Olivia's Guardian

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Olivia's Guardian Page 9

by St. Andrews,Rose

  “Goodness, Olivia, what is that?” Caleb said, closing the door and facing her.

  “This is a Smith & Wesson Colt .45, one of the most ancient of human weapons. Fires lead projectiles propelled by expanding gas, and it can be lethal at close range, like we are now. So, let’s have a little chat, ‘Caleb,’ starting with who you really are.”

  She gestured at the chair opposite her with the gun.

  “Where is this coming from?” he said, hands up as he moved to sit. “A moment ago you were defending me to the police.”

  “That was to allow me to ascertain the truth, and I’m only giving you this chance because of the love we once had and I hope can have again. Now, out with it! Who are you?”

  “I… it’s not… how did you know?”

  “You were very good, very convincing, apparently completely honest, but there was one little point: the tiniest of twitches when they mentioned the boat. It made me wonder, and then I put it together with other things: the pig, the spices, fumbling with the car and how you drive, to list only a few, and I got suspicious. I’ve heard of couples getting bored with their lives and each other, and going off to start new lives. That made perfect sense, but when you let them take your picture, I got confused. How could you know about the boat and not be the man they’re looking for?”

  “Wow, you’re good.”

  “I was first a schoolteacher, my man. You don’t do that for fifty years and not learn to tell when a little boy is lying. So, what’s the truth?”

  “Okay, I know when I’m beaten. Come to my room, my old room, and I’ll show you everything I’ve collected and have with me.”

  “Easy there, keep your hands where I can see them, and don’t try any funny business or I’ll plug you!”

  Caleb, keeping his hands up, slowly rose, yet also rolled his eyes. “Olivia, I think you’ve seen one too many of those old shows.”

  Walking to his room, Olivia behind him, but not too close, he moved to sit on the bed. Olivia entered, but stayed right by the door, and watched and waited. He pointed at the dresser.

  “What? All I see are your toiletries,” she said.

  “That’s what you’re supposed to see. Their appearances mask their true uses. I’ll explain everything and you can listen to the reports I’ve been keeping.”

  “Listen? Reports?”

  Caleb launched into an explanation, and Olivia stood there, her jaw dropping lower by the minute, and finally she picked up his recording instrument and (following his instructions) listened to everything. They returned to the living room where they sat facing each other across the room.

  “Wow,” she said slowly, barely above a whisper. “So, you’re a… secret agent, a spy? Oh, that’s so exciting! Have you thwarted any evil geniuses or secret organizations? How many femme fatales have you bedded and turned to good merely through the power of your sexual prowess?”

  He couldn’t help it, he again rolled his eyes. “Olivia! Goodness, would you get your head out of the movies and TV shows you’ve seen?”

  “Sorry. Well, we’ve known for years that the other colony worlds suspected we had the regen process.”

  “That’s why you shut yourselves off from them, right?”

  She nodded. “Exactly. We only trade with Tamiami. Not only are they nonhuman, but they value their privacy even more than we do. You snuck in on one of their ships?”

  “Exactly, and bailed out as they approached the spaceport in Neo Houston.”

  “And when you came ashore, that’s when you found Caleb and Katrina.”

  “Right again. Based on the look of their boat, it had hit a reef or shoal.”

  “That makes sense,” she said. “Part of the reason I sail on the lake is that our shoreline is so dangerous. And, if I understand these notes correctly, you learned about the Lobos from Heidi more than a month ago.”

  “You’re three for three.”

  “So, you completed your mission, but you… stayed. You stayed for… me?” she said softly.

  Caleb lowered his head for a moment, closed his eyes and nodded, and then lifted his gaze to meet hers. “Yes, because I love you, Olivia. Now you know everything. If you want to call the police and turn me in, go ahead. I imagine I’ll get life or banishment, or… some such thing. They certainly won’t be sending me home, will they?”

  “No, the only thing we guard more than our privacy is the regen process!” she said, and put the gun on the coffee table before her. “I believe you, Caleb, and I still love you. Sorry about the gun and all.”

