Bargaining for the Billionaire

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Bargaining for the Billionaire Page 3

by JM Stewart

  He meant that. He had no desire to scare her off before they’d even begun. That her reply once again popped up seconds later, however, didn’t help the snugness of his pants.

  MadHatter3000: Please don’t tell me you’re a traditional guy.

  Grayson dragged a hand through his hair. Christ. At this rate, he’d never get any sleep tonight. He’d hoped to loosen her up. Never in a million years had he expected her to respond. What the hell did he say to her now?

  He drew a deep breath and released it as the answer hit him. Honesty. As much as possible given the circumstances of this charade, honesty was always the best policy.

  BookNerd: Actually, I am. But I meant that I don’t want you to think this was my entire plan, to seduce you. That’s not who I am. I’m kind of going with the flow. Though, truth be told, I’m enjoying this.

  MadHatter3000: Me, too. So tell me what you look like. Christina was vague on the deets.

  Another knot formed in his gut as the answer to her innocent query flitted through his mind. Christina was vague on purpose.

  BookNerd: 6’3”, brown hair, brown eyes.

  That was the truth, at least.

  BookNerd: Your turn.

  MadHatter3000: Workout?

  A soft laugh escaped him. Apparently, she intended to torture him before she told him what she looked like. Oh, he knew, had long since memorized all the lines and angles of her face, all the natural hues in her hair, and the little gold flecks around her pupils. But he was curious as hell what she’d actually tell him. This was a bold side of Maddie he’d never seen before. It both intrigued and saddened him. What had she been through in the last three years that she’d decided to jump in feet first?

  During an intimate conversation late one night three years ago, she’d told him the exact opposite about herself. He’d been lying in the dark on his bed, staring at the shadowy ceiling above him. Her voice had been a bare, vulnerable whisper along the phone line.

  “I have some ugly things in my past, Gray. I don’t just hop into bed with guys on a whim. Not anymore.”

  “You won’t get any pressure from me, sweetheart. I’m quite happy waiting for you.” He meant that. He was an old fashioned kind of guy at heart, and he’d fallen for her. Hard. Maddie was worth waiting for.

  “Thank you.” She drew a shuddering breath, a nervous tremor to her voice as she spoke again. “I was a lot more carefree in college. I went to a lot of frat parties, enjoyed my sexuality. But I got hurt. These days, I have to trust a man before I’ll even think about sex.”

  Grayson shook off the memory, refocused on the computer in front of him and set his fingers to the keys. Fun and flirty was definitely the way to go. He hoped she’d understand how he meant his next comment, that he attempted to set her at ease.

  BookNerd: No fair evading the question. ;)

  MadHatter3000: Do you?

  BookNerd: 5 days a week like a good boy.

  Working out was where all his excess energy went. On days when he couldn’t forget her, when the need to storm her apartment and force her to listen made him crazy, because his life was empty without her, he went to the gym. Pushing his muscles to the limit left his mind blissfully blank. Nights and weekends, however, were harder. Even the pull of a good book lately couldn’t drag his mind from the fact that Maddie essentially lived right around the corner. Her apartment downtown was ten minutes from here, five in good traffic.

  He typed in an additional message, aiming once again for a playful tease. Hell, it had worked so far.

  BookNerd: Would you like proof?

  MadHatter3000: lol No pictures. I’m new to this and that’s an aspect I’m not quite ready for. Yet.

  He hadn’t meant it that way, but now he was curious.

  BookNerd: May I ask why now?

  MadHatter3000: Because I’m 28. I’m not getting any younger, and this is…safe. It’s been a while for me. A relationship ended badly. Christina was right when she told you I don’t trust easily. But I’ll admit I hate being alone. This is kind of a first step.

  Grayson sat back, dropping his hands to his sides. His chest tightened with regret. That he’d hurt her had haunted him every day of the last three years. He hated knowing he’d hurt her to the point she’d shut down.

  This time, his reply was a whole lot more honest.

  BookNerd: You’re not alone there. It’s been a while for me, too. And for the record, I won’t be sending any of those types of pics. The first time you see a certain part of my anatomy I’d rather it be up close and personal.

