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Naked Nights

Page 11

by Vonna Harper

  “That’s it?” the newcomer asked. “You’re done?”

  “With the first part, yes.” Master patted her cheek.

  “Got it.” The other man grabbed his captive’s nipples and jerked down, forcing her awkwardly onto her knees. “Watching you work your slave over has gotten me hot and bothered. Time for a little stress relief.”

  From what Marina could tell, there’d been little communication between the other two, but the woman must have known what the man wanted because she lifted her cuffed hands and unzipped him. As a long, thick cock emerged, she leaned toward him and opened her mouth. He grabbed her hair with both hands so he could anchor her while thrusting into her.

  Slurping sounds, coupled with the man’s now-rapid breathing, gave Marina something other than her stinging body to concentrate on. She’d twice happened upon couples having sex. Both times she’d left as fast as possible. Now there was no not seeing a woman suck on the cock being repeatedly driven into her mouth. The woman made no effort to get away. In fact, judging by how her buttocks kept clenching, she wanted this almost as much as the man did.

  “Obviously,” Master said, “modesty doesn’t mean much here. Watching you being punished turned them both on. It doesn’t look as if they give a damn what you and I do.”

  Was Master saying he expected the same from her? In the aftermath of the harsh demonstration of his domination over her, she knew better than to oppose him. What would his cock filling her mouth feel like? Maybe she’d gag as she’d done the few times she’d tried fellatio. Maybe he’d show her what he wanted from her and in the giving she’d please him.

  Pleasing Master?

  Was that something she wanted?

  Before she could ask where the insane thought had come from, he unfastened the gag and drew it out of her mouth. Beyond grateful, she licked her lips.

  “Thank you, Master.” She straightened until the strain in her arms stopped her. “I’m grateful.”

  He grabbed her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. “Say that again.”

  “Thank you for your kindness, Master.”

  “Good. I wasn’t sure I’d hear that so soon. Maybe it’s time to see where your new attitude will take us.”

  He left her long enough to release the tension on the chain attached to the elbow restraint. Even though she was still tethered to the chain and couldn’t use her arms, she felt so free she almost dismissed the remaining restraints. She looked at her legs. Her flesh where he’d struck her was reddened but she didn’t see any bruising or blood.

  “Thank you, Master,” she repeated and wiggled her fingers so, hopefully, he knew what she was talking about.

  “I’m not letting you stand upright out of the goodness of my heart.” He tapped her cheek, startling her. “Taking pity on a slave is a foreign concept around here.” He sighed. “I have no use for an injured slave.”

  Despite his hard words, she couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he had had sympathy for her after all.

  Was it possible he cared about her as a human being?

  “You showed courage in taking your punishment.” He began kneading her breasts, and even though the pressure reawakened her over-stimulated nerves there, causing discomfort, she stood her ground. He jerked his head at the cameras. “They’re waiting for the next chapter. Let’s see if you can give them their money’s worth.”

  Imagining others getting off on her being punished made her wish she could climb into the camera and assault them. How could she have thought she wanted to enter their world? Master used his hold on her nipples to turn her so her back was to the other couple. It didn’t matter that the camera she’d occasionally stared at while being beaten was behind her because there were others, all showing her naked body in full color. Who might be watching? The image of an opulent room filled with self-assured older men smoking cigars, drinking expensive whiskey and jerking off, came to mind.

  Coming at her expense.

  “I don’t have to tell you this,” he said, “but I’m going to because it’ll give you something else to think about. Even before your capture, pictures of you were being sent to potential buyers. Now that you’re a Carnal guest and your training has begun, certain Carnal staff are assessing the amount and kind of interest there is in you.” He’d let go of her nipples once he had her in position, but now took back control of them. He moved them about as if checking their mobility, leaving her to deal with the sensation, coupled with her freshly beaten body and hot pussy. She’d never been treated like this. The only thing she knew for certain was that Master orchestrated everything.

  “You may be pleased,” he said, “to know you’ve garnered considerable interest. In fact, this morning a senior member of Carnal management told me he believes you’re going to go for more than the majority of the product we put out.”

  You can’t be serious! Damn it, human beings aren’t for sale.

  But not only wasn’t that true, she was in no position to argue with Master—Master, who’d just beaten her and left her tied up. Master, who could control her simply by holding onto her nipples.

  This massive man had stormed into her world and ripped her from it. He’d done things to her she’d never imagined anyone would ever do and yet she was standing before him, not protesting.

  Feeling different.

  Wondering what he intended to do next and how long it would be before he rammed his cock into her pussy.

  How that would make her feel.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Tray had called himself a bastard more than once, but if he’d ever meant it more, he didn’t remember. Repeatedly hitting his trainee—it was better if he didn’t think of her by name—with the crop had been easier than he’d thought it would be but, in retrospect, that’s what bothered him the most. Watching videos of slaves being punished for punishment’s sake had been a surreal experience, almost like watching a movie and knowing what he was seeing wasn’t actually happening. The first time he’d seen a Carnal video, he’d been appalled but hadn’t said anything. Before long, however, he’d convinced himself that repeatedly being exposed to harsh training sessions would prepare him for actually doing it, but as he’d dug through the dresser for what he’d intended to use on her, he knew he’d been wrong. Bottom line, he felt like a monster because she hadn’t stood a chance.

