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Oracle Haunting (The Phoenix Files Book 4)

Page 7

by Morgan Kelley


  This was exactly what he didn’t need.

  “Molly! Stay!” he shouted, having no luck with his beast of a dog.

  Laird chased the dog down the street, past the gawking people, and toward the school.

  “MOLLY! Stop!” he ordered again, and it was futile. She had a mind of her own.

  His dog wouldn’t listen. That wasn’t like her. She was normally one to never leave his side.


  He had to bring her to the office and to crime scenes. People actually thought she was a Garda police dog.

  This could be bad. While he knew Molly wouldn’t hurt a child, she could scare them.

  He had to stop her!

  Damn it!

  For the life of him, Laird couldn’t catch her. He was wearing a suit and dress boots, and this race wasn’t going to end in his favor.

  As he rounded the corner, he slid to a stop, the flower still in his hand.

  There was his mutt.

  And she’d found something all right, and he didn’t know whether to laugh or kiss his furry friend.

  Molly had tracked down a beautiful woman.


  He’d never seen her before, but he was going to give Molly a steak.

  For a second, he was forced to watch it play out. Molly was licking her, and the redheaded woman was kneeling on the street, wearing her sunny dress.

  He couldn’t look away.

  When she turned her head, he could see that her riotous curls cascaded down her back and teased her face.

  She was…lovely.

  Yet, never had he seen someone that gave him that punch to his gut. He couldn’t breathe. This redheaded beauty stole his very breath.

  That never happened before.

  He would have remembered, simply because Laird was a connoisseur of women.

  He liked them all.

  None had ever caused a reaction quite like this one. This was a first, and he didn’t know what to do about it.

  Laird was stunned.

  As he watched her croon to his beast, his gut and heart did flips in his chest. He could hear her, and now he knew why he’d never seen her before.

  She was American.

  He could hear her speaking to Molly, and there wasn’t an ounce of Irish in her voice. Still, she could blend in with the Irish lasses there in Adare.

  She fit.

  “Who do you belong to?” Brianna asked, scratching the dog behind her ear.

  Molly just panted and drooled.

  Laird knew how she felt. He was having a similar reaction to the woman.

  That’s when she must have realized he was there.

  Her face said it all.


  What was he supposed to do?

  Brianna could feel eyes on her.

  When she looked up, there was a man watching her. He was wearing a suit, he was staring at her, and his aqua eyes reminded her of her own.

  They matched.

  How odd was it to think that?

  “Is she yours?” Brianna asked, giving the beast a big hug. She loved pets, and this dog was sweet.

  “There are days I wonder, but, yes, she’s mine. That’s Molly.”

  “It fits her. With all those long flops of hair, she looks like a Molly. Good name choice.”

  Laird was cautious.

  It was like he was seeing something so amazing for the first time. Laird swore everything seemed more colorful.

  He didn’t want her to bolt.

  So, slowly, Laird moved closer, and when he got within a couple feet of her, he could smell her perfume. It was sweet, innocent, and it reminded him of all the good things in life.

  Those were all the things he’d stopped seeing the day he’d become Garda, and this woman was bringing them back.

  She was breathtaking.

  “I’m Brianna Collins,” she said, holding out her hand in greeting. “It’s nice to meet you, Molly’s owner. Your dog ran up to me and wouldn’t let me leave. She was holding me by my skirt.”

  He wanted to kiss his dog.

  Then kiss her.

  Then maybe kiss his mangy mutt again to celebrate.

  “Miss Collins, I’m so sorry about that. On a good day, Molly is a handful. When she gets that mood in her, she’s downright dreadful.”

  She laughed, and he could feel it to his toes.


  He could feel the heat rising up his neck. Laird didn’t know what the hell was going on.

  Brianna waited. “Are you going to tell me your name?” she asked, “or do I have to guess?”

  He flushed to the black roots on his hair.

  She found it sexy.

  He held out his hand. “I’m Laird Maguire, Miss.”

  “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Maguire.” Then she stopped, looked at the dog, and began laughing.

  “What?” he asked, curiously.

  “Your dog is Molly? Molly Maguire?” she asked. “Did you do that on purpose?”

  A dimple appeared in his chin.

  She wanted to put her finger on it. When he smiled, he was sexy. There was something about him that felt…familiar.

  Like she knew him from somewhere.

  But how?

  “Actually, I did. I’m surprised you got that. Not many normally make the connection.”

  She smiled. “I’m a teacher. In fact, I’m here working at the school,” she stated, pointing down the road. “I should be going.”

  He didn’t want her to leave.

  For some reason, he felt calm beside her, and he couldn’t stand to be away from her.

  Finally, the demons in his head were settling, and the fog was clearing.

  “I’ll walk you.”

  She smiled. “You don’t have to, Mr. Maguire. I wouldn’t want to put you out.”

  Oh, she wasn’t.

  He’d crawl over glass if she asked him to, and he knew it.

