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Behind the Eight Ball

Page 14

by M. A. Church

  It was still blood. And I had drunk it. In this day and age, you didn’t mess with blood without being damn sure you knew it was safe.

  “Don’t be embarrassed.” Heller scooted closer and licked at my lips. “I find it incredibly sexy. You took my blood and started the mating process. How could I not find that sexy?”

  Well, hell, put like that, how could I freak out? “Speaking of which, what happens now?” I reached out to play with a strand of Heller’s hair.

  With a quick kiss to my lips, Heller sat up. “Well, we have to finish it within twenty-four hours.”

  “Huh. I thought I’d feel different.” I sat up too and tugged Heller’s hair. “Oh well. Want to take a shower?”

  Heller ran his hand down his chest and grimaced. “Yeah, that sounds like a nice idea. Then let’s grab a quick bite to eat and go to bed.”

  “Oh?” That surprised me. “I thought you’d want to finish our mating.”

  “I do.” Heller laughed at my expression. “But even shifters need more than a few minutes to recharge, you know what I mean? I also thought you’d be hungry.”

  I rubbed my stomach. “Yeah, I could eat.”

  After a quick shower that led to some not-so-quick touching, we were in the kitchen. I’d kept an eye on him to see if he was walking funny. While the primal side of me would’ve liked to see proof I’d popped his cherry earlier, I was glad I hadn’t hurt him.

  He’d loaned me a pair of his boxers; they fit rather well. I thought we’d just snack, but Heller was headfirst in the refrigerator. He apparently had other plans.

  “Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and biscuits okay with you?”

  “That sounds good to me.”

  Heller hastily filled the counter next to the refrigerator with packages of bacon and sausage. Next came a can of biscuits and a carton of eggs. Milk and orange juice joined the party. He backed out of the refrigerator and turned to face me. “What?”

  “Are you planning on feeding an army and forgot to tell me?”

  “Huh? Oh. Shifters tend to have an enhanced metabolism. We eat more than humans.” Heller turned on the stovetop, and then got a bowl down from a cabinet. “I like to eat and I, ah, also worked up an appetite.”

  The grin he flashed me was sweet and… dammit, shy. I patted his ass as he walked past me to get the salt. “I enjoyed helping you work up that appetite.”

  This was a side of Heller I hadn’t seen. Gone was the arrogance and the egotism that seemed so much a part of him. Oh, the man was still achingly gorgeous, with all that long hair around his shoulders and those silky black boxers.

  Hells bells, even his feet were sexy, and I never looked at feet. I mean, they were feet. You walked on them. There were other things to look at besides feet, for crying out loud. But his were sexy, with those long toes, smooth skin, and high arches.

  I had it bad.

  I rubbed my chest. Either that or I had a case of indigestion. Problem with that was I hadn’t eaten in a while, and listening to Heller break eggs in a bowl wouldn’t qualify as eating. So what was going on with me?

  One minute I was standing there in the kitchen admiring Heller, and the next thing I knew, someone turned the heat up to fry-your-ass level. I was burning up, and my body decided now would be a good time to start shaking like a leaf.

  “Fuck. Heller?” Someone jacked up my internal thermostat, and now my blood was boiling. Sweat dripped off me from the sudden heat.

  “Yeah?” Heller cracked another egg and looked at me. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “I, ah, was hoping you could tell me that. Jesus, is it hot in here?” I hurried over to his refrigerator, opened the freezer section, and stuck my head inside.

  Heller came up behind me and ran his hands over my back. “You’re as red as a lobster, and you’re so hot.”

  “Feels like I’ve been dipped in scalding hot water too.”

  But outside of being really, really, really fucking hot, I didn’t feel sick. There wasn’t the urge to throw up, and I wasn’t dizzy. Nothing hurt, and I wasn’t babbling. I jerked my head out of the freezer and padded back to Heller’s bedroom, my mate hot on my heels.

  “Hey, hey, what are you doing? What about the food I was…. Um, Lawson?”

  Food? Food was the last thing I wanted. Heller danced around me as I stripped off what little I had on and turned on his shower.

