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Oracle Haunting (The Phoenix Files Book 4)

Page 14

by Morgan Kelley

  Lucian and Bishop walked down the stairs together, garnering everyone’s attention.

  When he sat beside Avalon, Nate scowled.

  Luke kicked him in the leg. He recognized that cranky face anywhere.

  “Hello,” he said, introducing himself. “I’m Lucian Monroe.”

  “I know who you are, Mr. Monroe. Everyone in Adare knows of you, and the house your family owns.”

  Avalon reached for his hand and he held it in his.

  “This is my wife, Bishop,” he stated, pointing at her, even as he and Avalon stayed connected.

  She smiled and waved. “Welcome to our creepfest. I’d offer you coffee, but I’m not sure that the water in the tap won’t run out as blood.”

  “What?” he asked.

  What could she say to that? She was worried about it.

  Brianna was focused on them.

  “You’re psychic, too, Mr. Monroe, aren’t you?” she asked.

  “I am. I see the past.”

  They looked at Avalon.

  “And Oracle sees the future,” she admitted. “It’s like your match. Lucian is mine. I can get through the static without him, but with him, I can focus and really do my job.”

  That fascinated Brianna.

  Here they were, sitting across from each other, and mimicking the same pose.

  “I can hear you in the static. They speak of you,” she said. “They say a lot about you.”

  She was aware.

  “I’m pretty strong.”

  Lucian laughed, crinkles forming around his one eye. “She is the strongest.”

  “I just don’t see how you’re going to catch a killer through us,” Laird stated.

  “I can’t connect to the killer. I’m not seeing the crimes. You are. I’ll connect to you both, and then it’ll give me a direct link.”

  That made some sense.

  “And in reality?” Laird asked. “I can’t call the Garda Síochána and tell them a psychic is working on this case, so hold your horses.”

  She laughed. “I would hope not. That might cause some awkward moments.”

  He laughed.


  “One more body, and the superintendent is going to be making a call. Two more bodies, and the chief superintendent will be all over this. It’s spiraling out of control.”

  She was aware.

  That’s why they were there.

  Avalon leaned forward. “I don’t care what you tell them, but you can’t tell them about me. I’m here to help you. I could hear you calling across the ocean. We came here to save her.”

  Brianna looked startled.


  “You didn’t tell her?” Avalon asked.

  She stared at him. “What didn’t you tell me?” Brianna asked, staring at him.

  Laird couldn’t even look at her.

  “Tell her,” Avalon stated, “or I will.”

  He didn’t want that. The blonde woman didn’t pull any punches, and this was brutal.

  “You die.”


  It was said.

  She looked horrified.

  To help her, like she helped him, Laird took her hand in his, and squeezed her hand firmly. “I’m not going to let that happen, Miss Collins.”

  For some reason, she believed him. When she stared into his aqua eyes, she saw the truth.

  He was going to fight for her.

  She’d believe in him.

  “And the case?” he asked.

  Nate took over. “Luke and I will help you. You’re going to have to cover for us. We’re only FBI on paper, and we don’t have jurisdiction here. We’ve worked as partners for years, and this is what we do. We hunt killers.”

  Well, at least Laird had backup.

  “I can use your help. I have three Garda in my office. They’re good men, but they’re new. Adare is pretty peaceful. We don’t get the crime that Dublin, or Cork, gets.”

  Nate focused on Roxy. “Doctor, what can you tell us from what you’ve seen?”

  Luke pulled out some paper to write the details down for later.

  “Your first victim’s heart was cut out after he was repeatedly stabbed. From the wounds, it looks like it was a tool of some sort. It wasn’t a knife.”

  They made notes.

  “The heart was then cut from the chest with a large knife. It wasn’t surgeon’s skill, that’s for sure. It was more butchery.”

  “What are they doing with the heart?”

  They looked around the room.

  “What?” he asked. “Tell me.”

  “Have you ever heard of Carman?” asked Luke, handing him the tablet.

  “Sure. She’s some lore. She was a witch, she used to kill men, use their hearts, and…”

  He stopped.

  “Wait. Are you telling me that this killer is eating someone’s heart?”

  “We think so,” Luke stated.

  “That’s three days past disgusting,” he offered. “This person is definitely a degenerate. Who does shit like that?” he asked.

  Basically, crazies.

  No one told him about the situation there at the house or how they came across that idea. For now, it was best to ease the man into it.

  “I think they’re right,” Brianna offered. “When I saw the flashes, I tasted blood in my mouth.”

  Laird sighed. “Today is an odd day.”

  “Welcome to our lives,” Avalon offered.

  Roxy was staring at the paper with her face all scrunched up.

  “That’s her not so good look,” Bishop offered. “When she gets that look, something weird is about to come out of her mouth, and it’s going to suck.”

  She was right.

  “Your second victim had her heart removed while it was still beating.”

  He waited to hear more.

  “When she was dead, her throat was slashed.”

  He knew something had been off at the scene.

