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Settling For More (Men of the Vault Book 4)

Page 7

by Aria Grace

  I bark out a sarcastic chuckle at that, but deep down, I know he’s being sincere. And honestly, I would’ve probably reacted the same way in his place.

  “Please Asher. What will it take to get your back?”

  I blow out a deep breath and consider whether I can do it. I knew he’d call to apologize and ask me to come back as soon as he watched the videos. When I first left, I was adamant that I would never step foot in that place again. But they really are my family, and I know he needs me as much as I need him. “Ownership.”

  “Done. I was actually thinking the same thing.”

  “Really?” I’m surprised he’d agree so quickly.

  “Yes, really. I talked to Edge, and we want to offer you 25% of the business.”

  “Are you sure you want me back, Tanner? What happened yesterday can never happen again. I will commit to bringing problems to your attention as soon as I find them, but you have to swear to give me the benefit of the doubt if you ever have any issues with me.”

  “I swear.” I can hear the regret in Tanner’s voice, and I feel like shit for beating this dead horse, but I’ve never been so humiliated in my life. No one has ever made me feel as small as he did in that office, and it can’t happen again. “You have my word, Asher. We all want you back.”

  “Tell Johnny I’ll be there in a few hours.”

  Tanner clears his throat. “Should I say anything to Ian?”

  “No. That would have never worked, so ending it early was the right thing to do.”


  “Goodbye, Tanner.” I hang up and head straight to the shower.

  As hurt and embarrassed as I was when I left The Vault yesterday, I’m happy to be going back.

  That place is my home, and I don’t know what I would do without it.

  At this point, it’s all I have left.



  Guilt and regret.

  It’s written all over my face when I look in the mirror. When Tanner told me Asher was stealing money from The Vault, I couldn’t believe it. And even though it didn’t sound right, I didn’t trust Asher or my gut. I gave in to the doubt and now I’ve probably ruined the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  I pick up my cell for the hundredth time and call Asher’s number. As usual, it keeps ringing before being routed to his voicemail. “Hey, this is Asher. Leave a message.”

  And as usual, I hang up after the beep. I’ve already left three messages today and at least twenty all week.

  I can’t blame him though. I basically called the man I care for so deeply a thief and a liar. If I were him, I wouldn’t want to talk to me either. With a deep breath of frustration, I toss my phone onto the desk and step out of my room. I’m really not in the mood to socialize with anyone, but I can’t stay hidden away forever, just waiting for Asher to give me another chance.

  “Ian, can you help Rod in the kitchen?” Dad is lugging two suitcases full of clothes down the hallway. It’s hard to imagine that in less than forty-eight hours, this place will be all mine. Now that the construction is done, all that’s left is to move in. And my dad and Tanner have been working non-stop to get everything from storage and to the new place.

  Tomorrow, Tanner and Dad are taking me shopping to replace some of the items I’ll need. I told them I don’t need anything, but they insist on getting me a new couch to use in case I want to entertain. “One chair in the living room isn’t enough, son,” my dad said.

  And it didn’t take Tanner long to chime in. “No son of mine is going to be eating off paper plates and sitting on the floor in his home.”

  So tomorrow we’ll shop. But not until they finish getting their last-minute items out.

  “What can I do?” I ask Tanner when I walk into the kitchen. He has several boxes already packed and a few empty ones on the floor.

  “Will you need this?” He holds up a long-handled object with some type of mesh at the end and shows it to me.

  “What is that?”

  “I’m going to take that as a no.” He puts it in one of the boxes and then shuts the lid.

  “Why don’t you get the last of the martini glasses packed away into that empty box there. We’ll get you some new ones tomorrow.” Tanner must be crazy if he thinks I’ll let him buy me a bunch of odds and ends that I don’t need. But I begin wrapping the glasses just the same and place them in an empty box.

  “Did you get everything handles at The Vault?”

  “Yeah.” Tanner nods, pausing for a second but not making eye contact.

