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Olivia's Guardian

Page 8

by St. Andrews,Rose

  More school.

  As Stanley pointed out, all of them knew things in different subjects, and all of them were hungry to learn and expand their lives. So, they found the site of the town’s old schoolhouse and built a new one. Now they had a right and proper place to hold classes. Caleb became principal and teacher of Spanking 101. Olivia taught Bratting Techniques; Stanley did an acting class, Heidi science, and so on. By the time the new TV show was ready to have its debut, classes were well underway, and there was already talk of expansion.

  Olivia got spanked by her teachers on a regular basis and sent to the principal’s office for additional punishment. Sometimes that was a simple spanking, other times the paddle or strap, and often it entailed a sex act. She never knew what Mr. St. Armand would select, which only served to heighten her excitement.

  Until one morning she arrived at school to find Caleb waiting for her at the front door. He took her by the hand and led her down the hall.

  “Daddy, what’s up, where we going?”

  “Conference room for a meeting,” he replied simply.

  She swallowed hard. There was something about how he said the word ‘meeting’ that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand straight up. Yet, she knew better than to resist. The door sensor detected them, they opened, and she gasped. The entire staff was there, seated on one side of a long table and facing them. Caleb moved around to take a chair at the center of the group, and now she faced all of them alone.

  “Hey, folks, wha-what’s up?” she squeaked, then cleared her throat.

  “Olivia, you know we all care about you,” Caleb said.

  “What is this, an intervention?”

  Heidi shook her head. “Not at all,” she replied, and picked up a paper in front of her. “Olivia, over the past few weeks, you’ve done some things that have caused me concern.”

  “Oh, clam up, Heidi,” Amy snapped. “Must you be so… clinical? Olivia, dear one, we understand that you’re very excited by these new… activities that have come into our lives, we all are.”

  “However, you’ve been overindulging in them,” Brad added.

  Heidi picked up another piece of paper. “Do you have any idea how many times you’ve been sent to the principal’s office in just the last two weeks?”

  “Um, no,” she said softly.

  “Nine. Olivia, we only have school four days a week! This has got to stop.”

  “Okay, I’ll behave.”

  Caleb sighed. “Sweetie, all of your teachers have spoken to you about this, and you’ve made the same promise. We’re sorry, but punishment is called for, and that’s what you’re going to get.”

  Olivia cringed, her toes curling. “Wha-what are you going to do?”

  “Well, I’ve been talking to our neighbors about different aspects of age-play, and some of them have asked about taking a woman back even further.”

  “F-f-further?” Olivia squeaked. “So-so what’s that mean?”

  “Olivia, you’ve been extremely naughty,” Caleb explained. “So, I’m going to use this as a tool to teach everyone about all aspects of age-play.”

  Everyone rose and came around the table to encircle her. Olivia shivered. It was very intimidating. When Caleb took her by the hand, she calmed down a bit. His presence was always a great comfort to her, even now, when facing a great unknown. Crossing the room, they opened the double doors to the adjoining meeting space, and she gasped.

  It was decked out like some sort of colorful playroom. Then the items clicked in her mind. They were things for infants. She and Caleb had been doing research at the library, looking at old books to learn about the furniture and whatnots needed to care for a child. She’d seen several pictures of pastel- and primary-colored rooms like this. Her back stiffened and she froze; her forward motion only continued because of Caleb’s pull and Heidi’s push. She saw the sign on the wall:

  Infant & Diaper Play 101

  “No, no, I don’t want to be a baby! Please, Caleb, Daddy, I promise, I’ll be a good girl from now on.”

  Snatching her up and onto a large changing table, he began to undress her. “It’s too late for that, little girl,” he scolded. “Now, you will be a baby all day today, which means no talking. You utter one word and it’s a mouth-washing for you. Is that clear?”

  “Ulp! Um, y—I mean, ga-ga,” she choked out.

