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Take a Chance Erotic Romance Box Set

Page 9

by Caridad Piñeiro

  Chapter 3

  Jasmine watched him swagger sexily toward her. She pictured him stripping off his clothes as he did so. First his jacket and then his shirt, revealing the hard muscles beneath his clothes. Maybe stopping to do a little shimmy and shuck off his pants.

  She licked her suddenly dry lips and fought off the fantasy, reminding herself that it was crazy to think about this man as anything other than Jase's friend.

  When he reached her, he held out his hand in invitation. She glanced around nervously, stuck in a surreal “What? Who me?” moment.

  “Dance? With you?” she asked with almost a squeak in her voice, still kind of wondering if he was being serious about his interest.

  He mimicked her earlier action, looking around before that big playful grin erupted on his features again. “Yeah, with me. I don't see anyone else standing here, sticking their hand out and waiting.”

  She knew then what Adam must have felt like when Eve held out the apple.

  He was sinful temptation and everything a woman could want, but she worried she'd pay for it dearly if she accepted.

  “It's just a dance,” he said and she mentally repeated the words, telling herself that she was reading way too much into the invitation and to her own attraction to this man.

  She slipped her hand into his and hesitantly rose from her chair. With a gentle tug, he hurried them toward the dance floor, where couples of all ages were swaying to the slow music. As they eased through a gap in the bodies and onto a small patch of free space, Tommy placed a hand at her waist and kept a respectful distance. But it was crowded and she kept on getting bumped, so she moved a little closer, not that it helped.

  At another bump that had her wincing since it tweaked her injured shoulder, he exerted subtle pressure on her waist and drew her closer still, until their bodies brushed together.

  Beneath the elegantly tailored tux and shirt, he was all hard muscle and hot male and her body immediately responded. Once again she pictured him peeling off that jacket and shirt. Visualized pressing her lips against all that smooth skin and taking a bite before she reined in her imagination.

  It's just because it's been way too long, she told herself. More than just the two months she'd spent recuperating overseas before coming stateside. More than the many months before that when responsibilities and the threat of danger had made any kind of pleasure impossible.

  It's not because he's handsome and sexy and smells so damned good, she thought as he drew her tight after another jostle from an exuberant couple joining the festivities.

  The band segued into another rhythm and bluesy tune and they continued dancing. Her breasts tightened into hard peaks as they skimmed against the muscled wall of his chest and their legs brushed with each move of their bodies. Images of their legs tangled together in pleasure pummeled her. Between her thighs, a flood of heat and wet erupted at the thought of the pleasure they could share.

  She sucked in a shaky breath and tensed, fighting the irrational need running rampant across her body.

  “Easy, Jasmine. It is just a dance,” he whispered against the shell of her ear as he bent slightly and tucked his head close to hers. So close the soft rasp of his evening beard teased her cheek.

  Eve had also probably said that it was just an apple, only it had turned out to be much, much more.

  He rubbed his hand up and down her back, trying to soothe, but that only brought even more need as she imagined that rough-palmed hand sweeping all along her body and across her breasts. Touching and caressing her to bring long-denied satisfaction.

  Needing space, she pushed away from him and he eased back, but locked that sinfully chocolate gaze on hers. “It's okay, Jasmine. I won't push,” he said, although in a way, he'd been pushing since the very first moment they'd met.

  Part of her wanted to be thrilled that a man like this would be interested in her.

  The other part brutally reminded her that they moved in different social circles and that she was damaged, emotionally and physically. He wouldn't have to dig very deep to reveal her very ugly scars. Scars she wasn't ready to show to anyone. Ever. But then again, she wouldn't need to reveal herself if all they had was a quick satisfying fuck in the dark night.

  “I need some space,” she said and shoved away from him. With quick clipped strides she hurried back to the table where some of the couples had already returned.

  As she sat, she caught a quick glimpse of Tommy from the corner of her eye as he stood on the dance floor, hands jammed into his pockets and his jaw tight with tension. Before he could join them at the table, the band leader announced that everyone should take their seats for the toast.

  Tommy approached the singer and the man handed him a microphone and a glass of champagne. He sauntered over to where Nickie and Jase were sitting at a head table just for the two of them, raised his glass, and began his speech.

  “I've known Jase for nearly all of my life. He's like a brother to me and I always knew that any woman would be lucky to have a man as honorable and loyal as Jase. I'm glad that it's my wonderful sister Nickie who will be able to share her life with him. Dude, we are all so glad that you're now officially a member of the family. We wish the both of you many many happy and healthy years filled with love and joy.”

  He held up his glass and finished with, “May this one special night lead to so many more nights and years together.”

  She raised her glass with a shaky hand, but as she did so, her gaze met Tommy's and there was a hint of challenge there. A dare for her to let go and explore this night together as well.

  She took a sip and the chill cooled off some of the heat rising in her at his dare.

  She'd never been one to refuse a challenge so she wasn't going to ignore Tommy's and the attraction that had immediately flared to life. It was time to take a chance and enjoy herself.

