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Oracle Haunting (The Phoenix Files Book 4)

Page 23

by Morgan Kelley

  She’d blame it on him.


  Chapter Twelve

  Tuesday Evening

  I t was weird to be getting dressed to go out on a date by himself. Normally, he’d pick someone up at the bar, already in his suit, but this time, he didn’t want Brianna to see Detective Maguire. He wanted her to see Laird.

  That mattered so much more.

  While they were connected by this killer, that was too much like work. What he wanted was to see if they could connect on a personal level too.

  Could there be one without the other?

  He wasn’t sure.

  Just from the time he’d spent with her, he realized that he loved every single second of it. Brianna was sweet, and that was what he looked for in a woman. As of late, all he’d found were tougher women and women who didn’t need him to be a man. While he was entertained by Bishop earlier, he didn’t want someone who could kick ass.

  That was his job.

  Wasn’t it?

  What he wanted was that schoolmarm who wore the sunny dresses and looked like an angel. He craved that. After a long day of dead, murder, and crime, it was nice to have that breath of fresh air in his life.

  He wanted to make sure she was it.

  What was also odd was he was missing Molly. He hadn’t seen hide nor hair of her all day. That was bizarre. Normally, where he was, she was. It looked like the gorgeous redheaded American had hijacked his mutt.

  Not that he minded.

  To love him, you had to love his dog.

  That was his one major rule.

  As he pulled on his jacket, Laird stared at himself in the mirror. His black hair was combed, his aqua eyes were sparkling, and his smile said it all.

  He was on the hunt.

  For a lady.

  As he headed downstairs, he knew he had to make a choice. He could pick her up in his car, or he could surprise her with something a little wilder.

  ‘Are you wearing a dress?’ he asked, reaching for her mind for the first time almost all day.

  ‘No. You told me casual. Should I change?’ she asked.

  ‘No, that’s perfect for what I have in mind.’

  ‘I can’t wait to see you,’ she offered.

  ‘I’m leaving now,’ he promised.

  Laird cut their connection. He wanted to get there as quickly as possible, so they could begin their date.

  The idea of having her alone, beside him, and out in public gave him one hell of a rush.

  She was gorgeous, and he was pretty sure other men had tried, and he was going to be the one who succeeded.

  He was going to get Brianna if it was the last thing he did.

  Out at his attached garage, he unlocked the door. It would be a perfect night for a ride, and she would look lovely on the back of his bike.

  He couldn’t wait.

  As he rolled it up the ramp and to the street, his neighbor, Mr. Walsh was there with his dog.

  “Oh, there’s a storm coming in, lad, you might want to bypass the bike tonight.”

  He looked up at the sky.

  There wasn’t a cloud in it.

  Laird laughed. “I think I’ll be okay,” he offered.

  “You’re all dressed up. Who’s the lady?” Mr. Walsh asked. “Do I know her?”

  Here’s where it began.

  Laird wanted rumors to spread. He wanted every eligible man in town to know that he was on the prowl, and the sexy American was taken.

  “The school teacher from America.”

  He began laughing. “Then take the bike. Those Americans are a wild bunch.”


  He hoped so.

  Brianna breathed life into his cold existence.

  “Have a good night, sir,” he said, before hopping on the bike and starting it.

  The loud purr always made him happy.

  Now he wanted to see what Brianna thought about being his partner on this adventure.

  As he pulled out, he gave it some speed, roaring down the road and toward the bed and breakfast. He knew everyone was staring, but he didn’t care.

  When Laird, the real him, came out to play, he needed to be accepted. Too many women liked him for his features, his job, or his body.

  He needed someone to like him for…him.

  His fingers were crossed that Brianna would be that woman.

  As he pulled up to the bed and breakfast, he got off his bike and then started to worry.

  A helmet.


  He’d didn’t bring one for her since he liked breaking the law and living on the wild side. Maybe that was a mistake.

