’s that good? What, has he got some sort of secret book or something?”

  “No, it’s just that… well; it’s been a long time for me. Well, and he is… good.”

  They pestered her with still more questions. It seemed now that they’d been snapped out of decades of lethargy; they were hungry for activities, all kinds of activities. It was risky, but she made the decision to tell them about their shared fetish. Well, the spanking and age-play parts, but that was all. They were completely and totally fascinated and begged for details.

  “People, people, keep in mind, you came over here because of how loud I was during… ah, you-know-what. Can you please give me time to recover? I promise, we’ll get together some time in the future and talk, and I’ll answer all your questions.”

  Heidi stepped forward and turned to face the others. “I think that makes sense. Let’s be… logical and reasonable. After all, we’ve lived here for decades and been… the walking dead for most of that time. If we wait a few days to learn about something that will put more fire in our lives, where’s the harm?”

  The others agreed, nodding their heads as they left, and all the ladies winked at Olivia as they walked off. She closed the door and heaved a sigh.

  Damn, what have I gotten myself into? Talk about a twist to my life. Olivia Hargee: Sex Therapist!

  Olivia went back to check on Caleb. He was still out and thus she had some free time. In the past, she would have plunked herself down in front of the TV, and watched yet another rerun. But due to her renewed zest for life, she had no interest in such things. An idea popped into her head: What if she created her own show? As if struck by lightning, she was instantly inspired. Racing to her room, she got pen and paper, and stood there at her little desk as she wrote. Sitting was out of the question.

  She couldn’t help but smile as she remembered that long ago she’d been a writer, but that life had faded as endless existence had stretched before her. Even work became unnecessary. When anyone, even a struggling teacher/write like her could make a tiny investment, and then live off the dividends after only forty or fifty years, there was no need to work. She still had no need, but now she had something better: a desire! She wrote and wrote, and wrote some more. So laser-like was she in her focus that she didn’t hear Caleb walk up to the doorway.

  She jumped when he rapped on it to get her attention.

  “Goodness, girl, are you trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe? I’ve never seen such an intense look on your face.”

  “Sorry, just… concentrating.”

  He cocked his head at her. “Oh, really? Care to share, or is it something personal?”

  She smiled broadly. “No, no, I want you to know all about it!”

  “Well, okay then. How about we talk about it while we exercise?”

  She readily agreed. Not merely because she relished his touch and being outside, but because she knew he had something special planned. So, slipping on her blue shorts and white tee, she practically raced him outside to the mat. The session went as always, a good solid workout for her new muscles. She worked up quite a sweat, her heart pounding not just from the exertion, but the touch of his hands to her skin.

  She also told him about her idea. The show was called My Little Lucy. She had considered using her name, but thought that a bit too egotistical. For some reason, the name Lucy just popped into her head. She was a regen living with her husband, and in each episode she got into some sort of mischief that resulted in a good sound spanking.

  “It sounds like fun, sweetie, but is it appropriate? I mean, I know there aren’t many children around, but there are some. Is the subject matter acceptable?”

  “No problem, it can air on one of the adult channels that you need a retina scan to access. Don’t they have those in Neo London?”

  “Oh, yeah, now that I think of it, they do. I just wasn’t ever into those shows.”

  She nodded. “I understand, neither was I. There were no spanking-themed ones.”

  “So, what are you going to do with your treatment?”

  “I have a friend, haven’t seen her in decades, but we had—have similar… ah, tastes. She was lucky, she found a man who shared hers. She works at a local TV station; I’ll go see her and pitch it to her.”

  “Someone who actually works? I thought it was only the young ones like me who had to do that.”

  Olivia giggled. “Well, with some, they ‘work’ at what they enjoy, and she loves working in entertainment.”

  He nodded, and they continued working out, then made plans to contact her friend. Finally they were both hot and sweaty, so they relaxed and cooled down.

  He took a drink and sat on the stump. “Okay, little one, get across my lap.”

  Her toes curled. “What? Why, Daddy, did I not exercise hard enough?”

  “Not at all, sweetie, this is your last exercise. A good sound spanking will help to tone and tighten that cute little bottom of yours, and that’ll make Daddy very happy. So, come here.”

  Olivia looked around. She could almost feel the eyes of every neighbor on her, and so, heart racing, goosebumps rippling, she moved to his side and went willingly across his beautiful bare lap (he was in shorts). Her shorts, already tight, were stretched very tight, and held her cheeks in perfect symmetry.

  Smack! His hand struck. She squeaked. The lingering ache from popping her anal cherry added to her delightful torment, but Caleb did go easy on her. The spanking was firm and lengthy, but not severe. He knew just how hard to smack to drive her wild with almost orgasmic bliss. Over and over his hand struck, and her yelps and howls grew steadily louder.

  She still didn’t quite make it to a climax.

  Going inside, she took a shower, masturbated, and put on clean clothes. After that, she worked more on her treatment, started the pilot script, and made a call to Cynthia, her old friend.

  “My God, Olivia, it’s been, what, sixty years?”

  “Probably a little longer. It was before my last regen.”

  “So, what you been up to? You back into writing, finally finish that novel of yours, and want me to read it?”

  “No, got something else in mind; something I hope you’ll like, no, love.” She laid out the idea to her.

  “Hmmm, a new adult program that isn’t just sex. I like it. However, I’m not the one you truly have to win over, it’s the station execs. Those old fossils have been running things here for over a century, and their motto i
s: ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ I don’t know that they’d be interested in a new show. I mean, it’s not like they need the money, right?”

  “I see your point. Well, we won’t know unless we try. Can you line up a meeting with them?”

  “Sure, we review programming once a week. I’ll put you on the agenda for next week.”

  “Thanks, I owe you.”

  “You can make it up to me by inviting us over for dinner. I’d love to meet this new man in your life who has kick-started you out of your lethargy.”

  “You got it,” Olivia said with a smile. “Tomorrow night work for you?”

  “It’s a date!”

  Hanging up the old rotary phone, which was downright huge compared to her head and hand, Olivia skipped off to tell Caleb the good news. He promptly spanked her for doing so without asking permission.

  Later, sitting down to dinner, she winced and squirmed while he fed her.

  “Daddy, I really am sorry for inviting my friends over before asking you if it was okay.”

  “It’s okay, sweetie, you’ve been punished, and we can forget it now.”

  “Well, I feel so bad about it. Is there anything special I can do to make it up to you?” she said, batting her eyes at him.

  He grinned a wicked grin. “Hmmm, let me think about that.”

  She was transfixed by an icy bolt to her pussy. Oh, shit, what’s he planning now?

  Chapter Eight

  Olivia spent the rest of the evening practically hyperventilating as she wondered what he had planned for her. Finally, at bedtime, he dragged her into his bedroom, and they got undressed. He sat on the edge of the bed near the bedside table and gestured for her to draw near. She bit her lip and did so, her heart pounding to the point she could see her breasts rise and fall with each pulsation.

  “All right, little one, I want you to pleasure me,” he said simply.

  Her eyes drifted down to between his legs. Here was yet another thing she’d not done in decades. Yet, she didn’t dare refuse, and didn’t want to refuse. She moved to kneel between his legs, then squealed as he hoisted her aloft and deposited her sort of halfway across his lap. Her mouth opened and she accepted his cock. Her eyes grew wide as his hands began to play with and caress her still-tender cheeks.


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