  Everyone chuckled. She blushed, not merely from her ‘demotion,’ but from the fact that she was fast approaching total nudity. Caleb stripped her down to nothing, but worse things were coming. She saw that Amy was preparing an enema. Olivia groaned, then squealed as she was rolled over, a large round pillow was put under her tummy, and she was strapped down.

  She wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Did I do it right, Caleb?” Amy said.

  “It’s fine, could be just a touch warmer, but a good first effort. Now, folks, observe, this is how you give an enema.”

  Olivia died of embarrassment! Her whole head, right out to the tips of her ears became bright crimson as Caleb slowly and methodically walked them through every intimate step involved in giving her an enema. She was powerless to do anything about it, which only heightened her excitement. As she lay there getting fuller by the second, he did questions and answers.

  Finally Heidi asked, “Caleb, I’m confused. Why is Olivia so resistant to diaper play when she is so clearly aroused by an enema?”

  Now Olivia truly died! They’d noticed. Her humiliation exploded from her head to her pussy. The biggest frustration for her was that she didn’t come. After all, if she was going to be held up to public ridicule, the least that could happen was her getting a little something out of it. Yet, a climax still eluded her, which further drove her wild.

  Caleb chuckled. “Very good question. There’s a big difference between a simple enema and diaper play. The latter entails all of the aspects and trappings of being an infant. Based on the studying Olivia has done and what I’ve told her of my own childhood, and my being around families with infants, she is excited about having them, but most definitely doesn’t want to be like them. That’s when I realized that this new class could afford me the means of actually disciplining her.”

  “Ah, of course,” Gwen said. “Since any form of corporal punishment will only excite her, you faced a real dilemma in finding a way to correct her.”

  Olivia whimpered. She was so blessed full and just wanted to beg for release, but she held her tongue. The whole mouth-washing thing was new to her, but she’d gotten some liquid dish soap in her mouth once. It had been horrible, and she wanted to avoid any such thing ever again.

  Finally, Caleb released her and led her to the toilet, which was right next door. Once she was done expelling the enema, it was back to the table, and he slipped a diaper on her. Everyone gathered around to watch and learn.

  “Where did you get that?” Stanley said.

  “The hospital. They use them on elderly patients who aren’t quite ready to regen.”

  “I assume the absorbent material is to collect the urine,” Heidi said, looking over his shoulder.

  Caleb nodded. “Correct. Now, keep in mind, people, real babies do not get enemas and use the toilet.”

  Everyone looked confused. Olivia almost laughed. She knew what he was talking about, they’d discussed the matter at length, but everyone else was a bit dim.

  “Wait, are you saying…?” Brad said.

  “They do… everything in it?” Heidi stammered.

  They looked at each other in shock, looked down at her (finally covered), and let out a collective, “Ewwww!”

  “Sugar, maybe we should reconsider this baby idea,” Amy said.

  Caleb worked at dressing Olivia in a suitable outfit like they’d seen in one of the childcare books. It was embarrassing: a white blouse with multicolored bubbles, big baggy blue shorts, and a little white bonnet. He then carried her to a cage-like structure called a playpen. This one was oversized, built to accommodate her, and full of juvenile
toys. As far as she was concerned, it should be called a pen where there’s nothing to do but play. He explained about the pen, playtime, naptime, and feeding.

  Moving to the little kitchenette, he began to prepare something. From her vantage point and with the others in the way, she couldn’t tell what it was, but she knew it was bad news for her.

  “When it comes to food, real infants rely on soft stuff and milk, and initially only milk,” he explained. “So, women doing diaper play eat the same.”

  “Milk? What kind of milk?” Cynthia said.

  “I have the answer to that,” Heidi said. “Based on my studies of infant development, bovine milk is acceptable, but mother’s milk is recommended. A woman’s breasts become engorged during pregnancy and lactate, producing milk.”

  Gwen looked down at her breasts. “Milk? These things make that?”

  “Wait, you’re saying these will get bigger?” Steve said, waving his finger at Heidi’s chest.

  “Hard to believe, eh?” she said smugly.

