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Bear Essentials: A Paranormal Bear Romance (new adult shapeshifter paranormal romance menage short story book)

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by Anna Collins

  Bear Essentials

  A Werebear Shape Shifter Erotic Novella

  Bear Essentials

  A Werebear Shape Shifter Erotic Novella

  By: Anna Collins

  © Copyright 2015 Anna Collins

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  Bear essentials

  Sonny and duke are not the same in any way size shape or form, but they have been selected by the Elders of both of their communities to seek out a suitable mate from the human population. They may not like each other, but this is a duty that they need to complete together. They find the best hunting ground is a local college and this is where they find a young woman with flaxen hair and the most brilliant green eyes. For some reason, they are immediately drawn to her. Heather knows that these two men are different. She doesn’t know what it is, but there is obviously something that makes them want to be with her. She doesn’t know, but she will soon find out that they are not normal by any means.

  Chapter One

  “I don’t like this anymore than you do, Sonny, but we have been asked to do this and it’s not like we can say no. Believe me, they know that we don’t like each other and I think that’s the main reason why they have given us this assignment. They want us to get along and learn to live in harmony, but we both know that if given the chance that we would tear each other apart limb from limb.” Duke was the older of the two and he was a werebear, where the more rambunctious Sonny was a polar bear shifter.

  “You’re right, and I don’t like it and we’ve never been able to see eye to eye and I don’t see this being any different. Why they have to continually mess with us is beyond me, but like you said, we really don’t have a choice.” They were half brothers and the contention between them was that their mother had slept with two men and had gotten pregnant with two different children.

  They were constantly after her for her attention and that competitive nature had bled into their life together.

  “Look, we should be able to get along long enough to do this and then we can go our separate ways and never see each other again. Trust me, it won’t hurt my feelings and I know that mother wants us to get along and I imagine that she has had her hand in all of this. She is part of the board and we both know that she has always wanted us to be true brothers.”

  “You’re not my brother, Sonny and the sooner that you get that through your thick skull the better off both of us will be. I honestly don’t know why we can’t get along, but we are like oil and water and we just don’t mix.” They were driving in a red wrangler jeep through the forest and out through a very overgrown path leading to civilization.

  It was about 8:00 AM in the morning and they knew that their best bet for completing this mission was to start as early as possible. “Duke, I don’t suppose you’ve given any thought about where we’re going to start this ill conceived endeavor.”

  Now that you mention it, Sonny, I think that our best bet is the college. It’s the perfect hunting ground and the meat…um…the mate that we’re looking for has to be young enough to handle what we really are.”

  “I think for the first time in our life we agree on something. Just let me do all the talking, because you tend to make people nervous and we can’t afford that. Don’t look at me like that; Duke and we both know that it’s true. We polar bear shifters tend to be charming and we like to seduce, but you werebears seems to think that taking something that isn’t yours is the right way to go about it. The kind of dominance can be quite enticing to some, but for most it can be a little hard to take.” Sonny moved his hands through his blond hair that went down to the middle of his back.

  Duke looked over at his brother and saw his long hair as a rebellious maneuver. He liked a more uniform look with his head shaved to stubble and his dark hair now a shadow on his head. He did however where his goatee with pride and had to scoff at the way that young Sonny liked to be clean shaven at all times. They had the same physical makeup, taking on the genes of their mother with a more slender look. Being that they were only 170 pounds, they had made sure to work every single muscle in their body in the gym. It wasn’t really a gym and it was something that they had made up when they were kids out in the forest.

  It was the only time that they got together and it was always one day before the full moon. They would put their bodies to the test and they would challenge each other to see how far they could go.

  “Sonny, we may not be able to get along, but for the sake of this mission, just listen to me and follow my lead. I am older by a couple of years and I do have wisdom where you are still a bit of a naïve child.” He was 25 and his little brother was 23 and he had never let him forget it.

  “I was just about to say the same thing to you, Duke. It’s obvious to me that we need a more sophisticated touch.” Even though they were similar in builds, Sonny took pride in his appearance and enjoyed getting away from the tribe. It allowed him to wear expensive clothing and walk amongst the people like he was one of them.

