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Page 13

by D. A. Stafford

  “He knows from her scent, just like Looch knew you were ours… or I guess mine. Your scent calls to me. A male won’t risk losing his one chance being with his ayah; additionally, the mark won’t present itself on the female if they are not true mates. Watch, the mark will appear on the female.”

  Since the man holding the banner with three symbols on it was very close to the dais, he waited for the woman to come to him. When the Arenian female finally reached the dais, two other men joined them. She guessed it was the man’s brothers. Suddenly she could see a white symbol appearing on the woman’s thigh. She showed it to the males surrounding her and the Queen. Jessie couldn’t help but smile because the woman was brimming with happiness and the men looked like a huge weight had been lifted from their shoulders.

  Queen Maya stood and curtsied to the four Arenians. “May love guide your union.”

  The four bowed to her, and when they were done, one of the men picked up the woman in a hug and passionately kissed her. When the first one put her down the second picked her up, and when that man put her down, the third did the same. Two of the men flanked her side, and the third walked behind her, virtually encasing her in safety as they walked to the side to exit the arena.

  Queen Maya turned to Jessie and smiled. “See my dear, that’s all there is to it. It’s a joyful occasion for all. Now that the first union has taken place, the rest will go quickly until we get to the Earth females.”

  “Sounds great. I’m humbled by how much love is shown by virtual strangers. It’s quite beautiful.”

  Leigh smiled as he took Jessie’s hand and kissed the back of it. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Queen Maya was correct; things did progress very quickly. All the Arenian’s seemed to know what they wanted and apparently wanted to get it over with so they could start their lives together. Whenever one male would raise his banner and left the arena to be with his ayah the remaining males would systematically move down the line towards the dais. This would make room for more males to come to the back and be in the arena.

  Out of the small number of Arenian females, ten didn’t find their mates within the arena. Queen Maya trudged forward and asked them to come to the next choosing which would be soon as there are so many Earth women to place. Jessie couldn’t help, but see the devastation in their eyes but the women did what they were asked.

  After a brief intermission for food and drinks, Queen Maya announced it was the Earth female’s turn. Jessie was so nervous for all the women. She didn’t know if she could have done the same thing as these women, nor did she know if any women were going to go through with this.

  Regally Queen Maya spoke, “Warriors, please don’t raise your banner until the first Earthling has made her way to me. After I speak with her, I’ll ask you to come forward.”

  When the doors at the end of the field finally opened, Jessie was shocked to see Dawn emerge as the first Earth woman. Even Leigh sat forward and whispered, “Is that Dawn?”

  Jessie was speechless, so she just nodded. She sat there in awe of Dawn’s strength as she walked down the aisle towards them. When Dawn finally reaches the dais, she bowed to the Kings and Queen. Maya descends from her throne to meet the woman at the bottom of the stairs. “Dear child, what’s your name?”

  “Dawn ma’am.”

  “Dawn…what a delightful name for an exquisite female. I thank you for being the first of many true unions. You are a brave soul, and I know you won’t be disappointed. Your name is fitting as Dawn is alluring name for a new beginning. I know the union between your chosen will be bountiful in love. Now then, since this is only about twenty-five percent of our unbonded males, let us hope your chosen is here.”

  “Wait!” Jessie squeaked out. “I know her. Can I talk to her first?”

  “Of course, there’s no rush.”

