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The American Soldier Collection 5: The Greatest Fight of All (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 15

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Barefoot, he saw how short and petite she was in comparison to him, and that caused an instant protectiveness to overcome him. She had released his lips and now her breasts were even with the middle of his chest

  Tilting her head back, raising her arms above her head, he watched in admiration, as the water flowed over her large, plump breasts.

  He cupped them with his hands and rubbed his thumbs across the hardened little buds.

  She opened her mouth, and the water flowed over her tongue and teeth, and he imagined her sucking on him as she had his brother.

  Leaning down, he took a breast into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the areola and nipple.

  Amelia moaned then thrust her hips forward.

  He released her breast and straightened to grab the soap. Lathering it in his hands as Amelia shampooed her own hair, he absorbed the feel of her toned muscles and shapely figure.

  “You have an amazing body, Amelia. There’s definition everywhere.” Murphy began to soap up her body, paying special attention to her breasts. She rinsed her hair, added conditioner, then rinsed it out while he continued to thoroughly cleanse her.

  “Let me get you now,” she whispered, reaching her palm between their bodies and next to his hand that held the soap.

  He smiled down at her. “Okay.”

  She took the soap from his hand then he leaned over her, placing his palms against the wall above her head.

  She soaped him up thoroughly. She started with his neck and shoulders, then moved across his chest and thighs. His cock jerked to attention as she passed it to soap up his thighs. Was she teasing him on purpose? Didn’t the little minx know what she was doing to him?

  She maneuvered behind him to soap up his back, his ass, and thighs.

  “You have a great body, too, Murphy. Nice ass.” She squeezed it.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back in front of him.

  He pressed his palm against her belly then lower to her cunt. Without hesitation, as he held her gaze, he pressed a digit up into her. Instead of gripping his wrist to stop him, she surprised him by leaning back against the tile wall, palms back, breasts pushed forward as she thrust her pussy against his fingers.

  “Amelia?” he asked, surprised at how serious and unsteady his voice sounded.

  “Yes?” she replied, holding his gaze.

  “I can’t hold off. You’re driving me insane, baby.”

  “Then don’t, Murphy. Fuck me,” she said, shocking him.

  He pulled his fingers from her, lifted her up, and pressed his cock up into her pussy in one smooth motion.

  She gasped, but held on to his shoulders and thrust downward as he thrust upward.

  The sight of her parted lips and the sound of her quick breaths caused him to lose control. He wanted to fuck her so good, so hard that she would never stray or ever leave him and his brothers. It was such a carnal thought, but raw and honest.

  “More, Murphy. Harder.” She begged of him, killing his ability to take it easy.

  “Fuck, Amelia, I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I want it hard. I want you deep. As deep as you can get. Please, Murphy,” she begged, and he felt her fingernails push into his skin and her heels dig into his sides.

  He grabbed a hold of her hips, pulled back, then shoved hard and deep into her. Over and over again, he pounded his cock into her pussy as she cheered him on, begged him to go harder, faster. He lost complete control as he grunted and thrust. He grabbed every bit of her he could. He reached around her back and as he thrust his cock into her pussy, he pressed a finger into her ass.

  “Oh!” she screamed loudly and he lost it.

  “Damn, woman!” He pressed her hard against the tiled wall. They were both panting for breath and she was pulling him tighter, closer against his chest. Was she feeling the deep connection, just like he was? “Feel that baby?”


  “It’s real. This is real.”

  “I hope so. Oh God, Murphy, I hope so.” She hugged his neck and he wondered why she sounded so unsure and so scared. He and his brothers would need to prove it to her. He couldn’t help the bit of uncertainty and his own fear lingering in the back of his mind.

  This had to work out. He would never be the same man again.

  Chapter 11

  Waylon was talking on the phone with his agent, Frankie, as he stared at the computer screen. He was looking at the latest round of opponents. One in particular was moving into position. Some young guy from Chicago. But Waylon still had to fight O’Connor.

