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Dragon Hunt (Water Dragons Book 1)

Page 12

by Charlene Hartnady

  “Oh…” She shook her head. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I want to. I want things to work between us.”

  Maybe this was what her friend Ruth meant about coming on too strong. Did she do this? Perhaps to a lesser degree but, come to think of it, she did.

  “Let’s just relax and take it one day at a time, shall we?” It sounded stilted. They were being far too polite to one another and it felt awkward.

  Hail’s eyes clouded. He nodded once.

  Damn, now she’d gone and hurt his feelings and he really was a nice guy. “Do you read?” She pointed to a pile of books on the coffee table.

  Hail nodded. “I love science fiction novels. Anything to do with space rockets and journeys to outer space.” His eyes lit up. “And what about you?”

  She shrugged. “I’m more of a movie fan myself.”

  “Of course, you said so earlier.” He chuckled, looking down at the floor before locking eyes with her.

  “Yep, although I used to read, way back when I was still in school. I just started again, since there are no televisions in dragon land ‒ and I’m enjoying it.” She picked up her bag.

  “I’ll get that for you.” Hail took the bag from her. “I’ll clear out a part of my closet for your things.”

  “That would be great.” She paused. “I take it we’re stuck here until…until we officially become a couple…if you know what I mean.” She couldn’t even bring herself to think about having sex with Hail. Not so soon after Storm. She should probably fess up and tell Hail that there probably wasn’t going to be anything between them. Jolene didn’t move from one guy to the next on a whim, and this was what it felt like. Hail was a nice guy and she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. This was a mess!

  “Nope, we aren’t stuck at all. We can go wherever we please.”

  “Oh.” She frowned. “Storm didn’t want me going anywhere. I was stuck in his apartment.”

  “It was different between the two of you.”

  Oh yes! Very different. Jolene had a feeling she and Hail weren’t thinking the same thing. She nodded, urging him to go on.

  “Storm won you and brought you back, so it stood to reason he was possessive over you. He kept you home because other males would have been in danger if they had so much as looked at you. He would have ended up fighting. Especially since he hadn’t properly marked you, until recently, if you know what I mean.”

  She swallowed thickly. "I know exactly what you mean," she mumbled. "I take it you don't have the same jealousy problem?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

  Hail shook his head. “Not yet. Soon…I hope, but not right now. Storm forbade anyone from trying to take you from me, so we can venture out even though I haven’t marked you…yet. Storm would kick serious butt if anyone tried anything.” He smiled broadly, like it was the best thing he had ever heard.

  “Oh, I see.” Why would Storm do that? He’d only do it if he was one hundred percent sure he didn’t want her anymore. There was this part of her that had hoped he would try to keep her. It was stupid since she had made up her mind about leaving and he would have known that. This whole internal dialog was stupid. She needed to try to put that asshole behind her and move on. “Can we go out to dinner later if that’s the case? I’ve been cooped up since arriving here almost a week ago.”

  “Yes, absolutely.” Hail nodded. “I would love to share a meal and to get to know you better.” He touched her arm. “I’ll have them set a table especially for us. I’m sure you like candles and flowers.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I mean yes, but no need to go to all that trouble.”

  He looked crestfallen.

  Poor guy was just trying to be nice. Jolene smiled. “I love candles and flowers, but I would feel bad if you had to go to so much effort.”

  “No effort at all,” Hail blurted. “It would make me happy.”

  “Okay then. Sounds good.” He was so sweet and so kind. What was wrong with her? Why wasn’t she feeling it? Why?

  “Let’s go sort out that closet.” He winked at her.

  “Great.” She smiled, following him.

  Chapter 15

  What were they doing now?

  Maybe they were laughing?

  Storm scrubbed a hand over his face, feeling the stubble catch. He sighed. Or, maybe they were talking about babies and happily-ever-afters? That was more likely the case.