  MadHatter3000: Cock. You can say it. I’m a noob, not a virgin.

  He could only shake his head. She was softness and strength, boldness and shyness all rolled into one dynamite package, and he was happily struggling to keep up with her. When she tossed comments like that at him—the bold ones—said part of his anatomy throbbed to life again. His cock happily reminded him how long it had been since he’d held a woman in his arms, let alone made love to one. Oh, he’d tried. The first year after their breakup, he was so hurt by the way she’d iced him out, he was determined to forget her.

  Except no woman could ever measure up. Phone sex with Maddie was miles better than actual sex with anyone else. He’d given up attempting to date over a year ago. How the hell he was supposed to move on with his life when all he wanted was her?

  His heart hung heavy, all those things he should have said to her a long time ago rising like a typhoon over his head.

  Grayson sighed. How the hell did she want him to answer that? Playful was the way to go. If he didn’t, he’d be doing everything he shouldn’t. All unburdening himself would do was re-erect that wall between them, which would only serve to put him back where he’d already been—alone and without her.

  BookNerd: All right, cock. Happy now?

  MadHatter3000: That depends. Are you actually hard or just a tease?

  He closed his eyes and forced himself to draw a shaky breath. Christ. She was going to kill him. He’d die a slow, painful death from lack of oxygen to the brain.

  He opened his eyes and shook his head as he punched in a reply.

  BookNerd: You’re killing me here, you know that? Both. I find you intriguing. You’re bolder than I expected. I expected you to shut me down by now. So I’ll admit I’m pushing my luck, because your reactions tell me a lot about you and what you expect. From me and from this.

  That, sadly, was the truth. He’d also said it because he was dying to know how she’d respond. He’d missed this, the hot, intimate chats.

  MadHatter3000: Maybe this is exactly what I want and why I agreed to it.

  Ah, now they were getting somewhere.

  BookNerd: You want to step outside your box.

  MadHatter3000: I want something hot and frivolous that doesn’t end in heartbreak.

  Grayson ignored the twinge of regret tightening in his gut and typed in a playful response. He had to play this cool. He was supposed to be a stranger to her.

  BookNerd: Ditto. That was three questions, BTW. That’s going to cost you.

  MadHatter3000: Ok. I suppose you earned it. Lay ’em on me.

  BookNerd: Now it’s your turn. Are you aroused?

  MadHatter3000: I’m getting warmer. Next?

  He smiled. Damn tease.

  BookNerd: That’s all I get? Just warm?

  MadHatter3000: Sorry, cowboy, but you’re going to have work harder than that. ;)

  Damn it all to hell. Now, he couldn’t resist. He ought to, but he couldn’t.

  BookNerd: Tease. ;) Tell me what you’re wearing.

  MadHatter3000: You aren’t going to ask what I look like?

  Crap. He’d forgotten that. Think fast, Lockwood.

  BookNerd: I already did and you didn’t answer. I took the hint. Whatever you’re comfortable with.

  MadHatter3000: I’m a natural redhead.

  And gorgeous. Maddie’s copper locks flowed down her back in thick waves. She had the complexion to match, smooth, creamy
skin and freckles that dotted her nose and cheeks.

  BookNerd: I’d rather discover the truth of that for myself, thank you. ;)

  MadHatter3000: lol I’m not sending a pic.

  BookNerd: Did I ask for one?

  MadHatter3000: Next question, please.

  BookNerd: What. Are. You. Wearing?

  Grayson sat back, glancing over the fast-paced conversation, and grinned. Christ, he’d missed her. Playful banter like this was what had originally brought them together three years ago. They’d gotten to know each other as colleagues and slowly over the year and a half he’d worked undercover at Bradbury, an easy friendship had formed. A work-related e-mail had somehow blossomed. She’d toss a subtle flirt at him. He’d respond and send her one back. It had launched a million small conversations between them, each one bolder than the last.