  “Oh. Um, about that.” Heller tried to reach in and shut off the water. “Fuck, that’s straight cold water! Look, I’m not sure you should—”

  I whipped my head around and we were nearly nose to nose. I growled—yes, growled—at him. “Move it or lose it, buddy.”

  Heller’s eyes widened, but he got out of my way. Good. He really didn’t want to get into a discussion with me on why this wasn’t a good idea. Now that I had a clear path, I stepped in the shower.

  “I cannot believe you did that.” Heller shuddered. “That’s just wrong. My balls are the size of raisins just thinking about… I’m going to… going to… call Dolf. Yes! That’s what I’m going to do. Right, call Dolf. Oh my goddess, cold water. Don’t go anywhere.”

  Go anywhere? Was he kidding? I crowded under the cold water. I knew this wasn’t normal, but shifters changed humans all the time. It wasn’t as if I was the first one ever changed. I’d be fine, unless this wasn’t supposed to be happening. Shit. I was going to kill him, just as soon as I wasn’t on fire anymore.

  I don’t know how much time passed until Heller returned looking a little calmer. Just as soon as I opened my mouth to ask what he found out, my body flipped the temperate switch.

  “Holy fuck!” I yelled as the heat in my body receded and freezing cold water blasted me. Holy shrinkage. Desperately I turned the knob for the hot water. “J-J-J-Jesus. What the hell’s happening to me?”

  Heller spoke through the glass shower door. “Nothing that’s not expected.”

  I glared at him through the stream. “Did you expect this?”

  “Well, no. I had no idea, but I called Dolf. Since Kirk was human and went through this, I figured he’d know what was happening.”


  “From what he said, this is normal for a human. He told me your DNA is mutating. The hot, then cold flashes, are signals the change is taking place. He also felt the need to share what his Mom said—that what you’re going through is similar to menopause, only much faster.”

  “Christ, he called his mom?”

  “Ah.” Heller snickered. “No, sorry. I didn’t mean…. This was said to him when Kirk went through the change.”

  “Went through the change? What an interesting choice of words.” I leaned my head against the tile. “So I’m having hot flashes, right?”

  “Well, yeah. Cold flashes too.”

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d swear a woman concocted this whole thing.”

  “You, ah, do know we worship the goddess Bast, right?” Heller helped me out of the shower and into bed.

  “I do now.”

  “The good news is the change shouldn’t last more than an hour to an hour and a half.”

  There went my plans for eating or sleeping anytime soon.

  “At least,” Heller continued, “that’s what Kirk experienced. But Kirk’s the only one to go through this in our clowder.”

  “That’s your idea of good news? I don’t plan to stay in here all night, so help me out.” Yeah, I was getting a little demanding, but my body was the one whacking out, not his.

  I spent the next seventy minutes alternating between burning my ass up and freezing my balls off. But eventually my body stopped acting out and leveled off. That was the end of the sweating and chills. First thing I noticed was that my eyesight had improved. It was as if a veil had been removed. Now everything was crisp and vibrant.

  My hearing had improved too. We were in the bedroom, but I could hear the refrigerator kick on. I also got a whiff of myself, and boy did I need another shower. I had a sneaking suspicion my sense of smel
l was better now. But the best change was how marvelous I felt. The energy coursing through me was incredible. I took a quick shower while Heller changed the sheets.

  Daylight was coming, and Heller closed the blinds on the bedroom windows. We burrowed in the bed. “How do you feel?”

  I let out a jaw-popping yawn. “Outside of being stalked by a werewolf, mated, and my DNA being abused… I feel pretty good. Dead tired, but good.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” Heller snuggled up to my back. “After we rest and finish the mating, we’re going to have to talk with Dolf and our Alpha. I had to tell them what happened with the werewolf.”

  “Speaking of mating, I need to let Janelle and Marshell know.” A rumbling growl sounded behind me, and I clasped the hand Heller rested in front of me. “Okay, what was that about?”

  “I can’t help it. It annoys my cat to hear you mention another man in our bed.”

  “Hey, you mentioned Dolf and your Alpha just now.”

  “I haven’t slept with either of them.”