  As he looked up, there were people sitting on the porch. He was nervous, even when he knew he shouldn’t be. It wasn’t like he had to meet her parents.

  “Son, are you flying around on that death machine?” Ryan Murray asked, as he rocked in his rocker.

  He laughed at the elderly man’s comment. “Yes, sir. I am,” he said, approaching.

  Respectfully, he shook hands with the older man. His fingers were all gnarled and worked hard from years of farming.

  “Ah, to be young again.”

  Laird smiled. He got that. Since meeting Brianna, he felt young again too.

  She had that effect on him.

  Then he greeted the man’s son. “Hello, Quinn! How are things in the hospitality business?” he asked.

  The middle-aged man was smoking. “They are good. We’re booked up for the summer. Having Miss Collins here is always a blessing. She’s been that surrogate mother to Mary.”

  He wasn’t surprised.

  Brianna was a well of compassion. He loved that about her, and he couldn’t wait to know more about her.

  He ruffled Mary’s hair as she played hopscotch beside him on the sidewalk. “Can you get her for me, Miss Mary? We have a date.”

  She giggled and rushed off.

  “So you know, Detective,” Ryan stated, getting serious. “She’s had some suitors come calling.”

  He didn’t like the sound of that.

  “Has she now?”

  “A beautiful American. They are sniffing around like chummed waters,” Quinn added.

  Well, he had news for them.

  He was going to be a vicious shark that ate anything that went near her.

  He may not have found her first, but he was man enough to do what it took to keep her.

  “We’re dating,” he offered. “They can come around all they like, but I’ll be here waiting to make sure they get the point. Miss Collins is off the market. You can spread the word.”

  Both men laughed at the look on his face. They’d seen it before.

  “Can do, son,” Quinn stated.

  Then he leaned forward and lowered his voice.

  Clearly, he didn’t want anyone eavesdropping.

  “I hear there have been some killings,” Quinn said, hoping the other guests, who were coming and going, wouldn’t hear the gossip.

  “We have had two,” he stated. “They were ugly, sir, but I’m working on them. I’ll get to the bottom of it.”

  He let it go at that.

  Laird didn’t want to talk about death.

  He wanted to be on his date—especially since he knew men were sniffing around his beautiful flower.

  It was time to weed the garden.

  “I’m sure you’ll catch them,” the older man admitted. “You’re tenacious.”

  “I am. I’ll find them.”

  Mary came back. “She’s coming, Detective.”

  He couldn’t wait to see her.

  “Who are the people roaming around here?” Ryan asked, as he nearly coughed up a lung.

  “FBI,” he stated absentmindedly.

  “Such an adventure,” Mary stated.

  “Don’t be getting lofty ideals, Mary May,” her father said. “We live in a world of reality. Yours is you’re going to be running the inn and making tasty goodies.”

  She laughed. “I like cookies, so okay.”
r />   “I’m ready,” Brianna said, coming through the door.

  Laird’s heart skipped in his chest. She was dressed beautifully. She had on a pair of boots that went to her knees, jeans that hugged her body, and a black jacket that showed off the red of her hair.

  “You look amazing,” he said, wishing he’d brought her flowers or something like that.

  “Thank you, Mr. Maguire.”

  She whistled. “Molly!”

  The dog came running.

  “You go home, and I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, ruffling her fur.

  “She’s not going to listen…” He stared when she pointed and the dog took off toward his house.

  “It’s a miracle,” Quinn said. “Someone has tamed that beast of yours.”

  It appeared so.

  Well, that was one obstacle. Brianna clearly loved his dog. Now he could stop worrying about that, and mark it off his checklist for the perfect woman.

  “You look gorgeous,” he said to Brianna. He held out his hand, a big smile on his face.

  “Yes, she is,” Ryan stated.

  “She’s a wonder,” Laird admitted, only he wasn’t talking about the dog, or the way she was dressed.