  She had quite the large breasts. Frankly, Olivia was amazed she didn’t suffer from severe back pains.

  Steve let out a little squeak. “Damn, this whole reproduction thing is sounding more and more interesting by the minute!”

  Everyone chuckled.

  “One step at a time, people,” Caleb said. “Let me show you how to give a woman engaged in baby play her bottle.”

  Now it was Olivia’s turn to squeak. She cringed and scooted to the far side of the pen, not that it’d do any good. Coming over, he easily scooped her up, sat in one of the new rocking chairs, and plopped her in his lap. The bottle swung into view and he stuffed it in her mouth. She knew better than to protest, and so she just started drinking. Actually, it was quite tasty.

  “Caleb, what is the function of the synthetic nipple?” Heidi said.

  “Simulates the mother’s breast, and it’s another aspect of baby play: being fed like one. After all, we men can’t breastfeed a woman doing diaper play. So we use a bottle.”

  “Hmmm, if you had a lactating woman, she could breastfeed the woman,” Heidi observed.

  Brad nodded. “Yeah, and that could be pretty hot.”

  Caleb continued to answer questions about diaper play as she drank, and he finally put the empty bottle aside.

  “Now, this is important, people,” he said, lifting her to his shoulder. “When a baby drinks a bottle, they get a lot of air in their stomach, and it has to be released. If not, it’ll cause them pain. So, you have to burp them.”

  Everyone giggled at the prospect of doing such a thing. Olivia blushed once more as he started to pat her on the back while she stayed there, sort of hanging over him, her arms dangling down his back. It only took a few minutes for her to issue forth quite the sizeable burp. Everyone laughed again, and then Caleb took her back to the playpen. After that, everyone went back to their respective classes. As Heidi and Amy were most interested in learning diaper play, they stayed in the nursery with Caleb. He spent the day showing them how to change and feed, and in general care for an adult baby.

  It was the single most miserable day for Olivia. She played simple games, got fed several bottles and baby food, and then got her diaper changed. Caleb did the first one to show the ladies how to do it, and then they each got to do it over the course of the rest of the day.

  Later, driving home, Olivia felt lower than low, and she sat with her head down. “Daddy, Caleb, I’m sorry about being so naughty lately. I promise, I won’t ever be that bad again.”

  He smiled and patted her head. “Oh, it’s okay, sweetie, so long as you’ve learned something from it, I can forgive you. Besides, after living a boring life for so long, I can understand you wanting to maximize your fun. So, tell me, what have you truly learned?”

  “Moderation,” she replied, looking up at him, a smile returning to her face. “From now on, I’ll try to find a balance to my life.”

  “Atta girl! Tell you what, tonight, you get whatever you want: dinner, fun, sex, you name it.”

  She squealed in girlish delight. “Really? Oh, boy!”

  So, they went home, she got spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread, a game of dominos with Cynthia and Stanley, and then a relaxing bubble bath. Once she was spanking clean (literally), they screwed each other’s brains out until they fell asleep, Olivia tucked safely in Caleb’s arms.

  Chapter Ten

  Finally, when the first episode of the show was, as Stanley put it, ‘in the can,’ they took it to the station for review by the board, and then an air date was selected. Since no one’s home could accommodate all the attendees, they held a huge party at the theater and watched the premiere. It was the first original program in Neo Providence in a century, and it was a hit. Olivia got more hugs and playful pats (some not so playful) in the few minutes after the episode’s conclusion than she’d gotten in over a century. Caleb took her home for some special fun and she almost set a new personal record for climaxes during a single sexual encounter.

  Afterwards, lying in bed, wrapped in each other’s arms, they snuggled and settled down to sleep.

  “So, is this what I’m going to get after each episode airs?”

  He grinned and shrugged. “Eh, we’ll see.”

  She playfully punched him in the shoulder. “Now who’s being naughty?”

  “Oh, just go to sleep, my precious. Sleep and dream of tomorrow,” he said, kissing her cheek.

