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The American Soldier Collection 5: The Greatest Fight of All (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He trailed his finger down her body, following the thin line of the vines, noticing the raised skin beneath one of the flowers. He continued to move lower, and when he pressed under her panties, Amelia stopped him.

  “Waylon, I told you that this can’t happen.”

  He held her gaze.

  “That was before you kissed me the way you did. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “That’s why we can’t do this. We can’t get involved. I don’t want that.”

  “What is it that you’re so afraid of? Who hurt you so badly that you’d lump up all soldiers and fighters in one category to stay clear of? Who?” he asked, raising his voice.

  “Waylon!” They turned toward the doorway. It was Murphy.

  “Brody called. Velma is missing. She wasn’t in the cottage this morning with her friends.”

  “Oh God,” Amelia said.

  “Come on. We’ll finish this later.” Waylon offered her a hand and she took it. He pulled her up and against him, instantly spreading his hand over her ass. He gave it a squeeze as he held her gaze.

  “You go get dressed and we’ll talk later.”

  “Waylon, I told you—”

  He pressed a finger over her lips to stop her from talking. “Later, Amelia.”

  He walked out into the living room.

  “Where are we going to look first?” he asked his brothers.

  “The dads are pissed. We’ll meet over there at the main house,” Murphy said and they gave Amelia a look.

  “I’ll come, too.”

  “No, you shower and dress. One of us will come back for you,” Waylon stated then gave her a look. She placed her hands on her hips and was about to give him shit, but instead he turned and walked out with his brothers. He could practically feel her eyes burning him with curses under her breath. Now she would know how she made him feel.

  He chuckled as he walked out with his brothers.

  “You think she’ll listen?” Ricky asked.

  “Hell no,” both Murphy and Waylon said at the same time and they all laughed.

  * * * *

  Amelia couldn’t believe it. She took a shower, got dressed in a cute sundress, and debated about leaving for the main house or listening to Waylon’s order. That was exactly what it was, too. An order. It was a show of control that she wasn’t biting on or accepting. Yet, what pissed her off entirely more than his nerve was the fact that she stood there waiting for the last thirty minutes coming up with one excuse after the next to wait for him.

  She growled as she made fists by her side.

  Her cell phone rang and she walked over to answer it.

  “Hey, come over to the main house. Velma just got here and my brothers and dads are pissed.”

  “Are you sure, Regan? This may be a family thing.”

  “Amelia, come here please.”

  “I’m on my way.” She hung up the phone, grabbed her purse, and walked out the door, locking it before she left. She couldn’t help but feel guilty for leaving. Apparently Waylon had a way of getting to her mind. The man got under her skin. All four of them did. Well, maybe not Brody. He was so quiet and serious all the time. She wondered why, as she started her car and headed toward the main house. As she pulled up, she saw all the trucks and SUV, plus other vehicles. Today was supposed to be the big family party. Guests would be arriving in two hours.

  Amelia parked her car then walked toward the front steps. Regan greeted her and took her hand, leading her toward the family room.

  “You look tired,” Amelia told Regan.

  “Hungover is more like it. Come on. Something is up and Velma isn’t budging. Wherever she was, she wasn’t alone. If you know what I mean.”

  “Oh boy.”


  As they approached, Amelia could hear their fathers asking Velma to explain where she was and why she didn’t tell anyone. Elise, expressed concern over her well-being and her brothers just stood there with their arms crossed in front of their massive chests. Talk about intimidation? These men were a force field and then some.

  “I told you, I was with friends. I drank a little too much and woke up thirty minutes ago. No big deal,” Velma stated.

  “It is a big deal. We got your brothers and their friends to search for you. The police were starting to organize a search party,” Tysen stated firmly.

  “Please. I wasn’t even gone twenty-four hours. Aren’t there rules?”

  “Watch the attitude, Velma,” Murphy stated.