  That wasn’t all he’d felt.

  The truth was, laying into her had turned him on. The whole time he’d been punishing her, he’d enjoyed seeing her sweating, straining body. So what if that made him a bastard in her eyes, it was the truth. He was a bastard. He wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t. He’d been tempted to keep going after her just to see her dance to his tune, but had stopped because Carnal brass expected him to take her to the next level. And she deserved it.

  He’d loosened her bonds and given her back the ability to speak, but damned if he wished he hadn’t started anything. She deserved to be on horseback, riding to win until she couldn’t do that any longer. What goddamned right did he have to rob her of her life?

  The right of might.

  Still conflicted, he selected the tools he needed and returned to his subject. Subject, not a lovely and once-free young woman. After letting her see what he had, he placed the items on the floor near her feet. Cliff and his slave in training were still going at it, both so into what they were doing they probably didn’t care what was happening around them. He’d been surprised by Cliff’s slave’s arousal. Could he take his slave to the same place?

  He’d try. Get her trained. Watch her being auctioned off. Choose his next subject. Stop thoughts that threatened to keep him awake at night.

  “I’m not going to waste time explaining what’s about to happen,” he told her. “Unless you’re stupid, which you aren’t, you’ll get it.” There was something about standing this close to her with her gaze locked on him that made him wish they were alone. It wasn’t as if he wanted to connect with her, nothing like that, damn it, but despite what she’d been throug
h, her bright eyes spoke of layers. She might be more complex than he was.

  He unclipped the chain and removed the collar. She started to rotate her neck, but he grabbed her hair, stopping her.

  “Don’t get any ideas that things are going to change. I’m simply exchanging the generic Carnal model for one I had designed.”

  She blinked several times and her mouth tightened, which surprised him because she must have noticed the metal collar he’d placed on the floor. Maybe the other items had distracted her, maybe she was caught somewhere in those layers he’d sensed. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that, more unbalanced than he wanted to admit. Wasn’t she supposed to be a body, living flesh to mold and manipulate and enjoy?

  When he’d initially sketched the inch-wide silver band with four equally-spaced rings imbedded in it, he’d looked forward to seeing it against a pale throat. He’d been particularly pleased with how his name etched in black had turned out, and the tiny electronic locking device. The Carnal craftsman had shown the finished product around, and since then, three other trainers had requested the same design.

  Unlike the leather and wool affair she’d been wearing, this collar had no padding. The edges were rounded and it was loose enough not to constrict her breathing. A hinge allowed him to open it enough to place it around her neck and after clicking it closed, he could barely see the locking seam.

  He hooked a finger through the ring in front and demonstrated how easily he could control her, not that she didn’t already know. Robert and whoever else was monitoring his performance might not approve, but her elbows had been unnaturally close long enough so he took off the strap binding them and massaged her arms. Judging by her breathing, she was having trouble not moving. Robert had warned him that she might react like a wild animal and be willing to risk injuring herself trying to get free, but so far she’d mostly exhibited admirable self-control.

  Releasing her elbows had also freed her from the overhead chain, so he clipped it to the back of her new collar. “I want to draw your attention to your latest adornment’s versatility,” he said. “I had it designed specifically for times like this. It’s cumbersome to have to change things out all the time.”

  When she didn’t respond, he reached down for the dildo and butt plug. Cliff started grunting before he could decide whether to give her a demonstration of their power. Against Tray’s better judgment, he turned his attention to the entertainment. Cliff was rocking with his spine arched and his hands buried in his fuck-partner’s hair. At what Tray figured was the last moment, Cliff shoved her away so his cock popped out of her mouth. Cum sprayed her face.

  “No,” his slave muttered.

  He turned his attention to her, but by then she’d closed her mouth. He tried to imagine doing the same thing. She was little more than a receptacle after all, a handy outlet for men’s sexual energy—at least that’s what he’d been told and had believed he’d bought in to. Why then, did subjecting her to something she must see as a degrading act feel wrong? It was one thing if she wanted cum dripping off her chin, quite another if she hated it.

  Damn it, where are those thoughts coming from? “Turn around,” he barked. “You’ve seen enough.”

  His subject took a second longer than necessary to obey, time enough for him to realize she feared not being able to see him. Her spine and rounded buttocks brought him back into the space he’d occupied while he’d been striking her. She was unmolded clay and he the artist charged with turning her into something beautiful.

  “Legs apart,” he commanded.

  A second passed before she complied. He pushed against her shoulder blades with his forearm until her back was parallel to the floor, which caused the restraining chain attached to her collar to tighten. Otherwise, he would have forced her to bend even lower.