  “Why would a killer do that?” he asked. “When I was there, the spray was all wrong.”

  Roxy had no idea.

  “That’s not my area. I interpret. Those three investigate,” she offered, pointing at Bishop, Luke, and Nate.

  “I really need help with this.”

  Nate could see that. As long as he was focused on this, he wasn’t thinking about Avalon holding another man’s hand, he might be able to keep his temper in check.


  That was a hard pill to swallow.

  “What do you know that connects them?”

  He handed them another sheet of paper. On it were a couple of businesses.

  “They both frequented these places.”

  “They are bars,” Luke stated.

  “Pubs,” Laird corrected as Molly rolled onto her back in front of Avalon. When she leaned down to scratch her belly, he was confused.

  “Ask,” she said out of the blue.

  “If you’re blind, how did you know Molly rolled over?” he asked, checking out her pale blue eyes as she watched him.

  “I see through Lucian. He’s my eyes too.”

  Nate went red and mumbled something under his breath. Maura heard him and gave him the look but Nate ignored her.

  Bad shit was brewing on the relationship front.

  Maura could see it.

  Nate was notorious when it came to jacking it up.

  “You should probably begin in the pubs,” Avalon stated.

  “You do your thing, Avalon, and we’ll do ours,” Nate said, cutting her off.

  Everyone looked over at him, including her.

  “Sorry,” she said, closing her mouth. “I didn’t mean…”

  “Yeah, I get it,” Nate said.

  Luke elbowed him and gave him the look. It said ‘relax’ and ‘not in front of company’ all at the same time.

  Bishop jumped in to switch up the uncomfortable focus. She could feel the tension.

  “If you have a dead prostitute, maybe we should talk to whoever
she lives with, or hangs out with. They might have seen someone.”

  “That was my plan for the morning.”

  “What time?” Nate asked. “We’ll be there to help you.” He wasn’t sure how the man was going to explain it, but that wasn’t his issue. Right now, he had a lot on his mind.


  Her words.

  His heart.

  He knew how the victims felt. His heart had been ripped out, too, and he was bleeding over what he’d witnessed.

  “Nine should be good,” he offered.

  Avalon stood. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to go rest. I’m feeling a little worn down,” she offered.

  No one stopped her as she stood.

  “Brianna, if you need me, call for me. Laird, thank you for being so patient. I’m sure this had to be a shock to you.”

  That was putting it mildly.

  “It’s fine, Avalon. Goodnight.”

  Avalon released Lucian’s hand and headed away.

  “She looks tired,” Brianna offered. “Is there anything we can do?”

  Maura knew the truth.

  Avalon carried the world on her shoulders. “She’ll be okay after a little nap. She needs to catch some sleep, and she’ll be ready to do battle.”

  They hoped so.

  “I’ll walk you out,” Nate said. “If you don’t mind, can we have these files for the night? We’re going to do some research since it’s still early in the day.”

  Laird didn’t mind.

  “Okay, but bring them tomorrow. I don’t have copies.”

  Luke took them, and he began doing the research as his partner took their visitors out.

  “Something is going on,” Maura offered. “The tension between them…”

  Jagger saw it too. “Someone has pissed in Nate’s cereal. He’s got a bug up his ass.”

  That was putting it mildly.

  Luke got it. “He’s going to blow.”

  “Why?” Lucian asked.

  They all looked at him.

  Did this man know Nathaniel Carter at all?

  They all said one word at the same time.


  And it was the truth.

  In her room, Avalon sat in the middle of the bed. She could hear the voices in her head, and they were warning her.

  Something was coming.

  “Who are you?” she asked. “What do you want from us?”

  There was no reply.

  Not directly.

  As the room went chilly around her, Avalon laid back on the bed. She knew she had to figure this out, even if it could be dangerous. The only good thing was Lucian would have her back. She could work on the dead and the voices and stay connected to him.

  He would be her lifeline.

  He would pull her back. Avalon could rely on Lucian to keep her safe.

  With that knowledge, she got to work.

  There was someone haunting Lucian’s house, and it was dangerous.

  To him.

  To her.

  And to the team.

  Outside, Nate walked them to the gate. His face must have said everything they needed to know, because Brianna picked up on it immediately.

  “Why are you so angry?” she asked.

  “I’m not,” he said, lying his ass off.

  She could tell that wasn’t the truth.

  He redirected their attention. “When is the killer going to strike next?” he asked.

  Brianna reached for Laird’s hand, and she went into that trance like state that Avalon often went into to find an answer.

  “Not tonight,” she stated.

  “We have tonight to regroup. Tomorrow night, it will continue.”

  Well, that gave them some time to start their investigation, and hopefully, catch this maniac.

  “We’ll see you at nine tomorrow. If you need anything, here’s my number,” he said, scribbling it on a piece of paper for the man.

  “Are you good at catching killers?” Laird asked.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “So there’s hope?”

  Nate tried to be optimistic.

  “Yes, there is.”

  That seemed to help the man.

