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Taught to Submit: A Novel of Escape into Slavery

Page 8

by Powerone

  Christina stood there, dumbfounded, unable to react to Jade's request to take off her clothes as if she casually stripped for strangers. It didn't even matter that she was a female, it still was strange.

  Jade turned around, seeing Christina still dressed. “Are you modest? You won't get Edmundo with modesty. You have to use your sexuality to get him. I thought Americans were sexually sophisticated. If you are afraid of stripping in front of me, what will you do in front of Edmundo and his friends?” She waited to see if Christina would be willing to do anything to get Edmundo. Then she decided to try a different track. “Take off your clothes!” Jade ordered her in a demanding tone. She looked into Christina's eyes, seeing the shocked look hit her as the situation changed. “Now! I won't tell you again!"

  Christina looked at Jade. Her demeanor changed from a best friend to something different. She wasn't sure what it was, or if she even liked it. She did feel a little afraid of her now. She let her hands move down to her blouse, and slowly unbuttoned it as she watched Jade staring back. She pulled the blouse off quickly, let if drop to the floor, her hands moved around in back of her to fumble clumsily with the bra catch. She let the straps slide down her arms, then moved her hands to cover her breasts as the bra slipped to the floor.

  "Move your hands!” Jade moved closer to Christina, seeing the look of fear in her eyes. She looked at Christina's naked breasts, as she dropped her hands to her sides. Her nipples were hard and swollen, large pink nipples surrounded by a dark areola. Her breasts were firm, not overly big. Edmundo would enjoy getting his hands and mouth around them. “They don't need a bra.” Jade touched the underside of her breasts, hefting them up, feeling Christina tremble as she was touched by a girl for the first time. “Edmundo will love these.” Her fingers gently played over the tips, seeing them get bigger as they were fondled. “Did you ever let a boy play rough with you? With these?” She squeezed them tighter, pinching the pink nipple, hearing a low groan from Christina. “Take off the rest, let me see what I can find that will drive Edmundo crazy over your body.” She went into the closet, leaving Christina to comprehend the situation.

  Christina looked down at her breasts, the nipples swollen larger then she had ever seen them. They were still a light pink from Jade's harsh treatment. She saw Jade move around the large closet, pulling out and putting back different clothes. Christina's hands moved down to her skirt, unbuttoning it, letting it slide to the floor, standing in only a pair of low cut panties. Jade turned and looked at her.

  "Take them off,” she ordered, then turned back to the closet, continuing her search for something provocative for Christina.

  Christina's panties slipped to the floor, pulled her legs out of them and stood naked, her body trembled, not sure what to do next. Finally Jade picked out some clothes, and rushed back into the room.

  "I like your bush, nice and neat and trimmed. I hate clean shaven pubes, it takes the mystery away. Some girls think they have to look like a twelve-year-old. Only older men like that. You've ever been with an older man? Not an older boy, a man?” She stood next to Christina, their eyes meeting, only inches away from each other.

  "No, why would I want to do that?” It was a curious question.

  "They can teach you so many things boys don't even know. They know your body even better then you do and can teach you things, and make you feel better then you have ever imagined."

  "Have you?"

  "Of course. A year ago I met a man about forty-five. He made me do things I had never even imagined. And the orgasms were unbelievable.” She let her hand slide down Christina's abs, saw her eyes open wide as Jade's hands went lower until she touched her labia, her fingers pinching the lips together. She cupped her pubes in her hand, pressed tighter, felt Christina move her feet slightly apart. “I can feel how wet you are already.” Her finger slid beneath her lips, felt the juices, Christina danced back and forth on her feet as if rocking on the finger. “Turn around,” not giving her time to respond, her hands pushed her until her back was to her. Her hand slid down and cupped each cheek. “Edmundo will like your ass. He's an ass man. Have you ever taken a cock up your ass Christina?"

  She felt the hands touching her butt, shivering as she did. “No, never!” She would never allow such a thing. That was for gay guys to do. Not sure why, she spread her legs a little farther apart when she felt Jade nudge her foot against each ankle, submitting to the power she seemed to have over her. The hand began to explore her ass, even sliding up and down her crack. She tightened her cheeks.

  "No!” Jade yelled. Her hand swung out and struck her on the ass.