  Then again, maybe they were kissing or holding hands or…No fucking way! Hail was too much of a wet blanket to have done any of those things. The male had better not have done any of them. He had better not have…

  Storm pulled in a deep breath, pushing it out through his nose. He needed to stop, and he needed to do it immediately. Jolene did not want him. She’d told him straight out and he needed to respect that. Respect her wishes, and ultimately, he needed to respect her. The best way he could do that was by leaving her the hell alone.

  If she wanted to talk happy families with Hail, then so be it. If she wanted to joke and laugh with the male ‒ he grit his teeth ‒ then so be it. They could hold hands and gaze at one another longingly for all he cared.

  Moving the hell on!

  Where was Beck? The male had invited him to dinner, and yet he was nowhere in sight.

  “Hi, Storm, how are you?” Mist giggled behind her hand when he turned to look at her.

  “Fine, you?” He sounded bored. Couldn’t be helped. He sure as fuck didn’t feel like being nice.

  “Good…” She licked her lips, trying to be all coy. Why was it that every female tried with him except for Jolene? It made no sense. “I…um…”

  “Have you seen Beck?” he quickly interjected, cutting her off.

  Her eyes clouded. “No, sorry, I haven’t.” She gave a quick shake of the head.

  Then he spotted them. Talking, laughing, a lit candle, a corner table away from everyone, the whole fucking nine yards. They were doing everything but touching. By the looks of things that was next on the cards.

  Good thing he didn’t give a shit.

  Jolene picked up her mug and swirled the contents. She was enthralled with whatever Hail was saying. It couldn’t be that interesting. No fucking way! Storm listened in. The male was going on and on about his training and day-to-day routines. Yawn!

  Jolene smiled. “Doesn’t it get boring, flying around your territory day in and day out?”

  Fucking boring! Storm agreed. Just like their whole conversation.

  Hail shook his head. “Not at all.” Then he went on to explain why. Blah fucking blah blah. Jolene nodded every so often. Why wasn’t she falling asleep? Instead, Jolene laughed.

  His jaw clenched. His fists wanted to follow suit, but he wouldn’t let them. There was only one way to get over someone and that was to get inside someone else.

  The quicker the better.

  “Mist.” He could still hear her hovering. Didn’t have to even look to where she was standing.

  “Yes, my lord?”

  “Come here.” He had to force his eyes off the two love-fucking-birds and onto the she-dragon.

  “Want to grab a bite?” He put an arm around her.

  Her eyes brightened right up. “I thought you were meeting Beck.”

  “He can eat with us if he finally gets his ass over here.”

  She nodded, smiling up at him.

  “Unless of course you had other plans?”

  She shook her head, her blonde hair went flying. “No, and even if I did,” she bit down on her lower lip, “I would cancel in a hot minute.”

  “Good!” How fucking disappointing! Pussy was pussy though, and Mist just happened to be there, so she would do. He felt like a jerk thinking it. Like a total asshole. Crystal was right, the human had gotten inside his head. Storm had been a lot happier when he was a selfish asshole. This whole ‘being nice’ business wasn’t for him. “I’m going to have the lasagna. Won’t you be a honey and go and pick some up for me while I wait here for Beck?”

/>   Mist nodded. “Of course. I would love to,” she gushed.

  Storm sat down. He watched as Mist joined the queue of people waiting to be served. Two servers walked in carrying plates covered with platinum covers. They headed for the lovebirds.

  Jolene’s mouth fell open and she covered it with her hand. Her beautiful brown eyes widened. Storm couldn’t believe he’d found her plain when he’d first seen her. Her skin was soft, her hair long and shiny. Her smile…not that she had smiled for him very often, but when she did—

  “Why are you still eyeing that human like you’re about to go over there and kick Hail’s ass?” Beck plopped himself down on a chair next to Storm. He folded his arms on the table and grinned broadly.

  “Not at all,” Storm said. “I’m bored and they just happen to be the most interesting thing in the room.”

  Just then, one of the servers turned on a blow torch and proceeded to set Jolene’s food on fire. She gasped and then laughed, her eyes filled with wonder.

  Hail looked pleased with himself. The flame soon went out.

