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The Event Series (Book 3): The Archive and Beyond

Page 27

by Thomas Larson

  There were some okay books; this guy was a sci-fi / mystery fan for sure. There were lots of Heinlein and Asimov. I could go for a re-read of the Foundation Series and Robot Series.

  The 8 tracks, now there is a blast from the past. Some of it was outside my scope, Elvis, Buddy Holly, and Beach Boys. But others were at the earliest stages of my musical taste and listening, Doors, Deep Purple, Three Dog Night, all from the era that I remember.

  As we started to straighten things out, I pushed in a tape from the Woodstock collection, Canned Heat, Jefferson Airplane, as we swept and dusted, we listened. Asuna did not get the significance of much of it, she was from a different age, but for me, it was almost like going back in time, cruising the McDonalds with Olly and Nick. I smiled.

  We headed back for the evening, and dinner was pretty good, we have gotten a little spoiled with the fresh veggies and now some fresh meat, we have used up most of the preserved stuff, the deer and turkey that Matt had smoked in the spring.

  While we were at Vespers tonight Molly came over, she is a cute kid. At 18 or so, she had the body of a young woman, but the mind of a 12 year old. I cannot imagine the impact Nate and his bunch had on her.

  “Mister Tom, can I pet your doggie?” She asked shyly.

  Lucy looked at me, and then at her.

  “I think she would like that, she is a good girl.” I said

  As Molly stroked the coyote’s head, Lucy leaned in. “Soft, she is so soft.”

  I smiled. As we sat and just hung out as a family, we didn’t talk about what almost happened, the war. We talked about the future, the Archive, the new home.

  Maria and Daphne sat together; they kind of stayed close to each other. They were safe and after all that had happened, seemed not to want to let each other go. They felt safe.

  (Lance) Del and I started loading up the truck for the trip up tomorrow, we wanted to have all our stuff in place and set up before we made the move with the computer equipment, it would make the dismantle and reassembly much simpler.

  Rumor has it that Jan is pregnant. Del and I talked about that and we still want to wait until we see some results, especially since we have not taken the pills.

  (Matt) I am glad that we did not have to go to battle. It was the best ending for a bad situation. I fear where that path might have led us.

  Tanya and I did the veggie patrol today. While we were there I sensed something in her, a feeling, a nagging feeling that was telling me that she had something on her mind.

  “Tan, what is going on, you seem not yourself today,” I said.

  “Matt, I am not quite sure, Mother is talking to me, but I haven’t heard her clearly yet,” she replied.

  I stood silent, and then she said, “It is about the Archive, I am not sure we belong there. But I don’t know why.”

  Odd I thought, Raven has been looking west in my dreams. I told her about those dreams and how it might fit with what Mother was telling her. But for now, we don’t know.

  (Margo) Ewwww, dead rabbit on my doorstep, WTF, somebody’s screwing with me? Got to be Del making fun of me. It looked okay, so I brought it over to Mark for meal meat. I talked to Del later, it wasn’t her.

  I am glad that things turned out okay and none of us got hurt with the Otis people, kind of a sad way for them to end up. But I am glad that Molly and Daphne were okay. I have to wonder how, with her mental issues, Molly had been able to survive, but then I think that with Maria and Daphne helping to take care of her, she was probably okay.

  Gillie and Tay seem to be spending more and more time together, for a goober, he seems to be doing okay. We have to find a snuggle bunny for McManus, he is alone too much.

  Vespers were kind of nice tonight, glad we were just chillin’ and not saying good bye or missing someone. Code and I stayed out late watching the stars.

  September 8th

  (Margo) Kind of a rainy day, I think there may have been a hurricane that has come up to visit us. It’s not super windy, but it is raining hard. It will be an indoor kind of day. Code and I are packing up our stuff. We are scheduled to be in the third group to actually make the move to the Archive.

  I spent much of the afternoon sketching; I have been doing drawings of the camp. I want to remember what it was like. I want to be able to have memories of where we were.

  I was sketching the inside of our cabin and Code stretched out on the bed.