  He grinned. “Oh, it’s okay, it’s not loaded.”

  Her eyebrows went up. “Wha—?! How did you know?”

  “Olivia, please, I am a CIA agent, I know a lot about firearms, and while I’m not familiar with that one, it’s clear that the chambers are empty.”

  “It is?”

  “Yeah, the little holes on either side of the barrel are empty,” he said simply.

  She spun the gun in her hand, literally pointing it at herself, and looked at the chambers. “You knew. The whole time, you knew, and you… you played along, you let me…”

  “I let you play little miss tough lady. I thought it might help you believe I was sincere.”

  She blinked her eyes to keep the rapidly forming tears from trickling down her face. “It did,” she squeaked.

  He smiled and crossed to her. Getting down on his knees before her, he hugged her gently, his large hands patting her back, and she lost it. She just melted into his embrace and sobbed. It took a few minutes, but she finally calmed down, and smiled to see that he was misty-eyed.

  They then sat down to breakfast and talked about the future. The key issue was a simple one: What should they do about the CIA?

  “Will they come looking for you at some point?” she asked, drinking her milk.

  He nodded. “Yes. They knew this was going to be a tough mission; no on-site help, no information on the planet, and so they allocated six months before they’d try to contact me.”

  “Really? No information?”

  “I guess you don’t know as much about your own planet as you thought,” he replied with a grin. “You have an incredible satellite screening system. We can’t even get a clear picture of your continents or listen in on your communications.”

  “Wow. So, what can we tell them?”

  Caleb rubbed his chin. “Hmmm, I’m not sure. It needs to be brief; the signal beacon will only operate for a few minutes, to avoid being detected, and it needs to be something that will dissuade them from ever wanting to send someone here again. If they do and they find out about your regen process, they’ll never leave your planet alone. They’ll do anything, even wage war to get the secret.”

  “Wait a minute, I’ve got it,” she said with a smile as she snapped her fingers. “I’ve seen a couple sci-fi movies and TV shows that used this plot point, and I think it’s perfect. Daddy, eat up, and then we’ll give Cyn a call.”

  He was intrigued and pestered her with questions, but she stayed firm and said nothing, and later that morning they met Cynthia and Stanley at the theater. Stanley got out the makeup kit and some prosthetics, and made Caleb look like a plague victim. They then prepared a small apartment set on the stage and made it looked lived-in, as if he’d been there for a while, and he got his beacon ready to transmit. They discussed what he should say, Cynthia even wrote out a few ideas, and then he ran through it a couple of times so they could gauge his performance.

  “Try not to sound quite so hysterical,” Stanley said. “Remember, you’re an agent, you’re supposed to stay cool under pressure.”

  “Even when I’m dying?”

  Cynthia nodded. “Especially then. Think about it. If you were dying and had to send a message of warning, how would you act?”

  “Hmmm, I see your point,” Caleb said, slowly nodding in agreement. “I’d want to do my duty. Okay then, I’m ready.”

  Olivia kissed his cheek, straining up on her tiptoes to reach. “Good luck,

  “Oh, we never say that in the theater,” Cynthia said sharply. “It’s bad luck! We say, ‘Break a leg.’ Don’t ask me why, but it’s an ancient saying.”

  “Um, okay,” Olivia replied. “Then, break some legs, honey.”

  He smiled and nodded. They moved out of range, and he activated the beacon.

  “This is Agent Green reporting,” he wheezed. “I’ve learned the truth about Avalon. There is no regeneration process. It’s all a lie to hide the truth, the truth you see before you. The planet has been devastated by a pandemic, a horrific plague with a ninety percent death rate. Don’t bother coming for me; as you can see, it’s too late, and we can’t risk spreading the infection to other worlds. I gladly give my life in performance of my duty, long life to you all, my fellow agents!”

  He slumped in a chair, fumbled with the beacon, and finally managed to switch it off. He then smashed it.