  “See.” Storm leaned back in his chair. He crooked a finger in their direction. “What did I tell you? How fucking exciting was that?”

  Beck whistled low. “He’s trying really hard.”

  "Yeah, and I can't believe a female like Jolene would fall for that bullshit."

  “It’s not bullshit.” Beck shrugged. “Hail likes her and is trying to win her.”

  “I don’t know…I think it’s stupid.” He knew he sounded like he was grumbling, like he gave two shits. He didn’t!

  “You would think it was bullshit.”

  Storm frowned. “How so?” he growled.

  “You don’t have a romantic bone in your whole body.”

  “That’s not true.” He shook his head. “I have one.” Storm quirked a brow and palmed his dick.

  Beck chuckled.

  Right on cue, Mist returned, placing a plate of food in front of him. He pulled the she-dragon onto his lap. Mist giggled. "I'll drop my own food," she chided, grinning at him from under her lashes as she held onto her plate. Mist was tall and athletic. Wiry and toned compared to the human. Her eyes were amethyst like his. Her skin was well tanned. She was nothing like the human. She also failed to heat his blood like Jolene had.


  He needed to stop this line of thinking. Mist had suited him just fine on more than one occasion. The female was good with her mouth.

  Storm looked at what was on her plate and had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. She’d picked the lasagna as well. How original! “Feed me,” he instructed. Only fitting; she could feed him and then he could feed her later. Storm chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?” Beck asked.

  “I was just thinking how happy I am that I’m not Hail.”

  Beck shook his head, looking at Storm between narrowed eyes. “For someone who’s not interested in those two, you seem awfully fixated.”

  “I’m more interested in Mist here.” He hooked an arm around her waist. “And on dinner.” He accepted a mouthful of food from the she-dragon. Storm chewed and swallowed, accepting another bite.

  Storm had to admit, they did seem like every bit the happy couple. Hail was holding her hand. Whatever nonsense they were discussing looked serious. Probably how many babies they were going to have or some shit.

  “Want to go swimming after dinner?” Beck asked. “We could fly out at midnight.”

  “No,” Storm growled. “Mist and I have better things to do.” He took the plate out of the she-dragon’s hands, plunked it on the table and picked her up as he stood himself. Then he hoisted her over his shoulder. Mist squealed as he strode from the hall.

  What was he doing there?

  It was Golden Boy. His chest glinting in the unnatural light. He looked bored, leaning back in his chair, arms folded. Alone at the table. Interesting!

  No, it wasn’t. She shouldn’t be looking at him. He had seen her, she’d side-watched Storm stare at her and Hail. Didn’t seem too interested anymore. Why hadn’t he left when he saw them on a date? Didn’t he feel awkward? She did. If she could leave she would but that would be rude. Hail had gone to so much trouble.

  One thing was very clear, she couldn’t just move on. It wasn’t going to happen. Somewhere and somehow, she’d developed feelings for Storm. Sleeping with him had only made things worse. Stringing Hail along was not the right thing to do. It wasn’t fair to the guy.

  “Hail, there’s something I—”

  Two men arrived at the table and both she and Hail looked up. The guys placed dishes covered with ornate silver ‒ couldn’t be real silver, though since non-humans were allergic to the stuff ‒ covers on the table in front of each of them.

  They then proceeded to remove the lids with a flourish. This was something Jolene had only seen in the movies. She covered her mouth with her hand, smiling broadly. Hail was such a sweet guy. She found herself wishing for the hundredth time that she actually felt something for him. He was really good-looking. His hair was a touch overgrown with a very light curl, if he’d been wearing a shirt it would have brushed the collar. His eyes were a beautiful deep blue color that reminded her of the ocean. They seemed to shine. His lips were full and always smiling. He didn’t frown, or growl, or say dirty things. He was sweet and kind and polite…and Jolene wasn’t in the least bit attracted to him, which really sucked.

  Each of the servers switched on a blow torch. She started, clutching a hand to her chest. Jolene laughed at herself. It was all so dramatic. She noticed that Hail was watching her. He’d gone to so much trouble. It made her feel really bad.