  Another lengthy silence followed. This one so long he feared he really had pushed her beyond her comfort zone. Insides twisted in nervous, highly aroused knots, he set his laptop aside and surged to his feet, pacing to the windows again. The night around him was as quiet and serene as the rocking of the dock the house sat on. This view was what had made him purchase this house. Only now it did nothing for his scattered nerves. Christ. By time the she was done with him, he’d need a cold shower.

  He counted fifteen ticks of the clock before his laptop pinged behind him. He turned his head, reading her reply from across the room.

  MadHatter3000: Just my pj’s.

  He stared for a moment, stunned. I’ll be damned. She’d actually told him. He moved to his computer and punched in a reply. The last time he’d been this aroused, an innocent chat with her had turned into something hot and delicious. That was the first time he discovered the sounds she made when she came.

  BookNerd: Describe them.

  MadHatter3000: t-shirt and panties.

  BookNerd: I find that incredibly sexy.

  Christ, she had no idea. Maddie had curves, a petite, perfect figure. The thought of her sitting over there in little more than one of those form hugging T-shirts she was fond of and a pair of panties had his cock swelling further, pressing painfully against his zipper. He reached down to readjust it into a more comfortable position.

  BookNerd: Here’s where all those probing questions are going to cost you.

  MadHatter3000: LOL. Still not sending you a pic.

  BookNerd: Take them off.

  She didn’t answer immediately. He tapped his finger on his laptop as he waited.

  MadHatter3000: Panties?

  BookNerd: All of it. Then tell me how you feel.

  Chapter Three

  Had she completely lost her mind?

  Maddie dropped her shaking hands onto the sofa beside her and sank back into the cushions, staring at her laptop screen. Every limb seemed to be shaking. His words taunted her with what she wanted so badly she could taste it. Flirting with him was easy. Dave was sexy, in a subtle kind of way. She had to admit, her panties were already damp and her clit throbbed with the promise of the night. The idea that someone else would help her achieve orgasm was a lure she couldn’t resist. Tonight, at least, she didn’t feel so alone. Hannah was right. There was something addicting about that.

  Except her mind had gotten stuck on the doing part. The thought of taking her clothes off had an ultra-vulnerable sensation twisting through her. She’d told him nothing but the truth earlier. This wasn’t like her. In fact, she’d only done this kind of thing with one other man. Grayson.

  Grayson Lockwood was the first man to get past her defenses, and look where that had gotten her? Which was exactly why she was here. This wasn’t like her. Oh, she’d tried once or twice, but every single time she got close, she got cold feet. Since her assault, she’d never been able to make it past kissing. Having sex with someone always came down to one point: could she trust the man she was with? The answer had always been no. Sadly, she’d learned the hard way that she couldn’t trust Grayson, either.

  Hannah might be a diehard romantic, but she was right about one thing. Maddie was lonely, and it ate at her. Now that her two best friends had found their other halves, she yearned to find the same thing. For all her bravado, deep down, she was a little girl with a heart full of impossible dreams of Cinderella and Prince Charming.

  Neither was she ready for another relationship. No, what she needed was something in the middle. Which meant, if she wanted company after the auction, she had to go all in. No matter how nervous she felt.

  Besides, she really did like this guy. He was nice. Talking to him somehow set her at ease.

  She gave a firm nod and sat up straight. You can do this.

  Before she could decide what to do or say, another message popped onto her screen.

  BookNerd: Nervous?

  Maddie sighed. God, how did he do that? She must look like a ninny….

  MadHatter3000: A little.

  BookNerd: Me, too. My heart is hammering. We don’t have to do this, you know. We could end it here and say goodnight.

  The answer to that came as easily as her next breath. If she ended it here, she’d regret it.

  MadHatter3000: I don’t want to end it. I’m just nervous.

  Of course, her mind now filled with uncertainties and questions she shouldn’t ask. She stuffed her finger into her mouth, biting down on the short nail. What she liked about him was his honesty, but this particular question was of the “uncertain of herself and completely not sexy” variety. She had to ask, though, if only to put it out there.

  MadHatter3000: Is it a turn-off? Am I ruining this?

  That had to be one of the most vulnerable things she’d admitted to a man. It was right up there with the night she’d confessed her past to Grayson.