  After picking it up, he opened the tube of lube and generously covered what he intended to plug her with, then swiped the rubber dildo over her slit. She tried to rise onto her toes but couldn’t. Moisture coated the insides of her sex lips. Maybe the cream already in her was responsible, maybe she was remembering the climaxes he’d forced on her yesterday.

  “Spread them.” He tapped the insides of her thighs. “Put the goodies where I can get my hands on them.”

  She muttered something he didn’t catch, but at least she complied, not that she had a choice. How many pussies had he seen and explored? More than he could remember, probably more than most men. He should be used to this part of a woman’s body, and it should no longer automatically turn him on, but today it did. Her sex was open and available to him, a perpetual gift.

  Except he’d promised he wouldn’t rape her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Despite knowing what Master intended to do, Marina couldn’t help but shudder as he inserted one of the things into her vaginal opening. She’d wondered if it would hurt, but it slid right in. As she tried to acclimate herself to the invasion, she reluctantly admitted that being the recipient of Master’s attention had turned her on. Instead of loathing him for having beaten-trained her, she needed this connection between them. He had something new in mind, something that hopefully wouldn’t include a crop or whip.

  Her thoughts shifted as he pushed the dildo deep. Large as it was, it would remain there as long as she was bent over. She’d shivered when the intrusion had begun. Now she waited for it to start moving. What did she care whether the other two saw what Master was doing to her? This was about her and the man who’d locked his collar around her neck.

  Master was no longer holding the dildo in place. That meant—oh no—that meant he was getting ready to insert the butt plug. Her throat tightened and it took all her self-restraint to remain in position. She’d never so much as imagined what one felt like and now—now—

  “Relax,” he told her. “Breathe.”

  Despite the warning, the pressure against her back door startled her. She started to lift her head but a slap on her buttocks stopped her. The unnerving pressure eased then increased, separating tissues unaccustomed to the strain. This was only the beginning. Day by day, he’d subject her to larger plugs until she could accommodate a man’s penis. She’d be considered valuable and versatile, an all-around sex slave capable of satisfying her master in every way. Maybe he’d put her on display or invite his friends to a party where she was the main entertainment.

  Why couldn’t she close down her imagination? And if not that, why couldn’t she mentally take herself to where Master didn’t exist?

  The plug was taking over, tension continuing to grow, plowing deeper, pushing wider. Her legs shook and her breath whistled. Master kept guiding the plug into her, but that wasn’t all. He started turning the dildo one way then the other so it randomly pressed against her vaginal walls. The only thing she truly knew was that her body was being taken over, filled, stuffed.

  “Listen to me,” he said. “You are listening, aren’t you?”

  I don’t want to. “Yes.”

  He pushed on both so-called tools. “Yes who?”

  “Master. Yes, I’m listening, Master.”

  “That’s better. Marginally. One more thing for me to do and you can stand up. I’ll even let you move around.”

  The notion of walking with her holes occupied nearly made her laugh when there was nothing funny about this. She waited because she had choice, because Master’s domination was starting to feel, what, maybe right?

  Trying to comprehend why she kept having these unwanted thoughts left her ill-prepared for the leather belt he was placing around her waist. A wide strap hung down in front.

  “Straighten. Keep your legs apart.”

  She did as Master commanded but saw herself as if from a distance, felt things that were happening to someone else. Master wasn’t guiding the strap between her legs and pulling it against her crotch. He wasn’t fastening the strap to the belt in back, tightening the belt, or snugging the strap—but he was.

  Disbelieving, she looked down at the leather band against her
belly and disappearing between her legs. It wasn’t painful, but it rested snugly over the dual insertions. Master had taken her to yet another level, had forced her to the edge of yet another physical and emotional journey.

  “There.” He planted his hands on her waist and turned her to face him.

  Had he become taller in the short amount of time her back had been to him? Maybe his shoulders had widened. One thing she had no doubt of, his focus was on her.

  And why wouldn’t it be? There she was, his slave in training waiting for hell to begin. No, not hell. Something she couldn’t, wouldn’t give a name to.

  “That’s how you should be.” He cupped her chin and lifted her head so they shared the same breath. “A sexual creature I created.”

  Her arms remained locked behind her, which maybe was why she couldn’t concentrate on anything except what he’d brought to life between her legs. Even though she suspected he’d disapprove, she tried to close her legs, only to stop because the strap was in the way. Her sex muscles kept tightening. She was tempted to lean over a little so maybe she’d be less aware of the butt plug.

  He released her chin and unhooked the overhead chain from the collar. “Walk around. Get used to the feel.”

  She’d never get used to having both her holes distended. Instead, with every tentative step she took, her awareness of the twin invaders increased. The cuffs and collar were foreign, things done to her. In contrast, the dildo and plug felt as if they were part of her, an extension of her body.

  With Master’s steady stare propelling her, she slowly walked around the room, trying not to stimulate herself. The man and woman were still there but no longer locked together. The man now sat in the comfortable chair while the woman remained on her knees, her hands between her legs and in constant motion. Was that a slave’s only reward, the opportunity to give herself some pleasure once her master had coated her face with his discharge?


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