  “You look . . . different, Doc,” Trevor said as he examined her in the dim light.

  “Must be the civvies,” she teased, wanting to keep the moment lighthearted, but unfortunately that ploy didn't work.

  “You belong in a uniform, Doc. Not handing out aspirins on a stateside base,” Trevor said.

  “So you're really not coming back, Doc?” Jim asked as he caught on to the discussion.

  “I'm not, Jim. As much I love all you guys and want to be with you, I know I couldn't do right by you with the way I am.”

  Stunned silence followed her announcement and she braced herself for the barrage of questions that was sure to follow.

  Luckily, Tommy returned to the table just as the band leader was asking couples to join Jase and his mom during their special dance.

  She bolted to her feet, grabbed hold of Tommy's hand, and pulled him toward the dance floor. Once they were there, she moved into his arms as he said, “Color me confused.”

  “Join the club,” she muttered. Although just moments earlier she had needed space from his sexiness and temptation, there was something comforting him about him also. Something that she sensed could help her handle the conflicting emotions she was experiencing about so much in her life.

  * * *

  Tommy looked over at their table where an animated discussion was going on. He didn't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that Jasmine was the topic being discussed.

  “Mind telling me what's up?”

  She shot a quick glance back at the table and rolled her eyes. “You wouldn't believe me if I told you.”

  “Try me,” he said and placed a hand at her waist, She surprised him by moving closer and he took advantage to wrap his arm around her to keep her near.

  “They want to know why I'm not going back,” she said with a heavy sigh.

  “Going back? As in back to Afghanistan?” he asked. He'd heard her mention something about it to Jase earlier on the receiving line, but wanted to make sure he had understood correctly.

  “Yeah, as in back there. I've only got a few months left and I'm going to finish my tour with shore duty.”

  He didn't question her as to why she'd made that choice. He was sure she had her reasons and from all that he'd heard about “Doc” from Jase, he had no doubt they were good ones.

  “I know it probably wasn't an easy decision to make.”

  “It wasn't,” she replied curtly, obviously uneasy, so he tried to make her more comfortable.

  “Would I be a dick if I said I'm glad because it means you're here and we can get to know each other better?”

  The corners of her lips tilted up in the barest hint of a smile.

  “No, it wouldn't make you a dick, unless 'getting to know each other' is code for fucking my brains out,” she kidded and a becoming flush worked across her cheeks.

  “Damn, you figured out the code. Does that mean you're not interested in my fucking your brains out?”

  She grinned and a small chuckle exploded from her. “Are you always this determined?”

  “Always,” he confirmed.

  She shook her head and her grin broadened. “Then tonight is sure going to be interesting, Tommy,” she said and shifted closer.

  He wasn't quite sure what tonight was going to be like, but he'd go with her seeming acceptance that they'd spend some time together since he really liked the feel of her curvy body against his and the way she laid her head on his shoulder. The lush wavy strands of her hair brushed the underside of his jaw and he imagined what they'd feel like if she pillowed her head on his naked chest. Of course, she'd be naked as well which had his erection springing back to life against the softness of her belly.

  Fuck, he thought and forced himself to think about other things. Baseball. Football. No, soccer, definitely boring ass soccer, but then she surprised him by tipping her head up and meeting his gaze.

  A second later, she shifted her hips across his growing erection, eased the hand at his shoulder down beneath the fabric of his jacket, and down to his waist to keep him close. The tight nubs of her breasts played across his chest, stoking the need growing inside him, but also inside her, he realized.

  Her cheeks were awash with color and her gaze was wide, her cinnamon-dusted hazel irises darkening to deep cocoa.

  He splayed his hand across her back and dipped his head so that they were cheek to cheek. Her skin was so smooth and her smell . . . God, but she smelled so good.

  They moved together silently to the music until the band wound down the song and asked the couples to sit so Nickie and her dad could take the floor.

  They drifted back to the table, his hand still at her back, reminding her that he intended to be part of her night. The tension in her body was obvious, but luckily there was silence as they sat back down. When the dance ended, the wait staff served the first course of the meal and hunger took over to maintain some sort of silence.

  Sort of because Sally couldn't seem to stop chatting. When he'd talk to Jase about his unit, his friend had always referred to Jim as strong and silent. Now Tommy knew why. He probably never got to say much with his talkative wife. Not that Jim seemed to mind as he glanced at his wife with love written all over his features.

  It was fascinating to watch the interaction between the others as they shared the meal. As an up-and-coming businessman, he'd learned to study people to gauge how to handle them.

  Jim was clearly the “old man” of the group even though all six of the men were pretty much the same age. Trevor, with his boyish looks and easy-going personality, seemed far younger, although all of the men seemed older than their years, maybe because of what they'd seen during their service.

  As for Jasmine, she truly was an unknown commodity to him although he was eager to find out why she ran so hot and cold. Especially since he liked it when she was running hot, although the warning bells in his head said that she was the absolute worst kind of woman for him.

