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Bears of Burden: WYATT

Page 111

by Candace Ayers

  He watched as she picked up the silverware. “Thank you, Cade, it smells amazing,” she said, and directed a brilliant smile at him.

  Cade felt his chest tighten. God, he wanted that woman in his arms, crying his name. Swallowing dryly, he merely nodded as he watched her take the first bite. She chewed and swallowed, her bright blue eyes staring at him the whole time.

  “And you say you don't know how to cook. This is delicious,” she stated.

  He was flattered by her sincere praise. He didn't know why pleasing her meant so much to him, though the wolf within rumbled in appreciation. He watched Mira eat hungrily, amazed that she ate as he did. She must have been starving. Wolfing down her food with a hearty appetite.

  “A good appetite means that you are healing well and are healthy. That's good to know,” a light tease came from Cade causing Mira to chuckle and turn that lovely shade of pink again. God, he loved how she blushed so easily. Beautiful.

  Though he didn't bother her any further while she ate, he absently glanced at her from time to time out of the corner of his eye. His hungry glance met the trail of some juice slipping down the side of her lips before her tongue swiftly lapped it up. He couldn’t help but wonder what else she could do with that tongue. He closed his eyes a moment just listening to her eat, and he dozed off momentarily in the chair with his head propped on his fist. After a few minutes of resting, his head slipped causing him to jerk back up and glance around the room.

  Mira was covering her mouth, eyes full of mirth. When he directing a half-hearted scowl at her, she burst into a fit of giggles with an arm wrapped around her stomach as the other hand over her mouth, desperately trying to contain the sounds emitting from her lips. Muttering under his breath, Cade couldn't help but struggle to contain his own laughter.

  He stood and stretched, his muscles rippling and couldn’t help the inner smirk of satisfaction as he noticed that she was watching his every movement with a lust-filled gaze. Like what you see, little Mira? God, he wanted to wet those luscious lips of hers

  “Now that you’re done eating and amusing yourself at me expense, maybe you’d like to take a bath or shower? I think it might help you relax.”

  Cade’s voice was calm. He slid the tray table to the side easily. Mira blinked at him, caught off guard by his suggestion. He noticed the hesitant look in her eyes and shook his head motioning to the bathroom. “I’ll not peek in unless you need me, alright? You shout if you need anything.”

  It was important to him that she was satisfied with his answer. Glancing back at her, he was a little surprised when she pressed her hand to her leg and said, “I... can’t very well hold my weight on it yet, so... do you think you could help me in there and start a bath for me?”

  Mira's voice was soft and the imploring look on her face made Cade's heart skip a full beat. Containing himself, but only barely, he nodded and leaned over, scooping her up into his arms.

  “Just take it easy, don't tense your leg.”

  She felt so warm and soft in his arms. Her lovely scent wafting up to his nostrils. It took some effort to not press his face into the woman's neck and inhale, though another scent piqued his interest even more. As her legs shifted on his arm, he smelled her arousal. Cade felt a tightening in his groin as he pulled her even tighter to his chest and turned toward the bathroom in a sexual-tension-filled silence.

  Chapter 8

  Mira curled her head against Cade's shoulder breathing in and out deeply, finding his scent to be intoxicating. It amazed her that he could so easily lift her, as though she weighed next to nothing. His taut chest muscles were driving her crazy. With so much strength, and so much muscle, he could easily take advantage of her. Yet, he was gentle. He was tender even when he didn’t have to be. She was a stranger, someone that he found injured out on a hiking trail. He could just as soon have left her there alone, yet here he was going out of his way to care for her.

  She hoped that he couldn't feel the quickening of her heartbeat, or hear her shallow breathing. But, damn, it felt good to be wrapped up in his warmth. She wondered idly how it would be to have this man making love to her. The thought turned her face a bright scarlet hue, and her hand gripped his arm a bit tighter.

  “Are you hurting?” he asked, his voice laced with concern. God, he was just so kind and caring, her heart melted.

  “No, no I’m not. I'm sorry that I can't move yet, making you carry me like this. I know I'm not exactly light.”