  “Think it’ll work?” Cynthia said.

  “I… hope so,” he replied. “At any rate, I think it’s doubtful they’ll risk another agent anytime soon. So, what about me? Do we need to go to the authorities?”

  Olivia smiled. “Why bother? After all, they’ll figure out that you’re not the Caleb St. Armand they’re looking for, and drop the matter.”

  “And you, little one, can I do something special to make it up to you for deceiving you?”

  “Ohhh, I have a few ideas,” she said, her smile turning into a wicked grin.

  Chapter Eleven

  Life was very full for Olivia and Caleb for the next month. Production of the TV show kept them busy, and the station asked for another original program. Caleb suggested a spy show where the hero would often spank the ladies he encountered: enemy agents who were up to things or had information he needed, nosy girls trying to get in his way, and so on. They decided to call it Agent from S.P.A.N.K.

  Then there was school. Olivia managed to behave herself and not get any more baby days. However, as Amy and Brad and several other people wanted to learn about infant/diaper play, they needed practice people. They found some. As more students joined the school, it was determined that a number of them were fascinated by the idea of diaper play and wanted to try it, and thus adult baby girls were available for the class. Olivia even considered taking the class, as she wanted to learn about babies for when they had one, but then she realized that diaper play and real child care were two very different things. So, instead, she took a real child care class in anticipation of when they had a real one of their own.

  They worked on that daily!

  Then came some important news: Amy announced that she was going to go in for her regen within the week. So, Olivia decided she would call in her ‘chit’ from Caleb. The very next day, she got dressed in her new sailor suit (a blue and white very short dress, frilly light blue panties, and a big white bow in her hair), and she spent the morning out sailing on the lake.

  It gave her mixed feelings. On the one hand, it brought back memories of her past, all those years living alone and loving it. Yet, there was also regret at all those long empty days. Then she smiled as she realized that all of that was in the past. She had Caleb now and they had so much to share. Right now, they were going to share a fantasy she’d been dying to try almost since her first spanking.

  So, getting out some bottle rockets, she shot them off. As she lit each of the fuses, the rockets ignited and zipped into the sky, and exploded with a pop and a bang. She waited a few minutes, took a moment to enjoy the gentle breeze and warm sun, and headed for the dock. Once the boat was tied up, she ambled on up toward the house, and froze at the sight before her.

  There stood Caleb, scowling, arms crossed, and all of their neighbors arrayed behind him. She just about shook as she trembled more than she’d ever known. Swallowing hard, she stepped forward, and looked up at him.

  “Young lady, what do you have to say for yourself?” he snapped.

  “Why, whatever do you mean, Daddy?” she said innocently.

  Amy stepped forward. “You know exactly what he means! Shooting off those fireworks, disturbing the peace of… well, everyone.”

  “As much as I hate to agree with my wife on anything,” Brad said, “I’m forced to say, Caleb, it’s clear you’re not controlling this wild child of yours.”

  He sighed and nodded. “I’m likewise forced to agree with you both. Little girl, you leave me no alternative but to punish you severely. Come along.”

  Taking her by the hand, he marched toward the back door, but the crowd didn’t part to let them pass.

  “Just a minute there, Caleb,” Steve said. “We’ve had enough with her shenanigans on the lake and you letting her off with practically no punishment. This time, we want to know she’s gotten what she deserves.”

  “Hmmm, I see what you mean. All right then, it’ll be right here, right now.”

  Caleb dragged her over to one of the lawn chairs, sat, and pulled her across his lap. Her short dress slid up on its own accord, putting the lower half of her panties on display. A quick flip by Caleb and they were totally exposed.

  “This is going to hurt you a lot more than it will me, which is just as it should be, and I’ll also have a lot of fun doing it. So, it’s a win-win all around.”

  Smack! His hand struck the center of her small butt. Olivia jumped slightly and squirmed across his lap. The spank hadn’t been very hard, but it gave her a good sting. She blushed as the crowd snickered. Swat, each cheek got a solid smack, and she yelped and squealed. He then set up a steady rhythm of spanks: center, left, right, and repeat.