  BookNerd: No. It’s natural. Truth is, part of me is wondering if you think I’m pushing.

  MadHatter3000: Are you?

  Because he’d asked, and now she had to know.

  BookNerd: Not intentionally. I find this arousing as hell. You’re straight up with me, about who you and what you want. And I can’t seem to help myself. But I don’t want to give you the wrong impression, either.

  MadHatter3000: You’re not. TBH, your honesty is nice.

  BookNerd: :) I’m glad. Ask me anything.

  MadHatter3000: May I ask what you’re wearing?

  BookNerd: Same thing I wore to work today. I haven’t changed yet. Shirt and slacks.

  MadHatter3000: Tie?

  BookNerd: Nope. That baby comes off the minute I get into my car at the end of the night. ;)

  This discovery sent little flutters of excitement pulsing through her. Her panties were positively wet now. God, he was a corporate man. There was something so damned sexy about a man in a full suit.

  She yearned to ask him what he did for a living but held back. The truth was, she had no desire to get to know him beyond what she needed for their date. She wasn’t even sure if she wanted this to go beyond the one date. He intrigued her, though. That he was sitting over there, still fully dressed, told her a lot about him.

  BookNerd: Would it help if I went first?

  Her shoulders slumped, and she released the breath she wasn’t aware of holding. God bless the man for his patience.

  MadHatter3000: Yes. Please.

  BookNerd: Ok. What would you like me to take off?

  Maddie leaned back, tapping her fingers on her laptop, but the answer entered her thoughts seconds later. That was too easy.

  MadHatter3000: The shirt. I like chests. If you workout as much as you say, I imagine you have a nice one.

  BookNerd: Would you like proof?

  Maddie stuffed a nail into her mouth, heart thumping like an out of control jackhammer. Did she? Hands down. She had almost a fetish with men’s’ chests. Of all the places on a man’s body she found sexy, that one topped the list. A broad chest and well defined pecs and shoulders could make her cream her panties. Did she actually have the guts to say yes, though?

  MadHatter3000: I won’
t send you one in return.

  BookNerd: I’m okay with that. I promise I won’t ask for anything you’re not comfortable with.

  MadHatter3000: Thanks. Can I ask you something?

  BookNerd: You can ask me anything.

  Maddie bit her bottom lip. She shouldn’t. He’d already told her he’d rather the first time she see him naked to be in person, but that naughty part of her was dying to know….

  MadHatter3000: If I asked you to send me a pic of your cock…would you?

  BookNerd: Damn. You with the questions. You’re killing me. Honestly. LOL Do you want one?

  MadHatter3000: Would you?

  BookNerd: No. ;)

  She grinned. Damn it, she couldn’t help it. She had to hand it to him. His confession meant for all intents and purposes, he was old fashioned like her. God, that was sexy, if only because it was so rare. She’d tried dating after she broke it off with Grayson, but that she wouldn’t sleep with them meant most guys never made it past the first date.

  MadHatter3000: LOL Now who’s the tease?

  BookNerd: Honestly?

  MadHatter3000: Please. My nerves are shot.

  BookNerd: Are you trembling?

  Maddie stared at the screen. His intimate question sent her mind spiraling off in another direction. It was just words, yet her mind easily envisioned the way they’d leave his mouth. Soft, spoken on a husky murmur. She’d bet he had a bedroom voice. Smooth and velvety. Just the thought had her stomach flip-flopping and her clit pulsing.

  She reached down, easing the throbbing between her thighs by stroking her slit through her panties, typing an awkward, one-handed response.

  MadHatter3000: Yes.

  BookNerd: God, I love that. It’s a big turn on when a woman trembles in my arms. But the first time you see my cock, I want you close enough to touch it. I want to be able to feel your hand wrap around me.

  Oh God, that did it. He was so damned laidback and subtle that all these little sexual tidbits he tossed at her hit their intended target…zinging straight to her core. No sooner had she read the words than the thought filled her mind. Wrapping her hand around his length as she stroked him. What did his cock look like? Was he long? Thick?


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