  Rumbling laughter came from him a moment later. “You're perf... I mean, you’re not heavy at all.”

  Perhaps he was as attracted to her as she was to him? A curious little thought.

  When they entered the bathroom, she swung her head around, mouth agape. The room was huge with a sealed cherry wood slat floor and a sink and tub that both looked like they were carved from a massive slab of pure white marble. The faucets and fixtures were golden, plated or real, she wasn't quite sure. Just how much money did this man have, anyway?

  “It's... goodness. It's beautiful!” Mira's awed gasp made Cade smile widely. He stepped over to a chair, gently setting her on it as he leaned over and started the bath. Mira watched as he wandered to a wall cabinet and opened it to reveal numerous bottles and jars, unmarked and filled with what appeared to be different herbs.

  “Not allergic to marigolds, are you?”

  “No, calendula is fine. I thought that was just an old wives tale, though, that calendula could help the healing process?” Mira thrilled at the proud look in his eyes. He seemed to like that she knew a bit about herbal remedies. He shook his head, taking the jar and emptying a good handful into a pouch, putting it under the steaming water and crushing it between his fingers.

  “My mother used it on me many times when I was little and I felt better after soaking in it for a while. It's been used continually through the years, though not many still believe in it since over the counter medicines get quicker results.”

  Cade got quiet, suggesting to Mira that he was lost in old memories. His voice held a fondness when he mentioned his mother that made Mira's heart swell.

  “Your mother sounds very wise. What does she think of you being way out in the mountains here, by yourself?”

  Mira’s smile faltered when the warmth left his face. He turned and smiled at her, but she noticed that the smile didn't reach his eyes.

  “She passed several years ago, sadly. She lived a good life, and was a strong, admirable woman. Like you.” He looked back at the satchel of Calendula soaking in the tub, his brows slightly furrowed.

  Mira’s mood sunk. “I'm not very strong. In fact, it's been proven time and time again that I'm too weak for my own good.” Her voice was quiet, her eyes looking down at her feet. She suddenly felt quite small in that spacious room. She could hear a man’s laugh in her mind, whispering that she would never escape her weakness, that she was nothing, not worthy to walk the earth. When she looked up, Mira blinked several times at Cade's fierce gaze.

  “I don’t want to hear another word like that. You tried to fight off wolves that had every intention of making you their meal, woke up in a stranger's house and instantly found a weapon to defend yourself, allowed me to dress your wound with nothing but the covers shielding you, don’t you dare try to tell me that you’re not strong. Lady, you are as strong as steel.” Cade's tone was not only earnest, it was passionate. Mira’s lips parted in silent shock. He leaned down slightly and lifted her chin with his forefinger and thumb, his eyes nearly golden in color.

  Wait, golden? That color was familiar, that exact color. Where had she seen it before? The large wolf. Mira's head tilted back a little as he lifted her chin, and a small shiver coursed through her at the electric feel of his touch. She had felt the same electricity from his fingertips on her thigh as he changed her bandage, but this was a far more intimate gesture. She couldn’t help it, she felt herself lean towards him, looking into those half-golden, half-hazel eyes, their lips inches from one another.

could hear her heart beating, ringing loudly in her ears, her soft lips brushed gently along his. As she pulled away, she saw Cade’s eyes almost glow before they darkened again, a hungry look crossing his face. He responded, in turn, by sealing his lips firmly against hers, stealing the breath from her lungs as he snaked his arm around her arched back.

  He tasted amazing, just the right amount of spice along his tongue to draw her in deeper, the musk of his skin tickling her nose. His tongue played so delicately with hers, teeth pressing against her lips and tongue causing an involuntary moan to escape her lips.

  Cade’s hand pressed into her lower back, and Mira felt a fire race along her skin. Goosebumps dotted her hypersensitive flesh. She could barely breathe as his grip pulled her in towards him, and she felt his body heat spike in response to the sensual contact. Her arms curled up around the back of his shoulders, craning her neck into the increasingly explosive kiss, and feeling his tongue dominate her mouth.