  “Draw me Margo, draw me like one of your mountain lion cubs,” he said with a grin.

  “Really!....well, mountain lions don’t wear clothes….”

  “Okay, I can fix that,” he said, standing up with a wicked grin.

  I was finished with the sketches, it was snuggle time.

  (Matt) Raven was back last night, just sitting in the tree, I am not even sure which kind of tree, but he was looking west. Wait, it was an apple tree, and he had an apple in his beak. He lifted off and flew to the west. I could see him drop the apple on the way, and then he continued.

  Tanya and I talked about the dream as we were packing some of our things to go to the Archive.

  “Matt, I think we should try to visit Helen.” She said.

  I looked at her, “You think she will be there this time?”

  “I’m not sure, but something is calling us, we need to start west. For me it is Mother, telling me I should, for you, Raven pointing that way,” she replied.

  I thought more about it as we packed. I think it is a good idea. Once we move to the Archive we should make the trip.

  (Tom) The Three have decided that it is time to actually start moving to the Archive, a third of us will be heading up for the 10th, which will give us time to settle in and get used to the place. Then on the 20th the second group will head up and finally the last group, which will be us ‘stragglers’ head up at the end of the month. It gives Asuna and me time to pick out paint and make our quarters a little more interesting. It is too bad that the QUalz weren’t here; they could do one of those dioramas like on the Sky Crystal for us.

  The Major, Charlene, Margo, Cody, Maria, Molly, Daphne, McManus, and Sgt. Brown will be in that first group. That way they can get the infirmary set up. Lincoln will be taken up with them. It may actually be a better spot for him to work on recovery.

  Matt, Tanya, Michelle, Tay, Gillie, Mills and Teckla will be in the second group. And Mark, Michelle, Steven, Heather, Augustus, Lance, Del, Asuna, and I will be the third group.

  Mark and Lance are in the last group because between moving the kitchen stuff and the computers that will take the longest to move over and have set up.

  The plan is also to check out the remains of the River View Farm, it is likely that as long as the barns were not badly damaged we can move the horses there. It is close enough for easy access for us and we could actually get a big old RV and have someone periodically live there. I am thinking that Teckla or Taylor might take turns. And when he is well enough, maybe Lincoln would want to stay there also.

  Asuna and I took a trip into Hinsdale this afternoon, we wanted to hit the Lowe’s for some paint and equipment to do our walls, that grey is not good. We ended up with a nice beige Venetian plaster. And while on the way back we also hit a Bed, Bath & Beyond for some like curtains, and bed covers, and things like that. We are lucky; our tastes are pretty close, earth tones, contemporary, simple. Maybe next trip a couple of chairs, maybe even a recliner. We probably need to do something with the mattress, it is old, and well, been just sitting there for a long time.

  (Lance) Rainy day, stayed inside most of the day, but in the afternoon it was for some stupid reason suggested by some idiot girl that we go out for a run in the rain. We did, it was actually kind of nice, the rain felt good, the run felt good.

  Fire pit was in the dining room tonight, there is a little excitement over the upcoming move. And there is a sense that we are in the clear for people around us, it is safe.

  September 9th

  It was clear this morning, the weather is nice; the air feels ‘was
hed’. Asuna and I helped bring canned foods and supplies up to the Archive. It was a long day, but we made good progress.

  On the way back from the first trip we took a swing over to the farm at the oxbow. The house was burned to the ground but the barn and out-buildings were fine. We let the goats and cows out of the barn, they were hungry, no one had fed them, we had forgotten about it. They headed straight to the grassy fields and began to eat. The cows wandered into the cornfield. They will be fine roaming free for a few days, we can find them, and it is unlikely that they can wander too far.

  We also checked on the room situation in the barn. There are stalls and it would seem to me that we can fit the horses into the barn, and there is a pen outside for the sheep. We could be in good shape here.

  In the next day or so Asuna and I will go out and try to find an RV that we can park at the farm so there are some living quarters. I mean someone could bed down in the barn, but it won’t be me, if I can help it. But if we have to house the horses (say that three times fast!) someone should probably stay with them. We may as well make it as comfortable as possible.

