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Wildflowers of Terezin

Page 27

by Robert Elmer

  "You're not as well as you say," said Margrethe, nearly pulling his arm loose as she guided him down the sidewalk. "You should be home in bed."

  "Yes," he agreed without question this time. Good thing he lived so close.

  Now he looked over at her and saw something different in her face, something anxious—almost the way his mother might have looked at him when he was a little boy and sick with a stomach flu. But by this time he was having trouble keeping focused as his mind spun and his body shook. So cold, and yet so hot. He thought he remembered her asking for the keys to his apartment door, and he thought he remembered fishing them out of his trousers pocket.

  But then?

  Steffen would have written Hanne again much earlier than he did, but two weeks flat on his back in bed weakened him more than he expected. After that, all he could manage was to crawl out of bed and scribble a few lines.

  Please forgive the delay, he told her. But my brother says I needed to rest. It's too bad I could not have asked your medical opinion, as I'm not so sure about his. I am, however, much better than I was.

  So much could be said. She wrote back that he most surely should follow Henning's advice, that he should rest and drink plenty of fluids, and that such an illness—whatever it was— would be nothing to trifle with.

  Trifle? Not at all. He grinned as he wrote the next letter, sitting next to the open window of his study and enjoying the warmth of July. It's just that I have a favorite nurse who attended me before. It would have been nice if she could have been here this time, as well.

  Naturally she agreed. And so it went through the rest of that troubled year, week after week, as Steffen struggled to meet the needs of his parish, perhaps never quite recovered but avoiding the subject of his failing health in letter after letter. And as they shared their hearts more and more deeply, Steffen fought harder and more desperately against the darkness all around him, using the sharpest and best weapons at his disposal—carefully veiled but ultimately fiery anti-Nazi sermons from the pulpit at Sankt Stefan's.




  Never cease loving a person, and never give up hope for him,

  for even the prodigal son who had fallen most low,

  could still be saved.


  Steffen hadn't meant to be prophetic, at least not in a personal sense. He simply thought the verse made sense in his talk that morning, though it wasn't the "official" text for that week.

  From his sermon of 19 November: "For it was the apostle Poul who said he was 'already being poured out like a drink offering,' and I fear we all know his meaning here, and today.Who do you know in our city who has poured his or her own life out for the rest of us? We are near the end, you and I. And the occupiers must know this, as well."

  As he delivered the final lines of that sermon he gripped the sides of his pulpit, fighting to remain conscious as stars filled his eyesight. He paused to catch his breath and found himself sweating profusely, just as he had some months earlier.Had the fever returned?

  Now the entire congregation swam before his eyes. The ship model hanging from the ceiling seemed to have hit rough water, as well. He hoped the good ship Sankt Stefan was equipped with lifeboats.

  "And now," he managed, "You'll please excuse me, as I'm feeling a bit faint. Perhaps it's the heat."

  Yes, but in November? He must have managed to climb down off the elevated pulpit, and he must have made his way home safely. Those details remained somewhat hazy in his recollection. He must even have made it to his den, where he collapsed on his sofa. The next thing he remembered, however, was someone lifting a glass of cool water to his lips.

  "Tak, Hanne," he told his nurse, smiling up at her. She'd finally come!

  "Now you're hallucinating, too." Hanne turned into Henning, which to Steffen was not a pretty sight as he choked on the water. "Here, drink some more."

  "How did you get here?" asked Steffen, recovering his breath.

  "Your Pastor Viggo called me, sounding quite concerned.Said you didn't look well, just like before. But I was on my way over, anyway. Listen, can you hear me clearly?"

  Steffen shook his head to clear his thoughts, then nodded.

  "All right, then we're going to get you out of here, Steffen."

  "What do you mean, out of here? Out of my apartment? To where?"

  "Sweden. Across the Sound."

  "Henning, that's crazy. You know I can't do that." He tried to focus. "There's no reason. And there's too much here for me to do."

  "I'll drag you out of here myself, if I have to." Henning set his jaw. "I just found out you're next on the Nazi hit list."

  Steffen paused as the words sunk in, though he didn't want to hear them.

  "How would you know this?"

  Henning didn't answer, just shook his head.

  "Please, Henning. I can't deal with puzzles right now. My head hurts. My brain hurts. I can hardly think. Just tell me straight out: Was it Margrethe?"

  This time Henning averted his eyes, giving Steffen reason to assume he was right about the church cleaning woman.

  "I assume she needed the money," Henning finally explained as he stood up next to the sofa. "Germans pay well for information, you know. But maybe she was also concerned about you. In any case, she came to me with what she knew."

  "That's good."

  "Yes, but I want you to know I'm sorry. I didn't have anything to do with the decision to—"

  "Decision to what? What decision? What are you talking about?"

  "Don't ask me anymore. Believe me; you don't want to hear it."

  "Henning!" Steffen forced himself to sit up, which made his head swim even more and his world go blurry. But he had to know. "You have to tell me."

  Henning crossed his arms and sighed.

  "Come on, Steffen. You know that people like her are in danger of . . . not waking up in the morning."