  “That’s a good start there, Caleb,” Steve said.

  “Humph,” Amy grunted. “Not nearly enough!”

  “Oh, cool your thrusters, granny,” Brad said with a smirk. “He’s got plenty of time.”

  That brought still more laughter from everyone as they made themselves comfortable. All the while that lovely large hand just rose and fell again and again, and her yelps and squeals grew steadily louder.

  “Honestly, Olivia, I have told you time and time again: no fireworks without permission! Are you ever going to learn your lesson?”

  “Ouch! Sorry, Daddy, so sorry, I forgot. I’ll remember next time, promise. Ow! Please don’t spank me in front of everyone, please!”

  Caleb sighed and stepped up the pace and force. “Oh please, how many times have I heard that lie? You’re getting extra just for that. As for the humiliation of being spanked in front of the entire neighborhood, it’s the very least they deserve for all the trouble you’ve caused them.”

  “Yeah, we have to get some fun too,” Heidi said quite loudly.

  Olivia wailed, they roared with glee, and he just kept right on spanking. Her bottom grew hotter and hotter, and then the flames began to tickle her between the legs. Lungs heaved with cries and grunts, and as her pussy dripped with delight, she moaned. She squirmed on his lap, her thighs twitching and convulsing.

  It’s happening; it’s really, really happening! This isn’t a dream; I’m being spanked in front of a crowd of people, and they’re taking pleasure in my pain. Only one thing more is needed.

  As if reading her mind, Caleb paused for an instant to reach for the waistband of her panties. She gasped.

  “This is a good start,” he said. “But we’re only halfway there.”

  Her hands flew back. “No, Daddy, no, not that, not bare, not in front of everyone!”

  He deftly pinned her hands, both of them easily fitting in his, and down went her panties to rest at her knees. His hand kneaded and squeezed her throbbing cheeks. She squealed and groaned.

  “Got some good color there, Caleb,” Steve said.

  “True, but not nearly enough to teach her a lesson,” he replied.

  “Besides, she hasn’t cried yet,” Heidi chimed in. “If a little girl doesn’t cry during a spanking, well, it’s just not going to be effective.”

  “Really, you don’t say?” Caleb said, trying to sound surprised. “Well, in
that case, little Olivia is in for one hard spanking right now, and in the future.”

  Spank! A very solid swat impacted the center of her bottom. Olivia howled, bucked, and kicked her legs wildly. She didn’t care what the neighbors got to see, she struggled, for all of about five seconds. Caleb merely shifted her on his lap, clamped her legs between his, and that was that.

  She was trapped.

  His hand laid down a near-constant barrage of firm smacks to her defenseless cheeks and she was powerless to stop him. She wailed, she begged, and then the tears flowed. Soon her cheeks and chin ran freely, and between her legs flowed something else. As her mouth opened wide to bawl like a well-spanked baby, her lungs added guttural moans of ecstasy. Her mind was assailed from all directions, every sense was stimulated. Stars of painful pleasure danced before her eyes, laughter and scolding echoed around her, flames tormented her behind and pussy, and everything blended together to push her toward one fixed point.

  Caleb seemed to sense her approaching that magic level, or maybe it was just the strong scent of her womanhood or the dampness upon his thigh. Whatever the cause, he went to the max, his hand and arm became practically a blur. Spanks landed so fast that Olivia could barely tell when one ended and the next began. With a final wail of pain, she gave in to the delight, and came hard. Caleb, ever the expert spanker, moderated his efforts. His hand seemed to fall perfectly in sync with her gyrations, each swat timed and at just the right force to heighten and lengthen her climax. Orgasm built on orgasm, and she became lost in the subspace of total pleasure.

  Sometime later, she returned to her body to find herself lying sprawled across his lap, her body drenched in sweat. His hands lightly massaged and caressed her back. Blinking her eyes, she slowly lifted her head to look around.


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