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Witch Avenue Series (The Complete Set)

Page 79

by Bolton, Karice

  I readied my stance and stood facing Ethan square on.

  “Triss, what are you doing?” Logan asked.

  The air turned warm and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in. The otherworld had been summoned.

  I focused on my father, the last images of him before he was swept into the underworld, and I knew he wouldn’t allow a call to his realm to go through which involved targeting his daughter. That I knew. But Ethan didn’t. Ethan didn’t know the sacrifice my father made. Very few did.

  Opening my eyes, I saw Ethan chanting to the realms of darkness. The winds began shifting. Logan stood next to me, lowering his lips to my ear. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but you need to be careful.”

  I tilted my head in acknowledgement, but turned my attention to Ethan.

  Feeling my father’s presence, I smiled and waited for Ethan to look at me. I wanted him to see me, truly see me, before I created his own personal Hell.

  “This is getting better with every passing moment,” Ethan said, opening his eyes.

  “I thought I’d return the favor from earlier,” I replied, taking a step forward.

  Ethan’s breathing changed slightly as he realized his calls to the underworld went unheard.

  “Waiting for someone?” I asked, arching a brow.

  He closed his fists and glanced at Logan before taking a step toward me.

  “You’re in way over your head,” Ethan said.

  “Possibly,” I acknowledged.

  Without warning, he shot a current at Logan, dropping him to his knees.

  “Enough,” I yelled, stepping in front of the charge. The bolt of electricity hit me hard but gave me exactly what I needed, a way into his mind. The prickling pain radiated through my body, but I latched onto the anger and hatred that was spiraling from his cast. The pain vanished as I rode the currents of electricity back into his body. I felt the transcendence begin as I drifted into the crevices of his mind.

  The noise of the natural world drifted away as I melded into his memories. I picked up on slight panic, followed by recognition. Images were scattered randomly in Ethan’s mind. It was like I was on a scavenger hunt, attempting to pick up whatever piece might help me destabilize him. The anger, betrayal and heartache were driving my curiosity. How could a man kill his best friend?

  I forged through the memories, tossing most aside as I attempted to get at what drove him. If I could manipulate what was at his core then I could return the favor surrounding the evening’s earlier events. I could turn his fears into false realities.

  Searching through the endless data, consisting of emotions, senses, and images, I came across something of interest. Pictures of Ethan and Lara back in high school. They were a couple that long ago? I sifted through the onslaught of memories. They seemed like any normal high school couple who was in love, hanging out at football games, bonfires, and camping trips. Anger began to swell inside Ethan’s visions. All of the happiness I watched quickly dissipated as the images of my father came into focus. He was threatening Ethan and didn’t want him dating Lara. Things were slowly starting to fall into place. By all appearances, it looked like Ethan and Lara broke up but the feelings of loss remained. And then I saw it, the memory that probably changed everything. Ethan walking in on Logan’s father kissing Lara.

  That was when the seeds of hate were planted. The overwhelming sadness crept through my own psyche as I felt Ethan’s pain. I no longer wanted to shatter his world. I wanted to repair it, and I didn’t think I could. If I stayed connected through his mind, he would remain incapacitated. If I wasn’t going to blow his world then I needed to figure out how to escape from it safely. But I also needed the map of the maze that I wanted to grab. It had to be in here somewhere.

  Everyone had things that shaped them, myself included. Ethan’s actions may not be excusable or understandable, but at least I saw the reasons that led him to make certain choices. I couldn’t blithely discount the experiences he’d had. I also couldn’t expect to change him, and I had come to the realization that I couldn’t change myself. I didn’t want to be this person invading others’ minds, not like this.

  But I had come this far, and if I didn’t do a little tweak, there would be no getting away. I was sure of that. I only needed to place a few rogue memories that would act as hallucinations like he did to me; only mine would be different, pleasant. That would be my twist.