  “And Asher?” I’ve been afraid to ask, and they haven’t volunteered anything.

  “Yeah, he’s back. We’re good.”

  “I see.” So Asher has forgiven Tanner but obviously hasn’t forgiven me.

  With Tanner and Dad completely moved out, I have no distractions from my misery. Sitting alone in the loft isn’t helping calm the anxiety building up that I’ll never see or speak to Asher again.

  I’m happy he’s forgiven Tanner…but it kills me that he doesn’t seem to want to afford me the same forgiveness.

  I need to see him… Somehow. And there’s only one way I know of to definitely get his attention.

  My ride over to The Vault seems to fly by. Once I’m inside, I see there’s new guy at the front desk who’s taken Daniel’s place. He’s attractive, with shoulder-length jet-black hair and piercing green eyes. He studies me when I walk through the door, realizing by the way I’m dressed that I’m not here as a client.

  “Hi,” he says from his seated position behind the counter. “I’m Craig. How can I help you?”

  “I’m here to see about a job. Is Asher in?”

  The man looks at me skeptically. “He is, but we aren’t currently taking applications.”

  “I think he’ll make an exception for me,” I say confidently with a coy smile.

  He considers it for a minute, and then picks up the phone to call Asher’s extension. “There’s a young man here to see you. He’s looking for a job.”

  Craig listens for a few moments and then replies to whatever Asher is telling him. “Yes, sir. I told him that, but he’s insistent that you’ll want to see him.”

  A few more moments of silence occur before Craig hangs up the phone. “If you’ll have a seat, Asher will be out in a minute.”

  “Thanks.” I take a seat, pulling at the bunch around my crotch.

  True to his word, I hear his steps coming down the office hallway before the door opens to the lobby and Asher steps in. “I’m Asher, you’re here to…” His voice trails off when he recognizes me.

  I stand, giving him a big smile. “Yes, I’m here to see about a job.”

  “Ian?” He looks at me and then down my body. “What the fuck are you wearing?”

  I glance down, admiring the crop-top t-shirt and very short shorts that barely cover my cock or my ass. “Just something for the interview process.”

  “Oh my god.” He quickly disappears back behind the door and emerges a minute later with a white robe. He walks over to me and throws it around me. “Your dad would kill me if he knew I let you walk around here looking like that.”

  “Looking like what?” I ask, trying to maintain an air of innocence.

  “You know how you look.” Asher’s face is a mixture of fear and lust. “Come on.” He turns quickly to Craig. “Hold my calls, please.”

  “Yes, sir.” Craig’s reply is swift and slightly amused.

  Asher tugs me down the hallway to his office, where he closes us inside. “What are you doing?”

  I stare at him for a moment, surprised he doesn’t realize I’m desperate for him. “Trying to get you to pay attention to me… Isn’t it obvious? You won’t return my calls or my text messages.”

  “I know,” he says, hanging his head. “But you have to understand…”

  “I’m sorry.” I can’t get the words out fast enough. “I’m so, so, sooooo sorry.”

  The frustration in his face seem
s to hold for only a moment before he’s next to me, placing his hands on my face and just staring at me. “I know.”

  “I miss you so badly, Asher. I need you to forgive me. You forgave Tanner. Didn’t I mean anything to you?”

  “Of course you did. Do.” Asher rubs my cheek with his thumb, staring into my eyes. “That’s why it hurt so much. You were so quick to believe the lie. You didn’t even let me explain.”

  I can’t keep the single tear building in my eye from falling as I beg for him to forgive me. “Please, Asher. I’ve never cared for anyone the way I care for you. I love you. I want what we had back. Please…”

  Asher closes his eyes and presses his mouth to mine, kissing me harder and deeper than ever before. “I love you too, Ian. So fucking much, but I—”

  I claim his lips again, not letting him speak because I’m too desperate to taste him. I need him as much as I need air, and it’s been too long since I’ve had him. I maneuver the robe off my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Asher’s hands caress the skin exposed between my shorts and the hem of my cropped shirt. His fingers explore the band of my shorts before moving over my ass to the lip of fabric that’s barely covering my cheeks.