  A crack on her ass made her loosen her cheeks. Christina couldn't believe Jade had struck her, but the stinging on her butt brought the harsh reality of it. No one had ever spanked her, not even her mother. Why was she letting Jade do this to her? Did she want Edmundo that bad, that she would do anything to get him? She knew Jade could help her, but at what cost? The finger now slid down her crack, embarrassed that Jade would do something like this to her. She felt the finger stop, touching her anus, feeling her hole quiver before the finger moved down, sliding up her pussy from behind. She knew Jade could feel how wet she was.

  "Yes, I think Edmundo will like you. Here try these,” handing Christina some clothes, turning her around.

  Christina slipped on the black thong. The tiny garment barely covered anything in the front and nothing in the back. She picked up the black skirt, a micro that she slid into, slid was an understatement. She struggled to get the garment over her hips, the waist of the skirt laying low on her hips, leaving a wide expanse of naked abs exposed. Thank God she worked out. The skirt lay tight against her ass and hips until it reached her pussy, then spread out into a fuller skirt, but ended abruptly, about three inches down. “It's not too short, is it?” Jade ignored the question.

  The top was a midriff high blouse, three buttons holding it closed, a white silk that was almost transparent. She buttoned it up, felt the silk material pressed against her breasts, rubbed sensuously against her nipples, making them hard. A pair of black, four inch high heels, had straps at her ankles to keep them on. Christina struggled to balance on them, finally getting used to them.

  Jade unbuttoned the top two buttons, pulling the sides back until a wide expanse of naked cleavage was revealed. Her fingers went to Christina's nipples, pinching them until they hardened. “Much better. Your nipples do love the attention.” She slid down Christina's body, her hands touching her legs, smoothing the skirt over her body. “Yes, lovely legs Christina and great ass. Let's go, Edmundo awaits you.” Jade loved the blush that covered Christina, unable to control the lust Jade brought out in her.

  Christina caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror as they passed to the door. God, did she look good. She could make out her dark areolas beneath the white blouse, punctuated by her pointy nipples that pushed out the silk garment. Her legs seem to go on forever, the short skirt hiding little, the material pulled tight across her ass, seeing her cheeks sway as she walked, her naked cheeks bounced lightly as she did. The tall heels kept the muscles in her legs taut, drawing eyes up to her sexy ass. She felt so much more confident now, sure she could easily snag Edmundo. “Thank you Jade."

  Jade leaned over Christina; her lips lightly touched Christina's. “You're welcome. Just do as I say and you will get everything you want—and maybe more.

  It was such an electric touch, her lips were not as a boy's, but were soft and gentle. She almost wished they lingered. They had took her breath away, especially after the way Jade had been so forceful with her, taking liberties with her body that no female had ever done.

  Jade grabbed her hand, pulling her along. “Let's go party!"

  It was a short cab ride to the other side of town. Jade was right. It looked exactly like a police station, complete with bars on the windows. The only thing out of place was the large, pink neon sign that flashed ‘The Prison’ and the crowd of young girls and boys lined up in the street, waiting t
o enter.

  They entered the club easily, the bouncer knowing Jade and waving her inside. They got sneers from the peons who stood in line for hours waiting for a chance to go in. The music was loud outside. Inside it was deafening. Strobe Lights played back and forth over the dance floor, making it difficult to see everything. A band in the far corner provided the music, similar to what she heard at home, a hard, driving beat that forced your body to respond. The crowd looked to be between eighteen and twenty-five years old. Boys and girls took up every bit of space, and everyone had only one thing on their minds—sex. The dance floor was crowded, couples gyrating to the music, girls with girls, girls with boys, their bodies moving sensuously to the heavy beat of the music, hips moving back and forth, breasts bouncing, heads thrown back as they moved. There was a long bar, packed with mostly boys, getting drinks for the girls, four bartenders barely able to keep up. Christina squeezed through the crowds, trying to keep up with Jade. Hands seem to touch her everywhere as they walked through. “Where are we going?” Christina shouted to Jade.

