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The American Soldier Collection 5: The Greatest Fight of All (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 21

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  * * * *

  It was such an amazing boxing match. Amelia felt the rush and the pride for Waylon’s success after such hard work. She couldn’t wait to see him and hold him.

  The men escorted them out of the arena. It had taken some time, but Waylon was being interviewed by media and bombarded with excited fans. This was going to be a new and exciting stage in Waylon’s life. She smiled to herself. She was so proud of him.

  She felt the arms around her waist from behind and Ricky kissing her neck.

  “That was amazing. Are you okay?”

  She reached up and caressed the palm of her hand against his cheek.

  “Very okay.” She smiled and he turned his face to kiss her hand.

  She looked at Murphy and Brody who flanked her on either side. They were like her personal bodyguards and she couldn’t wait to celebrate with them upstairs. But as they headed toward the doors that led to the locker rooms after showing their passes, she realized it was going to be a long night. There were loads of people waiting to see Waylon. This was his time, his moment of success, and she was overwhelmed with emotions of pride and love for him. He’d achieved his dream. He was going to be a huge success.

  It took a bit of time before they could see Waylon and then some security came down the hallway where they all waited.

  They caught sight of Murphy and he nodded.

  “Let’s go,” he said. The rest of the family and friends waited for them at one of the restaurants and bars in the hotel. They knew that it would be a couple of hours before they saw them and Waylon.

  Brody held her hand as the security guards led them to a big, fancy locker room and then sitting area. It was impressive as well. Frankie, Waylon’s agent, was there to greet them.

  “Can you believe that?” he asked with a huge smile as his cell phone rang.

  “I have to take this. Waylon is in the back showering, Amelia. He wanted to see you right away,” Frankie stated then headed out toward the other room. He was scheduling interviews and photo ops for Waylon. She chuckled to herself. Waylon was not going to like that one bit.

  “Anyone else need a drink?” Ricky asked, walking over to the full bar and grabbing a cold beer.

  Quincy came out of the back room along with Jose and Diver.

  They all congratulated them and they hugged and shook hands. Jose kept his hands on her shoulders as he stared down into her eyes.

  “You’re an amazing woman. He loves you so much, and you helped him to win this fight.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek, then released her, and wrapped an arm around Quincy’s shoulder. “We’ll meet you all outside.”

  “Go on in, honey. I’m sure he can’t wait to see you,” Brody said, giving her body the once-over with hunger in his eyes. She walked to the door and entered. There was a short hallway and then another door. As she walked closer, the door opened and there was Waylon. Hair wet, towel wrapped around his waist, and the smell of soap and heat instantly surrounded her.

  His eyes widened and a huge smile fell across his face. Then he looked her over.

  “What the hell is that you’re wearing?”

  At first she felt her heart sink, but then realized that they really were very protective of what belonged to them, and she didn’t mind being theirs one bit at all. She twirled around then placed her hands on her hips, causing the material to press against her breasts and expose a bit more skin than she intended.

  In a flash he stalked toward her wrapped her around the waist and hoisted her up against him.

  He cupped her breast and squeezed.

  “These belong to me and my brothers only. Now kiss me, woman, before I explode.”

  She leaned up, and as she parted her lips, Waylon slammed his down against hers. The kiss grew hot and wild in no time at all and soon she was up against the wall, her dress lifted and his fingers were stroking her cunt.

  The door opened and she heard the chuckles.

  “We’ll cover you two,” Brody declared then closed the door.

  Waylon pulled back and she cupped his cheeks between her hands, looking over the bruised cheekbone.

  “You’re hurt.”

  “No. I’m perfect because of you.” He stroked her pussy with his fingers and she gripped his forearms. The overwhelming need for him to be inside of her took her breath away.

  “Waylon, please.”

  He kissed along her neck as he pulled his fingers from her pussy and somehow pushed her panties down.