  “It’s no bother. I was going this way,” he said, lying his ass off to be near her a little longer. “It would be my pleasure to escort you, Miss Collins. A lovely lady like yourself might need my assistance.”

  “Yes, there are rabid dogs everywhere,” she stated, teasing him about his dog.

  Molly wasn’t walking beside Laird.

  She was next to Brianna, standing guard.

  Laird couldn’t blame the dog.

  Right about then, he wanted to hang a sign around her neck.


  Only that was so very wrong. He needed to get to know her first.

  “Have you been here long?” Laird finally asked, as they walked side by side down the street.

  “All school year. I’m contracted until the last day, which happens to be today.”


  His luck sucked.

  Here was the proof. He’d found a sexy woman, and she was leaving soon.

  That’s why he didn’t screw with tourists.

  They left, and it was a waste of time.

  “That’s too bad. Had I met you earlier, I would have loved to show you around.”

  She glanced over.

  Brianna had been thinking that too.

  “Are you from Adare?” she asked.

  “No, I work here. I’m actually from Dublin—or was. You’re American, right?”

  She laughed, and the soft, sexy kitten-y purr rolled over his body. He’d follow her around all day just to feel that. He’d love to spend hours petting her.

  “Yes, good guess. I’m from New York. I came here because Ireland called to me. I have fallen in love with the country. I guess I’m a gypsy at heart.”

  He was a detective at heart, and he had to solve.

  He got it.

  “I wish my dog had chased you down earlier. I really do,” Laird offered.

  “Why? Am I going somewhere?”

  He stared at her.

  “You just said you were contracted until the last day. I assumed...”

ianna was intrigued.

  This man…there was something there.

  She couldn’t put her finger on it, but she wanted to see him again. She NEEDED to see him.

  That NEVER happened.

  “I haven’t signed next year’s contract. It’s up to me. So, I have time if you’d really like to see me again.”

  That made him smile.

  There was a twinkle in his aqua colored eyes, and it mimicked hers.

  “Well, Miss Collins, I do believe that you should have a proper tour of Adare.”

  They reached the end of the street.

  Laird remembered the flower he had in his hand. Gently, he snapped the bloom from the long stem and tucked it into her hair.

  It looked perfect.

  And now he knew why he’d bought it.

  “I would love that tour,” she admitted.

  “Then it’s a date. How do I find you?” he asked, staring into eyes so similar to his own.

  “I guess you’ll have to find me,” she said, going up on her toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. “I suggest you use Molly. She has a knack.”

  He laughed.

  Little did she know, he had his own skill. He’d be tracking her down later.

  That was for sure.

  When her lips were free of his cheek, he couldn’t help but touch it.

  “Thank you for saving me from this mean old beast,” she teased, and then gave Molly a kiss on top of her mop-esque head.

  He was stunned.

  Molly, tried to follow her.

  Laird had to grab her collar.

  As she walked away, Brianna turned. “Good day, Mr. Maguire. Be sure to stay out of trouble with the Molly Maguires. They were a sordid bunch.”

  With that, he watched her walk up the hill, and across the school lot. He didn’t move until she had reached the door.

  When she turned and waved, he did it back.

  Then, as soon as she was gone, the spell was broken.

  “Now that, Molly, is a woman,” he said, pulling a dog biscuit out of his pocket. “When we get home, you get anything you want. You found me a sexy woman.”

  Molly caught the treat and followed her master back down the street.

  Laird didn’t like surprises.

  In fact, he hated them.

  But this?

  Yeah, this surprise was right up his alley.

  Chapter Three

  Cork Ireland

  I t was official.

  He loved it in Ireland. Maybe it was because he was ‘home’ or because his wife was with him, but Ireland was amazing. Yes, Jagger had been there before, using Ireland as his hide-y hole, but to be there with his wife, and their unborn child?

  It was beautiful.

  His small apartment in Cork was perfect for the three of them. It was two bedrooms, and it was homey. He loved this place, because it was filled with all the things from his past.

  Most importantly, there were things that belonged to his mother.

  No one had ever seen them, simply because he treated them like precious commodities. Showing his wife…it had been huge for him. They were simply things from his mother’s life.

  An Irish porcelain bowl.

  Some blue glass birds she’d collected.

  A picture frame found in some shop in Ireland when she’d visited as a bride.

  To him, they told a story, but he’d always kept them under wraps in fear of being called silly.


  They were part of him, and when Roxy had arrived there, she’d loved each and every one.

  She’d gotten it.

  They were all he had left of the woman who loved him as a child, and who had died for a horrible husband’s deeds.

  Roxy had immediately been drawn to the picture of his mother, and he even shared her with his new wife.

  It mattered.

  Her response mattered.

  After she got the tour, and examined all his collectible treasures, they’d spent the night making love, talking about their future, and deciding what stuff they needed to buy for their child.

  Dianna Maura Armstrong was going to be their most precious accomplishment, and she was going to have everything she ever wanted in life.

  She deserved it.

  After all, this baby had saved them. They’d been two broken souls, united by the precious child they’d made.