  Jade pointed to the back, motioning her to follow. She seemed to know everyone. She hugged and kissed many of them in greeting, even some of the girls, often their kisses lingered longer then the boys, her body pressed against them as they kissed. They finally arrived in the back, a small area with three tables, some couches, Christina spotted Edmundo. He had been very successful with the girl from the bar; she was sitting on his lap, one of Edmundo's hands under her skirt as she kissed him passionately, their tongues lashing out at each other. At least it was less noisy back here.

  Christina looked around, many of the couples were making out, oblivious to anyone around them. She could make out girls half-naked. One girl knelt in the corner, while one of the boys was cock fucking her mouth as she bobbed up and down on it. While she was not a prude, she preferred her sex a little more private, not wanting an audience. It didn't seem to matter here.

  "Here.” Jade handed Christina a shot of tequila, salt and a lime. Jade moved to Christina's neck, rubbing the lime on it, placing some salt on it. She threw back the shot, swallowing the tequila in one gulp. She moved down to Christina's neck, licking the salt and lime from her neck.

  Christina had done body shooters before, but only with boys. She got brave. I'll show her. She rubbed the lime and salt on Jade's cleavage, saw the surprised look on her face and threw down the shot. She bent over Jade, her lips buried between her lovely breasts, licking the lime and salt. She pulled away from her breasts, staring into Jade's eyes.

  "Now you're learning,” Jade moved in close and kissed her on the lips.

  It was like before, soft and gentle, but this time the kiss was more urgent, Jade's hands sliding around to grab her ass and push their pussies together. Her tongue slipped into her mouth, and Christina didn't protest, opening her mouth wider. Her tongue waited for it, lapping at it as it moved around inside hers. Their pussies rubbed against each other, Jade controlling the movement.

  Jade pulled her lips from Christina, the look on Christina's face seem to be one of disappointment that it ended so quickly. She reached into her pocket, pulled out two pills, slipped one of them on her tongue. “Stick out your tongue. Ecstasy.” Christina didn't protest, and her tongue drew it deep into her mouth, swallowing it. She had experimented with drugs, finding it heightened her sexual pleasure. Two boys brought over two more shooters. Christina and Jade quickly tossed them back, but not before licking each others bodies, Jade reciprocating, her lips buried deep in the cleavage of Christina.

  Christina looked over, the girl didn't seem to interest Edmundo any longer, he was staring at Jade and herself. She shot back a smile and turned toward Jade.

  "What did I tell you? Let's go dance. We'll drive him crazy with lust for you.” Jade pulled Christina to the crowded dance floor.

  Christina's head was spinning, the two tequilas and the ecstasy buzzed around in her head, Jade taking her breath away. The music had a driving bass, fast and pounding. She watched Jade, her head thrown back, her eyes closed, as she spun around, her hair flowed out to the sides. Her short skirt had flung out, highlighting the nakedness of her longs legs, her naked ass visible as she spun around. Her hips moved back and forth almost as in a gentle fucking motion, her breasts almost burst out her top as they swayed. Christina let her body go, allowing the drinks, drugs and music to take over. She had always danced well, natural rhythm and a great body made boys stare at her in lust. Tonight was no different. She imitated Jade, her body swung sensuously around the floor, afraid her breasts would fall out of the top, but not wanting to stop. The music went directly to her hips, moved back and forth; the tight skirt clung to her taut cheeks. She was almost lost in herself when she felt a pair of hands on her hips, felt someone behind her. She opened her eyes, seeing Edmundo dancing next to both of them, though he seemed more interested in Jade, pushing Christina toward her, trapping her between them.

  "You both look ravishing tonight.” Edmundo pinned Christina between Jade and himself. He rubbed his hard cock on Christina's ass, his hands preventing her from moving away, her hips still moving back and forth. “Yes, I like that Christina. You have a nice ass."

  She felt him rubbing against her, but she didn't really care. The drinks and drugs had taken their toll, the music arousing her. She normally would have taken his compliment as an insult. Instead she rubbed her ass side to side on his cock, teasing him. She looked back over her shoulder, seeing him stare down at her ass. She pushed back harder against him, swung her hips side to side, sliding the short skirt over the front of his pants, feeling his cock through the thin material. “Mmm,” she moaned softly.

  "Dance with, Christina,” he whispered in her ear, pushing her closer to Jade.