  The towel against his waist fell and as she held on to his shoulders, he adjusted his cock to her pussy.

  “You complete me, Amelia. I couldn’t have done this without you in my life.”

  He shoved into her slowly and she released a sigh of relief.

  “I’m so proud of you, Waylon. You fought hard. I love you, too.”

  He kissed her again and continued to stroke his cock into her, joining their hearts and bodies, and ultimately sealing the night’s fate. He released her lips. They locked gazes and with every stroke, her love for him and for his brothers grew deeper and stronger. Nothing could ever break them apart. Nothing.

  * * * *

  Murphy, Waylon, Ricky, Brody, and Amelia were walking with their family and friends after the long evening. Waylon was exhausted, but laughing along with his brothers as Amelia, Regan, and Velma walked a few feet ahead of them.

  “I can’t wait to go to bed. What an emotionally draining night,” Regan said and both Amelia and Velma agreed.

  They walked between crowds of people, and as Amelia turned to look back at her men in admiration and desire to be with them tonight, she caught sight of Escala.

  She stopped, looked at everyone, then heard Regan scream. Then both her and Velma fall backward away from her.

  The large thick arm moved around her midsection and the knife pressed lightly against her neck.

  Her men’s facial expressions turned to fear and anger.

  “Let her go!” Murphy yelled.

  “I told you that I would come for you, Amelia.”


  She struggled to get free. When she felt the knife cut her skin by her neck, she screamed.

  “Don’t move or she’s dead. I’ll fucking slit her throat right here.”

  In a flash there were police everywhere. Fear and dread filled her heart. She was going to die. After everything she had gone through, Mano was going to win out. She fought for the love of her men, for the new life she had, and to get away from her past, and now this asshole was going to end it all.

  “Let me go, Mano. Put down the knife. There’s no need for this.”

  “Shut up, Amelia. You’re mine.”

  He backed her up against the wall and then into the elevator.

  “No! Stop there. Put down the knife and this can end right here!” Waylon yelled.

  “Fuck you. You’ll never have her again. Never.”

  The doors closed and Mano shoved her against the wall. He looked her over.

  “Fucking four men at once? You’re a whore. This dress, the makeup and hair, doesn’t hide the slut you are.” He struck her across the face and she screamed as she nearly fell to the floor. Gripping the metal hand bar she pressed her back against the mirror walls.

  He gripped her face and head between his huge hands. Mano was almost as big as Waylon, but only a little over six feet tall. He was a mean son of a bitch. He was covered in badass tattoos and he had no rules. He did what he wanted, when he wanted. She could smell that hard alcohol on his breath, and then she saw his eyes. He was on something other than just alcohol.

  She needed to calm him down.

  He stared at her lips then moved his hand down and cupped her breast. She grabbed at his wrist and he licked her lips then plunged his tongue into her mouth.

  She tried shaking her head side to side to get him to release his hold, but she couldn’t. He was so strong. Always so much stronger than her. Her life passed before her eyes. She wouldn’t make it out of here alive. Not unless Ma
no wanted her that way.

  He pulled from her mouth then pressed his body against hers. Her spine hit the handrail. She gasped.

  “I’m going to take you upstairs to my room and fuck you all night long.” She jerked when she heard the click of the large, sharp switchblade open against her ear.

  He moved it down her neck to her breast, mere inches from her skin.

  “I can leave my mark on you everywhere or anywhere I want. They’ll know that you belong to me. I won’t let them have you.”

  The bell went off on the elevator, indicating that they had stopped. She saw the evilness in his eyes, and knew that look. Mano had finally lost his mind. All the drugs, the drinking, the past problems had weighed their toll on him and now he was going to take her with him.

  He gripped her arm and pulled her out of the elevator. She struggled to get free.

  “No. I won’t go with you.”

  He shoved her hard against the wall, and then struck her again. She shoved at him and felt the cut to her forearm. She screamed and he reached out, gripping her hair and pulling her hard toward him.