  “Okay, you got a point. Sorry about that, but it was a long time ago, and I don’t think of him that way now. But I get what you’re saying.” I yawned, my jaw popping. “Oh, I meant to ask: why did you make it sound like you had to tell your Alpha and Dolf about the werewolf?”

  “Because we’re mates. Because soon you’ll be part of my clowder. Because you were threatened, and no one threatens what’s mine.”

  “I’m yours?” Warmth flooded me. Funny how two little words could affect me in such a way. I liked knowing I was his.

  Heller kissed my naked shoulder. “Absolutely. And I’m yours.”

  I really liked that.

  Chapter Fourteen


  WE NEVER did eat, and most of Sunday had passed before we finally got up. I was relieved my phone hadn’t started ringing off the hook, but I knew that wasn’t going to last. I slipped out of bed and put on my jeans from last night.

  I didn’t want to wake Lawson by messing around looking for clothes. My mate’s night had been hard enough. Sighing, I patted my chest, the area right above my heart. My mate. Just thinking those words left me all warm and fuzzy.

  Stumbling to the kitchen, I started the coffee. I hadn’t gotten very far last night with cooking us something, so I started again. I’d let Lawson sleep as long as I could, but there were things we had to do today.

  I’d just finished cooking and set everything on the table when Lawson shuffled in. He was dressed in his jeans, just like me. Shirtless and barefoot had never been more appealing.

  “Good morning.”

  Lawson grunted at me as he scratched his belly.

  “Feeling okay?” I got another grunt, and this time a nod to go with it. “Coffee?”

  “God yes. Black, please.”

  “Oooooh, words.” Cackling in my best mad scientist voice, I pointed at Lawson. “It’s alive, it’s alive….” I turned away before he saw my grin. Someone wasn’t a morning person. I poured the coffee and handed it to Lawson.

  “Oh, merciful heavens, thank you.” Lawson leaned against the counter and sipped the brew. Then he smirked at me and added, “Dr. Frankenstein.”

  “Hey, it was a great movie.”

  “It was, I agree. We’ll have to watch it sometime.” Lawson’s stomach growled and he blushed, absently rubbing it.

  “Hungry?” I followed his hand, admiring the treasure trail that led to…. Suddenly I was hungry—and not just for food.

  “Man, yeah. We never did get to eat.” Carrying his cup, Lawson sat at the table. “I was going to shower first, but I can’t wait. I’m starving. If you continue eyeing me like that, we still won’t get to eat.”

  Flushing, I sat down too. I had been eyeing him like a side of beef… or bacon. “Sorry, I know you’re hungry. It’s just you look so damn good.”

  “If I weren’t ready to gnaw the leg off the kitchen table, I’d take you up on that.” Lawson waggled his eyebrows at me as he dug into the food in front of him. “What’s first on the agenda, outside of food?”

  Seeing him eat what I cooked made me feel good and reminded me just how long it had been since I ate too. Soon I was shoveling it in as fast as Lawson. “We finish the mating, go see my Alpha, and then we go see your Vetala. After that maybe we can stop somewhere and grab a late dinner.”

  “Good times.”

  I agreed, but probably not in the way he meant. My Alpha wasn’t going to give me trouble about Lawson. I wasn’t sure I could say the same for Marshell. The first time he stepped out of line, I was going to pop him one… then probably have to beg forgiveness from Lawson. Dammit. Why couldn’t Marshell have business elsewhere?

  Like on the other side of the planet.

  After we ate I dumped the dirty dishes in the sink. I had other pressing matters outside of worrying about Marshell—namely my cock pressing against my zipper. Watching Lawson lick the jelly off his fingers had nearly driven me insane.

  I herded Lawson toward the bedroom but kept reminding myself he deserved some razzle-dazzle, and not me just humping him like I was in heat. He deserved care and attention and sweetness and… and as soon as we entered my bedroom, Lawson fisted one hand in the front of my shirt and used it to hold me steady as he pushed me up against a wall.

  He crowded my body with his, pinning me in place. I pressed my face to the side of his neck and inhaled. His scent invaded every cell, and I lit up like a flame. Lawson’s free hand slipped behind my neck and he kissed a path along my jaw with his warm lips.

