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The B4 Leg

Page 130

by Various

  Sumptuous buffet in the historic banqueting hall, enough vintage champers to top up the Thames, great music, romantic strolls in the manor’s magnificent gardens, dancing until dawn. Get the picture?

  Anyone who is anyone was there. The blue-bloods, the upper crust, the celebrated, the movie stars and current celebs, plus a goodly sprinkle of the gilded international set. Glad it’s Oscar and not me footing the bill.

  But enough of that! I know what you really want to hear. So here it is, first-hand.

  Any of you who earlier in the year were set abuzz by cruel rumours that our very own dazzling Balfours were jinxed should have been so lucky as to receive a priceless invitation. When I received mine, I kid you not, I fell to my knees.

  Power host, Oscar, was at his triumphant best, his distinguished face aglow with pleasure and family pride.

  You will know from photographs of your Rainbow covering other big social events what a passion I have for fashion, so naturally I went all out on my gown. Glittering gold lace. But no way could I rival the tremendous glamour of the Beautiful Balfour Girls.

  What an orchestration was their entry! Everyone gasped and fell about in genuine admiration. Whatever mastermind party planner thought it up is now assured of a full book from hosts and hostesses dead set to impress.

  Oscar’s beautiful daughters—Olivia, Bella, Zoe, Annie, Sophie, Kat, Emily and Mia; could any father be so blessed?—came on with such dazzle and pizzazz that the two hundred guests gathered in the magnificent black-and-white marble-paved entrance hall burst into spontaneous applause.

  Watching proudly was Oscar Balfour with his companion of the evening, the marvellously chic Lady Primrose Howard, while his daughters—“jewels in his crown,” as he later said in a wonderfully witty speech—commenced their spellbinding descent of the manor’s gloriously romantic grand staircase.

  Utterly, utterly gorgeous, dear readers! It should be a tradition.

  Olivia, as the eldest, led off. Talk about goddess worship! She wore a gleaming strapless column of white satin embroidered with crystals, pearls and silver thread—a gown so stunning you could pine away and die for it, that’s if you could ever manage such a willowy figure!

  Following Olivia came her fraternal twin, our fashion icon, Bella, in an amazing asymmetrical gown featuring wide bands of silver and gold silk.

  Must tell you before I report another word, I later witnessed a very touching moment between the sisters, lovely to see, that puts paid to any talk of an estrangement. Take it from me, I’m here to derail it. I’ve never seen two more devoted sisters. And why not? They’re twins. For the first time, I noted they’re actually very much alike.

  Behind the twins, came Kat, Mia and Zoe, all three positively blooming. Pick up any clues, girls? Watch this space.

  Sophie and Annie in lovely, lovely extravagant gowns were next in line to make their graceful descent.

  Little Oliver also made a fleeting appearance, waving happily at the gathering before being promptly escorted off to bed.

  And for the grand finale! Emily, soon to become Princess of the Principality of Santosa. Real live royalty no less. Could anything be more thrilling than a fairy-tale end?

  But the real show-stopper of a truly fantastic evening was, as the sisters started their celebratory descent, accompanied by a fanfare of wonderfully sweeping music, they were joined, in turn, from the opposite side of the fabulous art-hung gallery by their strikingly handsome, elegantly attired partners, seemingly from all over the globe!

  Let me be the first to tell you—and don’t you forget it—we can expect lots of wedding bells to ring out in the near future, so now is the time to renew your subscription to your favourite magazine.

  To wave upon wave of delighted applause the Beautiful Balfour Girls, with their deliciously exciting Significant Others, moved down the stairs to join the throng for a round of introductions, Oscar right in the middle of it, loving every moment, his daughters all lit from within with the joy of reunion and their personal happiness that couldn’t have been more on show.

  This was one of those evenings, dear readers, that forever remains in the memory. I had the greatest time, as did all of Oscar Balfour’s honoured guests.

  Hot, hot news coming straight off the press: the upcoming engagement of the beautiful Olivia to her partner of the evening, Australian cattle baron and business entrepreneur Clint McAlpine. There’s some distant family connection, I understand. Olivia recently returned from an extended stay at Clint’s vast outback desert kingdom.


  At this stage of my reporting life, I think it’s fair to say I’ve never enjoyed a birthday bash more. I’m sure all of us who were there will long cherish the memory.

  Until you hear from me again, keeping you, dearest readers, fully in the picture of what goes on at the best places…

  Love and XXXXs,

  Rainbow Beckwith

  Mia and Nikos…

  Article taken from Celeb magazine:

  True Love Is Bountiful!

  When Greek entrepreneur Nikos Theakis married one of Oscar Balfour’s daughters three years ago, no one expected the glamorous couple to settle into family life so enthusiastically. Yet here they are expecting their fourth child in three years!

