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Bear Essentials: A Paranormal Bear Romance (new adult shapeshifter paranormal romance menage short story book)

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by Anna Collins

  “I think that I should go and Sonny should stay behind. He tends to meander and get into trouble when he’s alone for too long. By the way, you won’t be living with the both of us and you will switch off from one house to the other. This will be the only time that we are together as a three some. I don’t think you know this, but we really don’t like each other and it might be sibling rivalry, but it’s not something that we can change overnight.”

  “Two boyfriends that want to have sex with me all the time, treat me like a princess and always keeping me safe. Let me think about that one for second… hmmmm… I would be damn fool not to jump at that kind of offer. However, since this is our only time being together with all three of us, then I would like one more opportunity to do that. I don’t think I used all the hot water and that shower is a big enough enclosure for all three of us.”

  Heather got up and sashayed down the hallway, swinging her hips and then she glanced over her shoulder and used her finger to motion the both of them to follow. “The first one that gets in the shower with me will be the first one that scrubs my back.”

  Both boys looked at each other and before they knew it they were scrambling down the hallway. Sonny pushed Duke into another room and got in the shower with Heather before Duke came in a little miffed, but still knowing that all’s fair in love and war.

  Chapter Six

  “I think that you should wash my back and that Duke should wash my front and I’m sure that by the time that you’re both finished that things will be looking up.” In the time that they had been talking out there, their cocks had gone down considerably, but now that they were standing in front of her naked body and hovering over her, it was not very difficult to see that they were quite aroused by her body. “Never mind, it looks like things are already looking up.

  “If this is going to be the only time together as three, then I would like to make a suggestion. It might sound a little out there, but I think that you might be exactly the girl that will say yes to something like this.” He looked at both his brother Duke and Heather and they were waiting with bated breath to see what he had come up with. “I want to double penetrate you and I’m not just talking about your mouth and your pussy at the same time. We’ve already done that, but I want to see if you can take both of our cocks into that tight little hole of yours at the same time. It’s up to you, but I think that you would be surprised at what the human body is capable of.”

  “I would be willing to give it a shot, but only if you guys take things slow and really lubricate, so that it won’t hurt.” Both guys were way ahead of her and she saw them now soaking their cocks with the liquid variety soap that was making them nice and slippery.

  She lifted her leg and wrapped it around Duke’s backside, his cock now touching her sex.

  She felt the hands of Sonny on her hips and then his cock was right beside Duke’s from behind. Both of their pocket rockets were kissing her lips and then they began to push together. It didn’t look like it was going to happen, but her excitement over the very idea had made her nice and wet and their cocks were slippery enough that eventually they popped into her.

  “Holy mother of god.”

  “Just relax, breathe through your mouth and I think that you’re going to find that this is better than you could ever contemplate.” Sonny wasn’t exactly sure that he was telling her the truth, but he was enjoying the sensation and the way that his cock was now rubbing up against his half brothers. In a moment of weakness, Sonny decided to blurt out something that had been weighing heavily on his mind for the last few years. “Duke, you’re not my half brother and we’re not even related. My mother left our father with a burden to care for me and your mother had you out of wedlock with another man.”

  “I know all about that and I guess I just didn’t want to admit it to you or to myself. I think that this secret between us has been the one thing that has been keeping us from being true brothers.” He was having a hard time speaking, because half his cock was inside Heather. They growled together, as they buried themselves in her.

  “Whoa, just hold still for a couple minutes and let me get used to this.” She’d never had that much cock in her at the same time and it felt different, unique and also pleasurable. She could feel her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

  “You take all the time that you need and we will try to be gentlemen and give you that.” Now that the secret had been revealed, even though they had both known it all the time, they were now seeing each other in a different light. “I told you that you would enjoy it and was I not a man of my word?”

  “Oh yeah, you were a man of your word and then some. I still can’t believe that I’m doing this and do I take it that three of us being together is now on the table.”