  Steffen groaned when he finally understood his brother's meaning. It just seemed impossible the cleaning woman could have been a stikker—that she could have betrayed them, after all this time. Or that the Underground could have liquidated her.

  "No." He laid his head back against the sofa, feeling as if he might faint. "Not Margrethe."

  "Yes, Margrethe," his brother told him. "And if you stay here in København, you'll be as dead as her before tomorrow.The Nazis aren't going away, brother. We can't protect you anymore."

  "They don't need to bother." Steffen grimaced in pain as he coughed and it rattled his chest. "Don't they know this darn recurring fever is going to take me out, anyway? All they have to do is wait a couple of days. Save themselves the trouble."

  A moment later he gasped at the splash of ice-cold water to his face, and the shock snapped open his eyes.

  "Don't you ever say that again, Steffen!" Henning shouted at him as he held an empty water glass. "I know you're sick. I know you've had a relapse or something of this scarlet fever thing. But you are not going to die, and you are not going to have that attitude. Do you understand me?"

  Steffen gulped and nodded. If this was a nightmare, it was easily the most vivid he'd ever experienced. And if he didn't agree, Henning would surely strangle him, or worse.

  "I hear you," he croaked, drying his face with the sleeve of his pajamas. Henning had certainly gotten his attention.

  "Well, you'd better. Because I am not going to waste my time on anyone who has already given up on life. In fact I'm going to write your girlfriend, and she's not going to want to hear about your death wish. Because you, my brother, are going to live—whether you want to or not."

  By this time Steffen could see clearly every bulging vein in Henning's neck, every broken blood vessel in his red eyes.Henning wasn't joking.

  "Yes," Steffen replied, "but if I'm dead, too, they'll stop worrying about me."

  "What did you say?"

  "I said, if I'm dead, the Nazis won't c
are about me anymore."

  But now the fog began to descend on his mind again, and all he could do was mumble.

  "I could just hide under the bed, and . . ."

  He couldn't finish his thought. But he thought he felt Henning's strong grip on his shoulder, and his help as hegot dressed. Everything else faded into a dream, bits and fragments of remembering, blended with half-remembered fantasies, and there was no telling the two apart. He lost all track of time—minutes and hours, or days and weeks? He could not say, except he did recall something about riding in the ambulance. Later the cry of gulls and a salty tang in the air told him they were by the sea, then the rocking of waves and the feeling of being surrounded by fish told him he was even closer. Perhaps on a boat of some kind?

  He begged God for forgiveness, for allowing Margrethe to be killed, as if he could have done something to prevent it.He called for Henning, and for Hanne, but neither of them could help him. Neither of them could hear.

  And then he fell into a long, feverish sleep.

  "Another Red Cross package from your friend in København." Dr. Janecek pulled the parcel up on the table. It did not take much to tear it open, since it had obviously been inspected at least once before. He reached into the top of the package to pull out a card, and handed it over to Hanne without even checking.

  "How did you know it was for me?" she asked, and tried not to blush as he teased her.

  "You mean, like all the other notes? They're all for you, of course. And I assume they're still from the same gentleman.Rabbi Petersen, is it?"

  He winked when he said the name. Rabbi, indeed. He knew who it was.

  "Well, yes." But instead of saving it for later, as she'd intended, she frowned and looked more closely this time.Whose handwriting was this?

  "Something wrong?" asked Dr. Janecek, and she quickly scanned the note for clues.

  "It's written by Steffen's brother, Henning."

  "Another interested party?"

  "No, no. Steffen apparently wasn't able to write himself.He's very ill. Henning says he's been getting worse for the past several days."

  "Hmm. Not good," said Dr. Janecek, craning his neck just a little to see. "And what else does the brother say?"

  "He says he's taking care of him, but that Steffen had a terrible rash across his face and neck, and down his chest and back. He's doing everything he can, but . . ." The words had blurred and she turned away as she handed him the letter. Dr.Janecek scanned the rest of the letter and frowned.

  "Fever, rash, unaffected area around the mouth . . . Sounds like he's describing scarlet fever. I've lost people to scarlet fever, but mostly young people." He read on to the end of the letter, then set it aside. "He should have taken him to the hospital for treatment. There's a very promising new treatment in the United States, I hear. Something called penicillin.They say it's an antibiotic, something they've been working on for decades. What I wouldn't give for some of that."

  "They wouldn't have it at Bispebjerg," she whispered, and it was sadly true. What could they do for him at the hospital, that Henning couldn't do himself at home? Still she wished Henning had taken Steffen to the hospital, as well.

  "But this is written nearly two weeks ago." Dr. Janecek handed her back the letter. "I'm sure he's fine by now. It usually takes its course in a week or two."

  Usually, yes. But she also knew the potential deadly effects of scarlet fever. She nodded, but Henning's words played over and over in her head.

  "I'm sorry," he'd written. "He's very sick this time. Worse even than before."




  The tyrant dies and his rule is over,

  the martyr dies and his rule begins.


  Hanne thought he might have written her by now, but nearly three months had gone by. And as she went about trying to stay alive during what everyone knew was the last days of a dying regime, she couldn't help wondering.

  What's wrong with you, Steffen? Why don't you write?