  I smile at the look of shock on his face when his fingers dip underneath the fabric and find my waiting hole, free of any underwear to keep him separated from me.


  I shrug. “Optimistic.”

  The guttural moan I love to hear fills the room as Asher pulls at the button on my shorts. He slides them down to my ankles, revealing my stiff cock and waiting ass. I also work quickly to get Asher out of his clothes, but I’m only able to release his cock before his mouth takes me again.

  With his shirt and slacks still on, he turns me around, never losing contact with my mouth. The familiar sound of a condom packet opening and pressure against my hole confirms that he’s taking me here and now.

  And I want it badly.

  “Mmm,” I moan loudly. “Take me, Asher.”

  His lubed cock slips into my channel and the mixed feeling of pleasure and pain I’ve grown to love explodes within me. Not having much experience, every time feels brand new with Asher. And this time, with him taking me from behind over the desk, his massive cock is hitting another part inside of me that I didn’t know could feel so amazing.

  I can’t keep my hand off my cock as Asher pushes into me. Each time he thrusts deep inside, all the way to the tip and back, my body quakes with pent up desire. I’m never happier and more content than when I’m under his touch, with Asher controlling me with his dick. I crane my neck back, allowing Asher’s lips to nip at my clavicle. His hot breath on my sweaty skin pulsates through me, sending heat straight to my cock.

  “Fuck, Ian. I want to come.”

  “Come for me, Asher.” I moan excitedly. “Fill me with your load so I know you still want me.”

  My words have the same effect on me as they do on Asher as each of us begin to spasm within moments of each other. My hot cream ejects quickly, emptying on the robe that’s lying on the floor beneath us. Asher continues to pound into me, stretching my hole and forcing me to take every single inch of his thick cock.

  I feel like he’s going to rip me in half before he finally drops his head on my shoulder and pulls away from my ass. He breathes heavily while I turn around to face him, still wrapped in his arms.

  My eyes are lidded as I look into his. “I needed that. I need you.”

  Asher studies my face, but his own becomes distorted with anguish. “I’m sorry, Ian. I shouldn’t have done this. I shouldn’t get your hopes up.”

  “Get my hopes up? What are you talking about?”

  “About this?” He points between the two of us. “About us. It can’t happen.”

  “Why not?” My disappointment is quickly turning to anger.

  “Because… I…”

  “Spit it out, Asher. If you don’t want me, that’s fine. If you just wanted a fuck buddy, you could have at least told me you were tired of all the options you had back there?” I wave at the area of The Vault I’ve never been inside. “But be a man and tell me so I don’t keep pining over you.”

  The look of hurt on Asher’s face tears me apart inside. But I can’t keep falling for a guy who doesn’t want to be with me.

  “It’s not that. I do want you… It’s just, your dad… Tanner, I mean. It’s no wonder he keeps pushing us apart. If he thought I could steal from him, why would he want me seeing his son?”

  Frustration takes over, and I want to scream.

  “That’s a lame excuse, Asher.” I kick the robe at my feet and then walk toward the door. “If you really wanted to be with me, you’d be with me. My dad or anyone else wouldn’t be able to change that.”

  Opening the door, I turn back toward him one last time, feeling the blood boiling under the surface. Partly because the heat of the moment and partly because I’m embarrassed that I’m begging for Asher and he’s still rejecting me.

  He’s staring at me with his mouth open, but I don’t let him say anything. “Maybe you were right not to call me back. I shouldn’t have come.”

  “Ian, wait.”

  “No! I can’t wait anymore. Not, unless you really want to be with me…no matter what anyone else says. Don’t call or text me again.”

  With that, I slam the door behind me and walk quickly to the lobby and out the door, all the while praying my tears will hold until I can get far away from Asher.