  Jessie made her way down to Dawn and the Queen and didn’t waste any time asking Dawn, “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  With tears brimming in Dawn’s eyes she looked at the Queen then back to Jessie. “My life was pretty crappy before MEDS hit the East coast. I had a father who beat me, and my mother was strung out on whatever drugs she could get her hands on. I was in and out of foster care, which wasn’t much better. In my adult life, I’ve had to fight for everything.” Dawn sighed. “There was an old guy named Art, who came by a community center I stayed at occasionally when I didn’t want to sleep on the streets. He helped me out from time to time when I needed something. It turns out he owned a gym where he taught boxing to underprivileged kids. He asked me if I wanted to work for him cleaning the place and in turn, he would let me stay on a cot in back. Food was included if I cooked and ate it with him in the gym’s kitchen.” Dawn smiled making the unshed tears fall. “He was the best father figure I could ever ask for. He was firm and unwavering and yet so kind and patient with me. He taught me boxing which didn’t take long to get me interested in MMA fighting. Since I started boxing when I was eighteen and then trained for MMA fighting it was hard to get anyone to look at me for some real competition fighting. I was almost ready to try and start clawing my way up through ranks when MEDS hit the east coast.” Dawn hiccupped with a sob but continued. “One morning, I was in back making Art breakfast when a couple of the guys broke into the gym. I didn’t know it at the time, but Art was up front trying to reason with them and get them to leave.” Dawn took a deep shuddering breath in through her nose. “They beat Art to death then came after me. I was able to escape and hide. Later I came back, wrapped Art in a sheet and said my goodbyes. I guess what I’m trying to say is…I’m tired. I’m tired of fighting for everything, except the one thing I wanted…love. I’m ready for the prospect of love. One of these guys seems to know I’m the most important thing in their lives and I’m ready to try and make them the most important thing in mine.”

  Queen Maya hugged Dawn and then turned to Jessie. “Jessie, it’s time. She has made her choice. Be happy for her. She will be ensconced in love as all females should be.” Queen Maya raised her voice to address the crowd as she grabbed Dawn’s hand in her own and lifted it towards the sky. “Let the choosing begin. Who claims this lovely female? Raise your banner and come forth.”

  A banner immediately shot up, and a male from the far end of the field made his way quickly to the dais. While the man approached them, Jessie looked at the hologram of the banner the man was carrying, and it showed two symbols, indicating two brothers were claiming Dawn. When he reached Dawn, he smiled at her and Dawn nervously smiled back. They stood there not saying a word but, continuously smiling at each other as they waited for their third to come from the outer vestibule.

  Finally, when the other brother came forward, he smiled at Dawn then turned his attention towards his brother. He clasped his brother on the shoulder and gleefully boasted, “You’ve done well my brother.” He then took Dawn’s hand in his. “There’s nothing to fear; you’re magnificent to us. I hope you find us appealing.”

  A flush crossed Dawn’s face, and she looked at both of them up and down. “What’s not to like? You guys are gorgeous.”

  Queen Maya quietly interrupted them and asked, “What are your names warriors?”

  “Bahdoo and Arock your majesty.”

  “Dawn, does Bahdoo and Arock please you?”

  Dawn looked at both men then to the Queen and simply said, “Yes.”

  The men enfolded Dawn in their arms showing all the love they plan on giving her. Dawn was a little taken aback at first, but then returned their hug. Everyone in the coliseum whooped and hollered in celebration of the first union. Dawn looked to Jessie and smiled then nodded to signify she’d be all right. Jessie smiled back, but noticed Dawn kept scratching at her forearm. The Queen must’ve noticed it too, because she finally asked, “Dawn, is there something wrong?”

  “No your majesty, I’m just a little itchy. It’s no big deal. I think I’m just allergic to something around here.”

  Queen Maya came forward again to inspect
Dawn’s arm and noticed the mark. Dawn finally realized it too, because she gasped in fright. “My dear child, do not fear. This is a marvelous sign. This means your heart is open and accepting of these two fine males. They will love you until the day they die as will you to them.”

  Bahdoo and Arock were ecstatic. “Dawn, you bare our marks.”

  Jessie looked over at Looch to find him staring dreamily at Bahdoo, Arock, and Dawn. Looch must’ve sensed her looking at him because he glanced back at Jessie and caught her eye. With a smile which Jessie could only characterize as regret Looch slowly nodded at her.

  The choosing continued with several other Earth females. Most did not develop the mark but, there were a few who did. The Earth females who were not ready to take part in the choosing, but had made friends with women who found mates, could go with them to help with the housing shortage for all the Earth females. When they’re ready, they will return later for a choosing.