  As quickly as it started, it was over. Cade withdrew his lips from hers, and he instantly wrapped his other arm around her, tucking her head into the crook of his neck. Mira could hear his heart beating rapidly as well. She felt her own pulse through her very teeth. She gasped short little gulps of air to try and settle herself down. Damn, that was what you call a moment of extreme passion. She didn’t want to let go of him, didn’t want him to let go of her. The warm embrace led her mind to naughty thoughts.

  A shallow laugh slipped from her lips and he loosened his hold enough to lean his head back and look at her. She was breathless and he was pleased to witness the glow of pleasure beaming from her face. He made this goddess sparkle with just a kiss. What else could he do if he tried harder?

  “That was... god, that was amazing. Here I am, kissing a stranger, loving it, and... ooh, what would Amanda think?” Her cheeks flamed again, though her radiant smile hadn't left her face. He returned her quiet laughter as he slowly, reluctantly, released her, and knelt before her.

  “I’ll apologize to her later, then. Though, I won’t regret a moment of it,” a warm rumble came from him, and he grasped her hand and pressed a tender kiss along her knuckles, before clearing his throat, and standing once more.

  “Now, how did you want this to work?”

  Mira blinked at him in confusion, having forgotten that they had come in here so that she could have a bath. She shuffled anxiously a moment as she watched him remove the satchel from the steaming hot bath water and place it in the sink to dry out.

  “Well, you could always join me,” she replied, only half-teasing. She hadn't quite expected the heated gaze that he suddenly focused onto her. She gave an impish little smile, wincing briefly as she shifted and pressed her palm to her leg. “J-Joking, ouch... um, well, I could undress, and...,” she trailed off, looking at him shyly, watching a vein along his jaw throb briefly from her teasing temptation. Now that she thought about it, she truly wouldn't mind it if he were to join her. Cade shook his head once, closing his eyes and offering his hand to her.

  “Strip down, I'll help you into the tub. The bandage has sealed the wound, so don't worry about it. Best to not allow the water to touch it at the moment, that could cause more pain, and it's an annoyance to dry it out afterward. Don't worry, I won't look,” His reply was courteous and gentlemanly, yet as her eyes traveled down, an outline of the hard length in his pants was clearly evident.

  Mira murmured in agreement, untying the robe and hefting herself, not too gracefully, on one leg, her hand grasped his tightly for stability. Even without opening his eyes, his reaction was swift. His other hand came up quickly, then slowed as it neared her body, pressing against her shoulder, allowing her to use both hands to remove her bra.

  She struggled a moment before sliding it over her shoulders. His hand moved and returned as the straps slid down her arms and the bra dropped to the floor. Now she had to tackle getting her legs free from her underwear. Biting her tongue and stifling little whimpers of pain, she shimmied her way out of her panties and gasped as he scooped her into his arms again.

  Even now, his eyes were closed, scrunched together tightly as if he were battling with himself to not look. He turned slightly, feeling the marble with his toes and slowly lowered her body into the water.

  While not bubbly, the bathwater had a decent film from the preserved flowers. Her body arched ever so slightly as he lowered her into the tub. The water was steaming hot to her bare skin, though once her body got used to it, a soft low moan of delight escaped her and she relaxed entirely in the soothing warmth. Cade slowly withdrew his arms and smiled at her soft moans.

  It killed him, but he did say that he wasn't going to look. If she ever gave him permission, however, he'd make her body tremble in ecstasy.

  Chapter 9

  Although his eyes were closed, Cade could hear her settling in the water, and he felt the lovely and invigorating tingle of the calendula spread along his own arms where he had immersed them. Mira let out another little sigh of bliss, and he felt peaceful himself. He was sitting on the floor, back pressed up against the marble tub, allowing its natural coolness to temper his heat.

  With his heightened sense of hearing, he could tell when her breathing deepened, and her heartbeat softened. He was severely tempted to sneak a peek at his goddess in the water, though didn't quite trust himself to look without touching, so, he simply rested his head back against the marble.