  I shouldn’t be nervous, but I can’t help the feeling of trepidation building under my skin. It’s not that I don’t know anyone here, it’s the fact that Tanner and Ian are right behind that door. Even with the way everything went down, I can’t blame Tanner for thinking what he did...

  Or Ian for having doubts.

  Even though my brain understands, my heart still hurts. But the pain isn’t as bad as the thought of not having Ian in my life.

  By the time I came to my senses after Ian left my office the other day, I felt like I’d lost him forever. When I finally got up the nerve to call him, it went straight to voicemail.

  I’ve never been more devastated.

  Only a few minutes have passed since I pulled up to the curb in front of Tanner and Landon’s new place, but it feels like an eternity as I sit in my car and debate going inside.

  I have to do this. I’ve come too far to not see this through. I know what I want. I just pray it’s the same thing Ian wants.

  With the crystal wine glasses wrapped in silver paper I brought as a housewarming gift, I open the car door and step out. My heart is beating a mile-a-minute, and I can’t remember the last time I was this nervous. Each step toward the house has my brain running through the potential scenarios, one after another, flashing across my mind. But I’m praying only one comes to fruition.

  At the front door, I give myself another second to calm my nerves before knocking on the oak door. The butterflies swarming inside my belly only increase my anxiety. Strongly considering a swift exit, I take one step backward.

  And then the door opens.

  “Asher, glad you could make it.” Johnny takes my hand before pulling me in for a quick hug.

  “Thanks, Johnny.” He ushers me inside, practically dragging me into the house.

  “Here.” Johnny takes the package from my hand. “I’ll put this in the dining room with the other gifts. Everyone is back there.” He points down the hall toward a doorway where the chatter of voices are flooding in.

  When I step into the den, I immediately recognize several familiar faces. Scotty, and Damon, and Quinton are standing by the window, a glass of wine in their hands. Edge, who I’ve hardly seen since he stopped coming to The Vault, is sitting next to his partner Liam on one of the large couches in the middle of the room.

  Before I’m fully inside, Landon steps up to my side. “Asher. It’s good to see you.”

  I turn and smile, remaining guarded as I look at
one of the fathers of the man I’ve fallen in love with.

  “The place looks great, Landon.” I grasp his firm handshake. “I’m sure you’re happy it’s finally built.”

  “You’re right about that,” he says with a laugh. “It’s been a painful process, but Tanner and I are both really happy with the way it turned out.”

  “It’s great. Really.” I take another look around the room. Knowing how picky Tanner is, I’m sure they had several heated discussions about the way things should be. That’s part of being a couple…being partners.

  And I want that. With Ian.

  As always, I’m searching for Ian as casually as possible. Unfortunately, he’s nowhere nearby, so I wonder if he’s even here yet.

  “Let me give you the grand tour.” Landon places a hand on my shoulder and turns me toward another door. We walk through into the kitchen, and Tanner’s large frame comes into view. He’s just walking in from another room with Johnny.

  At first, I’m not sure how to read his expression, but a moment later, the same smile I’ve come to know from my boss covers his face. “Hey, Asher.”

  “Hey, boss.”

  “Thanks for coming today.” He eyes me carefully, studying my face. “Have you gotten the tour yet?”

  I nod toward Landon. “I was just getting it now.”

  “Let me take over.” Tanner gives Landon a wink and leads me to into a formal living room. The rest of the home looks just as beautiful as the den. It’s obvious how proud Tanner is of the home he’s created with Landon. The final room he shows me is his office, where he plans on working on The Vault and other projects he has in the works.

  “Asher, I want to apologize again for ever thinking you could betray me.”

  I wave him off, trying to keep the hurt from resurfacing, knowing I need to move on from it. “Don’t worry about it, Tanner. You didn’t know…”

  “But that shouldn’t matter.” He walks over to a small couch against one wall, waving at me with one hand. “Please. Sit with me for a second.”


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