  Ethan seemed the happiest when he was around Lara. I began quickly building a simulated world that he would be lost in once I parted from him. It would only give us a few minutes at best, but it would have to do. Stealing bits and pieces of memories and moments of pure bliss, I cobbled together a scene that would make even the most bitter of hearts melt. I only hoped it would work.

  Reimagining Lara was difficult, especially in this context, but I was well on my way. After selecting one of the more recent versions of her to play the part, I knew it was time to disconnect from him.

  I began shutting my mind off from his as I allowed his memories to be his own again. Withdrawing from his world created a deep sense of isolation as I became focused in reality once more.

  Quickly opening my eyes, I saw Ethan standing in a daze, staring, reaching for someone who wasn’t there. I turned to face Logan as he watched in awe as Ethan’s mannerisms softened, slowed. Ethan no longer looked like the man who had lost everything. He continued to play out the scenes I had lodged in his mind.

  I grabbed Logan’s hand and began hauling him in the direction of the exit. This momentarily lapse would only last so long with Ethan, and I didn’t want to be stuck in the maze when he came to. That would be deadly.

  “How do you know where to go,” Logan asked, running by my side.

  “I borrowed the overhead snapshot of the maze. There are only so many tracks. One more turn and we’ll be out,” I yelled.

  “Borrowed it, huh,” he replied, squeezing my hand.

  I rounded the corner and saw the opening. Both of our speeds increased tremendously once we finally saw the real exit. Logan let go of my hand, and I ran through with him right behind me. We were close to the cliff and as the clouds covered the stars the darkness of the night became more pronounced.

  “Just. Keep. Running,” I said, in pieces, already breathless.

  We continued down the road. Our car was only another block away, but it was around the corner. The best thing to do would be to cut through the woods to shave off time. I took a left into the trees and Logan was right behind me.

  I slowed my pace as I stepped over rocks and ducked under branches. Every so often I’d get stuck on a blackberry bush and Logan would unhook me, but it happened so fast that when we reached the edge of the woods, I couldn’t believe we had actually made it to our car.

  I dove in the passenger seat and Logan flew into the driver’s seat, shutting the doors and locking them. He turned on the engine and gunned the accelerator. It was silent between us for a few minutes as everything just settled over us. I had learned a lot. More about myself than I probably wanted to know.

  “I hate to bring this up, but I didn’t see you place the listening device when we were in his office…”

  “I did,” I said, laughing. “I stuck it under his desk when I stood up right before he hit me with that crystal.”

  “Thank God, because I didn’t want to go through that again,” he laughed.

  “Neither do I,” I said, reaching over to grab his hand.


  I was moving the Circulus Desideriis, when a wave of fear washed over me. I dropped the disks on the shelf and took a quick step back. My thumb stung from where I touched it. I needed to know what it was telling me. I picked up my piece carefully and pressed it between my thumb and index finger. Images of Trevor and Angela began to flood my psyche. They were running for their lives. Someone was chasing them. I kept concentrating on the disc, as the adrenaline surged through my veins, watching the movie unfold. Logan was outside with Trevor replacing the glas
s in the window so Trevor was here and okay.

  “Who is chasing Trevor and Angela?” I whispered to the disk. I clenched my eyes shut concentrating on the shadow chasing Angela and Trevor. The person was smaller than I expected, petite. I kept focusing. A dull ache surfaced near my brow. I was pushing too hard. And then I saw her, the person chasing after Angela and Trevor.

  It was Caitlin. That was what my dream was so many weeks ago. I had mistaken jealousy for rage and the rage wasn’t coming from me. It was coming from Caitlin.

  I threw the disk down on the shelf, and it bounced off, falling to the floor. I didn’t bother to pick it up as I ran outside.

  “Do you remember when I woke up yelling Trevor’s name and Caitlin was involved?” I shouted, my heart racing. Trevor was holding the glass between wooden wedges as Logan carefully guided a tool along the edge. Trevor’s face reddened, and he looked baffled as he glanced at Logan.

  “Yeah. I do,” Logan said, shaking his head at Trevor.

  Trevor’s brow arched.