  She was too strong and determined. A woman used to going it alone. He had no doubt she'd be leaving to pursue whatever it was she wanted out of life.

  He had no desire to get involved with another woman who would leave him, he thought again as the waiters brought over the main course. But one night. One special night. Yeah, I could handle that, he thought.

  She licked her lips after a sip from her drink and he swallowed hard, wondering how they'd feel against his. Would they be hot or cold from the soda? Sweet or demanding?

  He dipped his gaze down to avoid more thoughts of those lips on his, but he was in equally dangerous territory at the sight of her sexy tits and all those dangerous curves. He remembered how that gorgeous womanly body fit against him so perfectly. Imagined tasting her full breasts and sucking the hard tips that had felt so good against his body just moments earlier.

  His balls tightened and his erection flared to life again, but luckily the table hid his renewed reaction to her as he attacked the main course, a delicious surf and turf combo, with feigned interest. He'd much rather be kissing Jasmine than eating, but there was a time and place for everything.

  She dug into her meal with gusto and it was nice to see a woman who wasn't afraid of the calories piled on her plate.

  “It's good, isn't it?” he said as she polished off the last of the lobster and licked a bit of melted butter from her lips. In his pants, his cock did an excited little dance at the thought of her licking him like that.

  “I love lobster, not that I get to eat it often,” she said and since he still had most of his tail on his plate, he motioned to it.

  “Have mine. I'm not really a fan,” he replied even though it was one of his favorites also.

  She narrowed her gaze and examined him before smiling playfully. “Liar, but I won't pass it up.”

  He scooped the lobster tail onto her plate, appreciating the relish with which she ate. Certain she'd give that kind of eagerness to other things in her life since she didn't seem like the kind to shy away from things.

  Except maybe me, he thought. When there was only one piece of lobster on her plate, she looked up and met his gaze. Misunderstood the hunger there since she forked up the morsel, dipped it in butter, and offered it up to him.

  “Hungry?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he answered quickly and thought, But only for you.

  She brought the lobster to his lips and he surrounded it with his mouth. The melted butter dripped onto his lips and she swiped it off with her thumb, sending a blast of desire straight to his groin with her touch.

  He quickly swallowed and when she went to wipe off another smear of butter, he grabbed hold of her hand, licked his lips, and then licked the tip of her finger.

  She sucked in a deep breath and met his gaze. Watched as he kissed his way down her finger to her wrist, where he dropped another kiss and smiled as a soft moan escaped her.

  She shot him a glance full of both innocence and daring.

  Since the rest of the couples were luckily involved in an animated discussion about which branch of the service was best, Tommy decided it was time to explore what he was feeling for the exciting woman next to him.

  “Would you like to go for a walk?” he asked.

  Chapter 4

  Jasmine knew that their walk was going to involve a lot more than just a stroll on the beach. Common sense told her it would be crazy to go, but with every cell in her body alive and humming with need, there was no way she'd say “No.”

  It was time to take a chance and the consequences be damned. She'd deal with the aftermath of her decision later. Much later, she thought.

  “I'd love to go for a walk,” she said, her voice sounding surprisingly husky even to her own ears.

  He popped out of his chair eagerly, that tempting smile on his face, and she realized that he was a man who'd never be good at hiding his emotions. He'd always be open and honest and full of life, and she found that undeniably irresistible.

  She'd spent too much time around so many strong silent types in the military. It was refreshing to find a man who was so open and unrestrained.

  She accepted the hand he held out to her and walked w
ith him past the many tables filled with guests and toward the short boardwalk that led down to the beach. With the main course finished, there were other couples moving about the lawn and terrace, letting them pass unnoticed to the boardwalk.

  They crossed up and over the dunes that were covered with sea grasses and aromatic wild roses and which protected his family's home from storms.

  At the base of the stairs, she stopped to take off her sandals. She grabbed them in one hand and continued to hold his hand with the other as they slowly ambled down the beach and away from the party, although a few guests were starting to filter onto the beachfront. It was quieter on the sand, with the distant noise from the guests and the music muted by the dunes. The sounds of the waves rushing toward shore and the occasional squawk of a seagull filled the air instead.

  Above them the sky was darkening quickly as dusk advanced in the late summer night.

  They walked in peaceful silence for about fifteen minutes before Tommy paused by the boardwalk leading to another large mansion. With a gentle tug on her hand, he turned her to face him and her gaze connected with his as it skipped over face.

  The barest hint of a smile was on his lips as he raised his hand and skimmed the tips of his fingers along her cheek. “You’re very beautiful,” he said, the tones of his voice low, strumming alive need deep inside her.

  It had been too long since she’d done this dance and worse yet, she knew he wouldn’t feel the same way if he ever saw the scars on her body. Because of that, she tried to downplay the comment. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  He grinned and chucked her under the chin. “Only the pretty ones.”

  She chuckled and met his gaze again. A playful glitter filled the dark cocoa brown of his eyes, but there was more there. Definitely more, she thought and he confirmed it by slipping his thumb up across her lips before he bent and kissed her.


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