  He could see her heart.

  It was sweet.

  Yes, here was his girl. Laird had dated enough women to know what he didn’t want. Now he saw what he craved.

  Brianna, his sweet girl.

  “Shall we?” she asked, zipping up her cropped jacket.

  As he led her to the bike, Laird couldn’t help himself. He stared down at her arse in those jeans, and he wanted to weep in gratitude.

  “I can hear what you’re thinking,” she said, laughing as he dropped her hand like a hot potato.

  “Miss Collins, I apologize.”

  She moved into his body and planted a kiss right on his mouth. His arms went around her, holding Brianna to him. It was sweet, gentle, and stroked something in him.

  When she slowly pulled away, he was staring down at her.

  “First date kisses always make me nervous. Now I’m not worried about it.”

  He began laughing. “You are very practical.”

  “Am I?” she asked, as he got onto the motorcycle first. “For the record, I didn’t think they had Harley’s here in Ireland.”

  “You are,” he replied, trying not to think about how his whole body was alive with just that kiss. In fact, there was that growing need as his dick woke for her.

  He prayed she didn’t notice.

  “As for the bike…in Dublin, they have a big dealership. This was the one thing I brought with me when I came here. Well, that and furniture. Sleeping on a bike sucks.”

  She laughed at the visual.

  “I hope the bike is okay for tonight,” he offered. “I can take us back to my place and get my car if that’s what you prefer. I didn’t bring a helmet. I’m sorry.”

  She laughed as she quickly braided her hair into one long braid. “Are you kidding me? This is an adventure. I want to go really fast and feel the freedom. I can pass on the helmet. I trust you with my life.”

  That moved him.

  Oh, and his lower anatomy. Maybe a bike was a bad idea. She was going to be pressed against him, and he was thinking about all kinds of things.

  “You look freaked out.”

  He laughed. “Whatever you see in my head, Bri, don’t hold it against me. I’m a man. We’re a horrible creature when it comes to beautiful women.”

  She tried not to blush. “Then don’t hold me responsible for what I’m thinking about a very sexy man.”

  Oh, he only prayed they were thinking the same thing.

  “I meant what I said,” he stated.

  “About you being some perv and me being a helpless little lamb?” she teased.

  Laird snorted. “Well, if the shoe fits…”

  She grinned wickedly at him.

  “What I was referring to was how lovely you look. Thank you for tonight, Bri, I feel like it’s going to change everything.”

  Her heart skipped. “I feel the same, Laird.”

  Well, as long as they were on the same page, this should be a piece of cake.

  He smiled at her. “Hop on. Let’s have some fun.”

  That sounded wonderful.

  Brianna swung her leg over the seat of the bike and slid against the back of him.

  “Like this?” she asked, her body pressed to his.


  “Any closer, and I’ll be in your lap,” she teased.

  “I’m game,” he said, turning up the charm. Laird knew he needed this date to go perfectly.

  He wanted the girl as his own.

  Brianna wrapped her arms around his body and dropped her chin to his shoulder. “Make me scream!” she whispered in his ear.

  His dick actually twitched as he pictured it.

  Oh, he only wished. What wouldn’t he give to have his name on her gorgeous lips?

  “Be careful what you ask for, Brianna,” he said, as they began pulling away.

  She laughed so hard as he gave her one hell of an adventure.

  One she’d never forget.

  * * * O R A C L E * * *


  Tuesday Evening

  When they arrived, Lucian and Avalon were already there, and they had ordered pizza for dinner. They were sitting on the couch, waiting for everyone else to show.

  Roxy was there with Jagger, curled in his lap, and the family was relaxed.

  That always made Nate happy as did coming home to Avalon.

  “Honey, I’m home,” he said, getting her attention from across the room.

  She was up and moved at him pretty quickly. When he caught her in his arms, she kissed him.

  “Great. Newlyweds,” muttered Maura, as Luke gave her a kiss. “More making out that I have to watch.”