  The servers poured something over their steaks. Next thing, her food was being set alight. It was a steak with what looked like a pepper sauce over it. Orange flames rose up. Jolene sat back in her chair, feeling the heat. Almost as soon as the fire started, it died down. “That was amazing. I’ve never seen anything like that before.”

  “Enjoy your meal,” one of the men said.

  Hail thanked them and they left.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed the show. It’s called flambé.” Hail was smiling broadly. “You should try your food.” He gestured to her plate.

  Jolene nodded. She cut into the meat, which was tender, and put the food in her mouth. Jolene nodded. “Delicious,” she said once she’d swallowed. It really was good.

  A loud squeal made her look to the other side of the room. There was a she-dragon on Storm's lap. She was tall and skinny and really gorgeous. Jealousy ate at her. She quickly looked away, smiling at Hail.

  He put his knife and fork down, looking at her intently. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  She needed to come clean.

  Jolene nodded. “Yes, I guess…I…well.” She pushed out a heavy breath. “I like you very much. You’re a really nice guy.”

  “Oh shit…that bad huh?” He smiled at her. It was a little sad and a lot disappointed. “I noticed how you keep trying not to look at the prince.”

  “I’m sorry I…” She licked her lips. “I don’t know how it happened, but I think I might have feelings for him. This is going to sound crazy, but I don’t like him very much. I’m…um…it’s hard to explain. You’re such an amazing guy but I can’t jump out of one guy’s bed and into the next one. I’m not wired like that. I wish I could. I wish I could turn my stupid feelings off, but I can’t.”

  There was more giggling from Storm’s table. She couldn’t help but look over for a few seconds, then she wished she hadn’t. The gorgeous dragon lady was feeding him. His hands were all over her. Not all over, around her waist but still.

  “You’re hurt?” Hail asked.

  “No…yes…maybe…I shouldn’t be.” She shook her head. “I have no right to be. He’s been nothing but honest with me, and still…I was stupid that’s all.”

  “You weren’t stupid.”

  “Trust me, I was stupid. I should never have…Never mind.”

  “Rutted? You should never
have rutted the male, is that what you were going to say?” He raised his brows.

  “Yes,” she blurted. “It was a stupid thing to do.”

  “You have feelings for him, even if you don’t like those feelings, and you’re attracted to him. It’s normal to have sex in a situation like that.” Hail paused for a moment or two, looking at her pointedly. “You did nothing wrong. It definitely wasn’t stupid.”

  "Storm doesn't feel the same way about me, that makes me, sleeping with him, a stupid thing to have done. Again, it's complicated." She sighed. "I planned to come here, meet a sweet, kind guy like yourself and then to fall completely and totally in love. I want a house full of kids and lots of laughter and happiness. Instead, I'm attracted to an asshole prince who's quite happy to move on without a backward glance."

  “Have you asked him how he feels? Maybe he has also changed his mind.” Hail cut a piece of his steak. “You should eat that, otherwise, he will have ruined your dinner as well.” He pointed his fork at her steak.

  She laughed. “You’re right.” Jolene picked up her knife and fork. “I don’t need to ask him about how he feels. Trust me, he’s made his position very clear.”

  “Maybe you shoul—”

  There was another squeal. Louder this time. Great! Again, Jolene should not have looked. Storm had the blonde she-dragon over his shoulder. She had been over that shoulder not even a week ago. Storm headed out of the hall, moving quickly and confidently. No need to guess where the two of them were headed.

  “Have fun!” Beck shouted after them.

  Her heart hurt in that moment. It gave a painful squeeze. Why, she couldn’t say. Why she even had feelings for a guy like that in the first place was beyond her. Jolene was an intelligent woman. She owned her apartment. Her car was fully paid for. She had a really great position in her company. The younger staff looked up to her. She was in line for that promotion. Why was she stupid when it came to Storm?

  Her lip quivered so she stuck a big slice of steak into her mouth.


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