  Fire pit tonight, then after dark, nature put on a show for us with a meteor shower. Things are good.

  (Margo) Another rabbit at the door, Really? If I catch whoever it is I am gonna kick their ass!

  We are all working on moving food and stuff up toward the Archive. It was a busy day, it was three trips for us, load, drive, unload, drive back, repeat.

  Code and I looked at our room; it is a good size, about 15 x 15. We got one that had been empty so we need to go out and do some ‘shopping’ for a bed and some other furniture. What we will do for designs, well, guess it depends on what we can find, but for sure the grey will go away. It is a depressing color. I want to do a mural.

  Sat out and watched the sky tonight, nice to see meteors rather than the lights of the Hunters. We haven’t seen any Hunter lights in the west for a while. I think maybe they have been neutralized now that the Cheyenne folks could get out and go after them. And now, for us, with the pills Tom and Asuna brought back it is not even a concern.

  (Matt) Restful night, no dreams, or at least none I recall, maybe because the message has settled in. Tanya and I are going to make a run out to see Helen once we get all moved in. Perhaps she has some insights for us, or perhaps another vision quest will give us the answer that is just beyond our view.

  Veggie stuff in the morning, we came back with two rabbits from the cages. It was funny; Margo gave me a very odd look as we walked into camp with them.

  The balance of the day was spent moving food and supplies to the Archive. We are in the second group moving up so we have about 10 days to get our cabin stuff packed and get set up in our room. Like everyone else we will be doing a ‘home goods’ shopping run.

  We led Vespers tonight, thankful to the Sky and Earth for their help and kindness. Also we were thankful that things went the way they did in Huntington. I am glad that we did not have to fight them. I knew it was maybe a necessary thing to do, but still, could it have been done differently?

  Sky Father put on a show for us tonight.

  (Lance) Moving food and supplies, long day, tired. Nothing exciting.

  September 10th

  (Matt) There is little to talk about today, we worked on moving the final goods for Group One up to the Archive, that was about it. They will spend the night up there and the family will be apart for a little bit.

  I stopped in to see Lincoln before he was moved up to the topside; he is doing well physically, but still very down about the loss of his family. It has to be difficult for him and try as I might I am unable to ease that pain. I wish I could.

  The Vespers tonight was a little quieter and emptier. But still, it was good.

  (Margo) Now I am really pissed, another friggin’ rabbit, who is the asshole!

  Moving day, and we all pitched in, it kind of reminded me of an ant colony, some leaving loaded with the possessions we had collected over time, and others with food, and supplies. We were supposed to be in the first group to move up there, to the Archive, but Code and I decided that we wanted to stay here for a few more days, we’re not ready to be a cave dweller yet.

  Quiet night, small Fire Pit, clouded over and began to sprinkle at about 9, so we headed to home.

  (Lance) We are all helping with the move, everyone is busy. When we got back tonight and were heading toward bed, I smelled that after shave smell again, it was faint, but it was there.

  I checked the video but found I had forgotten to turn it on. That will not happen again.

  (Tom) I think I have been replaced. Lucy, who was so often right at my side, has seemed to have made a connection with Molly.

  “Mister Tom, I, can, may, could Lucy come with me to the new home?” she asked me as I was finishing breakfast.

  I looked at Lucy sitting beside her. They have really become almost inseparable in the last couple of days. In my mind I could hear Lucy telling me that Molly needed her more than I did. But I also knew it in my heart.

  “Well Molly, do you promise to take good care of her, and keep her safe?” I asked.

  “Yes, yes Mister Tom,” she was shaking in excitement at the thought that Lucy would be with her.

  “Then okay, you can.” I smiled, I was glad for the two of them; she does kind of need someone to look after her. Funny, as I read that I wonder if I am talking about Molly looking after Lucy or the other way around.

  After breakfast, as Asuna and I were heading to load up one of the trucks, she grabbed my arm, leaned in with kind of a hug. “You are such a softy.”