  Luke laughed. “You like making out.”

  He had a point.

  “I’m going to get changed,” he said, pulling off his tie.

  She watched him walk away and was grinning like an idiot. Maura couldn’t help herself.

  “You should talk,” Avalon stated, reading her aura. “You just ogled your husband’s ass.”

  She pointed at the woman. “I’ll stop teaching you all the fun things if you keep spilling the beans, Mrs. Carter.”

  Avalon closed her mouth.

  “Good idea.”

  Lucian was always amused by the people he called family. As he opened his arms for his wife, he noticed something. “Why is your neck cut? Wait!” he said, when she opened her mouth.

  She closed it.

  “Why is there blood on your shirt and why are your knuckles bruised?” he asked.

  He stared at her with that one intense eye, and she caved. On the way there, she’d had the whole spiel planned out. Then he stared at her.

  “Nate?” she asked, passing the buck. “Do you want to field this one?” Bishop offered. “He looks like he’s about to lose his mind.”

  Yeah, he really did.

  “We ran into a suspect today, and he grabbed your wife’s breast. She then kicked his ass.”

  Maura started laughing.

  Lucian glared at her.

  “What? The girl can handle her own. Welcome, my sister from another mister,” she said, grinning wickedly.

  Jagger gave her a fist bump.

  It looked like they weren’t the only violent ones in their family.

  “Please tell me he’s kidding,” Lucian said, checking her neck.

  “He came up behind me, and thought I’d be a good hostage.”

  “This is getting worse with each word you say.”

  “Then I kicked his balls into his throat, broke his nose, and then slammed him off the dumpster for touching me.”

  “Okay, it got better. I’m good with that. Now I don’t have to hunt him down, kick his ass, and apologize to my wife for being like that.”

  She laughed as he ran his mouth over the cut on her

  “So much better.”

  “Here we go, round two with Newlyweds. Just make out with Roxy,” she said to Jagger. “Let’s get it over with,” she teased.

  “Okay,” Jagger offered. “If that’s what you want.”

  His wife punched him.

  “Anyway, we have dinner,” Maura said, getting them to focus. “Did you guys find anything?” she asked.

  They all sat down and began pulling pizza out of the boxes.

  “We learned that the asshole who manhandled Bishop might be our killer.”

  They all stared at Nate.

  “Well, he’s in lockup. So, if we don’t get a body tonight, we may be done.”

  That would make them all happy.

  “How about you guys?” Nate asked.

  Bishop cut him off. “I have to tell my husband about hiring that hooker. If I don’t, that falls in the ‘hiding shit’ category,” she stated.

  Lucian stared at her. “I’m sorry, what? What the bloody hell happens when you three are together?” he asked, pointing at Luke and Nate. “I had Avalon with me all day, and she only got a paper cut.”

  Nate laughed. “Want me to kiss it and make it better?”

  He did.

  Maura gagged.

  “That’s missing the point,” Lucian stated. “Fine, tell me about your other adventure.”

  “Today I bought a hooker, but she wasn’t into puss, so no worries.”

  Lucian picked up a slice of pizza and chewed. “You know what, Bish? I’m not shocked by anything anymore. Are we keeping her, or did you set her free?”

  She snorted. “We are not keeping a hooker. I’m a fun wife, but not that much fun!”

  He kissed her.

  “Besides, I needed to interview her. I also said we’d get her home tomorrow. She wants out. So, I need you to do your lawyer thing, and your rich guy thing, and give me enough money to send her home.”

  He stared at her.

  “What?” she asked, thinking he was going to object.

  Only, he didn’t.

  “I love you, Saint Bishop.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You do one thing, and you get a rep.”

  Maura clinked her beer bottle off Bishops. “I know. It sucks.”

  They all laughed.

  “I’ll handle it tomorrow. Continue, Nate, unless she has something else to tell me to shock me.”


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