  “It wasn’t like that. I can assure you,” Logan said, laughing, glaring at Trevor.

  I stood in front of them, catching my breath and watching the redness dissolve as Trevor waited for me to continue.

  “Angela’s in danger and so are you,” I said, pointing at Trevor. “That was what my dream was about.”

  “Caitlin? As in Praedivinus Caitlin?” Trevor asked.

  “Yeah. Are there a lot of others or something?” I asked.

  “We dated briefly,” he said.

  “Well, apparently she gets around,” I said, flashing a look at Logan.

  Logan shook his head and a smile spread across his lips. “You certainly don’t get over things easily, do you?”

  “I’m not sure why she’s after Angela,” I began. “I mean have you and Caitlin had much contact?”

  “Not recently,” he said. “In senior year we met at a few Praedivinus events and then texted, but I didn’t think it was that serious.”

  “Serious enough, I’d gather. At least in her eyes,” I said.

  “We’re almost ready to pop the glass in, and then we’ll come inside and talk about it,” Logan replied, kneeling as he worked the glass into place.

  “Okay. Angela and Jenny are coming over later anyway to hear what we found out,” I said, turning back to go in the house. “I’ll try to have them come over now if they can.”

  “Who would have known past dating choices could be so dangerous,” Trevor said.

  “You haven’t learned the half of it either,” Logan replied. “Triss filled me in on some stuff that would blow your mind.”

  I stepped back inside our home and reached for the phone. It’s not like I thought Angela was in immediate danger. After all, the images were of Trevor and her together, but I knew I’d feel better having her here with us. I dialed the number quickly and got her voicemail. I left a short, vague message and called Jenny and left another message. I texted them both and got replies almost instantly. They were out shopping together and would be right over.

  I walked into the family room and looked through all of the mementos and crystals that had been given to me during our party. Finding the blue chalcedony crystal that Angela’s parents gave me, I grabbed it and held it tightly. I still wasn’t comfortable with Angela becoming a witch. No. That wasn’t true. I was fine with Angela becoming a witch, just not now. I let out a sigh at the same time a tiny tap at the front door surfaced. It wasn’t Jenny and Angela. Even in the best of traffic, it would take twenty minutes to get here.

  I trudged to the foyer and peered out the window. Not seeing anyone, I craned my neck a little more to find Dace and Bakula, hovering by the knocker.

  “You rang?” I asked, opening the door.

  “No, we knocked,” Dace said agitated.

  I shook my head, and stopped myself mid-eye roll and welcomed them inside.

  “It was only supposed to snow last night, but I guarantee you the sky is going to lay down some flakes for us tonight too. And why is it so cold in here? Are you afraid of a heat bill?” Dace continued on. I knew it would only take a few more seconds before he was all out of juice. “I don’t know what it is about Seattle weather. Maybe it’s the dampness, but it seems colder than back East.”

  “I know, dear,” Bakula said, rubbing his shoulders.

  “Sorry about the chill,” I said. “The guys are replacing a window in the kitchen so we’ve got a gaping hole right now. They’re only minutes away from popping it in. At least, that’s what I’m told,” I said, smiling apologetically.

  “A window missing?” Dace asked.

  “The Demonikers hand delivered an invitation to visit Ethan,” I said.

  “Interesting,” Bakula replied.

  “Especially so because once we got to Ethan’s, he swore he had nothing to do with the mini-attack on our home. He said it was the Praedivinus.” I watched Dace and Bakula stiffen and trade glances.

  “Something you wanted to tell me?” I asked, raising a brow.

  “No. Not about that. It’s the first we heard about it,” Bakula said, brushing off her earlier reaction. “Do you mind if we go to the fireplace? Please tell me you have it going.”

  “Sure do,” I said.

  “What’s that in your hand? Is that the protection crystal?” Bakula asked, flying toward the family room. “Are you afraid when you answer the door someone’s going to get you, dear?”

  I started laughing. I actually had been squeezing it pretty tightly.

  “No. Angela’s coming over, and I thought I’d give it back to her.”