  Amelia walked into the room with Regan, and everyone looked at her. They said hello and she responded to their parents and mom, but didn’t look at the brothers. They were too angry right now. She did look at Velma and there was definitely something going on. Perhaps she snuck out with a guy? There were some pretty good-looking cowboys hanging around her last night. But then she noticed the bruise on her arm and a large scratch.

  “Okay. I can see we’re getting nowhere with this. Guests are going to be arriving soon. Why don’t you go shower, think things over, then talk to us and explain tonight. That should give you plenty of time to remember,” Elise said then rose from the chair and walked out of the room. She was wearing an apron, and as she passed Amelia, she placed her hand on her arm.

  “Can you help me with that stuffed mushroom recipe, honey?”

  “Sure thing,” Amelia said. She had completely forgotten about giving Regan’s mom the recipe. Regan’s dads smiled at her as they left the room. Amelia was about to follow Regan and Velma upstairs to Velma’s bedroom when someone wrapped an arm around her waist from behind.

  Waylon pulled her back against him. She grabbed onto his thick, muscular forearm, amazed at how hard it was. “Didn’t I tell you to stay put until I came for you?” he whispered next to her ear. Murphy, Ricky, and Brody stood around them.

  “Didn’t I tell you that you’re not the boss of me?”

  He squeezed her a little tighter and she felt the ridge of his thick, hard cock against her lower back. It infused the fact that he was a big man and tall, too.

  “Come with me outside to the barn.”


  He kissed along her neck then over her ear. “Yes. Come with me. There’s something we need to talk about.”

  She sighed in annoyance.

  “Regan asked me to come here right away. I think she wants me to talk to Velma, too.”

  “They can wait. Velma is stubborn.”

  “It must run in the family,” she said and Ricky chuckled.

  Waylon kissed her neck then released his hold. Before she could move, Murphy pulled her toward him. He placed his hands on her hips and stared down into her eyes.

  “What is it with you and sexy, little dresses?”

  “This isn’t sexy.” She felt Ricky move in behind her. He ran his hands along her arms and let his fingers caress against the side of her breasts on either side. She tightened up, as she felt her body react to their touch. They knew just what to do to get her aroused.

  “With an ass like yours, Amelia, every outfit looks sexy.” He moved a hand along her neck to grip her hair ever so lightly. She felt his possessive move and turned to reprimand him, catching his lips as they descended upon hers.

  He kissed her softly but pressed his tongue between her teeth. As she absorbed the way Ricky tasted and how he held her head and hair, she realized how turned on she was. Denying this attraction was useless. But what about her past? What about Mano and the fighting?

  The sound of their father Sam’s voice coming from the kitchen caused Ricky to release her lips and step away. Murphy reached out and caressed her lower lip with his thumb.

  “You look really pretty, Amelia. Are you wearing a pair of those sexy little thongs of yours?” Murphy asked.

  He was so commanding and bossy. She immediately thought of a drill sergeant or some other kind of really intense demanding instructor. He was at least ten years older than her. He could have his choice of any woman, any age he wanted. They all

  “That’s none of your business, Murphy.” He shook his head at her.

  “Oh, I’m making it my business.”

  Her belly felt as if it dropped to her knees.

  “Murphy! Leave Amelia alone. I need her,” Regan yelled from the top of the stairs, but Murphy hadn’t budged.

  He gave Amelia a tap to her waist.

  “See you in a little bit,” he said, and Amelia walked toward the stairs, brushing her shoulders between Brody and Waylon as she passed by. Brody just stared at her.

  She hurried toward the stairs to Regan who winked then grabbed her arm and pulled her upstairs.

  “My sister is in a bit of a pickle.”

  “What’s up?”

  “You’ll see. So what’s with my brothers? Did you sleep with them last night?”


  “What? They like you, you like them. There you go. It’s human nature.”

  “Not for me it isn’t.”

  “Oh, well, they’ll convince you and then you’ll be my sister-in-law.”