  Jade had seen Edmundo joining them, and moved closer. She put her hands on Christina's waist, drew her closer, her mouth close to hers. “Kiss me, make Edmundo hot for you.” She pressed her lips against Christina's, her tongue moving between her soft lips and entered her hot mouth. Christina reacted quickly, her tongue rubbing back and forth over hers, their mouths opened wide as they French kissed openly. Jade let her hands move up Christina's naked sides until she reached her breasts, sliding both hands over the flesh, molding her resilient flesh in her hands as the dancing made them bounce.

  Christina was full of mixed emotions. Jade's kiss aroused her, scaring her, a girl kissing her shouldn't make her feel this way. But she could feel the wetness between her legs. She had lightly pecked other girls, most of the time in jest, teasing the boys, but this was different. Jade's kisses were passionate—too passionate. Jade's hands were squeezing her almost naked breasts, fingertips finding her nipples and pinching them as she moaned. She could feel them harden to the touch, just as Jade had done before. Edmundo behind her was not idle, his hands had moved down her hips, lower and lower until they slipped under the short skirt. They began their ascent, this time under her skirt; moving back over her naked hips until they moved to her ass, the thong had left her cheeks naked.

  Edmundo enjoyed the feel of her taut cheeks, feeling her muscles tighten, but unwilling or unable to stop him from moving over the silky flesh. He needed to tease her first, make her beg. Only then would she be willing to do anything. And everything. He quickly deserted her, moved behind Jade, pressed close to her familiar body. “What do you think of our American? Will she play tonight?"

  Jade looked over her shoulder as she ground her ass on Edmundo's hard cock, remembering the last time she had him. Though not lovers, they both did enjoy sex together, each time experimenting in more perverse acts, taking multiple partners. With the opening of the prison and the jail cells, a new world had opened up—the world of bondage—and both of them were eager to experiment. “Just give me a little time. Tease her, then ignore her. She is hot for you. You will drive her crazy. By the time the night is over, she will do anything. And I will make sure she does. Now touch me, my body is so hot.” She felt his hands move around and cup her breasts, pinchin
g her nipples hard, knowing what drove her crazy. “Mmm,” moving closer to Christina, seeing the look of disappointment in her eyes as she received the attention Christina so desperately sought.

  Christina was angry with Jade, Edmundo more interested in her. She felt Jade move in close to her, their lower bodies touching. “Now you have Edmundo."

  Jade let her fingers move up to Christina's nipples, finding and gripping them between two fingers, pressing the hard flesh until she saw the look of pain on Christina's face. “You do what I say,” her fingers twisting the nipples. She released them, her hands moving down over the swell of her hips, pulling her forward, the grinding bodies meeting. “Like that? Can you feel my pussy?” Meanwhile, Edmundo was busy unbuttoning Jade's blouse, pulling it to the side, leaving her breasts naked.

  Christina couldn't believe what she was doing. She was fucking Jade, their pussies rubbing back and forth, the thin skirt and panties doing little to get in the way of the gentle caresses. Jade continued to dance even though Edmundo had stripped her naked to the waist, her breasts bouncing as they danced. She looked around, boy's eyes glued to her young naked tits, Jade unfazed at being half naked, more interested in Christina. “You let him make your breasts naked. Everyone is watching you."

  Jade looked around, seeing the eyes on her breasts. “Yes, isn't it great? I love it when they watch. It makes me even hotter, knowing their cocks are hard seeing my naked tits. I'd probably make half of them cum if I showed them my pussy,” laughing at her own joke.

  Christina's thong was soaked. It wasn't just Jade rubbing against her. It was the fact that Edmundo and everyone else were watching them. She never thought of herself as an exhibitionist, but she felt a certain thrill of doing it in front of others. She saw eyes on them, anyone close enough to see were staring at them, even the girls. She let her hands move to Jade's hips, pulling her closer, feeling Edmundo behind Jade, pressed tightly against her. She let her hands move around to grip Jade's ass, pushing her hand between them, finding the hard cock of Edmundo pressed against the back of her hands. She felt it jump, throbbing as her hands gripped the cheeks. God, she wanted his cock. Suddenly Edmundo was gone, Christina looking around the crowded dance floor, seeing his back as he walked to the other room.


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