  Heaving a happy sigh, she rested her head on his large chest, and soon, lulled to sleep by the steady beating of his heart, she fell into a deep and blissful slumber.

  * * *

  A bell rang in her head and it wasn’t the alarm or school bell. Olivia sat up in bed. Caleb, as always, snored next to her. It was a good thing she was such a deep sleeper or she truly would need her own room.

  Then the bell sounded again, and she realized it was the front door. Slipping on a robe and slippers, she made her way to the door.

  “Morning, officers. Selling tickets to the police officers’ ball or is this a bust?”

  Standing there were two members of the Neo Providence police force, both fine-looking young people in their early thirties. The man smirked, the lady frowned.

  “An attempt at humor, ma’am?” she grumbled.

  “Yeah, and I guess a pretty poor one. What can I do for you?”

  “We would like a word with Caleb St. Armand,” she replied. “We understand he’s your regen guardian.”

  “That’s a matter of public record, and entirely within the law. What’s this about?”

  “Please, ma’am, if you would just call him to the door,” the man said.

  “Oh, very well,” she replied, studying their badges. “Come in, Officers Marie and Kevin, have a seat, and I’ll fetch him.”

  She turned and scampered to the bedroom, woke Caleb, and assessed him of the situation.

  “No idea what they want?” he said, pulling on clothes.

  “Nope. Is there something you should be telling me, my man?”

  “No, nothing, I’ve never been in trouble with the law. Come on, we’ll sort this out.”

  He headed for the living room, his demeanor and stance exuding confidence, which helped to ease her mind. She followed and they sat together on the couch opposite the officers. The police declined offers of coffee and donuts (another attempted joke, yet still a sincere offer), and started in with the questions.

  “Sir, are you the Caleb St. Armand of Neo Houston?” Marie said.

  He shook his head. “No, ma’am, I’ve never even been there, why do you ask?”

  “We got a flyer in the other day from Neo Houston, missing persons, a Caleb St. Armand and his wife Katrina. Then, last night, we caught your new show.”

  “Loved it, by the way,” Kevin said.

  “We?” Olivia replied.

  “Yes, we’re married,” he said.

  “Ah-hem! Can we stay on point here?” Marie asked. “Anyway, we saw his name in the credits, and
wanted to check it out.”

  “A missing persons report?” Olivia said. “That’s almost unheard of. Under the law, citizens have total freedom of movement. How do you know they didn’t just leave town?”

  “According to the report, they’d both recently regened, and gotten a new lease on life,” Marie explained.

  “Just like our friend here,” Kevin added.

  “Yes, except I’ve never been married and, as I said, don’t know the town.”

  “Listen to his accent,” Olivia suggested. “Does he sound like he comes from there?”

  Marie nodded. “True, but accents can be faked.”

  “And my motive for doing so would be…?”

  “According to the couple’s daughter, they seemed very happy,” Marie said. “So, you’re right, a motive does not present itself. For the moment.”

  “Has this daughter been investigated?” Olivia asked.

  “She’s the one who filed the report,” Kevin replied.

  Olivia blew a raspberry. “Oh, please, I’ve seen enough detective shows to know that can be a ploy to throw suspicion off of her.”

  “Witnesses report they set sail on their new boat,” Marie said. “That was several months ago, and they never returned. Sir, would you consent to being photographed so we can send the picture to the NHPD for comparison?”

  “He’ll do no such thing,” Olivia snapped. “Without a warrant, that’s a violation of the privacy laws.”

  Caleb smiled. “Honey, it’s all right, I have no objections whatsoever, if it’ll settle the matter.”

  Olivia was amazed, and if the expressions on the faces of the officers were any indication, they were too. Now she was totally confused and didn’t know what to think. She sat there, eyes wide, brain reeling as she tried to process what was happening, and just watched as they snapped a couple of pictures. They thanked them for their time, and Caleb showed them to the door. Olivia’s mind finally shifted out of neutral and an answer (of sorts) presented itself. Moving to the china cabinet, she got it out of the bottom drawer.


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