  Wearing blue chequerboard shorts, the deliciously handsome billionaire looked the picture of domestic contentment when he took a barefoot stroll along the beach at his fabulous oceanfront home outside Athens yesterday. Hand in hand with his beautiful half-Italian wife, Mia, Nikos kept a sharp eye on two-year-old twin sons, Ari and Oscar, as they played in the surf, while his year-old daughter, Giulia—the spitting image of her mother—rode contentedly on her father’s arm.

  Forever the fierce competitor in all aspects of his life, “Nikos aims to beat Oscar Balfour’s record of eight children,” a close source to Nikos told us yesterday. “He thinks ten is a nice round number to work towards.”

  With a wife who looks as stunning as Mia does in a skimpy red bikini while sporting a prominent baby bump, who can blame him?

  Since marrying Nikos, the beautiful brunette has made quite a name for herself in the fashion industry as a gifted self-taught designer. Nikos, meanwhile, made world headlines recently when he bought out Mario Mattea, the founder of Mattea SPA, to become the major shareholder of the famous Italian sports car manufacturer in a deal purported to be worth £3.5 billion.

  Next week the family will be flying into the UK to join the rest of the Balfour family in Buckinghamshire for the annual Balfour Charity Ball. With an international guest list that reads like Who’s Who in the business and celebrity world, you can guarantee the chosen charities the ball supports will be rubbing their hands with glee.

  Kat and Carlos…

  Villa Maravilloso

  Dear Daddy,

  I just wanted to write and tell you how wonderful it was to see you here last weekend and to thank you for your extremely generous christening present. Carlos and I were so glad that you stayed on after everyone else had left and that we were able to have some time alone.

  It was great to be able to take that long walk with you, not just to show you the beautiful countryside, but also for the two of us to have a proper talk together—in a way I can never really remember doing before. But then, life here seems to give me the time to do the important things in life. It’s one of the things I love about it.

  I know you had expressed doubts that I would find happiness living in rural Spain after my somewhat varied (!) metropolitan lifestyle, but I think you were able to see for yourself just how blissfully contented I am here in Andalusia.

  Until our chat, I never realised how bitterly you regretted the past, and how you wished you could undo all the mistakes you have made. But we all make mistakes—every single one of us. That’s part of what makes us human. It’s what has brought us to the place in which we find ourselves, and I don’t think either of us would want to be anywhere else. You were simply following your heart, the way we all do
. And you have so many amazing things to show for your life.

  All your daughters are settled and you are now a proud grandfather many times over! You are remarkably tender with the little ones, and as I watched you hold my own Miguel, I could sense your pride (and relief!) to have another little boy with Balfour blood after so many girls! I can foresee him spending many happy hours with you in the future, although Carlos says to tell you (very sternly!) that he will be supporting a Spanish football team.

  We both hope you will come out and visit us again (but for longer next time!) and we look forward to seeing you at Sophie’s next month.

  Miguel sends you a big kiss, and I have enclosed a photo of the two of you sitting on the veranda as the sun is going down. It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?

  Well, take care of yourself, Daddy, and I’ll talk to you soon. With oodles of love, Your loving daughter, Kat. Xxxxx

  P.S. That woman you’ve been reported dating seems very young!

  Emily and Luis…

  From the Jornal do Santosa, October 3, 2010:

  His Majesty’s Secret Service!

  Months of feverish speculation about the forthcoming Santosan royal wedding came to an abrupt end last night as it emerged that King Luis married his beautiful English fiancée, Emily Balfour, yesterday afternoon in a private, and somewhat spontaneous, ceremony near her family home.

  The ancient church in the small village of Balfour, Buckinghamshire, provided the setting for the service, which King Luis apparently arranged at the last minute and without the bride’s knowledge, with special permission of the Archbishop of Canterbury. It was attended by the bride’s close family—her seven sisters and their partners, all of whom had gathered at their childhood home to celebrate the sixieth birthday of their father, Oscar Balfour, the day before.

  The king’s private secretary, Tomás Almeida, was one of the few Santosans present at the service. Speaking exclusively to our reporter from the private reception at Balfour Manor last night, he expressed the king’s regret for any disappointment the people of Santosa might feel about this most secret and private of royal weddings. “His Majesty felt that coming so soon after the death of his father, King Marcos Fernando, it was not appropriate to have a lavish public celebration. He also knew how much it would mean to Miss Balfour to get married at home, surrounded by her family.”

  Wearing her late mother’s wedding dress—a simple, slim-fitting column of cream satin—Miss Balfour was given away by her father.