  Jessie noticed even though the choosing had taken most of the day, the male’s numbers never dwindled because when one would leave with his mate, a new man would take his place. When no more Earth females came forward, Queen Maya was about to dismiss the crowd when one of the Arenian males raised his banner. Queen Maya called him forward. He bowed and said, “My Queen, our ayah resides within these walls. I can scent her. What if she’s never ready?”

  “Are there others who scent their true mate? If so, please raise your banner.” Over fifty men did so. Queen Maya dismissed the other males on the field who had not found their ayah and asked the fifty or so men to go up into the stands to stand next to their female. The men scrambled to get to their ayah as quick as they could. Some were so fast it shocked some of the women, and they became fearful of the males.

  Jessie was appalled. “Please don’t do this Queen Maya. The women are not ready. You said you wouldn’t force them.”

  “Calm yourself, Jessie. I won’t force their hand. They still have a choice in the matter. I’m just presenting the bond as an opportunity.” Queen Maya then turned and addressed the crowd, asking if any were interested in a bond. Some said yes but, there were a few who still were not ready. The men looked so dejected, but were respectful and left the arena without their mate.

  After the choosing was finally complete King Raiden dismissed everyone. “Jessie, we will have a small celebratory meal tonight at the palace. I expect your friends to be in attendance as well. We were able to facilitate many unions today. On behalf of Queen Maya, King Taavi and myself, we thank you for your insight and help with the choosing.” He then bowed to Jessie.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dinner was a grand affair. Except for Sloane, all of Jessie’s friends were in attendance. Even Gade and Aryn were there with Marie. All the unbonded males wore loose-fitting linen pants and nothing else. The only difference between the princes and Gade and Aryn were the swords strapped to their backs. Everyone except for Gade and Aryn were sitting on the floor on pillows arranged around a large table adorned with floral arrangements, huge candle sconces, and some intricate fruit baskets.

  Riley and Marie were both dressed reasonably sparsely, and although Riley looked to be uncomfortable with her dress, she looked beautiful. Marie looked nervous for a whole other reason. Gade and Aryn were directly behind her. She looked like she was going to pass out soon if she didn’t get away from the two hulking men. Teagan was still in a flight suit which covered every inch of her and again didn’t say a word but nodded at Jessie in greeting.

  The Queen and Kings were fully dress and were also on the floor adorned with pillows. When everyone was seated, King Taavi finally spoke. “Gade and Aryn, you are to join us for the celebration dinner. You will both sit next to little Marie.” Waving his hand in gesture. “I’ve asked for others to guard the outer doors and I’m quite sure you’ll still be able to guard Marie even if you’re eating.”

  At first, Gade and Aryn didn’t move but finally took off their weapons, sat stiffly on both sides of Marie. She looked like a five-year-old compared to these two men.

  King Taavi continued, “I’d like to thank everyone for coming tonight. We have had a successful choosing with many Earth females. Thank you, Jessie, for all your hard work and open mind. Now that we know how things must proceed we will be better prepared for the next choosing. We were able to place many earth females some of which took a few friends to live with them until they are ready for a choosing. We were able to offload enough females to be able to load the ships with supplies and send them back to earth to collect more Earth females. We have made a camp for the remaining females to comfortably stay until they decide they want to try the choosing.”

  “That’s wonderful news King Taavi. Honestly, I didn’t think there would be any women who would come forward to take part in the choosing. Seeing Dawn be the first in the choosing was such a comfort to me. You all talk about how it’s not the Earth way to have more than one man by our side when it was illegal in the country we lived in. Only weird religious cults believe in plural marriages, but it’s usually a man with several wives, and it still isn’t legal.”

  All the Arenian’s in the room were shocked to learn such news. Looch look directly at Jessie and spoke up asking, “How’s one-man supposed to protect that many females? His focus is divided.” Realizing everyone was looking at him staring at Jessie; he cleared his throat and stiffly wrapped his arm around Zara. It was a mechanical move, and the response from Zara was equally mechanical. Jessie could tell neither Zara nor Looch was excited about trying to court each other. After a moment Zara politely shrugged off Looch’s hand.