  “Be safe. We’re lucky this time. The killer isn’t psychic, so you’re safe for a while.”

  Brianna was chilly.

  She was still thinking about what they’d said. She was going to die.

  That was terrifying.

  “Miss Collins, you’ll be okay,” Nate said. “We haven’t lost a psychic yet. Hang in there.”

  She tried to smile.

  Only, it was hard.

  “Thank you. I should get back to the bed and breakfast,” she offered.

  Nate walked away.

  “He’s not okay,” Brianna stated. “At all.”

  Laird was worried. They were resting this entire case based on the word of a psychic, some Feds in the wrong country, and an American he’d just met.

  “Let me walk you home,” he offered, not wanting to see her alone. He was worried about what he’d seen also. It hadn’t been pretty.

  “Thank you, I’d like that.”

  He was glad.

  He’d like it too.

  * * * O R A C L E * * *

  In the basement of the building, the altar was set. The candles flickered wildly, and the chanting began.

  Tomorrow, there would be another victim, and when she was taken, her heart would be on the menu.

  While it was a tough piece of meat, it was still the vessel of life.

  Carman would appreciate it.

  For years, this had been the way.

  The way of their people.

  It had been long forgotten, but it was coming back. Before it was over, she’d return, and they would be rewarded.

  They would be blessed.

  * * * O R A C L E * * *

  When Nate got inside, they were waiting for him. By them, it was all of the team.

  “What?” he asked, staring at them.

  “Don’t be an asshole,” Maura stated. “You have that pissy look on your face, and it’s never good when that shows up. Take a deep breath, center yourself, and do the opposite of what you’re thinking.”


  “We know you, Nate,” Luke said. “This is an intervention for your relationship. You practically snapped Avalon’s head off when she said something. That’s not like you. You’re off on this one, and we’re calling you out on it.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Lucian.

  That said it all.

  “Why do you dislike me?” Lucian asked, calling the man out on his shit. He, too, heard how Nate spoke to Avalon, and that pissed him off.

  She was like his kid sister.

  “Maybe you’ll feel better if you get it off your chest. What have I done? You seem to be throwing me some not so nice looks. I may only have one eye, but I see just fine.”

  Why wouldn’t he dislike the man who shared something special with Avalon?

  Something he couldn’t even comprehend.

  Nate said nothing.

  “I can tell by the way you watch me. What have I done to you to make you this upset?”

  If their family was going to work, they had to have honesty, and Nate knew it, but sometimes, you had to let it go.

  He was trying.

  Still, Lucian pushed.

  “Fine. I’ll just ask Avalon, and she’ll tell me.”

  He snapped.

  Of course he’d go to her.

  Why the fuck not?

  “Do you know how hard it is for me to watch you with Avalon?” he blurted. “Do you know how much it eats at me to see that she needs you more than she needs me? All I want is to make her my wife, and I’m hitting obstacle after obstacle. I finally get her free of the US Government, and then we have to leave the country. Then I hear her talking to you, Lucian, and I don’t have that connection with her. It’s slowly killing me.”

  Bishop got it.<
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  “I know how you feel,” she offered. “You feel like the third wheel when they’re together.”

  He glanced over.


  Someone got it!

  “Yes, I do.”

  Lucian looked over at his wife. “You feel this way too? Really, and more importantly, why didn’t you tell me? Why wouldn’t you say something?”

  She had a million reasons, starting with she didn’t want to upset her husband, or rock the boat. She was choosing her battles, and that was the truth.

  She loved working with the people they’d attached themselves to, and Bishop didn’t want to ruin that.

  “Bish, baby, talk to me.”

  Lucian never wanted her to hurt or be unhappy. He’d done that to her plenty in their past.

  “It’s clear you’re connected. Nate and I don’t have that link like you two do. When you look at Laird and Brianna, you know they have it. They’ve just met, and they’re part of something whole.”

  “It’s painful,” Nate said. “I just want to have her as mine, and I feel like I have to compete.”

  Lucian was surprised they felt that way. “I’m sorry. Bish, I would never…”

  She stopped him. “I know, Lucian. I believe you. It’s on me, not you,” she said.

  Nate felt the opposite.

  It was definitely on Lucian. He was not taking the blame for this one.

  “I see.”

  He stood.

  “Lucian,” Maura said, giving her husband the look. She needed help.

  This was going sideways, and fast.

  “I’ll go back to the States,” Lucian offered. “You don’t need me for this one. Avalon can use Laird and Brianna. If me being here hurts you both, I’ll go. You can use the house and let me know how it goes.”

  He went to leave.

  “Please,” Bishop said, taking his hand. “I don’t want you to leave. I’m just explaining what it’s like for us. It’s hard to watch the person you love have that intimacy with someone else.”

  Nate looked at his family. “Imagine, Luke, if Maura and Jagger had that between them. How would you feel?”

  He sympathized. “I would hurt too.”

  Bishop focused on Maura. “Or what if I had that with Luke?”


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