  “I know. So give me a few weeks. I can make that. I’ll start doing my heavy training now. I’ve been doing the light stuff the last few weeks.”

  “I know I thought it was a bad idea to cancel that last fight with O’Connor in Vegas, but you were right, it made O’Connor’s team up the grand prize,” Frank stated.

  “I don’t want you to schedule any other fights right now. I’ll let you know when to schedule something else.”

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong. Actually, everything is right.” Waylon traced a piece of notepad with the pen he held in his hand. His mind was on Amelia.

  “Hey, you better stay focused. Are you dating someone?” Frank asked and Waylon told him about Amelia.

  “Holy shit. You and your brothers?”


  “That’s what you’ve always wanted. She must be damn special to get the four of you to actually be nice.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Frank chuckled. “Damn, this sounds very serious.”

  Waylon shook his head despite the fact that Frank couldn’t see him.

  He gripped the phone tighter.

  “I need to get going. Have Jose, Diver, and Quincy call me to set up coming out here.”

  “You got it. Those guys love coming out to your ranch and working you in that state-of-the-art gym. Fucking funny to have it all set up in a barn.”

  “No one knows it’s even there. I’ll talk to you soon,” Waylon said, and then disconnected the call.

  He heard a knock on the door. “Come in.”

  Ricky was there. “What’s going on?”

  Waylon explained about his upcoming fight.

  “So you’re going to leave Amelia and us for this?”

  “I’m training here. I’m not flying out anywhere else.”

  “Good. How about the fight? How long will you have to leave?”

  “Well, it’s going to be a good one. A grand prize of a hundred thousand. I’m fighting O’Connor.”

  “Holy shit. You’ve been wanting to fight him for the last year.”

  “Yeah, well, I had to beat a bunch of other people. He’s young, got to the top fast, and fights like a street fighter. I’m going to need some special training. The fucking guy has a mean right hook and does take a lot of cheap shots.”

  Ricky shook his head. “When are you going to tell Amelia about this?”

  “Soon. I’m not sure how she’s going to take it. She made that comment about not liking fighters.”

  “Yeah, well, maybe she means just fighting for no reason and not the sport?”

  “Maybe. We’ll see. How about we go out to the barn and make sure everything is set up? I’ve got Jose and the guys coming out in a few days.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Waylon stood up and grabbed his cell phone. He hoped that Amelia understood. When he thought about telling her, he felt as if she would be upset. She meant the world to him. In fact, this fight might wind up being one of his last ones. He was getting older and getting tired of fighting and being angry inside all of the time. He would wait and see once this fight with O’Connor was over.

  * * * *

  Every night it was the same routine. Amelia would come home from work to find one or all four Haas brothers waiting for her. The lovemaking intensified, and although wary, she wanted to try anal sex with them. She didn’t dare suggest it yet. She was tryi
ng to get used to their large cocks and strong personalities. Each of them called her regularly at work. They wanted to know every detail of her day, and they shared their days with her as well.

  They kind of flipped out a bit about her going out with Regan, Velma, and some other women on Friday night. But Regan told her brothers that they had to share Amelia.

  When she walked out of her bedroom, dressed in a thigh-length, snug-fitting black skirt that flared at the bottom and tapped against her thighs, along with a golden yellow camisole, they looked pissed.

  The bling on the black cowgirl boots accentuated her calves and thighs.

  She pulled her hair to the side and the long, onyx locks fell directly over the cleavage of the golden yellow top she wore, slightly hiding the deep cleavage.

  “What the hell are you wearing?” Waylon asked.

  She felt her cheeks warm.

  “Damn, Mamma, you look hot,” Velma stated aloud and Amelia shook her head.

  “You guys look incredible, too,” Amelia added as she complimented Velma’s deep red tank top and jean skirt as well as Regan’s fancy, diamond-studded cowgirl boots.

  She felt a large, thick arm come around her waist as Brody pulled her back against him. He inhaled against her neck.