  As bridesmaid, Princess Luciana wore an apple-green net skirt and glittery fairy wings which, according to one of the villagers who gathered outside the church, appeared to have come from the sisters’ old dressing-up box at Balfour Manor. “The little princess looked a picture and was clearly excited by the occasion,” she commented. “We all were. It was so unexpected, but as word got round the whole village came out to wish them well, and I know I wasn’t the only one with a tear in my eye. It was a beautiful golden autumn afternoon, with the leaves falling like confetti and the sun shining down on them as they came out of the church. The whole family was together again—smiling, crying, laughing—and Miss Emily looked so lovely that the king couldn’t take his eyes off her for a second.”

  The king and queen are expected to enjoy a long honeymoon in a secret location before returning to Santosa for next month’s coronation.

  Sophie and Marco…

  Email from Marco Speranza to Oscar Balfour:

  Oscar, please could you make excuses for Sophie and me at the party tonight?

  Do enjoy yourself and raise a toast, not just to your beautiful daughter, but also your new grandsons, who, like their big sister, decided to put in an early appearance!

  Mother and sons are fine. Actually, they are all perfect! Sophie was utterly incredible and so calm…Did I mention that Rafael did not wait until we reached the hospital? He was born in the back seat of the car. My hands are still shaking! Francesco—he has Sophie’s eyes—made his entrance on the steps of the hospital.

  Keep the sisters away until tomorrow. Sophie needs rest and I need Sophie.



  Zoe and Max…

  As seen in the New York Times “Living” section:

  Mr. and Mrs. Max Monroe Announce the Birth of Baby Boy

  John Oscar Monroe, to be known as Jack, was born at Lenox Hill Hospital on the Upper East Side of Manhattan on February 23. Mother and baby are both doing well.

  Max Monroe, the baby’s father, experienced a tragic accident nearly a year ago, when his plane crashed on Long Island and he suffered nearly complete sight loss. After a brief respite from business, Mr. Monroe returned to investment consulting, and his private firm, Monroe Consulting, has seen incredible new growth in recent months.

  Zoe Monroe, née Balfour, and the youngest daughter of Oscar Balfour, was featured heavily in the press last year when the story broke revealing her illegitimacy. Scandal briefly rocked the illustrious family, but has since disappeared almost completely. Since then she has been involved in various charities both in New York and London, and she organized the Midtown Pregnancy Support Center’s fundraising gala in December. She is also working towards a university degree in Natural Sciences.

  The Monroes divide their time between New York and London, and, according to sources close to the devoted couple, look forward to “many more little Monroes.” We extend our warmest wishes to this new family.

  Annie and Luc…

  The de Salvatore Vineyard, Venice, Italy 10

  December, 2010

  Hello, Daddy,

  Just a brief note—I know what an old traditionalist you are and hate receiving texts or emails from the family!—to let you know that Luc’s parents would love to come along with us to stay with you for the Christmas holidays. There is no way they are going to miss spending Christmas with Oliver, and with their second grandchild expected in the New Year, they want to be here—just in case!

  They will be writing to you themselves, of course, to formally accept your invitation, but I just thought I would give you a heads-up.

  Luc sends his love to you and Mummy, as usual. He also says to get the champagne on ice—the way this baby is kicking, Luc is sure that he or she is going to be born sooner rather than later!

  See you soon, Daddy.

  Lots of love,


  Bella and Zafiq…

  My Family by Yazlin Al-Rafid, aged 5:

  My name is Yazlin. I am five years old. I live in a palace with my mummy and my daddy. My daddy is called Zafiq and he is the Shake. He is tall with black hair. He is very strong and clever. I like it when he tells me stories.

  My mummy looks like a princess. Her name is Bella and she has lovely hair. Sometimes she wears sparkly dresses. She is kind and she hugs me. Sometimes she lets me eat chocolate. My daddy thinks he is the one in charge but really it is my mummy. When she wants him to say yes to her, she wears red lipstick. I am going to wear red lipstick when I grow up. The thing my daddy likes best is kissing my mummy. It makes her smile.

  My favourite things are drawing and riding my horse. My horse is called Aliya, and her mummy is called Amira and her daddy is called Batal. I like to ride fast. My daddy says I am too much like my mummy.

  Every year my mummy and daddy go to the desert. I stay with my Aunt Olivia. Last year when they went to the desert, Mummy got fat. Then my baby brother arrived. He cries a lot. Mummy says he cannot help it because he is a man and men often make a fuss. I like my family.


  All the characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all the incidents are pure invention.

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  Harlequin Mills & Boon Limited,

  Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1SR

  Mia’s Scandal © Harlequin Books S.A. 2010

  Kat’s Pride © Harlequin Books S.A. 2010

  Emily’s Innocence © Harlequin Books S.A. 2010

  Sophie’s Seduction © Harlequin Books S.A. 2010


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