  Her lip was bleeding and her cheek sore. His evil face was right up against hers. They were nose to nose and she shook with such fear, she thought she might have a heart attack. He stuck his tongue out and licked the blood from her lips.

  “Even your blood tastes good.”

  “Stop! Police!”

  She heard the voice and Mano looked back over her shoulder, then wrapped an arm around her waist and turned her so that the police could see he had her and the knife.

  In a matter of seconds, the wide hallway was filled with police and her men.

  She cried as she saw their faces. Her men were as scared as she felt.

  “Put down the knife, and let the woman go. It’s over,” one man, wearing a suit and holding a gun, stated.

  Mano shook his head.

  “She’s coming with me. I’ll kill her right here if I have to.”

  “No. Don’t kill her. Just put down the knife,” Murphy yelled.

  “Fuck you! You can’t have her. She’ll never be yours again!” Mano yelled then began backing up. She could tell that the police and her men were panicking. If Mano got her into a hotel room, with the door closed and locked, he could kill her. He could hold her hostage and have his way with her. She wouldn’t let him rape her. She would rather die than let this man ever touch her again.

  “Mano, please put down the knife. I’ll go with you. I promise.”

  He gripped her harder, making her gasp for air. The knife was by her neck as he used his face to turn her face toward him. He looked down into her eyes. She saw that there was no rational thinking going on in a face and eyes likes his. The evil was overwhelming to see, and her gut clenched, knowing the worse could come of this.

  “You’ll leave them? You’ll come willingly back to me and New York?”

  “Yes. Yes, I’ll go with you.”

  He eased the knife down and she turned out of his hold.

  “No, Amelia!” Ricky yelled. She froze in place.

  Mano reached for her throat. He gripped it hard and she swung at his body, his face. Her nails scratched his face. She could hear yelling and the sound of many footsteps coming toward them.

  “If I can’t have you, they can’t have you.”

  Mano pulled her toward him and she screamed as the sharp pain hit her ribs and side.

  She was shocked.

  He stabbed me.

  Chaos erupted around her as she fell to the ground, holding her stomach and side. In what felt like slow motion, she looked up and saw Waylon punching Mano and tackling him to the ground. She saw Murphy’s wide eyes, the fear, and then Brody’s face.

  “Lie still, Amelia. Lie still, help is on the way,” he said.

  She fell back onto the carpeting. Ricky caressed her hair and locked gazes with her.

  “He stabbed me,” she thought she said aloud but wasn’t sure. There was so much yelling. Too many voices, as everything began to move around. Dizziness overtook her.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “No, Amelia. You fight Goddamn it. You fight for us. You don’t let that asshole win!” Murphy yelled, and she closed her eyes, his face, the last thing she saw before darkness.

  * * * *

  She was in surgery for hours. They paced the hallways and the waiting room as more friends arrived and then their parents. Everyone was exhausted and had no sleep as fear that Amelia might die ruled their minds.

  Ricky looked at his brothers, as the four of them stood alone, by the windows in the waiting area. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “She has to make it. It can’t end like this. I won’t be able to live without her,” Waylon stated.

  “God, she looked so scared, and there wasn’t a Goddamn thing we could do. I never felt so helpless,” Brody stated.

  “She’s a fighter. She’s a Goddamn stubborn—” Murphy’s voice cracked and he covered his face with his hand. Ricky placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “How fucking long until someone gives us an update?” Brody asked.

  “Guys. The surgeon is here,” their father, Tysen, interrupted.

  They hurried inside and listened as the surgeon explained Amelia’s condition.

  “She’s alive.”

  They all sighed in relief.