  “You smell good. Too good to go out with anyone other than one of us.”

  She tried to pry his hands off of her then gave up. It was useless. The man was strong.

  “Stop fussing. You get to smell this perfume all the time.”

  She felt the palm of his hand move along her belly. Now Murphy, Ricky, and Waylon stood around them.

  “Couldn’t you wear something less sexy?” Murphy asked.

  “No, she can’t. She’s sexy no matter what she’s wearing. Now leave her alone. We need to head out to meet the others.” Regan pushed between her brothers.

  Brody reluctantly released her, but not before giving her ass a light smack.

  “Hey,” Amelia reprimanded.

  “Hey yourself. We own that ass,” Brody stated very seriously, embarrassing Amelia in front of Regan and Velma.

  “We’ll watch over her,” Velma stated then laughed.

  “Yeah right,” Murphy replied. Amelia waved good-bye to the men, their scowls indicating that they definitely were pissed off, as she got into Regan’s convertible.

  * * * *

  They arrived at the club and Amelia was listening to Velma talk about Jonas.

  “So things are going well then?” Regan asked her sister then took a sip of margarita from her glass.

  “Yes. I met his brothers, Felix and Canton.” Velma took a sip from her drink and avoided eye contact with Regan.

  “Wait. His brothers? Do you mean like a ménage thing? They’re interested in that?” Regan whispered. Velma looked at Amelia and then to her sister and nodded.

  “Holy shit.”

  “What, Regan? Like you were never interested in that or engaged in a trial run?” Velma raised her eyebrow, daring her sister to deny it.

  “Holy shit. You did, Regan? With who?” Amelia asked her.

  “Galen has three brothers. I haven’t done anything major yet, but I’m exploring the whole thing.” She winked then smiled before taking another sip from her drink.

  Velma and Amelia laughed.

  “Wow. I can’t believe this,” Amelia stated.

  “Well, we can’t believe that you’re sleeping with our brothers.”

  “Velma!” Amelia reprimanded then gave her a tap to her thigh.

  “Well, well, well, look what we have here.”

  They turned toward the voice and instantly Amelia cringed at seeing Tucker. What an asshole.

  He placed his hand on Velma’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

  Velma pushed it away. “Don’t touch me, Tucker.”

  He moved in behind her and two of his buddies joined them. The creeps eyed Amelia and Regan over.

  “Don’t be like that, Velma. We could be good together. Better than that lowlife asshole, Jonas.”

  Velma turned toward him, giving him the evil eye.

  “Take a walk, Tucker. None of us are interested in seeing you,” Regan stated.

  Amelia stood up. “Come on let’s walk over there.”

  One guy placed his hand on her waist. “Come dance with me, sweetheart. I’ve been watching you all night.”

  “Get your hands off of her. She’s taken,” Regan raised her voice.

  “Oh yeah, that’s right. You’re fucking four guys. Why don’t you come home with me, Amelia, I’ll show you what you’re missing. I’m better than all four of those muscle heads,” Tucker said.

  “You know what, Tucker? You’re so typical,” Amelia told him.

  “Typical of what?”

  “Typical of a man who has such a small penis. He needs to overcompensate with his mouth because he can’t succeed by performance.”

  Regan and Velma laughed. So did Tucker’s two buddies.

  “Come on,” Regan said, taking Velma’s hand. The three of them walked away, and as Amelia turned around, she could see how angry Tucker was.

  As the night continued, Velma and Regan were enjoying themselves, but Amelia kept her eyes on Tucker and his friends. She didn’t trust them. She especially didn’t like the way Tucker was watching Velma. Although Amelia had warned both Regan and Velma about Tucker’s comment to her at work, she was still concerned. After all, someone had already tried forcing themselves on Velma the night of her birthday. Luckily, Jonas was there to help her.