  They hadn’t thought of it before, but now they were nodding their head and it was like this wall had come down. The truth had given them a sort of peace that came from knowing that they could now all be together. Since they weren’t related, they weren’t doing anything wrong and the only thing that was missing was that their secret had to be told to the rest of their clan.

  “I think that we can agree on that and if it’s anything like this, then we owe it to ourselves to explore what it is to be a three some.”

  “I’m glad to hear of it and I’m ready now. Like I said, just go slow and I think that you’ll know when I need more.” Both of her legs were wrapped around Duke and she was holding onto his shoulder with one hand and reaching out for the back of the neck of Sonny with the other. They started to move in unison and their cocks we’re now igniting places in her body that no cock had been before. She was stretched beyond capacity and she had no idea that she was even going to be the same after this was done.

  “I’m CUMMMMMMMMING.” If she thought that the previous orgasm with two brothers was something, then she was in for an awakening. This one was all encompassing and she was whipping her hair around, while the water from the shower rained down on them from above.

  The amazing thing was that both brothers, even though not really related would always consider themselves to be brothers underneath the skin. They were reaching the apex of their release and they waited, until this woman that had wrapped them around her little finger was now cumming again.

  They moaned in unison and their claws emerged and they were suddenly their true form of werebear and polar shifter. The only thing that seemed to be relatively human was the appendage between their legs. It was caught up in the hot confines of her womanhood and they were both howling in the enclosed space, until finally coming down from that climactic moment in their human form.

  “I don’t know about the two of you, but that was out of this freaking world. I want that all the time and you’ve ruined me for conventional human men. There’s no way that I could even consider going back to a normal life after all this.”

  Soon, they were back in their own world, the baby was conceived and when it came out, it was black haired and was essentially a werebear. Sonny was a bit disappointed, but he couldn’t deny that they were their own unique family and that they would be forever linked for as long as they lived.

  It hadn’t been decided if she was going to become one of them, but that was a bridge that they would have to cross together at a later date. There was no denying that this was not the normal way to do things and most often than not, the woman that conceived a child was summarily eaten after birth. They changed the rules and they were willing to live with the consequences. Just as long as they were all together.


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  About the Author

  I live on the East coast with my two kids. They are my world and I find inspiration for my stories through my friends, who always have stories or just something to say that will spark my creative juices.

  I've lived like it was
my last day on earth, always striving to do something new, just because it scares me. I went to high school, but it wasn't my favorite time and sometimes I got lost in my own imaginations. College was another story and I have a few close knit friends....hey Barry....what's up. Just a shout out to a know who you are. Life has been 2 miracles and several more that I just haven't seen yet.

  It was never my intention to write and I never really thought that I had that kind of creative feel. It just so happens I write all the time in my diary and some of the stuff can be pretty steamy. If its not about a past love then its a fantasy about a co worker or someone I saw and I wanted to explore. Life can be boring, but sometimes all it takes is for one to look around at the wonders of the world.

  I have been writing erotica for years. I am the type of writer that enjoys what she does and writes stories that are compelling for the reader. My experience ranges from extremely sexual, soft core, romance, paranormal, action/adventure, supernatural, sci-fi and fantasy.

  I go along for the journey, never quite knowing where the story is going, until it presents itself to me. I go by the seat of my pants, working with no outline, but a theme that I can draw inspiration from. If you are reading my stories, you will feel compelled to live vicariously through the characters I portray with vivid clarity. Their emotions, thoughts and desires become your own.

  With love and respect,

  Anna Collins

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  Here is a sample from another story that you may enjoy:

  Wolf Addiction

  Anna had never been able to get out of her mind the one that got away. It wasn’t that she couldn’t love him, but there was something about him that terrified her beyond words. They had an ill conceived relationship for two months and it was only after he had almost killed her that she had finally decided enough was enough. She needed to get some space and she thought that she would only be gone a short while, but five years had now elapsed. David had wondered what had happened to her, but instead of pining away like a lovesick teenager, he moved on with his life. He lived a relatively normal existence most of the time, but on those full moons, things changed drastically.