  “Um… Cade? I was wondering if... could you help me wash myself? I still don't have all my strength.” the bold request from the shy little human jarred him and he had to actively resist the urge to swing his head around and study her expression. Was she joking? Trying to seduce him? What?

  “To do that, you realize, I would have to look at you.” He couldn't keep the lust out of his tone, nor her soft, supple skin off of his mind.

  Mira was quiet for a moment before again shifting herself in the bath water. Cade stiffened briefly when he felt her fingertips brush his neck, and then he let out a relaxed breath as she traced small circles along his skin.

  “Yes, Cade, I know you’ll have to look at me.” Mira's voice was slightly hesitant, but firm. He slowly turned his head and looked into her eyes. As they made eye contact, Cade watched her spark grow, passion spreading through her until it became a fiery inferno that she transferred to him through her fevered gaze.

  Electricity crackled between them. Cade glanced down, taking a sharp breath in. Soft, pale skin just beneath the water, the tops of her breasts glistened with water droplets, Mira's cheeks tinged with a lovely little tint brought on by the heat of the bath mixed with honest passion. He moved slowly, so as not to startle her, and grabbed a rarely used loofa, spreading some concentrated clove liquid soap along it, massaging it slowly in front of her face. He dipped it in the water once, stroked it and built a lather.

  “Lean forward, sweetheart, back first,” he said, in a quiet growling tone.

  He placed two fingers behind her neck, encouraging her to lean forward. He massaged her skin with the soap-covered loofa, spreading the lather along her back. Cade smiled at her sighs. He loved giving her pleasure. He could become addicted to this.

  With each stroke of the loofa, he used his other hand, pressing his thumb into the tense knots, slowly work them out. He frowned at feeling so many knots and kinks, and now that he looked closer, he could also see a few scars. Small ones dotted her back, but some were more like angry slashes there as well. It looked almost as if she’d had to defended herself. He felt his wolf become irate at discovering more injuries on her and soon his wolf was battling for control. Cade was able to stifle him, but what the hell? What was wrong with his damned wolf? He certainly didn’t want to terrify the woman. She'd evidently had enough of that in her life.

  Even without her speaking about it, he could tell that this lovely creature had been a victim not once, but countless times. He leaned forward, pressing a kiss on the back of her neck, smiling as he felt her shiver and moan quietly. By the sound of it, Mi
ra was deeply relaxed from his efforts to work out her tension. He let his hand dip into the water, setting the loofa to the side and massaging her back, mindful of the marks.

  “Mmm—Cade that feels... ahh...” She shuddered and arched against his hands. Her head tilted to the side as he planted gentle kisses along her neck. It had been a while since anyone had treated her so tenderly, and this was an unbelievably intimate experience for her. Not only was she highly aroused, but she also felt safe with him, even while her heart was pumping hard in her chest and her arms were limp at her sides. This was amazing, experiencing Cade’s rough, yet gentle hands along her back, her muscles loosened entirely and she closed her eyes.

  A soft bite made her gasp, goosebumps rising along her flesh, though rather than pull away, she leaned into it. His affectionate touches were getting... rougher? She glanced at him. Cade cupped her cheeks and drew her head to the side, pressing his lips against hers with far more hunger this time. Mira let out a shaky moan as he nibbled her bottom lip. Her body leaned into him deepening the kiss of her own accord.

  Cade increased the ferocity of his kiss and accompanied it with his tender touches. Lather slid down her neck and he gently swirled the loofa just above her breasts. Mira hadn't felt a lust like this in a very long time—maybe ever. God, she wanted this man. She wanted all of him. Without the loofa, his hand moved to her breasts massaging them with slick, soapy later.

  His grip became stronger and he firmly squeezed and massaged her ample breasts. How could a man handle her breasts so gently and yet so roughly? He raked his fingertips along her sensitive skin, leaving pleasure-filled welts, and scraped gently over her nipples. He pinched her tightly pebbled nipples between his thumb and forefinger as his mouth began a sweet assault of her neck.


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