  It was a beautiful thing.

  Now, they were enjoying the last couple of days before they had to meet up with the team.

  It involved doing touristy things, like kissing the Blarney stone, eating at a pub, and doing a little more shopping for their child and that special girl back home.

  After all, Jagger had a promise to keep.

  It had been two weeks, and he needed to let Jaxon know he was safe. He was looking for an elephant.

  “I think there’s one in there,” Roxy said, pointing through a window.

  It always amazed him how she just knew what he was thinking. Roxy had a huge heart.

  They headed inside.

  “I’d go small. The FBI won’t think twice about some friendly jewelry from me. After all, we’ve been friends forever.”

  Yeah, and that was the cover they were sticking to.

  He followed his wife inside.

  Once there, she’d been right. There was a small pair of gold earrings with one tiny pachyderm hanging from each gold ball.

  It was perfect.

  “I’ll get these for her,” he said, paying the clerk. Then he saw a bracelet with a silver letter A on it. The sparking stones caught his eye.

  He could see it on Roxy’s arm.

  He got that too.

  Once outside, they sat on a bench enjoying the sights. People were milling around, and there was a mix of the cultures. There were Irish citizens, foreign tourists, and kids everywhere. School was likely out for the summer.

  This reminded him of his origins, and he loved coming back.

  “You’re at peace,” she said, holding his fingers with hers. It was rare to see the man she loved this calm, and she loved it. His face wasn’t filled with tension, and her Marine was smiling.

  He was sexy when he smiled.

  “I’m with my wife, who is sexy as hell, our daughter is swimming around, and I’m not being shot at. That, Roxy, is a good day in my world.”

  She laughed.

  She’d take his word for it.

  “You’re a weird man, Jagger Armstrong, and I’m glad I’m spending the rest of my life with you.”

  Yeah, he was damn glad too.

  As for the weird part, she was probably right on that too.

  “I have something for you,” he said, pulling the bracelet out of the bag. “I thought you’d like a memory of Cork.”

  She saw it and smiled. “It’s flashy, gorgeous, and totally me!”

  He was aware.

  He knew his girl.

  So far, this having a wife thing was pretty damn awesome. He didn’t get why men bitched and complained. While he was able to spend time with her, he was also able to get to know her, and Roxy was awesome.

  She was genuinely a good person.

  Plus, he only had to roll over to find some sexy babe in his bed. What man didn’t like that?

  He was no fool.

  Marriage rocked.

  “If you don’t like it, we can get something different,” he offered.

  “I love it,” she said, as he hooked the clasp. “It’s something I’ll always cherish because it’s from you, Jagger. It’s perfect, and I’m so happy.”

  He was glad.

  That was all he wanted.

  Her happiness.

  “It’s not as gorgeous as you, but I hope you’ll see it and smile. Don’t lose it in a body,” he teased.

  “My body days are over. I’m happy being your wife. I miss working, but as soon as we hook up with your family, I’m sure Avalon will keep me busy.”

  He was sure.

  There was never a dull moment
with Oracle.

  “Let’s get a drink,” he said, fanning himself. The sun was up, and it was bright in the summer light.

  She could use one.

  “Works for me.”

  “Here’s a coffee shop. There’s probably iced tea,” he offered, pulling her inside.

  Once there, he didn’t give her a chance to speak. “I need you to go out the back door, and wait for me. Don’t ask any questions.”

  She was shocked. “What?”

  “That’s a question, Roxy. We have tails. They’ve been following us all morning, but they are getting ballsy. They’re only two buildings away.”

  Her heart started pounding.

  This was bad.

  Had the US government found him?

  She wanted to be sick.

  He rushed her past the people working and into the alley behind the building.

  “Jagger,” she gasped, when they hit a dead end. “What now?”

  Well, this was not going well at all.

  His mind was running a mile a minute. He knew how to protect himself, but Roxy was pregnant. She was the important one. So, he was going to have to do what he did best.


  But who was tracking them?

  Jagger had believed it was either the FBI or it was going to be Roxy’s overbearing, overprotective grandfather. Since they eloped, and he’d found out that Jagger was Michael O’Banion’s kid, he knew what was coming.

  Silas had bowed out way too easily. He didn’t buy for one second that the man was good with his granddaughter being married to him.

  So, now they were in a sticky situation. Immediately, without any thought to his wellbeing, Jagger placed his pregnant wife behind him.

  It would be a good time to have a gun.

  Yeah, and that was his one big downfall when it came to coming here. Ireland wasn’t as perfect as it seemed.

  A gun would really come in handy right about now.

  Or a knife.

  It didn’t take long for the two men to come through the doorway, and they began smiling when they saw the prey.

  “Hand her over, we’ll put her on a plane, and she’ll go back to her grandfather. Silas wants his girl back, and you’re free to go. He doesn’t want any trouble.”

  Oh, well, trying to kidnap his wife was pretty much asking for a shitload of trouble.

  “It’s not happening.”

  “He wants to offer you money,” the one man said.


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