  “The knife punctured her lung, broke two ribs, and caused some tears in the tissue surrounding the area. Basically, she’s rather lucky. If the knife went deeper or a little further to either side, she would be facing other issues. I’ve repaired what I could and placed a chest tube between her ribs to help release the air when her lung collapsed. She’ll need to stay in the hospital for at least a few days, and then we’ll remove the tube and see how she does on her own. This is going to be a long recovery for her. She’ll be in a lot of pain, but we’ll talk more tomorrow. Right now she’s in intensive care.”

  “Can we see her?” Waylon asked.

  “Not for a little while and until I’m sure she’s stable. She’s a very lucky young woman with an obvious desire to live because we nearly lost her on the table twice. I’ll keep you posted and the nurse will let you know when you can see her.”

  “Thank you, Doctor. Thank you so much,” Murphy said and shook the doctor’s hand. His brothers shook his hand next.

  * * * *

  “Oh God,” Waylon said then ran his hand over his face. His father, Sam, placed an arm around his shoulder as Velma, Regan, and Elise cried while hugging one another.

  “She’s going to be okay, son. She’s strong and determined to be with the four of you. Love like that is special. You treasure her. You hear me. You keep positive and when you see her, you treasure every waking moment together.”

  Waylon nodded his head, and then looked at his brothers, who acknowledged the emotions and bond they shared.

  She was special, and they would get through this and love her for the rest of their lives.


  Amelia sat on the lounge chair inside the gym and watched Waylon do his workout. It had been a few months, and a lot of resting. But she was doing well now, and moving around more easily. Last night was the first time in a while she had gotten to make love to her men. They had taken their time. Loved her long and slowly, being conscious of her injuries, although, fully recovered.

  She did suffer here and there from some breathing issues, but that was expected. Murphy had taken her to a special plastic surgeon, to ensure that there wouldn’t be any scars on her forearm and ribs to remind her of that tragic night. He had done a fantastic job. They weren’t completely invisible, but anyone looking would have to look carefully to see the thin lines. They weren’t visible to her, so that wasn’t a concern.

  She watched Waylon in appreciation of his hard work. He had taken some time off to be with her after she was discharged from the hospital. But she insisted that the time to achieve his dreams were then and that his brothers could take care of h
er while he secured some contracts and did what he did best.

  He argued, but she got her way, which was taking the men a bit of time to get used to. She smiled to herself. She sure could use one of their spankings they used to give her. She had been racking up the points, but they weren’t budging yet. They were so careful with her. They kissed her every opportunity they got, and showered her with love, gifts, and simply their presence.

  She jerked in surprise, when she felt the hands on her shoulders.

  “Sorry. I forgot,” Murphy whispered then took a seat next to her. He gave her a kiss, and she soon forgot the fear that gripped her slightly, whenever someone approached her from behind.

  Ricky and Brody came in next, both kissing her before Ricky took a seat on the other side and Brody approached the boxing ring.

  It was strange, but she was most content here, surrounded by her men, and in the training room, of all places.

  The memories of her past, the battles she fought and the fights she lost, would remain there where they belonged. In the past, where she had been weaker, alone and struggling to stay alive.

  After fighting the greatest fight of all, to live, she knew that there would never be a greater challenge. She wanted to live for her lovers. She wanted to feel Brody’s strong arms around her, and enjoy his quiet company. He was such a stern, strong, compassionate man, hidden behind a face of steel, unless she was around. She smiled to herself. To listen and laugh with Ricky, as he tickled her, aroused her senses and made her smile from his jokes and teasing. Especially his naughty bedroom talk and all the crazy things he promised to try with her when she was fully healed. Her belly quivered just thinking about the possibilities. She looked toward Murphy. Her big, wild Mad Dog, who got under her skin and turned her on all in the same moment. He was a force to be reckoned with. A soldier through and through. A man to be proud of and love simply for whom he was and what he stood for.

  Then there was Waylon. She fought to live, to see Waylon box another day and achieve his dreams. His desire to become a world heavyweight boxing champion had become her dream. He forced her to face her demons and her ghosts from the past and make her see that life was worth living and there were things worth fighting for.


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