  “She’s not in danger, is she?” Bakula questioned, her voice worried. “She hasn’t even fully become one of you.”

  Dace and Bakula were hovering over the hearth, and I had to admit that I appreciated the warmth, too, as I snuck in next to them.

  “No. She hasn’t.” I wasn’t sure how much to divulge. After all of the finger pointing lately, I was unsettled. “It just seemed like the right thing to do.”

  “Well, I’d love to hear how your visit with Ethan went,” Dace said. “Your visit might tie in with why we’re here.”

  “Okay?” I asked.

  “We’ve just found out a few of the Praedivinus buildings were blown up,” Dace said quietly, as if the flames from the fireplace might be spying on us.

  “That might be overstating it,” Bakula chimed in. “There were fires set, not explosions.”

  “There were two explosions,” Dace argued.

  “Two explosions because the fires engulfed a propane tank in one and something else in another. You make it sound like there were bombs,” she chuckled. “Always so dramatic.”

  “Are you serious?” I asked. My mind wandered directly to the listening device we had planted. We had planned on checking it out this afternoon, but we hadn’t done it yet. I wondered what we might hear.

  “Very serious,” Dace said. “I’d wager the battles have begun.”

  I caught a slight glimpse of something from Dace that I didn’t recognize. I don’t know if it was anticipation or excitement or nervousness. I’d like to think it was the latter, but I wasn’t sure.

  “So you think the Demonikers were responsible?” I asked.

  They both began nodding and an unsettled feeling drifted over me. A few weeks ago, I would’ve been all too eager to tell Dace and Bakula everything Ethan told me, and everything we’d accomplished and overcome at his compound, but something was holding me back.

  “Is there anything you want to tell us? Anything you found out when you were at the Demonikers?” Bakula asked

  “I’m still trying to absorb everything,” I said. “I think there’s more to these feuds than meets the eye.”

  “Always is, my dear,” Bakula said, rubbing her hands together. “This is going to be one of our quickest trips here. I’m used to heat and even though we may be in the middle of a forest, we certainly have more of it than you do.”

  “Sorry about that,”
I replied, watching her movements. She seemed bothered, apprehensive.

  “Was there anything else you wanted to tell me?” I asked, flipping the question.

  “We just want you to be careful. If they’re willing to do such blatant acts of destruction when the fingers point directly at them, that makes them very dangerous,” Bakula said.

  “And by they, you mean the Praedivinus?” I questioned.

  “Of course. Who else would we mean?” Dace asked. “What are you implying?”

  “Nothing at all,” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “Didn’t mean a thing.”

  “She was only clarifying, dear. I know we’re all on the edge with everything that’s going on,” Bakula said, attempting to calm Dace down.

  “I didn’t mean anything by it,” I said quietly.

  “We’re worried about the connections you have to the altered world,” Bakula said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I know we’ve mentioned it before, but if you accidentally let someone in your mind, they could really do some damage. And the nectunt you share with Logan actually makes him vulnerable as well…” Bakula’s voice trailed off.

  “We’re not separating,” I protested.

  “I only hope that’s the right decision,” Bakula said quietly.

  “Did you know an entire colony was wiped out this week in Arizona?” Dace asked, his eyes focusing intently on me. “Do you know how many fairies it takes to create a colony? Tens of thousands. And they’re gone. All of them. Every second we stand by and do nothing, we’re killing our own. I just hope you remember what side you’re on.”

  I tilted my head and bent down, looking him in his large, almond shaped eyes. He stared at me, folding his arms in front of him, pursing his lips.

  “I will always try to do what I think is right. It might not always serve everyone’s purposes, but it is the best that I can do. Whatever you’re implying or trying to trick out of me will do you no good. I’ve seen what the pursuit of immortality has done and is doing to your kind, and it hurts me beyond belief. But I won’t go on a killing spree to make two wrongs a right, because it won’t ever be. You guys have been there for me and guided me. I won’t let you down. I only hope I can expect the same from you going forward,” I said.


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