  “What do you mean?” I said, trying to keep a straight stern face.

  She just held on.

  “Yeah, actually, I am, just don’t let my secret out.” I said.

  “Right, everyone knows it, so just stop.” She laughed.

  I felt good. I loved Lucy dearly and will miss here being right there all the time, but she had a job to do and that was take care of Molly.

  The rest of the day was moving stuff. Steven flew Lincoln up to the Archive; it was probably less painful than driving. The roads even in only a couple of years are not as smooth as they once were. Nature is making a comeback and reclaiming her own.

  September 11th

  (Tom) Wow, it just hit me; it has been 16 years since the World Trade Center was taken down in a terror attack. It seems like just a few years ago. It was one of those moments that we all remember, like the Kennedy Assassination, or the Challenger Disaster. How much the world had changed because of those events and yet, how little they mean today.

  The first group moved up to the mountain yesterday, and the camp seems a little emptier, I wonder what it will be like when the second group leaves.

  Asuna and I headed into Hinsdale and did some “furniture shopping”. We found a couple of decent chairs, and little tables. The big find was a king sized waterbed. I thought back to when I had one many years ago and it actually made sense to grab it. They tended to hold heat, or cool depending on the season, and they were pretty much mold proof. I worried about that, being underground and all, it might be a little humid in the Archive.

  We headed up to the Archive and spent the afternoon unloading. We will be back in the morning to set it up.

  Taylor and Teckla headed over to the Lincoln’s farm, they have started moving the horses over. Lance and Del helped.

  (Lance) I have decided that I will break down the computer stuff after the second group makes its move to the mountain. That will be the best time to do it because it will minimize the amount of time the system is down. I will contact the Pittsburgh and the other locations the day before I take it down to let them know we will be off line.

  We, Del and I helped Tay and Teckla move some of the horses over to the River View Farm. We moved eight of them. It was slow going because we rode them over there. Four at a time, then hooked a ride back from Steven when he was heading back from topside.

  We brought Shinigami a
nd Samurai over in the afternoon. It felt good to be back in the saddle, actually bareback, Samurai never liked being saddled. I think over time maybe we can find or build some place to house them a little closer to stable them, or maybe keep a few of them up grazing by the Archive.

  At the end of the day, dusty and tired, we floated in the lake for a while holding hands like a couple of otters. Then later, after dark, we watched the sky. The Aurora was awesome, the colors, it wasn’t just green, we had some reds and yellows in there.

  (Margo) This morning it was a turkey at the door, but now I know, well sort of know who it is. Well, actually, I have two candidates. The paw prints in the dirt gave it away; it was one of the cubs, either Ceil or Elizabeth. I am not sure which one, but it appears that they are either showing me that they love me by dropping off food, or they think I am a big dumb ass cat that isn’t capable of hunting for herself. Either way, it is an “awwww” moment.

  I brought the turkey to Mark, and then took a stroll out to the ledge area to see if I could find them. As I arrived, Momma was waiting with the cubs, Ceil and Elizabeth sitting behind her. As I walked into the clearing, Elizabeth jumped up and ran to me. She is getting so big, she almost knocked me over. I sat down in front of Momma, about 10 feet away; I knew she wouldn’t hurt me.

  “Momma, we are moving, we are going away.” I said out loud.

  She stared at me with those big cat eyes, blinked and in my mind I heard, “Yes, I know my daughter.”

  “Are you mad at me for doing that?” I asked.

  “No, I will miss you, and I will visit, but like my two other cubs, they will move on too, it is the way,” echoed in my mind.

  I sat for a moment, I was blown away that we were having this ‘conversation’. I thought about it, I wanted to give Momma a hug.

  “No little one, no hugs for me, not today. In time perhaps, but not now.”

  Elizabeth was laying against me, purring loudly.

  “Margo, daughter, I think that little sister will join you soon at the new home, watch for her,” filled my mind. Was this a dream, or my imagination? I don’t think so. This was happening.


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