  “Regan, stop!”

  Regan laughed as she laid her head on Amelia’s shoulder. For a moment Amelia wondered if Regan were teasing.

  When they entered the large bedroom, Velma was looking at herself in the mirror. Amelia saw the bandage on her arm.

  “What happened?”

  “She said she fell against something hard and sharp in the lake last night. I’m not buying it.”

  Amelia walked closer and took Velma’s arm to inspect the bruising and scrape.

  “Are you okay?” she asked and Velma nodded as tears filled her eyes.

  “Well, Mom needs some help downstairs,” Regan stated.

  “I thought you said that you needed my help up here?” Amelia asked.

  “Oh, I was just trying to give you some space from my brothers. They were practically feeling you up in the front entryway.”

  “Oh my God, they like Amelia. They made a move?”

  “Moves,” Amelia said then shook her head.

  Regan and Velma fist pumped into the air.


  “Hey what, Amelia? Our brothers have never even brought a woman home. They’re so hard and critical and damn annoying with their control issues. They definitely like you or they wouldn’t be following you everywhere you go,” Regan said.

  “Waylon picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder last night. They walked her to her cottage,” Velma said.

  “Hot damn, woman,” Regan stated, shaking her hand in front of her as if too hot to contemplate the vision.

  “Nothing happened.”

  “It will tonight. They want you and they always get what they want. Those are the type of men they are,” Regan stated.

  “What are you afraid of, Amelia?” Velma asked.

  “Everything. All four of them. Their muscles, their fighting abilities, and the fact that they were in the service. Their commanding attitudes and forcefulness and mostly, their fists.”

  “Their fists?” Regan asked.

  Amelia nodded. “I didn’t exactly tell you everything about my life back in New York. Now isn’t the time either. Your mom needs help. But what I will tell you, is that I got involved with the wrong man. Things got out of hand. Moving here was a risk, but also a necessity.”

  “He hit you, Amelia?” Velma asked, and Amelia nodded.

  “Many times. It was bad and he was big.”

  “Shit, Amelia. How the hell did this happen? What about your brothers?” Regan asked.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  The phone on the table rang and Regan walked over to answer it. Amelia locked gazes with Velma.

  “I’m sorry that happened. I sort of got into some trouble recently with a guy. He showed up last night.”

  “What? Did he hurt you?”

  Velma nodded her head. “I stopped him before things got out of control and then he shoved me and I fell. I scraped my arm.”

  “You should call the police and press charges.”

  “No need to. I had help last night.” Velma smiled as her cheeks turned red.

  “Another man?”

  She nodded her head.

  “Well, tell me.”

  Velma looked toward her sister who was obviously talking to one of their dads. Regan was saying that they would be down shortly.

  “As Mark was being aggressive and threatening, Jonas showed up. He had been watching me from a distance all night and joined us at the lake. I had no idea he was even around, but thank God he followed us. When Mark grabbed me, Jonas intervened and needless to say, Mark got his ass kicked.”

  “Nice. Then what happened?”

  Velma lowered her eyes and clasped her hands together. “Jonas and I spent the night together. We didn’t have sex, but we might as well have. He was really sweet and told me that he had been waiting for me to notice him. He’s just a bit concerned about my brothers’ and fathers’ reactions. He’s worked on the ranch for years and does his own wood carving business on the side. I like him and it felt so right with him. You know?”

  “I know. That’s great. Is he coming here tonight?”

  “I sure hope so. I told him that I would talk to my dads and mom today. That’s what I need to do now. Plus, he has two brothers. Apparently, they’re interested, too.”

  “Wow. I’m glad that you were safe and he helped you. You be sure to let someone know if that Mark guy comes around again. Men like that never give up easily. Are you certain about meeting Jonas’s brothers? Is that the kind of relationship you want?”