  In the meantime, Riley spoke up answering Looch’s question. “They don’t. Women, in general, don’t need ‘protecting’ in your traditional sense. We’re very self-sufficient. Some women like Jessie are more self-sufficient than others.”

  Jessie noticed Councilman Cerin making evil eyes at Zara. Just then Zara quickly grabbed some fruit from the table and hand fed it to Looch but not without Jessie noticing a small tremor in Zara’s hand. When Zara finally caught Jessie’s stare, Zara gave her a pained smile. “Are you alright Zara?”

  Zara’s head popped up to look at her father. “Of course, why do you ask?”

  “You look like you’re in pain.”

  “No, everything is just fine.”

  During their meal, everyone made small talk about Earth and Arenia. Riley was even so bold as to ask the Queen if she could start working. “You see, I’m a scientist on Earth called a botanist. I study plants, and I’m dying to study the plants you have here. Jessie and I were going to attempt to start a business together when she had enough massage clients. I was making her massage oils out of pure plant extracts, like rose petals, lilac, or aloe vera. It’s great for the skin, and my blend helps detoxify the body by transdermal application.”

  Everyone was very engaged in what Riley had to say. Finally, Queen Maya interrupted her. “Of course you may work with our scientists, but you’ll find they are all men. Since females of our planet don’t work, it may be odd to them for you to work. They may want to circumvent your efforts by trying to do everything for you. I don’t expect animosity towards you but sheer inquisitiveness. Even if you’re not their chosen, they will try and win your favor.” Riley thanked Queen Maya and agreed they would talk about work tomorrow.

  Throughout dinner, Jessie couldn’t help noticing how gentle Gade and Aryn were with Marie. She could tell Marie, was still scared of the enormous men, but did smile on occasion at them. Gade had picked a small flower from the arrangement on the table. With a slight tilt of his head and asking permission, Gade placed it into Marie’s hair when she nodded. Aryn explained what foods she may like before showing her how to eat them. She could tell it was hard for Marie to trust a man let alone these huge men but, Gade and Aryn were both loving towards Marie.

  Jessie noticed the RaBatt serving woman from the other day. She was clearing plates, and when she went to pick-up her plate, Jessie stopped her and asked, “What�
��s your name?” The serving girl looked feverishly around to everyone except Jessie.

  Leigh finally broke in and saved the poor woman. “It’s uncommon for serving girls to be spoken to directly. She thinks she has done something wrong.” Leigh finally turned to the RaBatt and said, “its fine, she’s not displeased. I think she just wants to get to know you. Earth females are very friendly.”

  The woman visibly relaxed and spoke very softly while bowing. “Meesa.”

  “That’s a beautiful name Meesa. Maybe some time when you’re not working you could come and talk with us Earth girls. What do you say? We’d like to know more about you.”

  Meesa shyly looked at the other Earth women who were smiling and nodding at her. “I couldn’t….I….”

  Leigh interrupted, “You can Meesa. I’m sure my Jessie will enjoy your company as will the others.”

  Meesa bowed, “Thank you, Prince Leigh.” Nodding to Jessie, she said, “I’d like that very much. Thank you.” Then Meesa retreated to the kitchens.

  They were all finishing up dinner when King Raiden finally asked Jessie, “How did all of your companions come to join you?”

  The room seemed to quiet, and when Riley was about to speak, Jessie held up her hand to stop her. “I’ll give you the shortest version I can King Raiden.” She said with a humorless chuckle. Leigh stroked Jessie’s bare back with his hand, encouraging her to continue. “When Riley and I were having a drink in a bar; I was attacked by a man affected by MEDS. We were able to escape, and Riley came with me to my parent’s ranch near the Willamette National Forest, which is a heavily wooded area and somewhat secluded. It was my childhood home where my mom and dad still lived. Since Riley lost her parents in a car crash years earlier, my mom Lily and dad, Robert were like parents to her. MEDS didn’t just take over all the men immediately; they were all different. It was a slow progression for some and for that I was grateful because I would never have been able to get to these beautiful women.”


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