  As Amelia excused herself to use the ladies’ room, she realized that she actually missed the men. The last week had been incredible. They catered to her, made love to her as soon as she arrived home from work, and they shared dinner together. The best part of all was how the men were easing up telling her about their lives. She understood that they had hard times. She knew firsthand about that. The fact that they shared how Waylon and Brody were adopted and of course how they gained their nicknames, pulled on her heart.

  Sam, Jordan, Tysen, and Elise were amazing and their love for their children was commendable. Amelia was envious. Her family life had been filled with nothing but heartache. Considering there were three men in her life after her mom died, all of them had failed her. She had been the one to take care of them. She had been on the receiving end of their anger and their destructive behavior, and she was the one to bury them.

  Getting involved with Mano was a huge mistake and she should have followed her gut. Even now, knowing how wonderful Ricky, Waylon, Brody, and Murphy were, she still feared their wrath, their commanding ways, and ultimately, she feared getting hit by them.

  She swallowed hard as she looked in the mirror and felt the need to call them. She pulled out her cell phone and saw the text message from Mano.

  It’s not over. I’ll give you some time to think about us. But you will be mine again, Amelia. I’m not giving you up.

  She was instantly angry. Angry at the fact that the man didn’t get it. Where had he been the last year? If he had cared, if he had truly made a regrettable mistake by treating her the way he did, and by cheating on her, then where was he? Now, he suddenly wanted her back? She was done with him. She was finished allowing men to control her and use their masculinity.

  Amelia took a deep breath then looked up Murphy’s cell number, then sent a group message to the four of them. She chuckled as she typed her message. In order to talk to my boyfriends at once, I need to send a group message. God, being in a ménage relationship was funny and different. She instantly smiled, as she typed the words “I miss you guys. See you tomorrow.”

  * * * *

  Velma and Regan were waiting in the hallway for Amelia to exit the bathroom. Somehow, Tucker and his buddies cornered them.

  “Let go of me, Tucker. I’m not interested in you. Never have been and never will be,” Velma said as she tried to pull away from Tucker.

  “Release my sister!” Regan yelled as one of Tucker’s friends wrapped an arm around her w
aist and pulled her back against him.

  “You got a really sweet body, honey. How about we all go party at our place?” He licked across Regan’s neck. Velma watched in horror as Regan tried to pull away.

  “Leave her alone,” Velma said, pulling from Tucker’s hold. He went to grab her and she ducked, but then turned around and caught his fist. She screamed and grabbed her mouth.

  “Get away from them.”

  Velma saw Amelia. She shoved the guy that was holding Regan away as two guys in black followed her. Velma figured they were bouncers as they each grabbed Tucker’s two friends.

  Amelia approached and Tucker grabbed her hand.

  “I’ll take you instead.” He pulled Amelia to the back exit door. Velma and Regan screamed for help as they tried to stop Tucker.

  * * * *

  Amelia attempted to pull her hand from Tucker’s but it was no use.

  “Let go of me. I swear, you’ll regret this.”

  He stopped, pulled her against his chest and gripped her chin.

  “I already regret not taking you sooner. You’re fucking four guys. You probably like it rough. I got some friends at the house. We’ll keep you busy.”

  He grabbed her hair and pulled her toward his truck. She could hear Velma and Regan screaming in the distance. Something came over her. Fear, anger at being treated this way by another man. One she didn’t know and even told him to leave her alone.

  “I’m not going with you,” she told him and he shoved her hard against the car door. Her hip hit the metal and she felt the sting of pain. Something sharp was on the door. She slapped at his chest and he shoved her back against the car again. She lost her breath, saw the anger in his eyes, and knew she was in serious trouble. Not again. Never again.

  Tucker pulled open his door and grabbed her. She threw a right hook, hitting his chin. He lowered his shoulder, picked her up, ripping her skirt in the process, and tossed her up and into the truck.

  She kicked at him then slid down off the seat and onto the ground, scraping her thigh in the process. She heard screaming and then male voices, when suddenly Regan and Velma attacked Tucker. They were hitting him and pulling him away from Amelia until another two bouncers took over.


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