  Chapter One

  Anna stood in the forest, her clothes completely saturated in sweat and looking up at the sun through the trees. She thought that she knew the way, but it had been five years and some things had changed. The landscape, the foliage and even the path that she had used before was overgrown. It wasn’t like she was consciously coming back home, because she had left this place behind because of the scars that were too painful to even think about.

  Her life was relatively normal five years ago, until she came to Oregon for a change of scenery and to get away from an abusive ex husband. Those memories were haunting her and then she met a man that seemed relatively normal on the outside. They began a relationship, something that was mending her broken heart and taking away the pain that she had felt for falling for a man that really didn’t see her as anything but a punching bag.

  She remembered the feel of David’s hands on her skin, the touch of his tongue moving down over the swell of her breasts and she had to stop for a moment to catch her breath. It wasn’t that she was feeling fatigued, because she was used to running and hiking. It was one of the things in her life that were constant. Se would wake up every morning, go into the hills behind her house and stay there for 1 hour, before returning to the real world as a lawyer.

  She was only wearing a pair of blue jeans and had she thought about it before hand, she would’ve cut them into shorts. If she had, she might’ve been bitten alive by the mosquitoes that called these forests their home. She had taken the precaution of spraying herself with enough insect repellent. She could take solace in the fact that it wasn’t a pungent aroma. She’d always been sensitive to colognes and perfumes and never wore any herself. David was the kind of natural man that was almost too good to pass up.

  The sex was amazing and she had so many orgasms that it was hard to keep track. There were even times that she actually passed out and those were the blackouts that she remembered with great fondness. She remembered his words as if they had happened yesterday “Anna, I know that I love you, but there are times that I feel that I am being less than honest. I wish that I could tell you everything, but I’m not sure if you would understand. I know that I have to and that the only way that we can have anything real is if everything is up front and center.” It was after he revealed what he was that she began to see him as somebody that needed help.

  She’d even contemplated talking to a sanitarium nearby and having him committed against his will. He tried to convince her, show her proof of what he was by the slaughtered animals that were in the vicinity. She never believed him, until that one fateful night that he changed on the full moon. It was an amazing transformation and he had tried to tell her that he needed to leave, but she wasn’t having any of it.

  They had succumbed to their basic natures and in the process David forgot where he was and what time it was. It wasn’t until he was lying beside her in a post coital bliss that she began to feel something happening. Her hands were wrapped around him and there was suddenly hair where there wasn’t any before. She heard this loud cracking and then saw his back begin to morph and shape into something that was unrecognizable.

  She jumped out of bed completely naked and holding the lone sheet against her form. She didn’t know what to do, totally stunned like a deer in the headlights and only able to watch. It suddenly turned in her direction, its eyes alive and it moved towards her with its lips and teeth showing its eager hunger. She began to back away from it, but it was stalking her, watching her every movements and seeing that she was a captive audience.

  She remembered the words coming out of her mouth “Get back… Oh my god… I can’t believe this is happening. I thought that you were lying and that you were just spinning tales for the sake of your damaged childhood. Jesus, if I had known, I would never have gotten involved with you in the first place.” She had her back towards the bedroom door and then she grabbed onto the handle with a moment of clarity and pulled it open. She closed it just as quickly, running down the stairs and hearing the wood splinter, as the wolf slammed into it with its entire weight.

  She didn’t even bother looking, not wanting to see the reality and yet knowing in her heart that what he had been saying all along was the truth. She heard the howl and it sent a cold chill run down her spine. There was no denying that this animal was David and David was the animal. She wasn’t sure that she could live with that. She wasn’t even sure she was going to be able to survive this altercation.

  She ran out of the house, climbing in her car and then hearing this loud crashing sound of glass.

  It landed on her hood, its eyes peering into hers and its claws digging into the metal surface of her Toyota Corolla. The gray paint was being pulled apart by its claws and she put it into reverse and drove out of the driveway as fast as she could. She barely had enough time to turn around, before she heard the scratching on her bumper and looked into her rearview mirror to see that the wolf was in hot pursuit.


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