  "Hanne, are you with us?" The doctor's words brought her back to the present, and he nodded at the arm they were stitching. "Then please apply some gauze there to the wound."

  "Of course, doctor." She would have done it automatically, had she not been lost in her own world. And afterward she would have apologized to Dr. Janecek, had he not mentioned it first.

  "We all have a lot on our minds," he said, washing in a simple basin. "I take it you haven't heard from him?"

  She shook her head, thinking at first that she didn't want to talk about it. But who else would understand?

  "Not since the note from his brother about his illness," she finally told him as she cleaned up some of the instruments they'd been using. "And that's been weeks, now."

  "That doesn't necessarily mean what you think," he replied as he lowered his voice. "Everyone knows it's chaos out there as the Americans and the Russians advance. You expect a letter to reach you under these circumstances?"

  "Well . . ."

  "Of course you don't. We haven't had a Red Cross package for a long time. And you see now they're cleaning up the camp once again."

  "I hadn't noticed."

  He chuckled. "You don't notice anything outside the walls of this little clinic, these days. I invite you to take a look around and tell me what you see. The cleanup, for instance, can only mean one thing."

  "Not another Red Cross inspection?"

  "Yes, another Red Cross inspection. Let me tell you a secret.You know that strutting SS man who visited here last week? That macher, the big shot? Do you know who that was?"

  Hanne shook her head no.

  "His name was Adolph Eichmann. A very important offi- cial, by the way everyone acted around him. It was "Herr Obersturmbannführer this, and Herr Obersturmbannführer that. You see how he was making some kind of inspection? Then I heard one of his assistants say that everything is nearly ready for April 6."

  "How do you hear all this?"

  "I keep my eyes and my ears open, my dear Nurse Hanne, which is something you do not do. But here's what I think: Your Danish rabbi friend is going to find a way to be on that inspection team."

  "I'm not so sure."

  "I am." He clapped his hands dry in the air. "You just remember my words. You'll see him again in just a few weeks."

  Hanne didn't officially allow herself to believe the doctor's prediction. But she couldn't help counting the days to April 6, especially after they were told by the gendarmes to clean up the clinic and make sure that it smelled especially good by that date.

  "Look at this place!" The doctor held up his hands before the gendarme could leave. "Does it look to you as if it needs any more cleaning?"

  "I'm just telling you." The young gendarme shrugged and headed for the door.

  "Well, kindly tell your commander that the clinic will be spotless as always, and that we'll be looking forward to the Red Cross visiting here on the sixth."

  The gendarme stopped in his tracks, obviously trying to recall when he'd mentioned anything about the Red Cross or their expected arrival time. He shook his head momentarily, said nothing in return, and pushed through the door.Dr. Janecek glanced over at Hanne with a grin and a wink.

  "What did I tell you? Three more days."

  Which happened to be three of the longest days in Hanne's life, as she helped clean the clinic while also helping Dr. Janecek and tending to their usual variety of patients.Most were older, these days, since the younger and more able-bodied had already been transported to death camps in Poland and elsewhere. But somehow April 6 arrived as promised, and with it the expected flurry of advance SS guards, German officers, and Red Cross officials in civilian dress. Hanne stood next to Dr. Janecek, presiding over a scrubbed exam table and a newly stocked supply cabinet.As the inspection team entered she scanned the crowd—and recognized no one other than the camp's Kommandant Karl Rahm.

  "The clinic, ja?" He swept his han
d around as if it might be self-explanatory. "You are of course welcome to examine anything you like. Otherwise we will proceed."

  One of the Red Cross men did seem curious, running his finger along the edge of a counter as if looking for dust. With his trimmed black beard and serious expression, he seemed to Hanne just like a government inspector. And when he approached a little closer, Dr. Janecek extended his hand.

  "Dr. LaPorte," he told the visitor, "we're glad you're here."

  "I wish under better circumstances." The man shook Dr.Janecek's hand and looked quizzically at Dr. Janecek. "But do I know you, sir?"

  "We met at a medical conference in Geneva," answered Dr.Janecek. "Before the war. I'm sure you don't remember."

  "I'm sorry, no."

  "Well, that doesn't matter. Actually, I wonder if I might ask you a brief question."

  The other doctor glanced around the room as if he might be found out, but he needn't have worried. The others—including the kommandant—seemed quite unconcerned. And Dr. Janecek didn't wait for the Red Cross man to respond.

  "We're wondering about one of your Red Cross colleagues," he said, "a Dane named Petersen. Steffen Petersen. We assumed he might be with you this trip, as he was here on the first inspection last June."

  Pierre shook his head, and Hanne's heart fell.

  "I never met the man, but I was sorry to hear the news recently."

  "The news?" asked Hanne. She did not want to hear this.She wanted to run away from what she feared would be his next words. He looked from the doctor's face to hers with pained surprise, then bit his lip.

  "Yes, of course. How would you know? I only heard through Red Cross channels. I'm very sorry to tell you that Herr Petersen died last month. He was actually on the list of delegates to be included on this trip, since from his earlier experience he could offer a valuable frame of reference. I believe it was complications from scarlet fever."


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