  I closed my eyes and lost myself in the sensations. Anticipation built as I waited for the moment his lips would touch mine. Lawson’s other hand finally let go of my shirt to cradle my head. He ghosted his lips over mine, dragging a purr from me.

  “Please,” I whispered into his mouth.

  Lawson’s low moan hit me in the gut. He pressed our mouths together and pleasure exploded through me. He pushed his tongue past my lips and swept in, demanding everything as he devoured my mouth.

  I groaned into Lawson’s mouth. Lawson pressed closer and tilted his head, changing the angle of the kiss. My head grew light with the need to breathe and finally Lawson eased back. I gasped for air as he nipped at my mouth, flicked his tongue over my lips.

  Lawson dropped openmouthed kisses against my jaw. “God, your skin… I can taste your arousal, it’s so strong. I want you to take me in the shower.”

  “But, but, but… you said you don’t bottom often. Wouldn’t you rather do this in the bed?”

  “I really, really want a shower after what I went through last night, but I also want you in me. This way I get both. After you get me ready, I’m going to ride you.”

  “I knew I put that shower bench in there for a reason.” A strange little yowl escaped me.

  “Fucking me is what we’re after here, remember?” Lawson nipped my bottom lip, then stepped back. “And that sound…. God, that’s hot. Now… bathroom, babe. You get the shower ready, and I’ll get the lube.”

  I all but ran to the bathroom. I couldn’t wait to get in that perfect ass of his, and… I caught my reflection in the mirror. “Son of a….” I looked like I’d been pulled through a keyhole sideways.

  Horrified, I stared at my image. Had I stuck my finger in a socket and not known? The rat’s nest masquerading as my hair was appalling. I’d showered after Lawson made love to me but hadn’t washed my hair. The humidity from the shower had left it frizzy.

  I had shadows under my eyes, and the jeans I had on from last night were wrinkled. Hell, I looked wrinkled. Why hadn’t Lawson run screaming in the other direction? I wasn’t Dr. Frankenstein, I was the fucking monster.

  Lawson’s image appeared next to me. He brushed the hair off my back and kissed my shoulder, nibbling at my skin. “Mmm, love the way you taste.”

  “Good. Just don’t look at me, and maybe—”

  Lawson jerked me around, his hands on my shoulders and a scowl on his face. “Don’t look at you? What
the hell, Heller?” Then Lawson grinned. “Hey! Do you know how close your name resembles the word hell?”

  I scowled right back at him. “It’s been mentioned.” Like half a million times when I was growing up.

  Lawson crowded me into the counter, our hips pressed together. “Well, my sexy little hellcat, why don’t you tell me why I shouldn’t look at you?”

  How did he expect me to think when I could feel his hard cock pressing against me? A purr rumbled out of me. Really, my mate gave me way too much credit. “I, ah… I’m looking kind of rough. Like, scare babies rough.”

  Lawson cupped my face. “I don’t think so. In fact I’d say what you look like is mine.” Lawson unsnapped my jeans. “And mate of mine, you need to get naked.”

  My jeans hit the ground. Seconds later Lawson’s joined them on the floor. Thirty seconds after that, Lawson was kissing me senseless. When he released me, my head was spinning.

  “I can feel you purring. That’s so fucking hot, babe.”

  “I, ah… I….” The shower came on, and I had no idea if I did that or if he did.

  I really didn’t care once he pulled me in there with him. I caught a brief glance of him putting something on one of the shelves…. Oh, it was the lube. Thank the goddess he got that. We shared another kiss, and I grasped his cock while he pinned me against the tile wall. The shocking coolness against my back and the heat from him surrounded me and left me squirming.

  The kiss ended, and Lawson rested his forehead against me. “Here.”

  Something brushed my arm, and I looked down. Lawson held the lube out to me. I took it and squirted some in my hand. Grasping his cock again, I stroked him.

  “You’re so hard,” I whispered, our breath mixing, the stream from the hot water rising around us.

  “God, it feels good, but I’m going to come if you keep that up.” Lawson reluctantly stepped back, his cock slapping against his belly. “Get me ready, my sexy little hellcat.”

  Oh, I liked that so much so my purrs got louder. He turned, and my gaze dropped to that perfect ass. “Fuck, what an ass.”


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