  “I don’t like your tone and you make it sound like I am some back water Neanderthal.”

  “You said it…not me.” Sonny was driving, but it was only because he had procured the vehicle, all be it not exactly the legal or by conventional standards.

  They arrived at the college and they sat in the car and surveyed the young l
adies moving back and forth across the quad. If anybody was to look, they would’ve thought that they were perverts and the police would be called to deal with them accordingly. They were hidden within an off road car lot that had not opened yet and was able to practically hide in plain sight without anybody realizing that they were scoping out the situation.

  Heather was walking across to her next class, when she felt like there was a shift in the air and this smell of something strong caught her attention. She stopped momentarily to sniff it and it was like this musky animalistic smell that made her entire body quiver with anticipation. She had no idea where it was coming from, but she knew that her clit had just gotten instantly erect and that her chest had flushed. It was just lucky that she was wearing a sweater on this cool fall day or everybody would see just how excited she was. She could actually feel her juices stirring to the surface.

  She glanced around and didn’t see anything, but what she’d didn’t see was exactly what she should’ve been looking for. Out in the distance not more than a block away, both shifters were staring at her like she was a delectable treat to be devoured in one sitting.

  They had no idea why they were looking at her like this, but for some reason they had found her instantly attractive. Their pants had filled out and neither one of them wanted to look at each other to see the product of their arousal. They’d never felt this way about a human before and they were going to have to get closer to figure out what this was all about.

  Chapter Two

  “I think that we should approach her separately that way we don’t scare her off and maybe she will find it flattering that two men are vying for her affection. From what I can see and feel, I would say that she would make the perfect candidate to come into the fold of shifters. We can meet with her and whatever baby she produces will decide on which clan gets control for that decade.” This was how it had been and this was how it was going to be and they were not going to shirk their duties when it came to tradition.

  “Sonny, I don’t like it and you know that you have this boyish quality that draws a girl to you like a moth to a flame. Not to mention that you wear the most expensive stuff. Oh, and by the way that cologne is killing me.”

  “It’s Gucci…so shut the fuck up. I think you sell yourself too short and we both know that you have this raw sexuality that just oozes out of every pore. Did you forget about Andrea?”

  At the mention of her name, Duke began to fantasize about the last time that he had been with her. They had both wanted her and he had finally broken through her exterior. It was a reluctant romance, but in the end it produced a small werebear cub that had just recently gone on its first hunt.

  “Oh yes, I remember Andrea and how you thought that she wanted you, but in the end she ended up with me. It’s not going to be any different this time, but unfortunately I need to give you a fair shot. We both need to sleep with her and how that happens is decided amongst those two that are sent out to do this mission.”

  It was decided that they would approach her together and that maybe the dynamic of brothers might be something that gave her a moment of pause.

  They went into the college and while Sonny and his boyish charm kept the receptionist busy, Duke slipped into the office and made sure that they were now part of the curriculum. He might have looked older, but now his records showed that he was 20 and that his friend Sonny was 18. Perfect ages for college life and now they had the records to prove that they belonged. Duke was even able to register them, but he was good at technology, even though the older of the clan tried to stay in the old ways.

  Sonny had the receptionist, one Jessica Rhodes completely enamored and he was now touching her cheek and feeling the heat with his fingers. “Maybe you and I can get a drink later on tonight. I think that we might have a lot in common and I think we both know that by morning your panties will be on my floor.” If were anybody else, Jessica would’ve told him to go straight to hell, but this guy had her swooning from the moment that he opened up his mouth.

  “I think that I would like that and maybe you can make me breakfast in bed.” She had always been staid and she was never one to fall for lines like that, but on him it worked. His chiseled good books and the boyish way that he gave her that grin had her practically taking off her panties and giving it to him right now. “God damn it, I don’t know what I’m saying. I do know that I would love to such your cock.” She couldn’t believe the words that had came out of her mouth and she had never said anything like this in her life.

  “That is something that can be arranged.” This was not uncommon for Sonny and he had always had this affect on the opposite sex. It didn’t matter if it was shifters or not, they were always a bit of catnip in his presence.