  “I know I like Jonas a lot. It was so instant. I never felt anything like this before, Amelia. I’m going to meet them and see what happens. If the same chemistry isn’t there, then so be it. Jonas is really great. Now, how about you? You know, you can trust my brothers. They would never hit you.”

  Amelia raised her hand. “I couldn’t handle the fear I have being with one of them their size, never mind four. I think I’ll focus on work for now. That should keep me out of trouble.”

  Velma shook her head. “You can keep denying your attraction all you want. They’ll get you to come around. They like you and that’s saying a lot. My brothers are very private men. They have a lot of pain in their hearts, Amelia. That’s something you share in common with them. Just keep an open mind. If it happens, then so be it.”

  Regan got off the phone and joined them.

  “Are we ready?” Regan asked and Amelia looked at Velma. She smiled and nodded her head.

  As they headed downstairs, Amelia couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. They walked into the kitchen and helped Elise with some last-minute prework. They were laughing and enjoying themselves when Regan heard Amelia’s cell phone ringing.

  Amelia picked up her purse as the women headed outside to greet the guests.

  Amelia didn’t recognize the number so she let it go to voice mail. She waited until the message was recorded and heard the phone beep.

  As she placed the phone to her ear, she felt the instant fear and panic hit her insides.

  “Amelia! Fucking Texas, huh? Why? Is that where you’ve been hiding out for the past year? You come to the city and visit the neighborhood, talk and flirt with my brother, then take off again? You should know by now that I have connections. Next time I call, pick up the fucking phone or I’ll fly out there and drag your ass back here. We need to talk. You can’t run from me, from us, forever.”

  Amelia felt a mix of emotions. She was scared, she was angry, but mostly afraid.

  “Amelia, are you okay?”

  Amelia turned to the right and saw Regan’s dad, Sam. He was watching her and he had a scowl on his face. She wiped the tear that nearly fell from her eye.

  “Oh, yes, fine, thank you.” She placed the phone into the small bag and pulled it off the counter. He stepped closer.

  “Bad news?” he asked.

  She looked at him strangely.

  “The phone call? You were l
istening to a call when I came in. You didn’t even hear me.”

  “Oh, it was nothing.” She looked down and took an unsteady breath.

  “Amelia, if something is wrong, you can tell me or even Elise.”

  “It’s nothing I can’t handle. Just a surprise call. I appreciate your kind gesture.”

  He smiled at her. “Go on outside, the music is getting started and Elise is quite the dancer.” He winked and Amelia forced a smile as she walked outside along with Sam. She felt her body shaking, but tried to pretend that her mind wasn’t on Mano or New York.

  Many people showed up for the bash and Amelia couldn’t help but to watch the Haas men cater to their wife Elise. She wished life could be so simple. She couldn’t help but wonder if Mano would have the audacity to come out here. She knew he would. He was resourceful, and now he was rich. She had evaded him and his brother for a year, spending her time outside of the city in upstate New York. He called her a few times and she had her phone number changed. She couldn’t do that now. She needed it for work and she didn’t want the hassle. No, she would have to talk to him and make him understand that things were over. That it had been his fault and she was starting a new life. It was the only way.

  * * * *

  The party was a success. Elise watched as her sons showed total and obvious interest in Amelia. She had to laugh as Amelia kept trying to sidestep away from one of them or simply swat at their hands as they sneakily stroked her hip. She knew that feeling. The overwhelming sense of embarrassment for being publically exposed like that, yet completely aroused by the attention. Her own men, Sam, Jordan, and Tysen, had been like that. In fact, they still placed her first and always made sure she was happy and provided for.

  Elise watched her sons. They had hard lives, especially Brody and Waylon. She’ll never forget their dirty, sad faces the first days they’d shown up around the ranch to help out for money or just food. It broke her heart knowing that their parents abandoned them. The decision to adopt them was instant and she knew in her heart that it was the right thing to do. She’d never regretted it. Not even when the boys got into some trouble now and again.


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