  It was then that Duke appeared and he saw that the woman was underneath Sonny’s spell and shook his head in disbelief at how quickly he had been able to seduce her with just his eyes.

  “If you are through, we have places to be and people to see.” Duke knew that he was interrupting, but he really didn’t care and it was the one time in his life that he enjoyed throwing cold water on his parade.

  As Sonny walked away backwards, he was still giving Jessica the eye and he knew that he could probably just bend her over the desk and take her right here and now. She would gladly give it up to him, but that was not the reason why they were in town.

  “I hope you know that you just stopped a sure thing. I know that she’s not the one that we decided on, but I think that a little taste of the local cuisine might be just what is ordered.”

  “Sonny, you really can’t keep it in your pants more than a few minutes and sometimes I think that’s a good thing and a bad thing all at the same time. Trust me, you’ve had your fair share of dalliances and some of them have come back and bit you on the ass. I might have taken Andrea from you, but that wasn’t until she had already tasted the fruits of your labor. This cute thing you have going for you is going to get old very quickly and I hope you know that age is going to be your only weapon when it comes to seducing the ladies.”

  “You’re just jealous that you can’t do what I do in the same way.” Sonny could see the green streak down his brother’s back and was hoping that he could repeat that same performance that he had with Jessica with the young woman that they had spied in the quad.

  They had already tracked her with her scent and they knew exactly where she was and now they just had to make a unique kind of approach that would make her stand up and take notice.

  They decided on scenario number five and had the necessary equipment in the jeep. They went out to get it and began to toss the ball around. Duke had the better arm, so he spiraled the football in the air past Sonny’s face. It landed exactly where they expected it to… right into Heather.

  It scattered her books and her notes went everywhere. She was knocked on her ass and they were both on top of her before she had a chance to regain her balance.

  Heather looked up and shaded her eyes from the sun to see two handsome gentlemen reaching out for her hand. She gave one to each of them and they lifted her onto her feet.

  “We’re very sorry and my brother seems to think that he’s in the NFL.”

  She couldn’t help, but to look at their bodies and the way that their muscles seemed to bulge in all the right places. Her eyes gravitated towards their belt line and now she could see similar size cocks down the left side of both of their pants. One was wearing jeans and one was wearing black slacks with a white shirt that had the first couple of buttons undone. The other one was wearing denim and look rugged and manly with the Goatee. They were both different in their own right, but each one seemed to be looking at her with more than just a friendly hello.

  “It’s OK and I have two brothers that like to roughhouse. I don’t know how many times we had a football go through a window, because of their need for competition.” She watched as they both helped her gather up her books and notes with Sonny chasing down one of her notes that had been skippin
g with the wind. It wasn’t long before they were inviting her out to dinner to make up for hitting her with the football.

  She found herself enamored and very perplexed that anybody would give her the time of day. She was usually just invisible, but for some reason they had found her to their liking. She agreed to dinner and they separated, until the time that they were to meet at a nearby restaurant.

  Chapter Three

  “I would say that you clean up well, but I’m just happy to see that you’re wearing anything but jeans.” They had an apartment that was used by those of their shifter variety. It was stocked with everything that they would need, including food and enough liquor to choke a horse. “Duke, just don’t do anything stupid tonight. I want to make a good impression and we don’t want her to be running in the opposite direction.”

  “Very funny and if I thought you were serious, I would slap the taste out of your mouth.” They were both dressed to impress and were wearing similar attire with the same black pants and white shirt. The only difference was that Sonny had a belt buckle with a wolf’s head in silver on his pants and he had his hair pulled back into a ponytail.

  “I don’t want to get into this with you, but just try to show some manners. Use a fork when you are eating your meal and not your hands.” Sonny almost had to laugh at the joke that he was making at his brother’s expense, but then they entered into the restaurant and both of them were immediately tongue tied.

  Heather was sitting there in a white virginal pure dress and a plunging neckline. She wasn’t as blessed as other girls, but she certainly had a mouthful and both guys were now staring at her. They couldn’t help it and it wasn’t just her look, but it was her natural fragrance that had them almost tripping over themselves to get to her table first.


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